9 %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
10 \title{Operations on Stacks/Queues}
12 Functions for interacting with stack and queue data structures
13 implemented using \code{filehash} databases.
22 %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
24 \item{db}{an object of class \code{"stack"} or \code{"queue"}}
25 \item{val}{an R object}
26 \item{vals}{a list of R objects}
27 \item{\dots}{arguments passed to other methods}
30 Note that for \code{mpush}, if \code{vals} is not a list it will be
31 coerced to a list via \code{as.list}. Currently, \code{mpush} is only
32 implemented for \code{"stack"}s.
35 \code{push} and \code{mpush} return nothing useful; \code{pop} returns
36 a value from the stack/queue and deletes that value from the
37 stack/queue; \code{top} returns the "top" value from the stack/queue;
38 \code{isEmpty} returns \code{TRUE}/\code{FALSE} depending on whether
39 the stack/queue is empty or not. Both \code{pop} and \code{top}
40 signal an error if the stack/queue is empty.
42 \author{Roger D. Peng \email{rpeng@jhsph.edu}}
43 \keyword{database}% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line