App Engine Python SDK version 1.7.4 (2)
[gae.git] / python / lib / django_1_4 / django / utils / translation /
1 """Translation helper functions."""
3 import locale
4 import os
5 import re
6 import sys
7 import gettext as gettext_module
8 from threading import local
10 try:
11 from cStringIO import StringIO
12 except ImportError:
13 from StringIO import StringIO
15 from django.utils.importlib import import_module
16 from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe, SafeData
19 # Translations are cached in a dictionary for every language+app tuple.
20 # The active translations are stored by threadid to make them thread local.
21 _translations = {}
22 _active = local()
24 # The default translation is based on the settings file.
25 _default = None
27 # This is a cache for normalized accept-header languages to prevent multiple
28 # file lookups when checking the same locale on repeated requests.
29 _accepted = {}
31 # magic gettext number to separate context from message
34 # Format of Accept-Language header values. From RFC 2616, section 14.4 and 3.9.
35 accept_language_re = re.compile(r'''
36 ([A-Za-z]{1,8}(?:-[A-Za-z]{1,8})*|\*) # "en", "en-au", "x-y-z", "*"
37 (?:\s*;\s*q=(0(?:\.\d{,3})?|1(?:.0{,3})?))? # Optional "q=1.00", "q=0.8"
38 (?:\s*,\s*|$) # Multiple accepts per header.
39 ''', re.VERBOSE)
41 language_code_prefix_re = re.compile(r'^/([\w-]+)(/|$)')
43 def to_locale(language, to_lower=False):
44 """
45 Turns a language name (en-us) into a locale name (en_US). If 'to_lower' is
46 True, the last component is lower-cased (en_us).
47 """
48 p = language.find('-')
49 if p >= 0:
50 if to_lower:
51 return language[:p].lower()+'_'+language[p+1:].lower()
52 else:
53 # Get correct locale for sr-latn
54 if len(language[p+1:]) > 2:
55 return language[:p].lower()+'_'+language[p+1].upper()+language[p+2:].lower()
56 return language[:p].lower()+'_'+language[p+1:].upper()
57 else:
58 return language.lower()
60 def to_language(locale):
61 """Turns a locale name (en_US) into a language name (en-us)."""
62 p = locale.find('_')
63 if p >= 0:
64 return locale[:p].lower()+'-'+locale[p+1:].lower()
65 else:
66 return locale.lower()
68 class DjangoTranslation(gettext_module.GNUTranslations):
69 """
70 This class sets up the GNUTranslations context with regard to output
71 charset.
72 """
73 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
74 gettext_module.GNUTranslations.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
75 self.set_output_charset('utf-8')
76 self.django_output_charset = 'utf-8'
77 self.__language = '??'
79 def merge(self, other):
80 self._catalog.update(other._catalog)
82 def set_language(self, language):
83 self.__language = language
84 self.__to_language = to_language(language)
86 def language(self):
87 return self.__language
89 def to_language(self):
90 return self.__to_language
92 def __repr__(self):
93 return "<DjangoTranslation lang:%s>" % self.__language
95 def translation(language):
96 """
97 Returns a translation object.
99 This translation object will be constructed out of multiple GNUTranslations
100 objects by merging their catalogs. It will construct a object for the
101 requested language and add a fallback to the default language, if it's
102 different from the requested language.
104 global _translations
106 t = _translations.get(language, None)
107 if t is not None:
108 return t
110 from django.conf import settings
112 globalpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[settings.__module__].__file__), 'locale')
114 if settings.SETTINGS_MODULE is not None:
115 parts = settings.SETTINGS_MODULE.split('.')
116 project = import_module(parts[0])
117 projectpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(project.__file__), 'locale')
118 else:
119 projectpath = None
121 def _fetch(lang, fallback=None):
123 global _translations
125 res = _translations.get(lang, None)
126 if res is not None:
127 return res
129 loc = to_locale(lang)
131 def _translation(path):
132 try:
133 t = gettext_module.translation('django', path, [loc], DjangoTranslation)
134 t.set_language(lang)
135 return t
136 except IOError:
137 return None
139 res = _translation(globalpath)
141 # We want to ensure that, for example, "en-gb" and "en-us" don't share
142 # the same translation object (thus, merging en-us with a local update
143 # doesn't affect en-gb), even though they will both use the core "en"
144 # translation. So we have to subvert Python's internal gettext caching.
145 base_lang = lambda x: x.split('-', 1)[0]
146 if base_lang(lang) in [base_lang(trans) for trans in _translations]:
147 res._info = res._info.copy()
148 res._catalog = res._catalog.copy()
150 def _merge(path):
151 t = _translation(path)
152 if t is not None:
153 if res is None:
154 return t
155 else:
156 res.merge(t)
157 return res
159 for appname in reversed(settings.INSTALLED_APPS):
160 app = import_module(appname)
161 apppath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(app.__file__), 'locale')
163 if os.path.isdir(apppath):
164 res = _merge(apppath)
166 localepaths = [os.path.normpath(path) for path in settings.LOCALE_PATHS]
167 if (projectpath and os.path.isdir(projectpath) and
168 os.path.normpath(projectpath) not in localepaths):
169 res = _merge(projectpath)
171 for localepath in reversed(settings.LOCALE_PATHS):
172 if os.path.isdir(localepath):
173 res = _merge(localepath)
175 if res is None:
176 if fallback is not None:
177 res = fallback
178 else:
179 return gettext_module.NullTranslations()
180 _translations[lang] = res
181 return res
183 default_translation = _fetch(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
184 current_translation = _fetch(language, fallback=default_translation)
186 return current_translation
188 def activate(language):
190 Fetches the translation object for a given tuple of application name and
191 language and installs it as the current translation object for the current
192 thread.
194 _active.value = translation(language)
196 def deactivate():
198 Deinstalls the currently active translation object so that further _ calls
199 will resolve against the default translation object, again.
201 if hasattr(_active, "value"):
202 del _active.value
204 def deactivate_all():
206 Makes the active translation object a NullTranslations() instance. This is
207 useful when we want delayed translations to appear as the original string
208 for some reason.
210 _active.value = gettext_module.NullTranslations()
212 def get_language():
213 """Returns the currently selected language."""
214 t = getattr(_active, "value", None)
215 if t is not None:
216 try:
217 return t.to_language()
218 except AttributeError:
219 pass
220 # If we don't have a real translation object, assume it's the default language.
221 from django.conf import settings
222 return settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
224 def get_language_bidi():
226 Returns selected language's BiDi layout.
228 * False = left-to-right layout
229 * True = right-to-left layout
231 from django.conf import settings
233 base_lang = get_language().split('-')[0]
234 return base_lang in settings.LANGUAGES_BIDI
236 def catalog():
238 Returns the current active catalog for further processing.
239 This can be used if you need to modify the catalog or want to access the
240 whole message catalog instead of just translating one string.
242 global _default
244 t = getattr(_active, "value", None)
245 if t is not None:
246 return t
247 if _default is None:
248 from django.conf import settings
249 _default = translation(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
250 return _default
252 def do_translate(message, translation_function):
254 Translates 'message' using the given 'translation_function' name -- which
255 will be either gettext or ugettext. It uses the current thread to find the
256 translation object to use. If no current translation is activated, the
257 message will be run through the default translation object.
259 global _default
261 eol_message = message.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n')
262 t = getattr(_active, "value", None)
263 if t is not None:
264 result = getattr(t, translation_function)(eol_message)
265 else:
266 if _default is None:
267 from django.conf import settings
268 _default = translation(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
269 result = getattr(_default, translation_function)(eol_message)
270 if isinstance(message, SafeData):
271 return mark_safe(result)
272 return result
274 def gettext(message):
275 return do_translate(message, 'gettext')
277 def ugettext(message):
278 return do_translate(message, 'ugettext')
280 def pgettext(context, message):
281 result = do_translate(
282 u"%s%s%s" % (context, CONTEXT_SEPARATOR, message), 'ugettext')
283 if CONTEXT_SEPARATOR in result:
284 # Translation not found
285 result = message
286 return result
288 def gettext_noop(message):
290 Marks strings for translation but doesn't translate them now. This can be
291 used to store strings in global variables that should stay in the base
292 language (because they might be used externally) and will be translated
293 later.
295 return message
297 def do_ntranslate(singular, plural, number, translation_function):
298 global _default
300 t = getattr(_active, "value", None)
301 if t is not None:
302 return getattr(t, translation_function)(singular, plural, number)
303 if _default is None:
304 from django.conf import settings
305 _default = translation(settings.LANGUAGE_CODE)
306 return getattr(_default, translation_function)(singular, plural, number)
308 def ngettext(singular, plural, number):
310 Returns a UTF-8 bytestring of the translation of either the singular or
311 plural, based on the number.
313 return do_ntranslate(singular, plural, number, 'ngettext')
315 def ungettext(singular, plural, number):
317 Returns a unicode strings of the translation of either the singular or
318 plural, based on the number.
320 return do_ntranslate(singular, plural, number, 'ungettext')
322 def npgettext(context, singular, plural, number):
323 result = do_ntranslate(u"%s%s%s" % (context, CONTEXT_SEPARATOR, singular),
324 u"%s%s%s" % (context, CONTEXT_SEPARATOR, plural),
325 number, 'ungettext')
326 if CONTEXT_SEPARATOR in result:
327 # Translation not found
328 result = do_ntranslate(singular, plural, number, 'ungettext')
329 return result
331 def all_locale_paths():
333 Returns a list of paths to user-provides languages files.
335 from django.conf import settings
336 globalpath = os.path.join(
337 os.path.dirname(sys.modules[settings.__module__].__file__), 'locale')
338 return [globalpath] + list(settings.LOCALE_PATHS)
340 def check_for_language(lang_code):
342 Checks whether there is a global language file for the given language
343 code. This is used to decide whether a user-provided language is
344 available. This is only used for language codes from either the cookies
345 or session and during format localization.
347 for path in all_locale_paths():
348 if gettext_module.find('django', path, [to_locale(lang_code)]) is not None:
349 return True
350 return False
352 def get_language_from_path(path, supported=None):
354 Returns the language-code if there is a valid language-code
355 found in the `path`.
357 if supported is None:
358 from django.conf import settings
359 supported = dict(settings.LANGUAGES)
360 regex_match = language_code_prefix_re.match(path)
361 if regex_match:
362 lang_code =
363 if lang_code in supported and check_for_language(lang_code):
364 return lang_code
366 def get_language_from_request(request, check_path=False):
368 Analyzes the request to find what language the user wants the system to
369 show. Only languages listed in settings.LANGUAGES are taken into account.
370 If the user requests a sublanguage where we have a main language, we send
371 out the main language.
373 If check_path is True, the URL path prefix will be checked for a language
374 code, otherwise this is skipped for backwards compatibility.
376 global _accepted
377 from django.conf import settings
378 supported = dict(settings.LANGUAGES)
380 if check_path:
381 lang_code = get_language_from_path(request.path_info, supported)
382 if lang_code is not None:
383 return lang_code
385 if hasattr(request, 'session'):
386 lang_code = request.session.get('django_language', None)
387 if lang_code in supported and lang_code is not None and check_for_language(lang_code):
388 return lang_code
390 lang_code = request.COOKIES.get(settings.LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME)
392 if lang_code and lang_code not in supported:
393 lang_code = lang_code.split('-')[0] # e.g. if fr-ca is not supported fallback to fr
395 if lang_code and lang_code in supported and check_for_language(lang_code):
396 return lang_code
398 accept = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE', '')
399 for accept_lang, unused in parse_accept_lang_header(accept):
400 if accept_lang == '*':
401 break
403 # We have a very restricted form for our language files (no encoding
404 # specifier, since they all must be UTF-8 and only one possible
405 # language each time. So we avoid the overhead of gettext.find() and
406 # work out the MO file manually.
408 # 'normalized' is the root name of the locale in POSIX format (which is
409 # the format used for the directories holding the MO files).
410 normalized = locale.locale_alias.get(to_locale(accept_lang, True))
411 if not normalized:
412 continue
413 # Remove the default encoding from locale_alias.
414 normalized = normalized.split('.')[0]
416 if normalized in _accepted:
417 # We've seen this locale before and have an MO file for it, so no
418 # need to check again.
419 return _accepted[normalized]
421 for lang, dirname in ((accept_lang, normalized),
422 (accept_lang.split('-')[0], normalized.split('_')[0])):
423 if lang.lower() not in supported:
424 continue
425 for path in all_locale_paths():
426 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, dirname, 'LC_MESSAGES', '')):
427 _accepted[normalized] = lang
428 return lang
430 return settings.LANGUAGE_CODE
432 dot_re = re.compile(r'\S')
433 def blankout(src, char):
435 Changes every non-whitespace character to the given char.
436 Used in the templatize function.
438 return dot_re.sub(char, src)
440 context_re = re.compile(r"""^\s+.*context\s+((?:"[^"]*?")|(?:'[^']*?'))\s*""")
441 inline_re = re.compile(r"""^\s*trans\s+((?:"[^"]*?")|(?:'[^']*?'))(\s+.*context\s+((?:"[^"]*?")|(?:'[^']*?')))?\s*""")
442 block_re = re.compile(r"""^\s*blocktrans(\s+.*context\s+((?:"[^"]*?")|(?:'[^']*?')))?(?:\s+|$)""")
443 endblock_re = re.compile(r"""^\s*endblocktrans$""")
444 plural_re = re.compile(r"""^\s*plural$""")
445 constant_re = re.compile(r"""_\(((?:".*?")|(?:'.*?'))\)""")
446 one_percent_re = re.compile(r"""(?<!%)%(?!%)""")
449 def templatize(src, origin=None):
451 Turns a Django template into something that is understood by xgettext. It
452 does so by translating the Django translation tags into standard gettext
453 function invocations.
455 from django.template import (Lexer, TOKEN_TEXT, TOKEN_VAR, TOKEN_BLOCK,
457 out = StringIO()
458 message_context = None
459 intrans = False
460 inplural = False
461 singular = []
462 plural = []
463 incomment = False
464 comment = []
465 for t in Lexer(src, origin).tokenize():
466 if incomment:
467 if t.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK and t.contents == 'endcomment':
468 content = ''.join(comment)
469 translators_comment_start = None
470 for lineno, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(True)):
471 if line.lstrip().startswith(TRANSLATOR_COMMENT_MARK):
472 translators_comment_start = lineno
473 for lineno, line in enumerate(content.splitlines(True)):
474 if translators_comment_start is not None and lineno >= translators_comment_start:
475 out.write(' # %s' % line)
476 else:
477 out.write(' #\n')
478 incomment = False
479 comment = []
480 else:
481 comment.append(t.contents)
482 elif intrans:
483 if t.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK:
484 endbmatch = endblock_re.match(t.contents)
485 pluralmatch = plural_re.match(t.contents)
486 if endbmatch:
487 if inplural:
488 if message_context:
489 out.write(' npgettext(%r, %r, %r,count) ' % (message_context, ''.join(singular), ''.join(plural)))
490 else:
491 out.write(' ngettext(%r, %r, count) ' % (''.join(singular), ''.join(plural)))
492 for part in singular:
493 out.write(blankout(part, 'S'))
494 for part in plural:
495 out.write(blankout(part, 'P'))
496 else:
497 if message_context:
498 out.write(' pgettext(%r, %r) ' % (message_context, ''.join(singular)))
499 else:
500 out.write(' gettext(%r) ' % ''.join(singular))
501 for part in singular:
502 out.write(blankout(part, 'S'))
503 message_context = None
504 intrans = False
505 inplural = False
506 singular = []
507 plural = []
508 elif pluralmatch:
509 inplural = True
510 else:
511 filemsg = ''
512 if origin:
513 filemsg = 'file %s, ' % origin
514 raise SyntaxError("Translation blocks must not include other block tags: %s (%sline %d)" % (t.contents, filemsg, t.lineno))
515 elif t.token_type == TOKEN_VAR:
516 if inplural:
517 plural.append('%%(%s)s' % t.contents)
518 else:
519 singular.append('%%(%s)s' % t.contents)
520 elif t.token_type == TOKEN_TEXT:
521 contents = one_percent_re.sub('%%', t.contents)
522 if inplural:
523 plural.append(contents)
524 else:
525 singular.append(contents)
526 else:
527 if t.token_type == TOKEN_BLOCK:
528 imatch = inline_re.match(t.contents)
529 bmatch = block_re.match(t.contents)
530 cmatches = constant_re.findall(t.contents)
531 if imatch:
532 g =
533 if g[0] == '"':
534 g = g.strip('"')
535 elif g[0] == "'":
536 g = g.strip("'")
537 g = one_percent_re.sub('%%', g)
538 if
539 # A context is provided
540 context_match = context_re.match(
541 message_context =
542 if message_context[0] == '"':
543 message_context = message_context.strip('"')
544 elif message_context[0] == "'":
545 message_context = message_context.strip("'")
546 out.write(' pgettext(%r, %r) ' % (message_context, g))
547 message_context = None
548 else:
549 out.write(' gettext(%r) ' % g)
550 elif bmatch:
551 for fmatch in constant_re.findall(t.contents):
552 out.write(' _(%s) ' % fmatch)
553 if
554 # A context is provided
555 context_match = context_re.match(
556 message_context =
557 if message_context[0] == '"':
558 message_context = message_context.strip('"')
559 elif message_context[0] == "'":
560 message_context = message_context.strip("'")
561 intrans = True
562 inplural = False
563 singular = []
564 plural = []
565 elif cmatches:
566 for cmatch in cmatches:
567 out.write(' _(%s) ' % cmatch)
568 elif t.contents == 'comment':
569 incomment = True
570 else:
571 out.write(blankout(t.contents, 'B'))
572 elif t.token_type == TOKEN_VAR:
573 parts = t.contents.split('|')
574 cmatch = constant_re.match(parts[0])
575 if cmatch:
576 out.write(' _(%s) ' %
577 for p in parts[1:]:
578 if p.find(':_(') >= 0:
579 out.write(' %s ' % p.split(':',1)[1])
580 else:
581 out.write(blankout(p, 'F'))
582 elif t.token_type == TOKEN_COMMENT:
583 out.write(' # %s' % t.contents)
584 else:
585 out.write(blankout(t.contents, 'X'))
586 return out.getvalue()
588 def parse_accept_lang_header(lang_string):
590 Parses the lang_string, which is the body of an HTTP Accept-Language
591 header, and returns a list of (lang, q-value), ordered by 'q' values.
593 Any format errors in lang_string results in an empty list being returned.
595 result = []
596 pieces = accept_language_re.split(lang_string)
597 if pieces[-1]:
598 return []
599 for i in range(0, len(pieces) - 1, 3):
600 first, lang, priority = pieces[i : i + 3]
601 if first:
602 return []
603 priority = priority and float(priority) or 1.0
604 result.append((lang, priority))
605 result.sort(key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True)
606 return result