* fix splitting of M_RESTACK packages
[fvwm.git] / rpm / fvwm.spec.in
1 #%define prefix %{_prefix}
2 %define prefix /usr
4 %define ver @VERSION@
5 %define rel 1
6 %define c_p --without-gnome --without-rplay-library --sysconfdir=/etc
7 %define m_p CFLAGS="-O2"
9 # Different distributions expect sources to be in different places;
10 # the following solves this problem, but makes it harder to reuse .src.rpm
11 %define _sourcedir /tmp
13 Summary: F(?) Virtual Window Manager
14 Name: fvwm
15 Version: %{ver}
16 Release: %{rel}
17 License: GPL
18 Group: User Interface/Desktops
19 Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
20 URL: http://www.fvwm.org/
21 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
22 Packager: Fvwm Workers <fvwm-workers@fvwm.org>
23 Autoreq: 1
24 Requires: perl >= @REQUIRED_PERL_VERSION@
26 # RedHat should stop using name "fvwm" to refer to fvwm1 package.
27 Provides: fvwm
29 Docdir: %{prefix}/share/doc
31 %description
32 Fvwm is a powerful ICCCM-compliant multiple virtual desktop window manager
33 for the X Window System.
35 This 2.5 version includes new features like full support of the EWMH
36 (Enhanced Window Manager Hints) specification, internationalization,
37 improved window decoration code (no flickering anymore), bi-directional
38 asian text support, FreeType font support (antialiasing), image rendering,
39 Perl based module library, support for PNG images, side titles and much more.
41 %description -l fr
42 Fvwm est un gestionnaire de fenêtres puissant et extrêmement configurable
43 pour le système X Window.
45 La version 2.5 contient un grand nombre de nouvelles fonctionnalités.
46 Voici quelques exemples:
47 full support of the EWMH
48 (Enhanced Window Manager Hints) specification, internationalization,
49 improved window decoration code (no flickering anymore), bi-directional
50 asian text support, FreeType font support (antialiasing), image rendering,
51 Perl based module library, support for PNG images, side titles and much more.
53 %description -l ru
54 Fvwm является мощным оконным менеджером для X Window System, соответствующим
55 стандартам ICCCM, с поддержкой множественных виртуальных десктопов.
57 Версия 2.5 включает в себя новые особенности, такие как полная поддержка
58 спецификации EWMH (Enhanced Window Manager Hints), интернационализация,
59 улучшение оконных декораций (полное отсутствие мигания), поддержка
60 дву-направленного азиатского текста, поддержка фонтов FreeType (сглаживание),
61 фильтрование изображений, библиотека для написания модулей на Perl,
62 поддержка изображений в формате PNG, боковые заголовки окон и многое другое.
64 %prep
65 %setup
67 %build
68 # gnome libs are only used in FvwmGtk, probably it is overhead to require them;
69 # compiling without -g saves about 7Mb
70 ./configure --prefix=%{prefix} --mandir=/usr/share/man %{c_p}
71 make %{m_p}
73 %install
74 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
75 make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT prefix=%{prefix} install
77 %clean
78 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
80 %files
81 %defattr(-, root, root)
84 %doc docs/ANNOUNCE docs/BUGS docs/COMMANDS docs/DEVELOPERS docs/FAQ docs/TODO
85 %doc docs/error_codes docs/fvwm.lsm
86 %{prefix}/bin/*
87 %{prefix}/libexec/*
88 %{prefix}/share/doc/*
89 %{prefix}/share/fvwm
90 %{prefix}/share/man/*/*
91 %{prefix}/share/locale/*/*/*
93 %define date%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
94 %changelog
95 * %{date} Fvwm Workers <fvwm-workers@fvwm.org>
96 - Auto building %{version}-%{release}
97 * Sun May 12 2000 Mikhael Goikhman <migo@homemail.com>
98 - First try at making the package