App Engine Python SDK version 1.7.4 (2)
[gae.git] / python / lib / django_1_4 / django / contrib / localflavor / mk /
1 from __future__ import absolute_import
3 import datetime
5 from django.core.validators import EMPTY_VALUES
6 from django.forms import ValidationError
7 from django.forms.fields import RegexField, Select
8 from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
10 from import MK_MUNICIPALITIES
13 class MKIdentityCardNumberField(RegexField):
14 """
15 A Macedonian ID card number. Accepts both old and new format.
16 """
17 default_error_messages = {
18 'invalid': _(u'Identity card numbers must contain'
19 ' either 4 to 7 digits or an uppercase letter and 7 digits.'),
22 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
23 kwargs['min_length'] = None
24 kwargs['max_length'] = 8
25 regex = ur'(^[A-Z]{1}\d{7}$)|(^\d{4,7}$)'
26 super(MKIdentityCardNumberField, self).__init__(regex, *args, **kwargs)
29 class MKMunicipalitySelect(Select):
30 """
31 A form ``Select`` widget that uses a list of Macedonian municipalities as
32 choices. The label is the name of the municipality and the value
33 is a 2 character code for the municipality.
34 """
36 def __init__(self, attrs=None):
37 super(MKMunicipalitySelect, self).__init__(attrs, choices = MK_MUNICIPALITIES)
40 class UMCNField(RegexField):
41 """
42 A form field that validates input as a unique master citizen
43 number.
45 The format of the unique master citizen number has been kept the same from
46 Yugoslavia. It is still in use in other countries as well, it is not applicable
47 solely in Macedonia. For more information see:
50 A value will pass validation if it complies to the following rules:
52 * Consists of exactly 13 digits
53 * The first 7 digits represent a valid past date in the format DDMMYYY
54 * The last digit of the UMCN passes a checksum test
55 """
56 default_error_messages = {
57 'invalid': _(u'This field should contain exactly 13 digits.'),
58 'date': _(u'The first 7 digits of the UMCN must represent a valid past date.'),
59 'checksum': _(u'The UMCN is not valid.'),
62 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
63 kwargs['min_length'] = None
64 kwargs['max_length'] = 13
65 super(UMCNField, self).__init__(r'^\d{13}$', *args, **kwargs)
67 def clean(self, value):
68 value = super(UMCNField, self).clean(value)
70 if value in EMPTY_VALUES:
71 return u''
73 if not self._validate_date_part(value):
74 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['date'])
75 if self._validate_checksum(value):
76 return value
77 else:
78 raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['checksum'])
80 def _validate_checksum(self, value):
81 a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,K = [int(digit) for digit in value]
82 m = 11 - (( 7*(a+g) + 6*(b+h) + 5*(c+i) + 4*(d+j) + 3*(e+k) + 2*(f+l)) % 11)
83 if (m >= 1 and m <= 9) and K == m:
84 return True
85 elif m == 11 and K == 0:
86 return True
87 else:
88 return False
90 def _validate_date_part(self, value):
91 daypart, monthpart, yearpart = int(value[:2]), int(value[2:4]), int(value[4:7])
92 if yearpart >= 800:
93 yearpart += 1000
94 else:
95 yearpart += 2000
96 try:
97 date = datetime.datetime(year = yearpart, month = monthpart, day = daypart).date()
98 except ValueError:
99 return False
100 if date >=
101 return False
102 return True