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[fiscal-year.java.git] / README.asciidoc
1 = Fiscal-Year
2 Sebastian Hoß <https://github.com/sebhoss[@sebhoss]>
3 :github-org: sebhoss
4 :project-name: fiscal-year
5 :project-group: com.github.sebhoss
6 :toc:
7 :toc-placement: preamble
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17 Your company doesn't work from January 1 to December 31? Try fiscal-year, a small Java library which converts calendar-year based dates to corresponding dates in a link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiscal_year[fiscal year].
19 == Features
21 * Immutable data structure
22 * Convert from/to Java 8 `LocalDate`
23 * Math operations like `plusDays`, `minusWeeks`
24 * Factories to create/configure
26 == Development Status
28 All currently required feature are implemented. This project is in maintenance mode.
30 == Usage
32 First create a `FiscalYearFactory` which holds the configuration of your company's fiscal year:
34 [source, java]
35 ----
36 // fiscal year starts at month 11 of the 'previous' year
37 FiscalYearFactory earlyYearFactory = FiscalYears.earlyFiscalYear(11);
39 // fiscal year starts at month 3 in the 'current' year
40 FiscalYearFactory lateYearFactory = FiscalYears.lateFiscalYear(3);
41 ----
43 Then use this factory to convert a calendar-year based `LocalDate` to a corresponding `FiscalDate`:
45 [source, java]
46 ----
47 LocalDate calendarDate = LocalDate.now();
48 FiscalDate fiscalDate = factory.createFromCalendarDate(calendarDate);
49 ----
51 Use fiscal-year based values directly to create an instance of `FiscalDate`:
53 [source, java]
54 ----
55 FiscalDate fiscalDate = factory.create(2015, 3, 25);
56 ----
58 Query the newly created `FiscalDate` to retrieve the usual suspects of attributes:
60 [source, java]
61 ----
62 int fiscalYear = fiscalDate.getFiscalYear();
63 int fiscalMonth = fiscalDate.getFiscalMonth();
64 int fiscalDayOfYear = fiscalDate.getFiscalDayOfYear();
65 int fiscalWeekOfWeekyear = fiscalDate.getFiscalWeekOfWeekyear();
67 int calendarYear = fiscalDate.getCalendarYear();
68 int calendarMonth = fiscalDate.getCalendarMonth();
69 int calendarDayOfMonth = fiscalDate.getCalendarDayOfMonth();
70 int calendarDayOfYear = fiscalDate.getCalendarDayOfYear();
71 int calendarWeekOfWeekyear = fiscalDate.getCalendarWeekOfWeekyear();
72 ----
74 Do some math with dates as follows:
76 [source, java]
77 ----
78 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.plusYears(int years);
79 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.plusMonths(int months);
80 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.plusWeeks(int weeks);
81 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.plusDays(int days);
82 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.minusYears(int years);
83 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.minusMonths(int months);
84 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.minusWeeks(int weeks);
85 FiscalDate newDate = fiscalDate.minusDays(int days);
86 ----
88 Or finally convert it back to a `LocalDate`:
90 [source, java]
91 ----
92 LocalDate calendarDate = fiscalDate.asLocalDate();
93 ----
95 === Integration
97 To use this project just declare the following dependency inside your POM:
99 [source, xml]
100 ----
101 <dependency>
102   <groupId>com.github.sebhoss</groupId>
103   <artifactId>fiscal-year</artifactId>
104   <version>${version.fiscal-year}</version>
105 </dependency>
106 ----
108 Replace `${version.fiscal-year}` with the link:http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3Acom.github.sebhoss%20a%3Afiscal-year[latest release]. This project follows the link:http://semver.org/[semantic versioning guidelines].
110 === Compatibility
112 This project is compatible with the following Java versions:
114 .Java compatibility
115 |===
116 | | 1.X.Y | 2.X.Y
118 | Java 8
119 | ✓
120 | ✓
121 |===
123 == License
125 To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
126 and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
127 worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
129 You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
130 with this software. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.
132 == Mirrors
134 * https://github.com/sebhoss/fiscal-year
135 * https://bitbucket.org/sebhoss/fiscal-year
136 * https://gitlab.com/sebastian.hoss/fiscal-year
137 * http://repo.or.cz/fiscal-year.java.git