App Engine Python SDK version 1.7.4 (2)
[gae.git] / python / lib / django_1_4 / tests / regressiontests / bulk_create /
1 from __future__ import with_statement, absolute_import
3 from operator import attrgetter
5 from django.db import connection
6 from django.test import TestCase, skipIfDBFeature
7 from django.test.utils import override_settings
9 from .models import Country, Restaurant, Pizzeria, State, TwoFields
12 class BulkCreateTests(TestCase):
13 def setUp(self):
14 = [
15 Country(name="United States of America", iso_two_letter="US"),
16 Country(name="The Netherlands", iso_two_letter="NL"),
17 Country(name="Germany", iso_two_letter="DE"),
18 Country(name="Czech Republic", iso_two_letter="CZ")
21 def test_simple(self):
22 created = Country.objects.bulk_create(
23 self.assertEqual(len(created), 4)
24 self.assertQuerysetEqual(Country.objects.order_by("-name"), [
25 "United States of America", "The Netherlands", "Germany", "Czech Republic"
26 ], attrgetter("name"))
28 created = Country.objects.bulk_create([])
29 self.assertEqual(created, [])
30 self.assertEqual(Country.objects.count(), 4)
32 def test_efficiency(self):
33 with self.assertNumQueries(1):
34 Country.objects.bulk_create(
36 def test_inheritance(self):
37 Restaurant.objects.bulk_create([
38 Restaurant(name="Nicholas's")
40 self.assertQuerysetEqual(Restaurant.objects.all(), [
41 "Nicholas's",
42 ], attrgetter("name"))
43 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
44 Pizzeria.objects.bulk_create([
45 Pizzeria(name="The Art of Pizza")
47 self.assertQuerysetEqual(Pizzeria.objects.all(), [])
48 self.assertQuerysetEqual(Restaurant.objects.all(), [
49 "Nicholas's",
50 ], attrgetter("name"))
52 def test_non_auto_increment_pk(self):
53 with self.assertNumQueries(1):
54 State.objects.bulk_create([
55 State(two_letter_code=s)
56 for s in ["IL", "NY", "CA", "ME"]
58 self.assertQuerysetEqual(State.objects.order_by("two_letter_code"), [
59 "CA", "IL", "ME", "NY",
60 ], attrgetter("two_letter_code"))
62 def test_large_batch(self):
63 with override_settings(DEBUG=True):
64 connection.queries = []
65 TwoFields.objects.bulk_create([
66 TwoFields(f1=i, f2=i+1) for i in range(0, 1001)
68 self.assertTrue(len(connection.queries) < 10)
69 self.assertEqual(TwoFields.objects.count(), 1001)
70 self.assertEqual(
71 TwoFields.objects.filter(f1__gte=450, f1__lte=550).count(),
72 101)
73 self.assertEqual(TwoFields.objects.filter(f2__gte=901).count(), 101)
75 def test_large_batch_mixed(self):
76 """
77 Test inserting a large batch with objects having primary key set
78 mixed together with objects without PK set.
79 """
80 with override_settings(DEBUG=True):
81 connection.queries = []
82 TwoFields.objects.bulk_create([
83 TwoFields(id=i if i % 2 == 0 else None, f1=i, f2=i+1)
84 for i in range(100000, 101000)])
85 self.assertTrue(len(connection.queries) < 10)
86 self.assertEqual(TwoFields.objects.count(), 1000)
87 # We can't assume much about the ID's created, except that the above
88 # created IDs must exist.
89 id_range = range(100000, 101000, 2)
90 self.assertEqual(TwoFields.objects.filter(id__in=id_range).count(), 500)
91 self.assertEqual(TwoFields.objects.exclude(id__in=id_range).count(), 500)
93 def test_explicit_batch_size(self):
94 objs = [TwoFields(f1=i, f2=i) for i in range(0, 100)]
95 with self.assertNumQueries(2):
96 TwoFields.objects.bulk_create(objs, 50)
97 TwoFields.objects.all().delete()
98 with self.assertNumQueries(1):
99 TwoFields.objects.bulk_create(objs, len(objs))