[fvwm-themes.git] / forms / FvwmGtk-Themes
1 # This or similar config should be automatically produced by something like:
2 #   fvwm-themes-gtk --edit --component settings --display
4 # This dialog is invoked using:
5 #   KillModule FvwmGtk FvwmGtk-Themes
6 #   Read FvwmGtk-Themes
7 #   Module FvwmGtk FvwmGtk-Themes
8 #   SendToModule FvwmGtk-Themes SettingsDialog
10 DestroyModuleConfig FvwmGtk-Themes: *
12 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Destroy SettingsDialog
13 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Dialog SettingsDialog "FVWM Theme Settings" center
14 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box vertical 10 10
16 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Notebook " General Settings " 
17 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box vertical spacing 10 5
19 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Frame " Switches " 5
20 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box homogeneous
21 *FvwmGtk-Themes: CheckButton animation Animation 2 1 on
22 *FvwmGtk-Themes: CheckButton background Background 2 1 on
23 *FvwmGtk-Themes: CheckButton banner Banner 2 1 on
24 *FvwmGtk-Themes: CheckButton stroke Stroke 2 1 
25 *FvwmGtk-Themes: CheckButton headlines Headlines 2 1 on
26 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
27 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndFrame
29 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Frame " Sound Player " 5
30 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box homogeneous spacing 5 6 
31 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "Choose Variant:            "
32 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu sound-player -- expand fill
33 #*FvwmGtk-Themes: Destroy sound-player2
34 #*FvwmGtk-Themes: Menu sound-player2
35 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" 1 on
36 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "play (sox)" 2
37 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "esdplay (esd not needed)" 3
38 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "audioplay" 4
39 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "auplay" 5
40 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "rplay" 6
41 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "rplayD (needs rplayd)" 7
42 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "artsplay (kde2, needs artsd)" 7
43 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
44 #*FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "          "
45 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
46 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndFrame
48 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Frame " Auto Raise " 5
49 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box homogeneous spacing 5 6
50 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "Choose Variant:            "
51 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu autoraise -- expand fill
52 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" 1 on
53 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Auto Raise (1/2 sec)" 2
54 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Auto Raise (2 sec)" 3
55 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Auto Raise Modules" 4
56 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
57 #*FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "          "
58 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
59 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndFrame
61 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Frame " Icon Styles " 5
62 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box homogeneous spacing 5 6
63 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "Choose Variant:            "
64 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu iconstyles -- expand fill
65 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" disabled
66 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Internal wm-icons" native on
67 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "External wm-icons" wm-icons
68 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
69 #*FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "          "
70 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
71 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndFrame
73 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Frame " Session Manager " 5
74 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box homogeneous spacing 5 6 
75 *FvwmGtk-Themes: RadioGroup session-manager
76 *FvwmGtk-Themes: RadioButton "None" 1 on
77 *FvwmGtk-Themes: RadioButton "Generic" 2
78 *FvwmGtk-Themes: RadioButton "gnome-session" 3
79 *FvwmGtk-Themes: RadioButton "xsm" 4
80 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndRadioGroup
81 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
82 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndFrame
84 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
85 # End of Notebook page #1.
87 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Notebook " GNOME/KDE Settings "
88 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box vertical spacing 10 5
90 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Frame " GNOME " 5
91 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box vertical spacing 5 10
92 *FvwmGtk-Themes: CheckButton gnome/panel-staysput "Panel stays put" 2 1
93 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box spacing 0 6
94 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "System Menus                    "
95 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu "gnome/system-menu" -- expand fill
96 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" 1 on
97 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "GTK Menu" 2
98 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "GTK Menu && Styles" 3
99 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Fvwm Menu (wm icons)" 4
100 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Fvwm Menu (gnome icons)" 5
101 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Fvwm Menus && Styles" 6
102 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
103 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
104 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box spacing 0 6
105 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "User Menus                        "
106 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu "gnome/user-menu" -- expand fill
107 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" 1 on
108 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "GTK Menu" 2
109 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Fvwm Menu" 3
110 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
111 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
112 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box spacing 0 6
113 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "AnotherLevel Menus           "
114 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu "gnome/anotherlevel-menu" -- expand fill
115 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" 1 on
116 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "GTK Menu" 2 
117 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Fvwm Menu" 3
118 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
119 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
120 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
121 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndFrame
123 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Frame " KDE " 5
124 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box vertical spacing 5 10
125 *FvwmGtk-Themes: CheckButton kde/kfm-icons "kfm icons workaround" 2 1
126 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box spacing 0 6
127 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "System Menus                    "
128 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu "kde/system-menu" -- expand fill
129 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" 1 on
130 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Menu && Styles (48x48 icons)" 2
131 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Menu && Styles (32x32 icons)" 3
132 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Menus Only" 4
133 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
134 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
135 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box spacing 0 6
136 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Label "User Menus                        "
137 *FvwmGtk-Themes: OptionMenu "kde/user-menu" -- expand fill
138 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Disabled" 1 on
139 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Menu && Styles" 2
140 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Item "Menus Only" 3
141 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndOptionMenu
142 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
143 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
144 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndFrame
146 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
147 # End of Notebook page #2.
149 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox
151 # Box for buttons
152 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Box homogeneous -- padding 10
153 # Maybe to add "close" before "--"?
154 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Button " Apply " "FuncFvwmThemesConfigAndUpdate ' \
155         --variant settings/animation=$(animation) \
156         --variant settings/background=$(background) \
157         --variant settings/banner=$(banner) \
158         --variant settings/stroke=$(stroke) \
159         --variant settings/automenus/headlines=$(headlines) \
160         --variant settings/sound-player=$(sound-player) \
161         --variant settings/autoraise=$(autoraise) \
162         --variant settings/iconstyles=$(iconstyles) \
163         --variant settings/kde/kfm-icons=$(kde/kfm-icons) \
164         --variant settings/kde/system-menu=$(kde/system-menu) \
165         --variant settings/kde/user-menu=$(kde/user-menu) \
166         --variant settings/gnome/panel-staysput=$(gnome/panel-staysput) \
167         --variant settings/gnome/system-menu=$(gnome/system-menu) \
168         --variant settings/gnome/user-menu=$(gnome/user-menu) \
169         --variant settings/gnome/anotherlevel-menu=$(gnome/anotherlevel-menu) \
170         --variant settings/session-manager=$(session-manager) \
171         '" -- default can-default
173 *FvwmGtk-Themes: Button " Close " close
174 *FvwmGtk-Themes: EndBox