App Engine Python SDK version 1.7.4 (2)
[gae.git] / python / lib / django_1_4 / django / contrib / flatpages / fixtures / sample_flatpages.json
2     {
3         "pk": 1,
4         "model": "flatpages.flatpage",
5         "fields": {
6             "registration_required": false,
7             "title": "A Flatpage",
8             "url": "/flatpage/",
9             "template_name": "",
10             "sites": [
11                 1
12             ],
13             "content": "Isn't it flat!",
14             "enable_comments": false
15         }
16     },
17     {
18         "pk": 2,
19         "model": "flatpages.flatpage",
20         "fields": {
21             "registration_required": false,
22             "title": "A Nested Flatpage",
23             "url": "/location/flatpage/",
24             "template_name": "",
25             "sites": [
26                 1
27             ],
28             "content": "Isn't it flat and deep!",
29             "enable_comments": false
30         }
31     },
33     {
34         "pk": 101,
35         "model": "flatpages.flatpage",
36         "fields": {
37             "registration_required": true,
38             "title": "Sekrit Flatpage",
39             "url": "/sekrit/",
40             "template_name": "",
41             "sites": [
42                 1
43             ],
44             "content": "Isn't it sekrit!",
45             "enable_comments": false
46         }
47     },
48     {
49         "pk": 102,
50         "model": "flatpages.flatpage",
51         "fields": {
52             "registration_required": true,
53             "title": "Sekrit Nested Flatpage",
54             "url": "/location/sekrit/",
55             "template_name": "",
56             "sites": [
57                 1
58             ],
59             "content": "Isn't it sekrit and deep!",
60             "enable_comments": false
61         }
62     }