App Engine Python SDK version 1.9.9
[gae.git] / python / google / appengine / tools /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
17 """Serves the stub App Engine APIs (e.g. memcache, datastore) over HTTP.
19 The Remote API protocol is used for communication.
20 """
22 from __future__ import with_statement
25 import BaseHTTPServer
26 import httplib
27 import logging
28 import os.path
29 import pickle
30 import socket
31 import SocketServer
32 import subprocess
33 import sys
34 import tempfile
35 import threading
36 import time
37 import traceback
38 import urllib2
39 import urlparse
40 import wsgiref.headers
42 import google
43 import yaml
46 from google.appengine.api import mail_stub
47 from google.appengine.api import request_info
48 from google.appengine.api import urlfetch_stub
49 from google.appengine.api import user_service_stub
50 from google.appengine.api.app_identity import app_identity_stub
51 from google.appengine.api.blobstore import blobstore_stub
52 from google.appengine.api.blobstore import file_blob_storage
53 from google.appengine.api.capabilities import capability_stub
54 from import channel_service_stub
55 from google.appengine.api.files import file_service_stub
56 from google.appengine.api.logservice import logservice_stub
57 from import simple_search_stub
58 from google.appengine.api.taskqueue import taskqueue_stub
59 from google.appengine.api.prospective_search import prospective_search_stub
60 from google.appengine.api.memcache import memcache_stub
61 from google.appengine.api.system import system_stub
62 from google.appengine.api.xmpp import xmpp_service_stub
63 from google.appengine.api import datastore_file_stub
64 from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_sqlite_stub
65 from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_stub_util
66 from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_v4_stub
68 from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
69 from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_pb
70 from google.appengine.ext.remote_api import remote_api_services
71 from google.appengine.runtime import apiproxy_errors
74 QUIT_PATH = '/quit'
77 GLOBAL_API_LOCK = threading.RLock()
80 class Error(Exception):
81 pass
84 def _ClearDatastoreStorage(datastore_path):
85 """Delete the datastore storage file at the given path."""
87 if os.path.lexists(datastore_path):
88 try:
89 os.remove(datastore_path)
90 except OSError, e:
91 logging.warning('Failed to remove datastore file %r: %s',
92 datastore_path,
96 def _ClearProspectiveSearchStorage(prospective_search_path):
97 """Delete the perspective search storage file at the given path."""
99 if os.path.lexists(prospective_search_path):
100 try:
101 os.remove(prospective_search_path)
102 except OSError, e:
103 logging.warning('Failed to remove prospective search file %r: %s',
104 prospective_search_path,
110 THREAD_SAFE_SERVICES = frozenset((
111 'app_identity_service',
112 'capability_service',
113 'channel',
114 'logservice',
115 'mail',
116 'memcache',
117 'remote_socket',
118 'urlfetch',
119 'user',
120 'xmpp',
124 def _ExecuteRequest(request):
125 """Executes an API method call and returns the response object.
127 Args:
128 request: A remote_api.Request object representing the API call e.g. a call
129 to memcache.Get.
131 Returns:
132 A ProtocolBuffer.ProtocolMessage representing the API response e.g. a
133 memcache_service_pb.MemcacheGetResponse.
135 Raises:
136 apiproxy_errors.CallNotFoundError: if the requested method doesn't exist.
137 apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError: if the API method calls fails.
139 service = request.service_name()
140 method = request.method()
141 service_methods = remote_api_services.SERVICE_PB_MAP.get(service, {})
142 request_class, response_class = service_methods.get(method, (None, None))
143 if not request_class:
144 raise apiproxy_errors.CallNotFoundError('%s.%s does not exist' % (service,
145 method))
147 request_data = request_class()
148 request_data.ParseFromString(request.request())
149 response_data = response_class()
151 def MakeRequest():
152 apiproxy_stub_map.MakeSyncCall(service, method, request_data,
153 response_data)
157 if service in THREAD_SAFE_SERVICES:
158 MakeRequest()
159 else:
161 MakeRequest()
162 return response_data
165 class APIRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
166 """Handler for all API server HTTP requests."""
168 def log_message(self, format, *args):
169 logging.debug(format, *args)
171 def do_GET(self):
172 if self.path == QUIT_PATH:
173 self._HandleShutdown()
174 else:
175 params = urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(self.path).query)
176 rtok = params.get('rtok', ['0'])[0]
178 self.send_response(httplib.OK)
179 self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
180 self.end_headers()
181 self.wfile.write(yaml.dump({
182 'app_id': self.server.app_id,
183 'rtok': rtok,
186 def _HandleShutdown(self):
187 """Handles a request for the API Server to exit."""
188 self.send_response(httplib.OK)
189 self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
190 self.end_headers()
191 self.wfile.write('API Server Quitting')
192 self.server.shutdown()
194 def do_POST(self):
195 """Handles a single API request e.g. memcache.Get()."""
196 self.send_response(httplib.OK)
197 self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
198 self.end_headers()
200 response = remote_api_pb.Response()
201 try:
202 request = remote_api_pb.Request()
206 request.ParseFromString(
208 api_response = _ExecuteRequest(request).Encode()
209 response.set_response(api_response)
210 except Exception, e:
211 logging.debug('Exception while handling %s\n%s',
212 request,
213 traceback.format_exc())
214 response.set_exception(pickle.dumps(e))
215 if isinstance(e, apiproxy_errors.ApplicationError):
216 application_error = response.mutable_application_error()
217 application_error.set_code(e.application_error)
218 application_error.set_detail(e.error_detail)
219 self.wfile.write(response.Encode())
222 class APIServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
223 """Serves API calls over HTTP."""
225 def __init__(self, server_address, app_id):
226 BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, server_address, APIRequestHandler)
227 self.app_id = app_id
230 def _SetupStubs(
231 app_id,
232 application_root,
233 appidentity_email_address,
234 appidentity_private_key_path,
235 trusted,
236 blobstore_path,
237 use_sqlite,
238 auto_id_policy,
239 high_replication,
240 datastore_path,
241 datastore_require_indexes,
242 images_host_prefix,
243 logs_path,
244 mail_smtp_host,
245 mail_smtp_port,
246 mail_smtp_user,
247 mail_smtp_password,
248 mail_enable_sendmail,
249 mail_show_mail_body,
250 mail_allow_tls,
251 matcher_prospective_search_path,
252 taskqueue_auto_run_tasks,
253 taskqueue_task_retry_seconds,
254 taskqueue_default_http_server,
255 user_login_url,
256 user_logout_url,
257 default_gcs_bucket_name):
258 """Configures the APIs hosted by this server.
260 Args:
261 app_id: The str application id e.g. "guestbook".
262 application_root: The path to the directory containing the user's
263 application e.g. "/home/bquinlan/myapp".
264 trusted: A bool indicating if privileged APIs should be made available.
265 blobstore_path: The path to the file that should be used for blobstore
266 storage.
267 use_sqlite: A bool indicating whether DatastoreSqliteStub or
268 DatastoreFileStub should be used.
269 auto_id_policy: One of datastore_stub_util.SEQUENTIAL or .SCATTERED,
270 indicating whether the Datastore stub should assign IDs sequentially
271 or scattered.
272 high_replication: A bool indicating whether to use the high replication
273 consistency model.
274 datastore_path: The path to the file that should be used for datastore
275 storage.
276 datastore_require_indexes: A bool indicating if the same production
277 datastore indexes requirements should be enforced i.e. if True then
278 a google.appengine.ext.db.NeedIndexError will be be raised if a query
279 is executed without the required indexes.
280 images_host_prefix: The URL prefix (protocol://host:port) to preprend to
281 image urls on calls to images.GetUrlBase.
282 logs_path: Path to the file to store the logs data in.
283 mail_smtp_host: The SMTP hostname that should be used when sending e-mails.
284 If None then the mail_enable_sendmail argument is considered.
285 mail_smtp_port: The SMTP port number that should be used when sending
286 e-mails. If this value is None then mail_smtp_host must also be None.
287 mail_smtp_user: The username to use when authenticating with the
288 SMTP server. This value may be None if mail_smtp_host is also None or if
289 the SMTP server does not require authentication.
290 mail_smtp_password: The password to use when authenticating with the
291 SMTP server. This value may be None if mail_smtp_host or mail_smtp_user
292 is also None.
293 mail_enable_sendmail: A bool indicating if sendmail should be used when
294 sending e-mails. This argument is ignored if mail_smtp_host is not None.
295 mail_show_mail_body: A bool indicating whether the body of sent e-mails
296 should be written to the logs.
297 mail_allow_tls: A bool indicating whether to allow TLS support.
298 matcher_prospective_search_path: The path to the file that should be used to
299 save prospective search subscriptions.
300 taskqueue_auto_run_tasks: A bool indicating whether taskqueue tasks should
301 be run automatically or it the must be manually triggered.
302 taskqueue_task_retry_seconds: An int representing the number of seconds to
303 wait before a retrying a failed taskqueue task.
304 taskqueue_default_http_server: A str containing the address of the http
305 server that should be used to execute tasks.
306 user_login_url: A str containing the url that should be used for user login.
307 user_logout_url: A str containing the url that should be used for user
308 logout.
309 default_gcs_bucket_name: A str overriding the usual default bucket name.
316 os.environ['APPLICATION_ID'] = app_id
320 tmp_app_identity_stub = app_identity_stub.AppIdentityServiceStub.Create(
321 email_address=appidentity_email_address,
322 private_key_path=appidentity_private_key_path)
323 if default_gcs_bucket_name is not None:
324 tmp_app_identity_stub.SetDefaultGcsBucketName(default_gcs_bucket_name)
325 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
326 'app_identity_service', tmp_app_identity_stub)
328 blob_storage = file_blob_storage.FileBlobStorage(blobstore_path, app_id)
329 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
330 'blobstore',
331 blobstore_stub.BlobstoreServiceStub(blob_storage))
333 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
334 'capability_service',
335 capability_stub.CapabilityServiceStub())
344 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
345 'channel',
346 channel_service_stub.ChannelServiceStub())
348 if use_sqlite:
349 datastore = datastore_sqlite_stub.DatastoreSqliteStub(
350 app_id,
351 datastore_path,
352 datastore_require_indexes,
353 trusted,
354 root_path=application_root,
355 auto_id_policy=auto_id_policy)
356 else:
357 datastore = datastore_file_stub.DatastoreFileStub(
358 app_id,
359 datastore_path,
360 datastore_require_indexes,
361 trusted,
362 root_path=application_root,
363 auto_id_policy=auto_id_policy)
365 if high_replication:
366 datastore.SetConsistencyPolicy(
367 datastore_stub_util.TimeBasedHRConsistencyPolicy())
369 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
370 'datastore_v3', datastore)
372 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
373 'datastore_v4',
374 datastore_v4_stub.DatastoreV4Stub(app_id))
376 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
377 'file',
378 file_service_stub.FileServiceStub(blob_storage))
380 try:
381 from google.appengine.api.images import images_stub
382 except ImportError:
385 logging.warning('Could not initialize images API; you are likely missing '
386 'the Python "PIL" module.')
388 from google.appengine.api.images import images_not_implemented_stub
389 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
390 'images',
391 images_not_implemented_stub.ImagesNotImplementedServiceStub())
392 else:
393 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
394 'images',
395 images_stub.ImagesServiceStub(host_prefix=images_host_prefix))
397 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
398 'logservice',
399 logservice_stub.LogServiceStub(logs_path=logs_path))
401 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
402 'mail',
403 mail_stub.MailServiceStub(mail_smtp_host,
404 mail_smtp_port,
405 mail_smtp_user,
406 mail_smtp_password,
407 enable_sendmail=mail_enable_sendmail,
408 show_mail_body=mail_show_mail_body,
409 allow_tls=mail_allow_tls))
411 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
412 'memcache',
413 memcache_stub.MemcacheServiceStub())
415 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
416 'search',
417 simple_search_stub.SearchServiceStub())
419 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub('system',
420 system_stub.SystemServiceStub())
422 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
423 'taskqueue',
424 taskqueue_stub.TaskQueueServiceStub(
425 root_path=application_root,
426 auto_task_running=taskqueue_auto_run_tasks,
427 task_retry_seconds=taskqueue_task_retry_seconds,
428 default_http_server=taskqueue_default_http_server))
429 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('taskqueue').StartBackgroundExecution()
431 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
432 'urlfetch',
433 urlfetch_stub.URLFetchServiceStub())
435 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
436 'user',
437 user_service_stub.UserServiceStub(login_url=user_login_url,
438 logout_url=user_logout_url))
440 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
441 'xmpp',
442 xmpp_service_stub.XmppServiceStub())
444 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.RegisterStub(
445 'matcher',
446 prospective_search_stub.ProspectiveSearchStub(
447 matcher_prospective_search_path,
448 apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('taskqueue')))
451 def _TearDownStubs():
452 """Clean up any stubs that need cleanup."""
454'Applying all pending transactions and saving the datastore')
455 datastore_stub = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('datastore_v3')
456 datastore_stub.Write()
459 def ParseCommandArguments(args):
460 """Parses and the application's command line arguments.
462 Args:
463 args: A list of command line arguments *not* including the executable or
464 script e.g. ['-A' 'myapp', '--api_port=8000'].
466 Returns:
467 An object containing the values passed in the commandline as attributes.
469 Raises:
470 SystemExit: if the argument parsing fails.
475 import argparse
476 from import boolean_action
478 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
479 parser.add_argument('-A', '--application', required=True)
480 parser.add_argument('--api_host', default='')
482 parser.add_argument('--api_port', default=8000, type=int)
483 parser.add_argument('--trusted',
484 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
485 const=True,
486 default=False)
487 parser.add_argument('--appidentity_email_address', default=None)
488 parser.add_argument('--appidentity_private_key_path', default=None)
489 parser.add_argument('--application_root', default=None)
490 parser.add_argument('--application_host', default='localhost')
491 parser.add_argument('--application_port', default=None)
494 parser.add_argument('--blobstore_path', default=None)
497 parser.add_argument('--datastore_path', default=None)
499 parser.add_argument('--auto_id_policy', default='scattered',
500 type=lambda s: s.lower(),
501 choices=(datastore_stub_util.SEQUENTIAL,
502 datastore_stub_util.SCATTERED))
504 parser.add_argument('--use_sqlite',
505 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
506 const=True,
507 default=False)
508 parser.add_argument('--high_replication',
509 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
510 const=True,
511 default=False)
512 parser.add_argument('--require_indexes',
513 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
514 const=True,
515 default=False)
516 parser.add_argument('--clear_datastore',
517 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
518 const=True,
519 default=False)
522 parser.add_argument('--logs_path', default=None)
525 parser.add_argument('--enable_sendmail',
526 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
527 const=True,
528 default=False)
529 parser.add_argument('--smtp_host', default='')
531 parser.add_argument('--smtp_port', default=25, type=int)
532 parser.add_argument('--smtp_user', default='')
533 parser.add_argument('--smtp_password', default='')
534 parser.add_argument('--show_mail_body',
535 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
536 const=True,
537 default=False)
538 parser.add_argument('--smtp_allow_tls',
539 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
540 const=True,
541 default=True)
544 parser.add_argument('--prospective_search_path', default=None)
545 parser.add_argument('--clear_prospective_search',
546 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
547 const=True,
548 default=False)
551 parser.add_argument('--enable_task_running',
552 action=boolean_action.BooleanAction,
553 const=True,
554 default=True)
556 parser.add_argument('--task_retry_seconds', default=30, type=int)
559 parser.add_argument('--user_login_url', default=None)
560 parser.add_argument('--user_logout_url', default=None)
562 return parser.parse_args(args)
565 class APIServerProcess(object):
566 """Manages an API Server running as a seperate process."""
573 def __init__(self,
574 executable,
575 host,
576 port,
577 app_id,
578 script=None,
579 appidentity_email_address=None,
580 appidentity_private_key_path=None,
581 application_host=None,
582 application_port=None,
583 application_root=None,
584 auto_id_policy=None,
585 blobstore_path=None,
586 clear_datastore=None,
587 clear_prospective_search=None,
588 datastore_path=None,
589 enable_sendmail=None,
590 enable_task_running=None,
591 high_replication=None,
592 logs_path=None,
593 prospective_search_path=None,
594 require_indexes=None,
595 show_mail_body=None,
596 smtp_host=None,
597 smtp_password=None,
598 smtp_port=None,
599 smtp_user=None,
600 smtp_allow_tls=None,
601 task_retry_seconds=None,
602 trusted=None,
603 use_sqlite=None,
604 default_gcs_bucket_name=None):
605 """Configures the APIs hosted by this server.
607 Args:
608 executable: The path of the executable to use when running the API Server
609 e.g. "/usr/bin/python".
610 host: The host name that should be used by the API Server e.g.
611 "localhost".
612 port: The port number that should be used by the API Server e.g. 8080.
613 app_id: The str application id e.g. "guestbook".
614 script: The name of the script that should be used, along with the
615 executable argument, to run the API Server e.g. "".
616 If None then the executable is run without a script argument.
617 appidentity_email_address: Email address for service account substitute.
618 appidentity_private_key_path: Private key for service account substitute.
619 application_host: The name of the host where the development application
620 server is running e.g. "localhost".
621 application_port: The port where the application server is running e.g.
622 8000.
623 application_root: The path to the directory containing the user's
624 application e.g. "/home/bquinlan/myapp".
625 auto_id_policy: One of "sequential" or "scattered", indicating whether
626 the Datastore stub should assign IDs sequentially or scattered.
627 blobstore_path: The path to the file that should be used for blobstore
628 storage.
629 clear_datastore: Clears the file at datastore_path, emptying the
630 datastore from previous runs.
631 clear_prospective_search: Clears the file at prospective_search_path,
632 emptying the perspective search state from previous runs.
633 datastore_path: The path to the file that should be used for datastore
634 storage.
635 enable_sendmail: A bool indicating if sendmail should be used when sending
636 e-mails. This argument is ignored if mail_smtp_host is not None.
637 enable_task_running: A bool indicating whether taskqueue tasks should
638 be run automatically or it the must be manually triggered.
639 high_replication: A bool indicating whether to use the high replication
640 consistency model.
641 logs_path: Path to the file to store the logs data in.
642 prospective_search_path: The path to the file that should be used to
643 save prospective search subscriptions.
644 require_indexes: A bool indicating if the same production
645 datastore indexes requirements should be enforced i.e. if True then
646 a google.appengine.ext.db.NeedIndexError will be be raised if a query
647 is executed without the required indexes.
648 show_mail_body: A bool indicating whether the body of sent e-mails
649 should be written to the logs.
650 smtp_host: The SMTP hostname that should be used when sending e-mails.
651 If None then the enable_sendmail argument is considered.
652 smtp_password: The password to use when authenticating with the
653 SMTP server. This value may be None if smtp_host or smtp_user
654 is also None.
655 smtp_port: The SMTP port number that should be used when sending
656 e-mails. If this value is None then smtp_host must also be None.
657 smtp_user: The username to use when authenticating with the
658 SMTP server. This value may be None if smtp_host is also None or if
659 the SMTP server does not require authentication.
660 smtp_allow_tls: A bool indicating whether to enable TLS.
661 task_retry_seconds: An int representing the number of seconds to
662 wait before a retrying a failed taskqueue task.
663 trusted: A bool indicating if privileged APIs should be made available.
664 use_sqlite: A bool indicating whether DatastoreSqliteStub or
665 DatastoreFileStub should be used.
666 default_gcs_bucket_name: A str overriding the normal default bucket name.
668 self._process = None
669 self._host = host
670 self._port = port
671 if script:
672 self._args = [executable, script]
673 else:
674 self._args = [executable]
675 self._BindArgument('--api_host', host)
676 self._BindArgument('--api_port', port)
677 self._BindArgument('--appidentity_email_address', appidentity_email_address)
678 self._BindArgument('--appidentity_private_key_path', appidentity_private_key_path)
679 self._BindArgument('--application_host', application_host)
680 self._BindArgument('--application_port', application_port)
681 self._BindArgument('--application_root', application_root)
682 self._BindArgument('--application', app_id)
683 self._BindArgument('--auto_id_policy', auto_id_policy)
684 self._BindArgument('--blobstore_path', blobstore_path)
685 self._BindArgument('--clear_datastore', clear_datastore)
686 self._BindArgument('--clear_prospective_search', clear_prospective_search)
687 self._BindArgument('--datastore_path', datastore_path)
688 self._BindArgument('--enable_sendmail', enable_sendmail)
689 self._BindArgument('--enable_task_running', enable_task_running)
690 self._BindArgument('--high_replication', high_replication)
691 self._BindArgument('--logs_path', logs_path)
692 self._BindArgument('--prospective_search_path', prospective_search_path)
693 self._BindArgument('--require_indexes', require_indexes)
694 self._BindArgument('--show_mail_body', show_mail_body)
695 self._BindArgument('--smtp_host', smtp_host)
696 self._BindArgument('--smtp_password', smtp_password)
697 self._BindArgument('--smtp_port', smtp_port)
698 self._BindArgument('--smtp_user', smtp_user)
699 self._BindArgument('--smtp_allow_tls', smtp_allow_tls)
700 self._BindArgument('--task_retry_seconds', task_retry_seconds)
701 self._BindArgument('--trusted', trusted)
702 self._BindArgument('--use_sqlite', use_sqlite)
703 self._BindArgument('--default_gcs_bucket_name', default_gcs_bucket_name)
705 @property
706 def url(self):
707 """Returns the URL that should be used to communicate with the server."""
708 return 'http://%s:%d' % (self._host, self._port)
710 def __repr__(self):
711 return '<APIServerProcess command=%r>' % ' '.join(self._args)
713 def Start(self):
714 """Starts the API Server process."""
718 assert not self._process, 'Start() can only be called once'
719 self._process = subprocess.Popen(self._args)
721 def _CanConnect(self):
722 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
723 try:
724 s.connect((self._host, self._port))
725 except socket.error:
726 connected = False
727 else:
728 connected = True
729 s.close()
730 return connected
732 def WaitUntilServing(self, timeout=30.0):
733 """Waits until the API Server is ready to handle requests.
735 Args:
736 timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait for the server to be ready.
738 Raises:
739 Error: if the server process exits or is not ready in "timeout" seconds.
741 assert self._process, 'server was not started'
742 finish_time = time.time() + timeout
743 while time.time() < finish_time:
744 if self._process.poll() is not None:
745 raise Error('server has already exited with return: %r',
746 self._process.returncode)
747 if self._CanConnect():
748 return
749 time.sleep(0.2)
750 raise Error('server did not start after %f seconds', timeout)
752 def _BindArgument(self, argument, value):
753 if value is not None:
754 self._args.append('%s=%s' % (argument, value))
756 def Quit(self, timeout=5.0):
757 """Causes the API Server process to exit.
759 Args:
760 timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait for an orderly shutdown
761 before forceably killing the process.
763 assert self._process, 'server was not started'
764 if self._process.poll() is None:
765 try:
766 urllib2.urlopen(self.url + QUIT_PATH)
767 except urllib2.URLError:
770 pass
772 finish_time = time.time() + timeout
773 while time.time() < finish_time and self._process.poll() is None:
774 time.sleep(0.2)
775 if self._process.returncode is None:
776 logging.warning('api_server did not quit cleanly, killing')
777 self._process.kill()
780 class ApiServerDispatcher(request_info._LocalFakeDispatcher):
781 """An api_server Dispatcher implementation."""
783 def add_request(self, method, relative_url, headers, body, source_ip,
784 server_name=None, version=None, instance_id=None):
785 """Process an HTTP request.
787 Args:
788 method: A str containing the HTTP method of the request.
789 relative_url: A str containing path and query string of the request.
790 headers: A list of (key, value) tuples where key and value are both str.
791 body: A str containing the request body.
792 source_ip: The source ip address for the request.
793 server_name: An optional str containing the server name to service this
794 request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to the default
795 server.
796 version: An optional str containing the version to service this request.
797 If unset, the request will be dispatched to the default version.
798 instance_id: An optional str containing the instance_id of the instance to
799 service this request. If unset, the request will be dispatched to
800 according to the load-balancing for the server and version.
802 Returns:
803 A request_info.ResponseTuple containing the response information for the
804 HTTP request.
806 try:
807 header_dict = wsgiref.headers.Headers(headers)
808 connection_host = header_dict.get('host')
809 connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(connection_host)
812 connection.putrequest(
813 method, relative_url,
814 skip_host='host' in header_dict,
815 skip_accept_encoding='accept-encoding' in header_dict)
817 for header_key, header_value in headers:
818 connection.putheader(header_key, header_value)
819 connection.endheaders()
820 connection.send(body)
822 response = connection.getresponse()
824 response.close()
826 return request_info.ResponseTuple(
827 '%d %s' % (response.status, response.reason), [], '')
828 except (httplib.HTTPException, socket.error):
829 logging.exception(
830 'An error occured while sending a %s request to "%s%s"',
831 method, connection_host, relative_url)
832 return request_info.ResponseTuple('0', [], '')
835 def main():
837 logging.basicConfig(
838 level=logging.INFO,
839 format='[API Server] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s')
841 args = ParseCommandArguments(sys.argv[1:])
843 if args.clear_datastore:
844 _ClearDatastoreStorage(args.datastore_path)
846 if args.clear_prospective_search:
847 _ClearProspectiveSearchStorage(args.prospective_search_path)
849 if args.blobstore_path is None:
850 _, blobstore_temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='ae-blobstore')
851 args.blobstore_path = blobstore_temp_filename
853 if args.datastore_path is None:
854 _, datastore_temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='ae-datastore')
855 args.datastore_path = datastore_temp_filename
857 if args.prospective_search_path is None:
858 _, prospective_search_temp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(
859 prefix='ae-prospective_search')
860 args.prospective_search_path = prospective_search_temp_filename
862 if args.application_host:
863 application_address = args.application_host
864 if args.application_port and args.application_port != 80:
865 application_address += ':' + str(args.application_port)
866 else:
867 application_address = None
869 if not hasattr(args, 'default_gcs_bucket_name'):
870 args.default_gcs_bucket_name = None
872 request_info._local_dispatcher = ApiServerDispatcher()
873 _SetupStubs(app_id=args.application,
874 application_root=args.application_root,
875 appidentity_email_address=args.appidentity_email_address,
876 appidentity_private_key_path=args.appidentity_private_key_path,
877 trusted=args.trusted,
878 blobstore_path=args.blobstore_path,
879 datastore_path=args.datastore_path,
880 use_sqlite=args.use_sqlite,
881 auto_id_policy=args.auto_id_policy,
882 high_replication=args.high_replication,
883 datastore_require_indexes=args.require_indexes,
884 images_host_prefix=application_address,
885 logs_path=args.logs_path,
886 mail_smtp_host=args.smtp_host,
887 mail_smtp_port=args.smtp_port,
888 mail_smtp_user=args.smtp_user,
889 mail_smtp_password=args.smtp_password,
890 mail_enable_sendmail=args.enable_sendmail,
891 mail_show_mail_body=args.show_mail_body,
892 mail_allow_tls=args.smtp_allow_tls,
893 matcher_prospective_search_path=args.prospective_search_path,
894 taskqueue_auto_run_tasks=args.enable_task_running,
895 taskqueue_task_retry_seconds=args.task_retry_seconds,
896 taskqueue_default_http_server=application_address,
897 user_login_url=args.user_login_url,
898 user_logout_url=args.user_logout_url,
899 default_gcs_bucket_name=args.default_gcs_bucket_name)
900 server = APIServer((args.api_host, args.api_port), args.application)
901 try:
902 server.serve_forever()
903 finally:
904 _TearDownStubs()
907 if __name__ == '__main__':
908 try:
909 main()
910 except KeyboardInterrupt:
911 pass