webperimental: killstack decides stack protects.
[freeciv.git] / client / include / dialogs_g.h
1 /***********************************************************************
2 Freeciv - Copyright (C) 1996 - A Kjeldberg, L Gregersen, P Unold
3 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 any later version.
8 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 GNU General Public License for more details.
12 ***********************************************************************/
13 #ifndef FC__DIALOGS_G_H
14 #define FC__DIALOGS_G_H
16 /* utility */
17 #include "support.h" /* bool type */
19 /* common */
20 #include "actions.h"
21 #include "fc_types.h"
22 #include "featured_text.h" /* struct text_tag_list */
23 #include "nation.h" /* Nation_type_id */
24 #include "terrain.h" /* enum tile_special_type */
25 #include "unitlist.h"
27 /* client */
28 #include "gui_proto_constructor.h"
30 struct packet_nations_selected_info;
32 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_notify_goto_dialog, const char *headline,
33 const char *lines,
34 const struct text_tag_list *tags,
35 struct tile *ptile)
36 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_notify_dialog, const char *caption,
37 const char *headline, const char *lines)
38 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_connect_msg, const char *headline, const char *message)
40 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_races_dialog, struct player *pplayer)
41 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popdown_races_dialog, void)
43 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, unit_select_dialog_popup, struct tile *ptile)
44 void unit_select_dialog_update(void); /* Defined in update_queue.c. */
45 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, unit_select_dialog_update_real, void)
47 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, races_toggles_set_sensitive, void)
48 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, races_update_pickable, bool nationset_change)
50 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_combat_info, int attacker_unit_id,
51 int defender_unit_id, int attacker_hp, int defender_hp,
52 bool make_winner_veteran)
53 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_action_selection, struct unit *actor_unit,
54 struct city *target_city, struct unit *target_unit,
55 struct tile *target_tile,
56 const struct act_prob *act_probs)
57 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(int, action_selection_actor_unit, void)
58 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(int, action_selection_target_city, void)
59 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(int, action_selection_target_unit, void)
60 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, action_selection_close, void)
61 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, action_selection_refresh, struct unit *actor_unit,
62 struct city *target_city, struct unit *target_unit,
63 struct tile *target_tile,
64 const struct act_prob *act_probs)
65 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_incite_dialog, struct unit *actor,
66 struct city *pcity, int cost, const struct action *paction)
67 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_bribe_dialog, struct unit *actor,
68 struct unit *punit, int cost, const struct action *paction)
69 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_sabotage_dialog, struct unit *actor,
70 struct city *pcity, const struct action *paction)
71 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_pillage_dialog, struct unit *punit, bv_extras extras)
72 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_upgrade_dialog, struct unit_list *punits)
73 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_disband_dialog, struct unit_list *punits)
74 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_tileset_suggestion_dialog, void)
75 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_soundset_suggestion_dialog, void)
76 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popup_musicset_suggestion_dialog, void)
77 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(bool, popup_theme_suggestion_dialog, const char *theme_name)
78 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, show_tech_gained_dialog, Tech_type_id tech)
79 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, show_tileset_error, const char *msg)
80 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(bool, handmade_scenario_warning, void)
82 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(void, popdown_all_game_dialogs, void)
84 GUI_FUNC_PROTO(bool, request_transport, struct unit *pcargo, struct tile *ptile)
86 #endif /* FC__DIALOGS_G_H */