update to reflect API changes
[gae-samples.git] / myhangouts / myhangouts.html
1 <html>
2 <head>
3 <title>My Hangouts</title>
4 <link href="/static/css/myhangouts.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
5 </head>
6 <body>
8 <div class="wrapper" id="wrapper">
9 <div class="header" class="header"><h1>My Hangouts</h1>
10 <div class="login">
11 {% if current_user %}
12 <b>{{ current_user|escape }}</b> | <a href="{{ logout_url }}">Sign Out</a>
13 {% else %}
14 <a href="{{ login_url }}">Sign In</a>
15 {% endif %}
16 </div>
18 <div> <form name="user" class="right">
19 Select a user: <select onChange="server.GetLocations(this.value, DisplayLocations);server.display_user = this.value;" name="user"/>
20 {% for user in users %}
21 <option value="{{ user.email }}">{{ user.email }}</option>
22 {% endfor %}
23 </select>
24 </form>
26 </div>
27 <div class="map" id="map"> </div>
28 <div class="list" id="list"> </div>
29 <div class="top">
30 <form class="left" onSubmit="return false;">
31 <input type=submit value="Update Display"
32 onClick="server.GetLocations(server.display_user, DisplayLocations);"/>
33 </form>
34 </div>
35 <div class="body" id="body">
36 {% if current_user %}
37 <form name=addr
38 onSubmit="GeocodeAddLocation(this.address.value, this.name.value); this.reset(); return false;">
39 <table>
40 <tr><td align=right nowrap>Location Name: <td colspan=3><input type=text name=name size=40/></td></tr>
41 <tr><td align=right nowrap>Address: </td><td colspan=2><input type=text name=address size=40/></td>
42 <td><input type=submit value="Add" /></td></tr>
43 </table>
44 </form>
45 {% else %}
46 Please <a href="{{ login_url }}">sign in</a> to add a new location.
47 {% endif %}
48 <div> <!-- End Wrapper -->
49 </script>
50 <script language="javascript" src="/static/json.js"> </script>
51 <script language="javascript" src="/static/client.js"> </script>
52 <script language="javascript" src="/static/geocode.js"> </script>
54 <!-- The key for the Google Maps API will work only for http://localhost:8080.
55 To retrieve a new key go to http://code.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html-->
56 <script language="javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=js&v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAALrh5mwxiKkNrHuqNwGGHJRTwM0brOpm-All5BF6PoaKBxRWWERQ6Ykd3tAT6M4xWsQW4l2QU6snihg"> </script>
57 <script language="javascript" src="/static/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"> </script>
59 <script>
61 server = { user: "{% if current_user %}{{ current_user.nickname }}{% endif %}",
62 display_user: "{% if display_user %}{{ display_user.nickname }}{% endif %}",
63 login_url: "{{ login_url }}" };
64 function InstallFunction(name) {
65 server[name] = function() { AE_CallRemote(name, arguments); }
67 InstallFunction("AddLocation");
68 InstallFunction("GetLocations");
69 InstallFunction("RemoveLocation");
71 </script>
73 <script language="javascript">
74 //<![CDATA[
76 // Set up the map
77 var map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
78 map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
79 // Set up globals
80 var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
81 var clickMarker = null;
82 var selectionMarker = null;
83 var list = document.getElementById('list');
84 list.selection = null;
85 list.deselect = function() {
86 if (this.selection)
87 this.selection.elem.className = "item";
88 this.selection = null;
91 // Reset the display
92 initialized = false;
93 server.GetLocations(server.display_user, DisplayLocations);
95 // Location class
96 function Location(parent, map, obj) {
97 this.longd = obj['longd'];
98 this.latd = obj['latd'];
99 this.name = obj['name'];
100 this.key = obj['key'];
101 this.map = map;
102 this.point = new GPoint(this.longd, this.latd);
103 this.marker = new GMarker(this.point);
104 this.marker.loc = this;
105 this.parent = parent;
107 this.elem = DIV({ 'class' : 'item',
108 'onclick' : "this.loc.click();"},
109 this.name);
110 if (server.display_user == server.user)
111 replaceChildNodes(this.elem,
112 DIV({ 'class' : 'remove',
113 'onclick' : "this.parentNode.loc.remove();"
115 'Delete'),
116 this.name);
117 this.elem.loc = this;
120 Location.prototype.display = function() {
121 this.map.centerAtLatLng(this.point);
122 this.map.addOverlay(this.marker);
123 appendChildNodes(this.parent, this.elem);
124 if (!initialized) {
125 this.map.zoomTo(4);
126 initialized = true;
130 Location.prototype.remove = function() {
131 var self = this;
132 function removeFromList() {
133 self.parent.removeChild(self.elem);
134 if (self.parent.selection == self)
135 self.parent.deselect();
136 self.map.removeOverlay(self.marker);
138 server.RemoveLocation(
139 this.key,
140 removeFromList);
143 Location.prototype.select = function() {
144 this.parent.deselect();
145 this.elem.className = "selection";
146 this.parent.selection = this;
149 Location.prototype.click = function() {
150 this.map.recenterOrPanToLatLng(this.point);
151 if (this.parent.selection == this)
152 this.parent.deselect();
153 else
154 this.select();
157 // Add a listner for the map to add new locations
158 GEvent.addListener(map, 'click', function(overlay, point) {
159 list.deselect();
160 if (overlay && overlay.loc) {
161 overlay.loc.select();
163 else if (point) {
164 var form = document.forms['latlong'];
165 form.longd.value = point.x;
166 form.latd.value = point.y;
167 if (clickMarker != null)
168 map.removeOverlay(clickMarker);
169 clickMarker = new GMarker(point);
170 map.addOverlay(clickMarker);
174 // Add a single location, and display it
175 function AddDisplayLocation(latd, longd, name) {
176 if (!server.user)
177 document.location = server.login_url
178 server.AddLocation(latd, longd, name,
179 function(obj) {
180 if (server.display_user != server.user) {
181 document.forms['user'].user.value = server.user;
182 document.forms['user'].submit();
183 } else {
184 var loc = new Location(list, map, obj);
185 loc.display();
186 loc.select();
191 // Display all locations
192 function DisplayLocations(locs) {
193 map.clearOverlays();
194 list.deselect();
195 replaceChildNodes(list);
197 for (var i = 0; i < locs.length; ++i) {
198 var loc = new Location(list, map, locs[i]);
199 loc.display();
202 // If no locations, display default location
203 if (locs.length == 0) {
204 map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint(-122.1419, 37.4419), 13);
205 return;
209 // Call Geocode RPC, and display resulting location
210 function GeocodeAddLocation(address, name) {
211 geocoder.getLocations(address,
212 function(r) { var lat = r.Placemark[0].Point.coordinates[1];
213 var lng = r.Placemark[0].Point.coordinates[0];
214 AddDisplayLocation(lat, lng, name);
218 //]]>
219 </script>
221 </body>
222 </html>