App Engine Python SDK version 1.9.13
[gae.git] / python / google / appengine / datastore /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
21 """Utilities for generating and updating index.yaml."""
23 from __future__ import with_statement
31 __all__ = ['GenerateIndexFromHistory',
32 'IndexYamlUpdater',
35 import logging
36 import os
38 from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
39 from google.appengine.api import validation
40 from google.appengine.api import yaml_errors
41 from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_index
42 from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_index_xml
44 import yaml
51 # This index.yaml is automatically updated whenever the dev_appserver
52 # detects that a new type of query is run. If you want to manage the
53 # index.yaml file manually, remove the above marker line (the line
54 # saying "# AUTOGENERATED"). If you want to manage some indexes
55 # manually, move them above the marker line. The index.yaml file is
56 # automatically uploaded to the admin console when you next deploy
57 # your application using
58 '''
61 def GenerateIndexDictFromHistory(query_history,
62 all_indexes=None, manual_indexes=None):
63 """Generate a dict of automatic index entries from the query history.
65 Args:
66 query_history: Query history, a dict mapping datastore_pb.Query to a count
67 of the number of times that query has been issued.
68 all_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
69 representing all the indexes found in the input file. May be None.
70 manual_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
71 containing indexes for which we should not generate output. May be None.
73 Returns:
74 A dict where each key is a tuple (kind, ancestor, properties) and the
75 corresponding value is a count of the number of times that query has been
76 issued. The dict contains no entries for keys that appear in manual_keys.
77 In the tuple, "properties" is itself a tuple of tuples, where each
78 contained tuple is (name, direction), with "name" being a string and
79 "direction" being datastore_index.ASCENDING or .DESCENDING.
80 """
86 all_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(all_indexes)
87 manual_keys = datastore_index.IndexDefinitionsToKeys(manual_indexes)
90 indexes = dict((key, 0) for key in all_keys - manual_keys)
93 for query, count in query_history.iteritems():
94 required, kind, ancestor, props = (
95 datastore_index.CompositeIndexForQuery(query))
96 if required:
97 props = datastore_index.GetRecommendedIndexProperties(props)
98 key = (kind, ancestor, props)
99 if key not in manual_keys:
100 if key in indexes:
101 indexes[key] += count
102 else:
103 indexes[key] = count
105 return indexes
108 def GenerateIndexFromHistory(query_history,
109 all_indexes=None, manual_indexes=None):
110 """Generate most of the text for index.yaml from the query history.
112 Args:
113 query_history: Query history, a dict mapping datastore_pb.Query to a count
114 of the number of times that query has been issued.
115 all_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
116 representing all the indexes found in the input file. May be None.
117 manual_indexes: Optional datastore_index.IndexDefinitions instance
118 containing indexes for which we should not generate output. May be None.
120 Returns:
121 A string representation that can safely be appended to an existing
122 index.yaml file. Returns the empty string if it would generate no output.
124 indexes = GenerateIndexDictFromHistory(
125 query_history, all_indexes, manual_indexes)
127 if not indexes:
128 return ''
133 res = []
134 for (kind, ancestor, props), _ in sorted(indexes.iteritems()):
136 res.append('')
137 res.append(datastore_index.IndexYamlForQuery(kind, ancestor, props))
139 res.append('')
140 return '\n'.join(res)
143 class IndexYamlUpdater(object):
144 """Helper class for updating index.yaml.
146 This class maintains some state about the query history and the
147 index.yaml file in order to minimize the number of times index.yaml
148 is actually overwritten.
152 index_yaml_is_manual = False
153 index_yaml_mtime = None
154 last_history_size = 0
156 def __init__(self, root_path):
157 """Constructor.
159 Args:
160 root_path: Path to the app's root directory.
162 self.root_path = root_path
164 def UpdateIndexConfig(self):
165 self.UpdateIndexYaml()
167 def UpdateIndexYaml(self, openfile=open):
168 """Update index.yaml.
170 Args:
171 openfile: Used for dependency injection.
173 We only ever write to index.yaml if either:
174 - it doesn't exist yet; or
175 - it contains an 'AUTOGENERATED' comment.
177 All indexes *before* the AUTOGENERATED comment will be written
178 back unchanged. All indexes *after* the AUTOGENERATED comment
179 will be updated with the latest query counts (query counts are
180 reset by --clear_datastore). Indexes that aren't yet in the file
181 will be appended to the AUTOGENERATED section.
183 We keep track of some data in order to avoid doing repetitive work:
184 - if index.yaml is fully manual, we keep track of its mtime to
185 avoid parsing it over and over;
186 - we keep track of the number of keys in the history dict since
187 the last time we updated index.yaml (or decided there was
188 nothing to update).
195 index_yaml_file = os.path.join(self.root_path, 'index.yaml')
198 try:
199 index_yaml_mtime = os.path.getmtime(index_yaml_file)
200 except os.error:
201 index_yaml_mtime = None
204 index_yaml_changed = (index_yaml_mtime != self.index_yaml_mtime)
205 self.index_yaml_mtime = index_yaml_mtime
208 datastore_stub = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('datastore_v3')
209 query_ci_history_len = datastore_stub._QueryCompositeIndexHistoryLength()
210 history_changed = (query_ci_history_len != self.last_history_size)
211 self.last_history_size = query_ci_history_len
214 if not (index_yaml_changed or history_changed):
215 logging.debug('No need to update index.yaml')
216 return
219 if self.index_yaml_is_manual and not index_yaml_changed:
220 logging.debug('Will not update manual index.yaml')
221 return
224 if index_yaml_mtime is None:
225 index_yaml_data = None
226 else:
227 try:
231 fh = openfile(index_yaml_file, 'rU')
232 except IOError:
233 index_yaml_data = None
234 else:
235 try:
236 index_yaml_data =
237 finally:
238 fh.close()
241 self.index_yaml_is_manual = (index_yaml_data is not None and
242 AUTO_MARKER not in index_yaml_data)
243 if self.index_yaml_is_manual:
244'Detected manual index.yaml, will not update')
245 return
249 if index_yaml_data is None:
250 all_indexes = None
251 else:
252 try:
253 all_indexes = datastore_index.ParseIndexDefinitions(index_yaml_data)
254 except yaml_errors.EventListenerError, e:
256 logging.error('Error parsing %s:\n%s', index_yaml_file, e)
257 return
258 except Exception, err:
260 logging.error('Error parsing %s:\n%s.%s: %s', index_yaml_file,
261 err.__class__.__module__, err.__class__.__name__, err)
262 return
265 if index_yaml_data is None:
266 manual_part, prev_automatic_part = 'indexes:\n', ''
267 manual_indexes = None
268 else:
269 manual_part, prev_automatic_part = index_yaml_data.split(AUTO_MARKER, 1)
270 if prev_automatic_part.startswith(AUTO_COMMENT):
271 prev_automatic_part = prev_automatic_part[len(AUTO_COMMENT):]
273 try:
274 manual_indexes = datastore_index.ParseIndexDefinitions(manual_part)
275 except Exception, err:
276 logging.error('Error parsing manual part of %s: %s',
277 index_yaml_file, err)
278 return
281 automatic_part = GenerateIndexFromHistory(datastore_stub.QueryHistory(),
282 all_indexes, manual_indexes)
286 if (index_yaml_mtime is None and automatic_part == '' or
287 automatic_part == prev_automatic_part):
288 logging.debug('No need to update index.yaml')
289 return
292 try:
293 fh = openfile(index_yaml_file, 'w')
294 except IOError, err:
295 logging.error('Can\'t write index.yaml: %s', err)
296 return
299 try:
300'Updating %s', index_yaml_file)
301 fh.write(manual_part)
302 fh.write(AUTO_MARKER)
303 fh.write(AUTO_COMMENT)
304 fh.write(automatic_part)
305 finally:
306 fh.close()
309 try:
310 self.index_yaml_mtime = os.path.getmtime(index_yaml_file)
311 except os.error, err:
312 logging.error('Can\'t stat index.yaml we just wrote: %s', err)
313 self.index_yaml_mtime = None
316 class DatastoreIndexesAutoXmlUpdater(object):
317 """Helper class for updating datastore-indexes-auto.xml.
319 This class maintains some state about the query history and the
320 datastore-indexes.xml and datastore-indexes-auto.xml files in order to
321 minimize the number of times datastore-indexes-auto.xml is rewritten.
326 auto_generated = True
327 datastore_indexes_xml = None
328 datastore_indexes_xml_mtime = None
329 datastore_indexes_auto_xml_mtime = None
330 last_history_size = 0
332 def __init__(self, root_path):
333 self.root_path = root_path
335 def UpdateIndexConfig(self):
336 self.UpdateDatastoreIndexesAutoXml()
338 def UpdateDatastoreIndexesAutoXml(self, openfile=open):
339 """Update datastore-indexes-auto.xml if appropriate."""
344 datastore_indexes_xml_file = os.path.join(
345 self.root_path, 'WEB-INF', 'datastore-indexes.xml')
346 try:
347 datastore_indexes_xml_mtime = os.path.getmtime(datastore_indexes_xml_file)
348 except os.error:
349 datastore_indexes_xml_mtime = None
350 if datastore_indexes_xml_mtime != self.datastore_indexes_xml_mtime:
351 self.datastore_indexes_xml_mtime = datastore_indexes_xml_mtime
352 if self.datastore_indexes_xml_mtime:
353 with openfile(datastore_indexes_xml_file) as f:
354 self.datastore_indexes_xml =
355 self.auto_generated = datastore_index_xml.IsAutoGenerated(
356 self.datastore_indexes_xml)
357 else:
358 self.auto_generated = True
359 self.datastore_indexes_xml = None
361 if not self.auto_generated:
362 logging.debug('Detected <datastore-indexes autoGenerated="false">,'
363 ' will not update datastore-indexes-auto.xml')
364 return
367 datastore_stub = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('datastore_v3')
368 query_ci_history_len = datastore_stub._QueryCompositeIndexHistoryLength()
369 history_changed = (query_ci_history_len != self.last_history_size)
370 self.last_history_size = query_ci_history_len
371 if not history_changed:
372 logging.debug('No need to update datastore-indexes-auto.xml')
373 return
375 datastore_indexes_auto_xml_file = os.path.join(
376 self.root_path, 'WEB-INF', 'appengine-generated',
377 'datastore-indexes-auto.xml')
378 try:
379 with open(datastore_indexes_auto_xml_file) as f:
380 datastore_indexes_auto_xml =
381 except IOError, err:
382 datastore_indexes_auto_xml = None
384 if self.datastore_indexes_xml:
385 try:
386 manual_index_definitions = (
387 datastore_index_xml.IndexesXmlToIndexDefinitions(
388 self.datastore_indexes_xml))
389 except validation.ValidationError, e:
390 logging.error('Error parsing %s: %s',
391 datastore_indexes_xml_file, e)
392 return
393 else:
394 manual_index_definitions = datastore_index.IndexDefinitions(indexes=[])
396 if datastore_indexes_auto_xml:
397 try:
398 prev_auto_index_definitions = (
399 datastore_index_xml.IndexesXmlToIndexDefinitions(
400 datastore_indexes_auto_xml))
401 except validation.ValidationError, e:
402 logging.error('Error parsing %s: %s',
403 datastore_indexes_auto_xml_file, e)
404 return
405 else:
406 prev_auto_index_definitions = datastore_index.IndexDefinitions(indexes=[])
408 all_index_definitions = datastore_index.IndexDefinitions(
409 indexes=(manual_index_definitions.indexes +
410 prev_auto_index_definitions.indexes))
411 query_history = datastore_stub.QueryHistory()
412 auto_index_dict = GenerateIndexDictFromHistory(
413 query_history, all_index_definitions, manual_index_definitions)
414 auto_indexes, counts = self._IndexesFromIndexDict(auto_index_dict)
415 auto_index_definitions = datastore_index.IndexDefinitions(
416 indexes=auto_indexes)
417 if auto_index_definitions == prev_auto_index_definitions:
418 return
420 try:
421 appengine_generated = os.path.dirname(datastore_indexes_auto_xml_file)
422 if not os.path.exists(appengine_generated):
423 os.mkdir(appengine_generated)
424 with open(datastore_indexes_auto_xml_file, 'w') as f:
425 f.write(self._IndexXmlFromIndexes(auto_indexes, counts))
426 except os.error, err:
427 logging.error(
428 'Could not update %s: %s', datastore_indexes_auto_xml_file, err)
430 def _IndexesFromIndexDict(self, index_dict):
431 """Convert a query dictionary into the corresponding required indexes.
433 Args:
434 index_dict: Query history, a dict mapping datastore_pb.Query to a count
435 of the number of times that query has been issued.
437 Returns:
438 a tuple (indexes, counts) where indexes and counts are lists of the same
439 size, with each entry in indexes being a datastore_index.Index and each
440 entry in indexes being the count of the number of times the corresponding
441 query appeared in the history.
443 indexes = []
444 counts = []
445 for (kind, ancestor, props), count in sorted(index_dict.iteritems()):
446 properties = []
447 for name, direction_code in props:
448 direction = (
449 'asc' if direction_code == datastore_index.ASCENDING else 'desc')
450 properties.append(
451 datastore_index.Property(name=name, direction=direction))
453 indexes.append(datastore_index.Index(
454 kind=kind, ancestor=bool(ancestor), properties=properties))
455 counts.append(count)
457 return indexes, counts
459 def _IndexXmlFromIndexes(self, indexes, counts):
460 """Create <datastore-indexes> XML for the given indexes and query counts.
462 Args:
463 indexes: a list of datastore_index.Index objects that are the required
464 indexes.
465 counts: a list of integers that are the corresponding counts.
467 Returns:
468 the corresponding XML, with root node <datastore-indexes>.
470 lines = ['<datastore-indexes>']
471 for index, count in zip(indexes, counts):
472 lines.append(' <!-- Used %d time%s in query history -->'
473 % (count, 's' if count != 1 else ''))
474 lines.append(' <datastore-index kind="%s" ancestor="%s">'
475 % (index.kind, 'true' if index.ancestor else 'false'))
476 for prop in
477 lines.append(' <property name="%s" direction="%s" />'
478 % (, prop.direction))
479 lines.append(' </datastore-index>')
480 lines.append('</datastore-indexes>')
481 return '\n'.join(lines) + '\n'