App Engine Python SDK version 1.7.4 (2)
[gae.git] / python / lib / django_1_4 / django / contrib / gis / geos / prototypes /
1 from ctypes import c_char_p, c_int, c_size_t, c_ubyte, POINTER
2 from django.contrib.gis.geos.libgeos import CS_PTR, GEOM_PTR
3 from django.contrib.gis.geos.prototypes.errcheck import (
4 check_geom, check_minus_one, check_sized_string, check_string, check_zero)
5 from django.contrib.gis.geos.prototypes.threadsafe import GEOSFunc
7 # This is the return type used by binary output (WKB, HEX) routines.
8 c_uchar_p = POINTER(c_ubyte)
10 # We create a simple subclass of c_char_p here because when the response
11 # type is set to c_char_p, you get a _Python_ string and there's no way
12 # to access the string's address inside the error checking function.
13 # In other words, you can't free the memory allocated inside GEOS. Previously,
14 # the return type would just be omitted and the integer address would be
15 # used -- but this allows us to be specific in the function definition and
16 # keeps the reference so it may be free'd.
17 class geos_char_p(c_char_p):
18 pass
20 ### ctypes generation functions ###
21 def bin_constructor(func):
22 "Generates a prototype for binary construction (HEX, WKB) GEOS routines."
23 func.argtypes = [c_char_p, c_size_t]
24 func.restype = GEOM_PTR
25 func.errcheck = check_geom
26 return func
28 # HEX & WKB output
29 def bin_output(func):
30 "Generates a prototype for the routines that return a a sized string."
31 func.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR, POINTER(c_size_t)]
32 func.errcheck = check_sized_string
33 func.restype = c_uchar_p
34 return func
36 def geom_output(func, argtypes):
37 "For GEOS routines that return a geometry."
38 if argtypes: func.argtypes = argtypes
39 func.restype = GEOM_PTR
40 func.errcheck = check_geom
41 return func
43 def geom_index(func):
44 "For GEOS routines that return geometries from an index."
45 return geom_output(func, [GEOM_PTR, c_int])
47 def int_from_geom(func, zero=False):
48 "Argument is a geometry, return type is an integer."
49 func.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
50 func.restype = c_int
51 if zero:
52 func.errcheck = check_zero
53 else:
54 func.errcheck = check_minus_one
55 return func
57 def string_from_geom(func):
58 "Argument is a Geometry, return type is a string."
59 func.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
60 func.restype = geos_char_p
61 func.errcheck = check_string
62 return func
64 ### ctypes prototypes ###
66 # Deprecated creation routines from WKB, HEX, WKT
67 from_hex = bin_constructor(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomFromHEX_buf'))
68 from_wkb = bin_constructor(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomFromWKB_buf'))
69 from_wkt = geom_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomFromWKT'), [c_char_p])
71 # Deprecated output routines
72 to_hex = bin_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomToHEX_buf'))
73 to_wkb = bin_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomToWKB_buf'))
74 to_wkt = string_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomToWKT'))
76 # The GEOS geometry type, typeid, num_coordites and number of geometries
77 geos_normalize = int_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSNormalize'))
78 geos_type = string_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomType'))
79 geos_typeid = int_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeomTypeId'))
80 get_dims = int_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_getDimensions'), zero=True)
81 get_num_coords = int_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSGetNumCoordinates'))
82 get_num_geoms = int_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSGetNumGeometries'))
84 # Geometry creation factories
85 create_point = geom_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_createPoint'), [CS_PTR])
86 create_linestring = geom_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_createLineString'), [CS_PTR])
87 create_linearring = geom_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_createLinearRing'), [CS_PTR])
89 # Polygon and collection creation routines are special and will not
90 # have their argument types defined.
91 create_polygon = geom_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_createPolygon'), None)
92 create_collection = geom_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_createCollection'), None)
94 # Ring routines
95 get_extring = geom_output(GEOSFunc('GEOSGetExteriorRing'), [GEOM_PTR])
96 get_intring = geom_index(GEOSFunc('GEOSGetInteriorRingN'))
97 get_nrings = int_from_geom(GEOSFunc('GEOSGetNumInteriorRings'))
99 # Collection Routines
100 get_geomn = geom_index(GEOSFunc('GEOSGetGeometryN'))
102 # Cloning
103 geom_clone = GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_clone')
104 geom_clone.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
105 geom_clone.restype = GEOM_PTR
107 # Destruction routine.
108 destroy_geom = GEOSFunc('GEOSGeom_destroy')
109 destroy_geom.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
110 destroy_geom.restype = None
112 # SRID routines
113 geos_get_srid = GEOSFunc('GEOSGetSRID')
114 geos_get_srid.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR]
115 geos_get_srid.restype = c_int
117 geos_set_srid = GEOSFunc('GEOSSetSRID')
118 geos_set_srid.argtypes = [GEOM_PTR, c_int]
119 geos_set_srid.restype = None