Writing: fixed most issues discussed about Preview01.
[fic.git] / modules.h
4 #include "util.h"
6 // Forwards for all classes visible outside this header
7 class Module;
8 class ModuleFactory;
9 template <class Iface> class Interface;
12 /** A common base class for all modules */
13 class Module {
14 friend class ModuleFactory; ///< Permission for the ModuleFactory to manipulate Modules
16 // Type definitions
17 public:
18 /** Two types of cloning, used in #clone */
19 enum CloneMethod { ShallowCopy, DeepCopy };
20 /** Types of a setting */
21 enum ChoiceType {
22 Stop, ///< a list-terminator
23 Int, ///< integer from an interval
24 IntLog2, ///< integer from an interval prefixed with 2^
25 Float, ///< real number from an interval
26 ModuleCombo,///< a connection to another module (shown as a combo-box)
27 Combo /// choice from a list of strings
29 /** Represents one setting - one number, real or integer */
30 union SettingValue {
31 int i; ///< Setting value for integer/module types (see Module::ChoiceType)
32 float f; ///< Setting value for real-number type (see Module::ChoiceType)
34 /** Represent the type of one module's setting - without label and description */
35 struct SettingsType {
36 ChoiceType type; ///< The type of the item
37 SettingValue defaults; ///< The default setting
39 union {
40 int i[2]; ///< Lower and upper bound (type==Int,IntLog2)
41 float f[2]; ///< Lower and upper bound (type==Float)
42 const char *text; ///< Lines of the combo-box (type==Combo)
43 /** Pointer to the vector of IDs of compatible modules (type==ModuleCombo),
44 * meant to be one of Interface::getCompMods() */
45 const std::vector<int> *compatIDs;
46 } data; ///< Additional data, differs for different #type
49 /** Represents the type of one setting - including label, description, etc.\ */
50 struct SettingsTypeItem {
51 static const SettingsTypeItem stopper; ///< Predefined list terminator
53 const char *label /// The text label of the setting
54 , *desc; ///< Description text
55 SettingsType type; ///< The type of this setting
58 /** Represents one setting value in a module */
59 struct SettingsItem {
60 Module *m; ///< Pointer to the connected module (if type is Module::ModuleCombo)
61 SettingValue val; ///< The setting value
63 /** Just nulls the module pointer */
64 SettingsItem(): m(0) { DEBUG_ONLY( val.f= std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); ) }
66 /** Creates a default settings-item for a settings-item-type */
67 SettingsItem(const SettingsTypeItem &typeItem): m(0), val(typeItem.type.defaults) {}
69 /** Just deletes the module pointer */
70 ~SettingsItem() { delete m; }
73 /** Information about one module-type */
74 struct TypeInfo {
75 int id; ///< The module-type's ID
76 const char *name /// The module-type's name
77 , *desc; ///< The module-type's description
78 int setLength; ///< The number of setting items
79 const SettingsTypeItem *setType; ///< The types of module's settings
82 // Data definitions
83 protected:
84 SettingsItem *settings; ///< The current setting values of this Module
86 /** \name Construction, destruction and related methods
87 * @{ - all private, only to be used by ModuleFactory */
88 private:
89 /** Creates a copy of module's settings (includes the whole module subtree) */
90 SettingsItem* copySettings(CloneMethod method) const;
91 /** Called for prototypes to initialize the default links to other modules */
92 void initDefaultModuleLinks();
93 /** Called for prototypes to null links to other modules */
94 void nullModuleLinks();
95 /** Called for prototypes to create the settings and inicialize them with defaults */
96 void createDefaultSettings();
98 /** Denial of assigment */
99 Module& operator=(const Module&);
100 /** Denial of copying */
101 Module(const Module&);
102 protected:
103 /** Initializes an empty module */
104 Module(): settings(0) {}
106 /** Cloning method, implemented in all modules via macros \return a new module
107 * \param method determines creation of a deep or a shallow copy (zeroed children) */
108 virtual Module* abstractClone(CloneMethod method) const =0;
109 /** Concrete cloning method - templated by the actual type of the module */
110 template<class M> M* concreteClone(CloneMethod method) const;
112 /** Saves all the settings, icluding child modules */
113 void saveAllSettings(std::ostream &stream);
114 void loadAllSettings(std::istream &stream);
115 public:
116 /** Friend non-member cloning function (returns the type it gets) */
117 template<class M> friend M* clone( const M *module, CloneMethod method=Module::DeepCopy )
118 { return debugCast<M*>( module->abstractClone(method) ); }
120 /** Deletes the settings, destroying child modules as well */
121 virtual ~Module()
122 { delete[] settings; }
124 virtual const TypeInfo& info() const =0;
126 DECLARE_debugModule_empty
128 /// @}
131 /** \name Settings visualization and related methods
132 * @{ - all implemented in gui.cpp */
133 public:
134 /** Creates or updates settings-box and/or settings-tree,
135 * if overridden in derived modules, it is recommended to call this one at first */
136 virtual void adjustSettings( int which, QTreeWidgetItem *myTree, QGroupBox *setBox );
137 protected:
138 /** Reads a setting value from a widget */
139 void widget2settings( const QWidget *widget, int which );
140 /** Writes a setting value into a widget */
141 void settings2widget( QWidget *widget, int which );
142 /** Initializes a widget according to a setting-item type */
143 void settingsType2widget( QWidget *widget, const SettingsTypeItem &typeItem );
144 /// @}
146 // Other methods
147 protected:
148 /** Puts a module-identifier in a stream (which = the index in settings) */
149 void file_saveModuleType( std::ostream &os, int which );
150 /** Gets an module-identifier from the stream, initializes the pointer in settings
151 * with a new empty instance and does some checking (bounds,Iface) */
152 void file_loadModuleType( std::istream &is, int which );
153 /** A shortcut method for working with integer settings */
154 int& settingsInt(int index)
155 { return settings[index].val.i; }
156 int settingsInt(int index) const
157 { return settings[index].val.i; }
160 static SettingsType settingInt(int min,int defaults,int max,ChoiceType type=Int) {
161 ASSERT( type==Int || type==IntLog2 );
162 SettingsType result;
163 result.type= type;
164 result.defaults.i= defaults;
165 result.data.i[0]= min;
166 result.data.i[1]= max;
167 return result;
169 static SettingsType settingFloat(float min,float defaults,float max) {
170 SettingsType result;
171 result.type= Float;
172 result.defaults.f= defaults;
173 result.data.f[0]= min;
174 result.data.f[1]= max;
175 return result;
177 static SettingsType settingCombo(const char *text,int defaults) {
178 ASSERT( defaults>=0 && defaults<1+countEOLs(text) );
179 SettingsType result;
180 result.type= Combo;
181 result.defaults.i= defaults;
182 result.data.text= text;
183 return result;
185 template<class Iface> static SettingsType settingModule(int index=0) {
186 const std::vector<int> &compMods= Iface::getCompMods();
187 ASSERT( index < (int)compMods.size() );
188 SettingsType result;
189 result.type= ModuleCombo;
190 result.defaults.i= index;
191 result.data.compatIDs= &compMods;
192 return result;
194 }; // Module class
197 #define DECLARE_TypeInfo_helper(CNAME_,NAME_,DESC_,SETTYPE_...) \
198 friend class Module; \
199 friend class ModuleFactory; \
200 friend struct ModuleFactory::Creator<CNAME_>; /* Needed for GCC-3 */ \
201 public: \
202 CNAME_* abstractClone(CloneMethod method=DeepCopy) const \
203 { return concreteClone<CNAME_>(method); } \
205 const TypeInfo& info() const { \
206 static SettingsTypeItem setType_[]= {SETTYPE_}; \
207 static TypeInfo info_= { \
208 id: ModuleFactory::getModuleID<CNAME_>(), \
209 name: NAME_, \
210 desc: DESC_, \
211 setLength: sizeof(setType_)/sizeof(*setType_)-1, \
212 setType: setType_ \
213 }; \
214 return info_; \
217 /** Macros for easier Module-writing */
218 #define DECLARE_TypeInfo(CNAME_,NAME_,DESC_,SETTYPE_...) \
219 DECLARE_TypeInfo_helper(CNAME_,NAME_,DESC_,SETTYPE_,SettingsTypeItem::stopper)
221 #define DECLARE_TypeInfo_noSettings(CNAME_,NAME_,DESC_) \
222 DECLARE_TypeInfo_helper(CNAME_,NAME_,DESC_,SettingsTypeItem::stopper)
225 /** A singleton factory class for creating modules */
226 class ModuleFactory {
227 /** Static pointer to the only instance of the ModuleFactory */
228 static ModuleFactory *instance;
230 /** Pointers to the prototypes for every module type (indexed by their ID's) */
231 std::vector<Module*> prototypes;
233 /** Private constructor to avoid uncontrolled instantiation */
234 ModuleFactory() {}
235 /** Deletes the prototypes */
236 ~ModuleFactory() {
237 for_each( prototypes.begin(), prototypes.end(), std::mem_fun(&Module::nullModuleLinks) );
238 for_each( prototypes.begin(), prototypes.end(), SingleDeleter<Module>() );
240 /** The real constructing routine */
241 void initialize();
243 public:
244 /** Returns the ID of a module-type */
245 template<class M> static int getModuleID();
247 /** Method to instantiate the singleton */
248 static void init()
249 { ASSERT(!instance); (instance=new ModuleFactory)->initialize(); }
250 /** Method to delete the singleton */
251 static void destroy()
252 { delete instance; instance=0; }
254 /** Returns a reference to the prototype of the module with given id */
255 static const Module& prototype(int id) {
256 ASSERT( instance && instance->prototypes.at(id) );
257 return *instance->prototypes[id];
259 /** Returns the name of the module-type with given id */
260 static const char* moduleName(int id)
261 { return prototype(id).info().name; }
262 /** Returns the description of the module-type with given id */
263 static const char* moduleDescription(int id)
264 { return prototype(id).info().desc; }
265 /** Returns a new instance of the module-type with given id */
266 static Module* newModule( int id, Module::CloneMethod method=Module::DeepCopy )
267 { return prototype(id).abstractClone(method); }
269 /** Sets appropriate prototype settings according to given module's settings */
270 static void changeDefaultSettings(const Module &module);
272 private:
273 // some helper stuff
274 template<class T> struct Creator {
275 T* operator()() const
276 { return new T; }
278 template<class T> struct Instantiator {
279 int operator()() const;
281 /** Never called, only exists for certain templates to be instantiated in modules.cpp */
282 static void instantiateModules();
285 /** A base class for all interfaces, parametrized by the interface's type */
286 template<class Iface> class Interface: public Module {
287 static std::vector<int> compMods_; ///< IDs of modules derived from this interface
288 public:
289 /** Returns a reference to #compMods_ (initializes it if empty) */
290 static const std::vector<int>& getCompMods();
291 /** Returns a reference to the index-th prototype implementing this interface */
292 static const Iface& compatiblePrototype(int index=0) {
293 ASSERT( index>=0 && index<(int)getCompMods().size() );
294 return *debugCast<const Iface*>(&ModuleFactory::prototype( getCompMods()[index] ));
296 /** Creates a new instance of the index-th compatible module */
297 static Iface* newCompatibleModule(int index=0)
298 { return clone( &compatiblePrototype(index) ); }
301 #endif // MODULES_HEADER_