Minor changes in documentation and inlining.
[fic.git] / kdTree.h
1 #ifndef KDTREE_HEADER_
2 #define KDTREE_HEADER_
4 #ifdef NDEBUG
5 #include <cstring> // memcpy
6 #endif
8 namespace NOSPACE {
9 using namespace std;
12 /** Routines for computing with T[length] number fields */
13 namespace FieldMath {
14 /** Calls transformer(x,y) for every x from [i1;iEnd1) and corresponding y from [i2;?) */
15 template<class I1,class I2,class Transf> inline
16 Transf transform2( I1 i1, I1 iEnd1, I2 i2, Transf transformer ) {
17 for (; i1!=iEnd1; ++i1,++i2)
18 transformer(*i1,*i2);
19 return transformer;
21 /** Analogous to ::transform2 */
22 template<class I1,class I2,class I3,class Transf> inline
23 Transf transform3( I1 i1, I1 iEnd1, I2 i2, I3 i3, Transf transformer ) {
24 for (; i1!=iEnd1; ++i1,++i2,++i3)
25 transformer(*i1,*i2,*i3);
26 return transformer;
29 /** Means b[i]=a[i]; Only meant for POD types */
30 template<class T> inline T* assign(const T *a,int length,T *b) {
31 #ifndef NDEBUG
32 copy( a, a+length, b ); // debugging version uses STL's copy
33 #else
34 memcpy( b, a, length*sizeof(T) ); // release version uses C's memory-copy (faster)
35 #endif
36 return b;
39 namespace NOSPACE {
40 /** A helper transforming structure, only to be used in ::moveToBounds_copy */
41 template<class T,bool CheckNaNs> struct MoveToBounds {
42 T sqrError; ///< square error accumulated so far
44 /** Only sets ::sqrError to zero */
45 MoveToBounds()
46 : sqrError(0) {}
48 /** Moves one coordinate of a point (in \p point) to a bounding box
49 * (in \p bounds) accumulating ::sqrError and storing result (in \p result) */
50 void operator()(const T &point,const T bounds[2],T &result) {
51 if ( CheckNaNs && isNaN(point) )
52 return;
53 if ( point < bounds[0] ) {
54 sqrError+= sqr(bounds[0]-point);
55 result= bounds[0];
56 } else
57 if ( point > bounds[1] ) {
58 sqrError+= sqr(point-bounds[1]);
59 result= bounds[1];
60 } else
61 result= point;
65 /** Copy_moves a vector (\p point) to the nearest point (\p result)
66 * within bounds (\p bounds) and returns SE (distance^2) */
67 template<class T,bool CheckNaNs> inline
68 T moveToBounds_copy(const T *point,const T (*bounds)[2],int length,T *result) {
69 return transform3( point, point+length, bounds, result
70 , MoveToBounds<T,CheckNaNs>() ) .sqrError;
74 template<class T> class KDBuilder;
75 /** A generic static KD-tree \todo */
76 template<class T> class KDTree {
77 public:
78 friend class KDBuilder<T>;
79 typedef KDBuilder<T> Builder;
80 protected:
81 /** Represents one node of the KD-tree */
82 struct Node {
83 int coord; ///< The coordinate along which the tree splits in this node
84 T threshold;/**< The threshold of the split
85 * (left[::coord] <= ::threshold <= right[::coord]) */
87 typedef T (*Bounds)[2];
89 public:
90 const int depth /// The depth of the tree = ::log2ceil(::count)
91 , length /// The length of the vectors
92 , count; ///< The number of the vectors
93 protected:
94 Node *nodes; ///< The array of the tree-nodes (heap-like topology of the tree)
95 int *dataIDs; ///< Data IDs for children of "leaf" nodes
96 Bounds bounds; ///< The bounding box for all the data
98 /** Prepares to build a new KD-tree from \p count_ vectors of \p length_ elements */
99 KDTree(int length_,int count_)
100 : depth( log2ceil(count_) ), length(length_), count(count_)
101 , nodes( new Node[count_] ), dataIDs( new int[count_] ), bounds( new T[length_][2] ) {
104 /** Copy constructor with moving semantics (destroys its argument) */
105 KDTree(KDTree &other)
106 : depth(other.depth), length(other.length), count(other.count)
107 , nodes(other.nodes), dataIDs(other.dataIDs), bounds(other.bounds) {
108 other.nodes= 0;
109 other.dataIDs= 0;
110 other.bounds= 0;
113 /** Takes an index of a "leaf" node (past the end of ::nodes)
114 * and returns the appropriate data ID */
115 int leafID2dataID(int leafID) const {
116 ASSERT( count<=leafID && leafID<2*count );
117 int index= leafID-powers[depth];
118 if (index<0)
119 index+= count; // it is on the shallower side of the tree
120 ASSERT( 0<=index && index<count );
121 return dataIDs[index];
124 public:
125 /** Only frees the memory */
126 ~KDTree() {
127 // clean up
128 delete[] nodes;
129 delete[] dataIDs;
130 delete[] bounds;
133 /** Manages a heap from nodes of a KDTree.
134 * It returns vectors (their indices) in the order of ascending distance (SE)
135 * from a given fixed point. It can compute a lower bound of the SEs of the remaining
136 * vectors at any time. */
137 class PointHeap {
138 /** One element of the ::heap representing a node in the KDTree ::kd */
139 struct HeapNode {
140 int nodeIndex; ///< Index of the node in ::kd
141 T *data; /**< Stores the SE and the coordinates of the nearest point
142 * (to this node's bounding box) */
143 /** No-init constructor */
144 HeapNode() {}
145 /** Initializes the members from the parameters */
146 HeapNode(int nodeIndex_,T *data_): nodeIndex(nodeIndex_), data(data_) {}
148 /** Returns reference to the SE of the nearest point to this node's bounding box */
149 T& getSE() { return *data; }
150 /** Returns the SE of the nearest point to this node's bounding box */
151 T getSE() const { return *data; }
152 /** Returns pointer to the nearest point to this node's bounding box */
153 T* getNearest() { return data+1; }
155 /** Defines the order of ::heap - ascending according to ::getSE */
156 struct HeapOrder {
157 bool operator()(const HeapNode &a,const HeapNode &b)
158 { return a.getSE() > b.getSE(); }
161 const KDTree &kd; ///< Reference to the KDTree we operate on
162 const T* const point; ///< Pointer to the point we are trying to approach
163 vector<HeapNode> heap; ///< The current heap of the tree nodes
164 BulkAllocator<T> allocator; ///< The allocator for HeapNode::data
165 public:
166 /** Builds the heap from a KDTree \p tree and vector \p point_
167 * (they've got to remain valid until the destruction of this instance) */
168 PointHeap(const KDTree &tree,const T *point_,bool checkNaNs)
169 : kd(tree), point(point_) {
170 ASSERT(point);
171 // create the root heap-node
172 HeapNode rootNode( 1, allocator.makeField(kd.length+1) );
173 // compute the nearest point within the global bounds and corresponding SE
174 using namespace FieldMath;
175 rootNode.getSE()= checkNaNs
176 ? moveToBounds_copy<T,true> ( point, kd.bounds, kd.length, rootNode.getNearest() )
177 : moveToBounds_copy<T,false>( point, kd.bounds, kd.length, rootNode.getNearest() );
178 // push it onto the heap (and reserve more to speed up the first leaf-gettings)
179 heap.reserve(kd.depth*2);
180 heap.push_back(rootNode);
183 /** Returns whether the heap is empty ( !isEmpty() is needed for all other methods) */
184 bool isEmpty()
185 { return heap.empty(); }
187 /** Returns the SE of the top node (always equals the SE of the next leaf) */
188 T getTopSE() {
189 ASSERT( !isEmpty() );
190 return heap[0].getSE();
193 /** Removes a leaf, returns the matching vector's index,
194 * assumes it's safe to discard nodes further than \p maxSE */
195 template<bool CheckNaNs> int popLeaf(T maxSE) {
196 // ensure a leaf is on the top of the heap and get its ID
197 makeTopLeaf<CheckNaNs>(maxSE);
198 int result= kd.leafID2dataID( heap.front().nodeIndex );
199 // remove the top from the heap (no need to free the memory - ::allocator)
200 pop_heap( heap.begin(), heap.end(), HeapOrder() );
201 heap.pop_back();
202 return result;
204 protected:
205 /** Divides the top nodes until there's a leaf on the top
206 * assumes it's safe to discard nodes further than \p maxSE */
207 template<bool CheckNaNs> void makeTopLeaf(T maxSE);
209 }; // PointHeap class
210 }; // KDTree class
213 template<class T> template<bool CheckNaNs>
214 void KDTree<T>::PointHeap::makeTopLeaf(T maxSE) {
215 ASSERT( !isEmpty() );
216 // exit if there's a leaf on the top already
217 if ( heap[0].nodeIndex >= kd.count )
218 return;
219 PtrInt oldHeapSize= heap.size();
220 HeapNode heapRoot= heap[0]; // making a local working copy of the top of the heap
222 do { // while heapRoot isn't leaf ... while ( heapRoot.nodeIndex<kd.count )
223 const Node &node= kd.nodes[heapRoot.nodeIndex];
224 // now replace the node with its two children:
225 // one of them will have the same SE (replaces its parent on the top),
226 // the other one can have higher SE (push_back-ed on the heap)
228 bool validCoord= !CheckNaNs || !isNaN(point[node.coord]);
229 // the higher SE can be computed from the parent heap-node
230 T newSE;
231 bool goRight; // will the heapRoot represent the right child or the left one?
232 if (validCoord) {
233 Real oldDiff= Real(point[node.coord]) - heapRoot.getNearest()[node.coord];
234 Real newDiff= Real(point[node.coord]) - node.threshold;
235 goRight= newDiff>0;
236 newSE= heapRoot.getSE() - sqr(oldDiff) + sqr(newDiff);
237 ASSERT( newSE >= heapRoot.getSE() );
238 } else {
239 newSE= heapRoot.getSE();
240 goRight= false; // both boolean values are possible
242 // the root will represent its closer child - neither nearest point nor SE changes
243 heapRoot.nodeIndex= heapRoot.nodeIndex*2 + goRight;
244 // if the new SE is too high, continue (omit the child with this big SE)
245 if (newSE>maxSE)
246 continue;
247 // create a new heap-node, allocate it's data and assign index of the other child
248 HeapNode newHNode;
249 newHNode.data= allocator.makeField(kd.length+1);
250 newHNode.getSE()= newSE;
251 newHNode.nodeIndex= heapRoot.nodeIndex-goRight+!goRight;
252 // the nearest point of the new heap-node only differs in one coordinate
253 FieldMath::assign( heapRoot.getNearest(), kd.length, newHNode.getNearest() );
254 if (validCoord)
255 newHNode.getNearest()[node.coord]= node.threshold;
256 // add the new node to the back, restore the heap-property later
257 heap.push_back(newHNode);
259 } while ( heapRoot.nodeIndex < kd.count );
261 heap[0]= heapRoot; // restoring the working copy of the heap's top node
262 // restore the heap-property on the added nodes
263 typename vector<HeapNode>::iterator it= heap.begin()+oldHeapSize;
265 push_heap( heap.begin(), it, HeapOrder() );
266 while ( it++ != heap.end() );
267 } // KDTree<T>::PointHeap::makeTopLeaf<CheckNaNs>() method
269 /** Derived type used to construct KDTree instances (::makeTree static method) */
270 template<class T> class KDBuilder: public KDTree<T> {
271 public:
272 typedef KDTree<T> Tree;
273 typedef T BoundsPair[2];
274 typedef typename Tree::Bounds Bounds;
275 /** Type for a method that chooses which coordinate to split */
276 typedef int (KDBuilder::*CoordChooser)
277 (int nodeIndex,int *beginIDs,int *endIDs,int depthLeft) const;
278 protected:
279 using Tree::depth; using Tree::length; using Tree::count;
280 using Tree::nodes; using Tree::dataIDs; using Tree::bounds;
282 const T *data;
283 const CoordChooser chooser;
284 mutable Bounds chooserTmp;
286 KDBuilder(const T *data_,int length,int count,CoordChooser chooser_)
287 : Tree(length,count), data(data_), chooser(chooser_), chooserTmp(0) {
288 ASSERT( length>0 && count>0 && chooser && data );
289 // create the index-vector, coumpute the bounding box, build the tree
290 for (int i=0; i<count; ++i)
291 dataIDs[i]= i;
292 getBounds(bounds);
293 if (count>1)
294 buildNode(1,dataIDs,dataIDs+count,depth);
295 delete[] chooserTmp;
296 DEBUG_ONLY( chooserTmp= 0; data= 0; )
299 /** Creates bounds containing one value */
300 struct NewBounds {
301 void operator()(const T &val,BoundsPair &bounds) const
302 { bounds[0]= bounds[1]= val; }
304 /** Expands a valid bounding box to contain a point (one coordinate at once) */
305 struct BoundsExpander {
306 void operator()(const T &val,BoundsPair &bounds) const {
307 if ( val < bounds[0] ) // lower bound
308 bounds[0]= val; else
309 if ( val > bounds[1] ) // upper bound
310 bounds[1]= val;
313 /** Computes the bounding box of ::count vectors with length ::length stored in ::data.
314 * The vectors in ::data are stored linearly, \p boundsRes should be preallocated */
315 void getBounds(Bounds boundsRes) const {
316 using namespace FieldMath;
317 ASSERT(length>0);
318 // make the initial bounds only contain the first point
319 transform2(data,data+length,boundsRes,NewBounds());
320 int count= Tree::count;
321 const T *nowData= data;
322 // expand the bounds by every point (except for the first one)
323 while (--count) {
324 nowData+= length;
325 transform2( nowData, nowData+length, boundsRes, BoundsExpander() );
328 /** Like ::getBounds, but it only works on vectors with indices from [\p beginIDs;\p endIDs)
329 * instead of [0;::count), \p boundsRes should be preallocated to store the result */
330 void getBounds(const int *beginIDs,const int *endIDs,Bounds boundsRes) const {
331 using namespace FieldMath;
332 ASSERT(endIDs>beginIDs);
333 // make the initial bounds only contain the first point
334 const T *begin= data + *beginIDs*length;
335 transform2(begin,begin+length,boundsRes,NewBounds());
336 // expand the bounds by every point (except for the first one)
337 while ( ++beginIDs != endIDs ) {
338 begin= data + *beginIDs*length;
339 transform2( begin, begin+length, boundsRes, BoundsExpander() );
343 /** Recursively builds node \p nodeIndex and its subtree of depth \p depthLeft
344 * (including leaves), operates on data \p data in the range [\p beginIDs,\p endIDs) */
345 void buildNode(int nodeIndex,int *beginIDs,int *endIDs,int depthLeft);
347 public:
348 /** Builds a KDTree from \p count vectors of length \p length stored in \p data,
349 * splitting the nodes by \p chooser CoordChooser */
350 static Tree* makeTree(const T *data,int length,int count,CoordChooser chooser) {
351 KDBuilder builder(data,length,count,chooser);
352 // moving only the necesarry data (pointers) into a new copy
353 return new Tree(builder);
356 /** CoordChooser choosing the longest coordinate of the bounding box of the current interval */
357 int choosePrecise(int nodeIndex,int *beginIDs,int *endIDs,int /*depthLeft*/) const;
358 /** CoordChooser choosing the coordinate only according to the depth */
359 int chooseFast(int /*nodeIndex*/,int* /*beginIDs*/,int* /*endIDs*/,int depthLeft) const
360 { return depthLeft%length; }
361 /** CoordChooser choosing a random coordinate */
362 int chooseRand(int /*nodeIndex*/,int* /*beginIDs*/,int* /*endIDs*/,int /*depthLeft*/) const
363 { return rand()%length; }
364 /** CoordChooser - like ::choosePrecise, but doesn't compute the real bounding box,
365 * only approximates it by splitting the parent's box (a little less accurate, but much faster) */
366 int chooseApprox(int nodeIndex,int* /*beginIDs*/,int* /*endIDs*/,int depthLeft) const;
367 }; // KDBuilder class
371 namespace NOSPACE {
372 /** Finds the longest coordinate of a bounding box, only to be used in for_each calls */
373 template<class T> struct MaxDiffCoord {
374 typedef typename KDBuilder<T>::BoundsPair BoundsPair;
376 T maxDiff; ///< the maximal difference value
377 int bestIndex /// the index where ::maxDiff occured
378 , nextIndex; ///< next index to be checked
380 /** Initializes from the 0-th index value */
381 MaxDiffCoord(const BoundsPair& bounds0)
382 : maxDiff(bounds0[1]-bounds0[0]), bestIndex(0), nextIndex(1) {}
384 /** To be called successively for indices from 1-st on */
385 void operator()(const BoundsPair& bounds_i) {
386 T diff= bounds_i[1]-bounds_i[0];
387 if (diff>maxDiff) {
388 bestIndex= nextIndex;
389 maxDiff= diff;
391 ++nextIndex;
395 template<class T> int KDBuilder<T>
396 ::choosePrecise(int nodeIndex,int *beginIDs,int *endIDs,int) const {
397 ASSERT( nodeIndex>0 && beginIDs && endIDs && beginIDs<endIDs );
398 // temporary storage for computed bounding box
399 BoundsPair boundsStorage[length];
400 const BoundsPair *localBounds;
401 // find out the bounding box
402 if ( nodeIndex>1 ) { // compute the bounding box
403 localBounds= boundsStorage;
404 getBounds( beginIDs, endIDs, boundsStorage );
405 } else // we are in the root -> we can use already computed bounds
406 localBounds= this->bounds;
407 // find and return the longest coordinate
408 MaxDiffCoord<T> mdc= for_each
409 ( localBounds+1, localBounds+length, MaxDiffCoord<T>(localBounds[0]) );
410 ASSERT( mdc.nextIndex == length );
411 return mdc.bestIndex;
414 template<class T> int KDBuilder<T>::chooseApprox(int nodeIndex,int*,int*,int) const {
415 using namespace FieldMath;
416 ASSERT(nodeIndex>0);
418 int myDepth= log2ceil(nodeIndex+1)-1;
419 if (!myDepth) { // I'm in the root - copy the bounds
420 ASSERT(nodeIndex==1);
421 chooserTmp= new BoundsPair[length*(depth+1)]; // allocate my temporary bound-array
422 assign( bounds, length, chooserTmp );
425 Bounds myBounds= chooserTmp+length*myDepth;
426 if (myDepth) { // I'm not the root - copy parent's bounds and modify them
427 const typename Tree::Node &parent= nodes[nodeIndex/2];
428 Bounds parentBounds= myBounds-length;
429 if (nodeIndex%2) { // I'm the right son -> bounds on this level not initialized
430 assign( parentBounds, length, myBounds ); // copying parent bounds
431 myBounds[parent.coord][0]= parent.threshold; // adjusting the lower bound
432 } else // I'm the left son
433 if ( nodeIndex+1 < count ) { // almost the same as brother -> only adjust the coordinate
434 myBounds[parent.coord][0]= parentBounds[parent.coord][0];
435 myBounds[parent.coord][1]= parent.threshold;
436 } else { // I've got no brother
437 ASSERT( nodeIndex+1 == count );
438 assign( parentBounds, length, myBounds );
439 myBounds[parent.coord][1]= parent.threshold;
442 // find out the widest dimension
443 MaxDiffCoord<T> mdc= for_each( myBounds+1, myBounds+length, MaxDiffCoord<T>(myBounds[0]) );
444 ASSERT( mdc.nextIndex == length );
445 return mdc.bestIndex;
448 namespace NOSPACE {
449 /** Compares vectors (given by their indices) according to a given coordinate */
450 template<class T> class IndexComparator {
451 const T *data; ///< pointer to the right coordinate of the first vector (of index 0)
452 int length; ///< length of the vectors in ::data
453 public:
454 IndexComparator(const T *data_,int length_,int index_)
455 : data(data_+index_), length(length_) {}
456 bool operator()(int a,int b) const
457 { return data[a*length] < data[b*length]; }
460 template<class T> void KDBuilder<T>
461 ::buildNode(int nodeIndex,int *beginIDs,int *endIDs,int depthLeft) {
462 int count= endIDs-beginIDs; // owershadowing Tree::count
463 // check we've got at least one vector and the depth&count are adequate to each other
464 ASSERT( count>=2 && powers[depthLeft-1]<count && count<=powers[depthLeft] );
465 --depthLeft;
466 // find out where to split - how many items should be on the left to have the heap-shape
467 bool shallowRight= ( count <= powers[depthLeft]+powers[depthLeft-1] );
468 int *middle= shallowRight
469 ? endIDs-powers[depthLeft-1]
470 : beginIDs+powers[depthLeft];
471 // find out the dividing coordinate and find the "median" in this coordinate
472 int coord= (this->*chooser)(nodeIndex,beginIDs,endIDs,depthLeft);
473 nth_element( beginIDs, middle , endIDs, IndexComparator<T>(data,length,coord) );
474 // fill the node's data (dividing coordinate and its threshold)
475 nodes[nodeIndex].coord= coord;
476 nodes[nodeIndex].threshold= data[*middle*length+coord]; // min. value of the right son
477 // recurse on both halves (if needed; fall-through switch)
478 switch (count) {
479 default: // we've got enough nodes - build both subtrees (fall through)
480 // build the right subtree
481 buildNode( 2*nodeIndex+1, middle, endIDs, depthLeft-shallowRight );
482 case 3: // only a pair in the first half
483 // build the left subtree
484 buildNode( 2*nodeIndex, beginIDs, middle, depthLeft );
485 case 2: // nothing needs to be sorted
490 #endif // KDTREE_HEADER_