Remove the executable bit from the guestbook high-replication demo.
[gae-samples.git] / shell /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 #
11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 # limitations under the License.
17 """
18 An interactive, stateful AJAX shell that runs Python code on the server.
20 Part of
22 May be run as a standalone app or in an existing app as an admin-only handler.
23 Can be used for system administration tasks, as an interactive way to try out
24 APIs, or as a debugging aid during development.
26 The logging, os, sys, db, and users modules are imported automatically.
28 Interpreter state is stored in the datastore so that variables, function
29 definitions, and other values in the global and local namespaces can be used
30 across commands.
32 To use the shell in your app, copy, static/*, and templates/* into
33 your app's source directory. Then, copy the URL handlers from app.yaml into
34 your app.yaml.
36 TODO: unit tests!
37 """
39 import logging
40 import new
41 import os
42 import pickle
43 import sys
44 import traceback
45 import types
46 import wsgiref.handlers
48 from google.appengine.api import users
49 from google.appengine.ext import db
50 from google.appengine.ext import webapp
51 from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template
54 # Set to True if stack traces should be shown in the browser, etc.
55 _DEBUG = True
57 # The entity kind for shell sessions. Feel free to rename to suit your app.
58 _SESSION_KIND = '_Shell_Session'
60 # Types that can't be pickled.
62 types.ModuleType,
63 types.TypeType,
64 types.ClassType,
65 types.FunctionType,
68 # Unpicklable statements to seed new sessions with.
70 'import logging',
71 'import os',
72 'import sys',
73 'from google.appengine.ext import db',
74 'from google.appengine.api import users',
75 'class Foo(db.Expando):\n pass',
79 class Session(db.Model):
80 """A shell session. Stores the session's globals.
82 Each session globals is stored in one of two places:
84 If the global is picklable, it's stored in the parallel globals and
85 global_names list properties. (They're parallel lists to work around the
86 unfortunate fact that the datastore can't store dictionaries natively.)
88 If the global is not picklable (e.g. modules, classes, and functions), or if
89 it was created by the same statement that created an unpicklable global,
90 it's not stored directly. Instead, the statement is stored in the
91 unpicklables list property. On each request, before executing the current
92 statement, the unpicklable statements are evaluated to recreate the
93 unpicklable globals.
95 The unpicklable_names property stores all of the names of globals that were
96 added by unpicklable statements. When we pickle and store the globals after
97 executing a statement, we skip the ones in unpicklable_names.
99 Using Text instead of string is an optimization. We don't query on any of
100 these properties, so they don't need to be indexed.
102 global_names = db.ListProperty(db.Text)
103 globals = db.ListProperty(db.Blob)
104 unpicklable_names = db.ListProperty(db.Text)
105 unpicklables = db.ListProperty(db.Text)
107 def set_global(self, name, value):
108 """Adds a global, or updates it if it already exists.
110 Also removes the global from the list of unpicklable names.
112 Args:
113 name: the name of the global to remove
114 value: any picklable value
116 blob = db.Blob(pickle.dumps(value))
118 if name in self.global_names:
119 index = self.global_names.index(name)
120 self.globals[index] = blob
121 else:
122 self.global_names.append(db.Text(name))
123 self.globals.append(blob)
125 self.remove_unpicklable_name(name)
127 def remove_global(self, name):
128 """Removes a global, if it exists.
130 Args:
131 name: string, the name of the global to remove
133 if name in self.global_names:
134 index = self.global_names.index(name)
135 del self.global_names[index]
136 del self.globals[index]
138 def globals_dict(self):
139 """Returns a dictionary view of the globals.
141 return dict((name, pickle.loads(val))
142 for name, val in zip(self.global_names, self.globals))
144 def add_unpicklable(self, statement, names):
145 """Adds a statement and list of names to the unpicklables.
147 Also removes the names from the globals.
149 Args:
150 statement: string, the statement that created new unpicklable global(s).
151 names: list of strings; the names of the globals created by the statement.
153 self.unpicklables.append(db.Text(statement))
155 for name in names:
156 self.remove_global(name)
157 if name not in self.unpicklable_names:
158 self.unpicklable_names.append(db.Text(name))
160 def remove_unpicklable_name(self, name):
161 """Removes a name from the list of unpicklable names, if it exists.
163 Args:
164 name: string, the name of the unpicklable global to remove
166 if name in self.unpicklable_names:
167 self.unpicklable_names.remove(name)
170 class FrontPageHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
171 """Creates a new session and renders the shell.html template.
174 def get(self):
175 # set up the session. TODO: garbage collect old shell sessions
176 session_key = self.request.get('session')
177 if session_key:
178 session = Session.get(session_key)
179 else:
180 # create a new session
181 session = Session()
182 session.unpicklables = [db.Text(line) for line in INITIAL_UNPICKLABLES]
183 session_key = session.put()
185 template_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'templates',
186 'shell.html')
187 session_url = '/?session=%s' % session_key
188 vars = { 'server_software': os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
189 'python_version': sys.version,
190 'session': str(session_key),
191 'user': users.get_current_user(),
192 'login_url': users.create_login_url(session_url),
193 'logout_url': users.create_logout_url(session_url),
195 rendered = webapp.template.render(template_file, vars, debug=_DEBUG)
196 self.response.out.write(rendered)
199 class StatementHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
200 """Evaluates a python statement in a given session and returns the result.
203 def get(self):
204 self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
206 # extract the statement to be run
207 statement = self.request.get('statement')
208 if not statement:
209 return
211 # the python compiler doesn't like network line endings
212 statement = statement.replace('\r\n', '\n')
214 # add a couple newlines at the end of the statement. this makes
215 # single-line expressions such as 'class Foo: pass' evaluate happily.
216 statement += '\n\n'
218 # log and compile the statement up front
219 try:
220'Compiling and evaluating:\n%s' % statement)
221 compiled = compile(statement, '<string>', 'single')
222 except:
223 self.response.out.write(traceback.format_exc())
224 return
226 # create a dedicated module to be used as this statement's __main__
227 statement_module = new.module('__main__')
229 # use this request's __builtin__, since it changes on each request.
230 # this is needed for import statements, among other things.
231 import __builtin__
232 statement_module.__builtins__ = __builtin__
234 # load the session from the datastore
235 session = Session.get(self.request.get('session'))
237 # swap in our custom module for __main__. then unpickle the session
238 # globals, run the statement, and re-pickle the session globals, all
239 # inside it.
240 old_main = sys.modules.get('__main__')
241 try:
242 sys.modules['__main__'] = statement_module
243 statement_module.__name__ = '__main__'
245 # re-evaluate the unpicklables
246 for code in session.unpicklables:
247 exec code in statement_module.__dict__
249 # re-initialize the globals
250 for name, val in session.globals_dict().items():
251 try:
252 statement_module.__dict__[name] = val
253 except:
254 msg = 'Dropping %s since it could not be unpickled.\n' % name
255 self.response.out.write(msg)
256 logging.warning(msg + traceback.format_exc())
257 session.remove_global(name)
259 # run!
260 old_globals = dict(statement_module.__dict__)
261 try:
262 old_stdout = sys.stdout
263 old_stderr = sys.stderr
264 try:
265 sys.stdout = self.response.out
266 sys.stderr = self.response.out
267 exec compiled in statement_module.__dict__
268 finally:
269 sys.stdout = old_stdout
270 sys.stderr = old_stderr
271 except:
272 self.response.out.write(traceback.format_exc())
273 return
275 # extract the new globals that this statement added
276 new_globals = {}
277 for name, val in statement_module.__dict__.items():
278 if name not in old_globals or val != old_globals[name]:
279 new_globals[name] = val
281 if True in [isinstance(val, UNPICKLABLE_TYPES)
282 for val in new_globals.values()]:
283 # this statement added an unpicklable global. store the statement and
284 # the names of all of the globals it added in the unpicklables.
285 session.add_unpicklable(statement, new_globals.keys())
286 logging.debug('Storing this statement as an unpicklable.')
288 else:
289 # this statement didn't add any unpicklables. pickle and store the
290 # new globals back into the datastore.
291 for name, val in new_globals.items():
292 if not name.startswith('__'):
293 session.set_global(name, val)
295 finally:
296 sys.modules['__main__'] = old_main
298 session.put()
301 def main():
302 application = webapp.WSGIApplication(
303 [('/', FrontPageHandler),
304 ('/', StatementHandler)], debug=_DEBUG)
305 wsgiref.handlers.CGIHandler().run(application)
308 if __name__ == '__main__':
309 main()