App Engine Python SDK version 1.7.4 (2)
[gae.git] / python / lib / django_1_4 / tests / regressiontests / csrf_tests /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 from __future__ import with_statement
4 from django.conf import settings
5 from django.core.context_processors import csrf
6 from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
7 from django.middleware.csrf import CsrfViewMiddleware, CSRF_KEY_LENGTH
8 from django.template import RequestContext, Template
9 from django.test import TestCase
10 from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt, requires_csrf_token, ensure_csrf_cookie
13 # Response/views used for CsrfResponseMiddleware and CsrfViewMiddleware tests
14 def post_form_response():
15 resp = HttpResponse(content=u"""
16 <html><body><h1>\u00a1Unicode!<form method="post"><input type="text" /></form></body></html>
17 """, mimetype="text/html")
18 return resp
20 def post_form_view(request):
21 """A view that returns a POST form (without a token)"""
22 return post_form_response()
24 # Response/views used for template tag tests
26 def token_view(request):
27 """A view that uses {% csrf_token %}"""
28 context = RequestContext(request, processors=[csrf])
29 template = Template("{% csrf_token %}")
30 return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
32 def non_token_view_using_request_processor(request):
33 """
34 A view that doesn't use the token, but does use the csrf view processor.
35 """
36 context = RequestContext(request, processors=[csrf])
37 template = Template("")
38 return HttpResponse(template.render(context))
40 class TestingHttpRequest(HttpRequest):
41 """
42 A version of HttpRequest that allows us to change some things
43 more easily
44 """
45 def is_secure(self):
46 return getattr(self, '_is_secure_override', False)
48 class CsrfViewMiddlewareTest(TestCase):
49 # The csrf token is potentially from an untrusted source, so could have
50 # characters that need dealing with.
51 _csrf_id_cookie = "<1>\xc2\xa1"
52 _csrf_id = "1"
54 def _get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request(self):
55 return TestingHttpRequest()
57 def _get_GET_csrf_cookie_request(self):
58 req = TestingHttpRequest()
59 req.COOKIES[settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME] = self._csrf_id_cookie
60 return req
62 def _get_POST_csrf_cookie_request(self):
63 req = self._get_GET_csrf_cookie_request()
64 req.method = "POST"
65 return req
67 def _get_POST_no_csrf_cookie_request(self):
68 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
69 req.method = "POST"
70 return req
72 def _get_POST_request_with_token(self):
73 req = self._get_POST_csrf_cookie_request()
74 req.POST['csrfmiddlewaretoken'] = self._csrf_id
75 return req
77 def _check_token_present(self, response, csrf_id=None):
78 self.assertContains(response, "name='csrfmiddlewaretoken' value='%s'" % (csrf_id or self._csrf_id))
80 def test_process_view_token_too_long(self):
81 """
82 Check that if the token is longer than expected, it is ignored and
83 a new token is created.
84 """
85 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
86 req.COOKIES[settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME] = 'x' * 10000000
87 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, token_view, (), {})
88 resp = token_view(req)
89 resp2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_response(req, resp)
90 csrf_cookie = resp2.cookies.get(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, False)
91 self.assertEqual(len(csrf_cookie.value), CSRF_KEY_LENGTH)
93 def test_process_response_get_token_used(self):
94 """
95 When get_token is used, check that the cookie is created and headers
96 patched.
97 """
98 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
100 # Put tests for CSRF_COOKIE_* settings here
101 with self.settings(CSRF_COOKIE_NAME='myname',
103 CSRF_COOKIE_PATH='/test/',
105 # token_view calls get_token() indirectly
106 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, token_view, (), {})
107 resp = token_view(req)
108 resp2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_response(req, resp)
109 csrf_cookie = resp2.cookies.get('myname', False)
110 self.assertNotEqual(csrf_cookie, False)
111 self.assertEqual(csrf_cookie['domain'], '')
112 self.assertEqual(csrf_cookie['secure'], True)
113 self.assertEqual(csrf_cookie['path'], '/test/')
114 self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp2.get('Vary',''))
116 def test_process_response_get_token_not_used(self):
118 Check that if get_token() is not called, the view middleware does not
119 add a cookie.
121 # This is important to make pages cacheable. Pages which do call
122 # get_token(), assuming they use the token, are not cacheable because
123 # the token is specific to the user
124 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
125 # non_token_view_using_request_processor does not call get_token(), but
126 # does use the csrf request processor. By using this, we are testing
127 # that the view processor is properly lazy and doesn't call get_token()
128 # until needed.
129 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, non_token_view_using_request_processor, (), {})
130 resp = non_token_view_using_request_processor(req)
131 resp2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_response(req, resp)
133 csrf_cookie = resp2.cookies.get(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, False)
134 self.assertEqual(csrf_cookie, False)
136 # Check the request processing
137 def test_process_request_no_csrf_cookie(self):
139 Check that if no CSRF cookies is present, the middleware rejects the
140 incoming request. This will stop login CSRF.
142 req = self._get_POST_no_csrf_cookie_request()
143 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
144 self.assertEqual(403, req2.status_code)
146 def test_process_request_csrf_cookie_no_token(self):
148 Check that if a CSRF cookie is present but no token, the middleware
149 rejects the incoming request.
151 req = self._get_POST_csrf_cookie_request()
152 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
153 self.assertEqual(403, req2.status_code)
155 def test_process_request_csrf_cookie_and_token(self):
157 Check that if both a cookie and a token is present, the middleware lets it through.
159 req = self._get_POST_request_with_token()
160 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
161 self.assertEqual(None, req2)
163 def test_process_request_csrf_cookie_no_token_exempt_view(self):
165 Check that if a CSRF cookie is present and no token, but the csrf_exempt
166 decorator has been applied to the view, the middleware lets it through
168 req = self._get_POST_csrf_cookie_request()
169 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, csrf_exempt(post_form_view), (), {})
170 self.assertEqual(None, req2)
172 def test_csrf_token_in_header(self):
174 Check that we can pass in the token in a header instead of in the form
176 req = self._get_POST_csrf_cookie_request()
177 req.META['HTTP_X_CSRFTOKEN'] = self._csrf_id
178 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
179 self.assertEqual(None, req2)
181 def test_put_and_delete_rejected(self):
183 Tests that HTTP PUT and DELETE methods have protection
185 req = TestingHttpRequest()
186 req.method = 'PUT'
187 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
188 self.assertEqual(403, req2.status_code)
190 req = TestingHttpRequest()
191 req.method = 'DELETE'
192 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
193 self.assertEqual(403, req2.status_code)
195 def test_put_and_delete_allowed(self):
197 Tests that HTTP PUT and DELETE methods can get through with
198 X-CSRFToken and a cookie
200 req = self._get_GET_csrf_cookie_request()
201 req.method = 'PUT'
202 req.META['HTTP_X_CSRFTOKEN'] = self._csrf_id
203 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
204 self.assertEqual(None, req2)
206 req = self._get_GET_csrf_cookie_request()
207 req.method = 'DELETE'
208 req.META['HTTP_X_CSRFTOKEN'] = self._csrf_id
209 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
210 self.assertEqual(None, req2)
212 # Tests for the template tag method
213 def test_token_node_no_csrf_cookie(self):
215 Check that CsrfTokenNode works when no CSRF cookie is set
217 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
218 resp = token_view(req)
219 self.assertEqual(u"", resp.content)
221 def test_token_node_empty_csrf_cookie(self):
223 Check that we get a new token if the csrf_cookie is the empty string
225 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
226 req.COOKIES[settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME] = ""
227 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, token_view, (), {})
228 resp = token_view(req)
230 self.assertNotEqual(u"", resp.content)
232 def test_token_node_with_csrf_cookie(self):
234 Check that CsrfTokenNode works when a CSRF cookie is set
236 req = self._get_GET_csrf_cookie_request()
237 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, token_view, (), {})
238 resp = token_view(req)
239 self._check_token_present(resp)
241 def test_get_token_for_exempt_view(self):
243 Check that get_token still works for a view decorated with 'csrf_exempt'.
245 req = self._get_GET_csrf_cookie_request()
246 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, csrf_exempt(token_view), (), {})
247 resp = token_view(req)
248 self._check_token_present(resp)
250 def test_get_token_for_requires_csrf_token_view(self):
252 Check that get_token works for a view decorated solely with requires_csrf_token
254 req = self._get_GET_csrf_cookie_request()
255 resp = requires_csrf_token(token_view)(req)
256 self._check_token_present(resp)
258 def test_token_node_with_new_csrf_cookie(self):
260 Check that CsrfTokenNode works when a CSRF cookie is created by
261 the middleware (when one was not already present)
263 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
264 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, token_view, (), {})
265 resp = token_view(req)
266 resp2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_response(req, resp)
267 csrf_cookie = resp2.cookies[settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME]
268 self._check_token_present(resp, csrf_id=csrf_cookie.value)
270 def test_https_bad_referer(self):
272 Test that a POST HTTPS request with a bad referer is rejected
274 req = self._get_POST_request_with_token()
275 req._is_secure_override = True
276 req.META['HTTP_HOST'] = ''
277 req.META['HTTP_REFERER'] = ''
278 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
279 self.assertNotEqual(None, req2)
280 self.assertEqual(403, req2.status_code)
282 def test_https_good_referer(self):
284 Test that a POST HTTPS request with a good referer is accepted
286 req = self._get_POST_request_with_token()
287 req._is_secure_override = True
288 req.META['HTTP_HOST'] = ''
289 req.META['HTTP_REFERER'] = ''
290 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
291 self.assertEqual(None, req2)
293 def test_https_good_referer_2(self):
295 Test that a POST HTTPS request with a good referer is accepted
296 where the referer contains no trailing slash
298 # See ticket #15617
299 req = self._get_POST_request_with_token()
300 req._is_secure_override = True
301 req.META['HTTP_HOST'] = ''
302 req.META['HTTP_REFERER'] = ''
303 req2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, post_form_view, (), {})
304 self.assertEqual(None, req2)
306 def test_ensures_csrf_cookie_no_middleware(self):
308 Tests that ensures_csrf_cookie decorator fulfils its promise
309 with no middleware
311 @ensure_csrf_cookie
312 def view(request):
313 # Doesn't insert a token or anything
314 return HttpResponse(content="")
316 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
317 resp = view(req)
318 self.assertTrue(resp.cookies.get(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, False))
319 self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp.get('Vary',''))
321 def test_ensures_csrf_cookie_with_middleware(self):
323 Tests that ensures_csrf_cookie decorator fulfils its promise
324 with the middleware enabled.
326 @ensure_csrf_cookie
327 def view(request):
328 # Doesn't insert a token or anything
329 return HttpResponse(content="")
331 req = self._get_GET_no_csrf_cookie_request()
332 CsrfViewMiddleware().process_view(req, view, (), {})
333 resp = view(req)
334 resp2 = CsrfViewMiddleware().process_response(req, resp)
335 self.assertTrue(resp2.cookies.get(settings.CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, False))
336 self.assertTrue('Cookie' in resp2.get('Vary',''))