Fixed wrong prediction for incomplete ranges.
[fic.git] / modules / stdEncoder.cpp
1 #include <memory> // auto_ptr
3 #include "stdEncoder.h"
4 #include "../fileUtil.h"
6 using namespace std;
8 /// \file
10 /** Quantizing stuff used by MStdEncoder \relates MStdEncoder */
11 namespace Quantizer {
12 /** Quantizes f that belongs to [0,\p possib/2^\p scale] into [0,\p possib-1] */
13 inline int quantizeByPower(Real f,int scale,int possib) {
14 ASSERT( f>=0 && f<=possib/(Real)powers[scale] );
15 int result= (int)trunc(ldexp(f,scale));
16 ASSERT( result>=0 && result<=possib );
17 return result<possib ? result : --result;
19 /** Performs the opposite to ::quantizeByPower */
20 inline Real dequantizeByPower(int i,int scale,int DEBUG_ONLY(possib)) {
21 ASSERT( i>=0 && i<possib );
22 Real result= ldexp(i+Real(0.5),-scale);
23 ASSERT( result>=0 && result<= possib/(Real)powers[scale] );
24 return result;
27 class QuantBase {
28 protected:
29 int scale /// how much should the values be scaled (like in ::quantizeByPower)
30 , possib; ///< the number of possibilities for quantization
31 public:
32 /** Quantizes a value */
33 int quant(Real val) const
34 { return quantizeByPower(val,scale,possib); }
35 /** Dequantizes a value */
36 Real dequant(int i) const
37 { return dequantizeByPower(i,scale,possib); }
38 /** Quant-rounds a value - returns its state after quantization and dequantization */
39 Real qRound(Real val) const
40 { return dequant(quant(val)); }
43 /** (De)%Quantizer for range-block averages, only initializes QuantBase correctly */
44 class Average: public QuantBase {
45 public:
46 Average(int possibLog2) {
47 ASSERT(possibLog2>0);
48 // the average is from [0,1]
49 scale= possibLog2;
50 possib= powers[possibLog2];
54 /** (De)%Quantizer for range-block deviations, only initializes QuantBase correctly */
55 class Deviation: public QuantBase {
56 public:
57 Deviation(int possibLog2) {
58 ASSERT(possibLog2>0);
59 // the deviation is from [0,0.5] -> we have to scale twice more (log2+=1)
60 scale= possibLog2+1;
61 possib= powers[possibLog2];
64 } // Quantizer namespace
67 /** Adjust block of a domain to be mapped equally on an incomplete range (depends on rotation) */
68 inline static Block adjustDomainForIncompleteRange( Block range, int rotation, Block domain ) {
69 // 0, 0T: top left
70 // 1, 1T: top right
71 // 2, 2T: bottom right
72 // 3, 3T: bottom left
74 ASSERT( 0<=rotation && rotation<8 );
75 int rotID= rotation/2;
77 int xSize= range.width();
78 int ySize= range.height();
80 int magic= rotID+rotation%2;
81 if ( magic==1 || magic==3 ) // for rotations 0T, 1, 2T, 3 -> swapped x and y
82 swap(xSize,ySize);
84 if ( rotID>1 ) // domain rotations 2, 3, 2T, 3T -> aligned to the bottom
85 domain.y0= domain.yend-ySize;
86 else // other rotations are aligned to the top
87 domain.yend= domain.y0+ySize;
89 if ( rotID==1 || rotID==2 ) // rotations 1, 2, 1T, 2T -> aligned to the right
90 domain.x0= domain.xend-xSize;
91 else // other rotations are aligned to the left
92 domain.xend= domain.x0+xSize;
94 return domain;
97 //// Member methods
99 void MStdEncoder::initialize( IRoot::Mode mode, PlaneBlock &planeBlock_ ) {
100 planeBlock= &planeBlock_;
101 // prepare the domains-module
102 planeBlock->domains->initPools(*planeBlock);
104 int maxLevel= 1 +log2ceil(max( planeBlock->width, planeBlock->height ));
105 // prepare levelPoolInfos
106 levelPoolInfos.resize(maxLevel);
108 if (mode==IRoot::Encode) {
109 typedef ISquareDomains::PoolList PoolList;
110 // prepare the domains
111 planeBlock->domains->fillPixelsInPools(*planeBlock);
112 for_each( planeBlock->domains->getPools(), mem_fun_ref(&Pool::summers_makeValid) );
113 // initialize the range summers
114 planeBlock->summers_makeValid();
116 // prepare maximum SquareErrors allowed for regular range blocks
117 stdRangeSEs.resize(maxLevel+1);
118 planeBlock->settings->moduleQ2SE->regularRangeErrors
119 ( planeBlock->settings->quality, maxLevel+1, &stdRangeSEs.front() );
124 namespace NOSPACE {
125 struct LevelPoolInfo_indexComparator {
126 typedef ISquareEncoder::LevelPoolInfo LevelPoolInfo;
127 bool operator()( const LevelPoolInfo &a, const LevelPoolInfo &b )
128 { return a.indexBegin < b.indexBegin; }
131 MStdEncoder::PoolInfos::const_iterator MStdEncoder
132 ::getPoolFromDomID( int domID, const PoolInfos &poolInfos ) {
133 ASSERT( domID>=0 && domID<poolInfos.back().indexBegin );
134 // get the right pool
135 PoolInfos::value_type toFind;
136 toFind.indexBegin= domID;
137 return upper_bound( poolInfos.begin(), poolInfos.end(), toFind
138 , LevelPoolInfo_indexComparator() ) -1;
141 const ISquareDomains::Pool& MStdEncoder::getDomainData
142 ( const RangeNode &rangeBlock, const ISquareDomains::PoolList &pools
143 , const PoolInfos &poolInfos, int domIndex, int zoom, Block &block ) {
145 // get the pool
146 PoolInfos::const_iterator it= getPoolFromDomID( domIndex, poolInfos );
147 const Pool &pool= pools[ it - poolInfos.begin() ];
148 // get the coordinates
149 int indexInPool= domIndex - it->indexBegin;
150 ASSERT( indexInPool>=0 && indexInPool<(it+1)->indexBegin );
151 int sizeNZ= powers[rangeBlock.level-zoom];
152 int zoomFactor= powers[zoom];
153 // changed: the domains are mapped along columns and not rows
154 int domsInCol= getCountForDensity( pool.height/zoomFactor, it->density, sizeNZ );
155 block.x0= (indexInPool/domsInCol)*it->density*zoomFactor;
156 block.y0= (indexInPool%domsInCol)*it->density*zoomFactor;
157 block.xend= block.x0+powers[rangeBlock.level];
158 block.yend= block.y0+powers[rangeBlock.level];
160 return pool;
164 namespace NOSPACE {
165 typedef IStdEncPredictor::NewPredictorData StableInfo;
167 /** Information about the best (found so far) domain block for a range block */
168 struct BestInfo: public IStdEncPredictor::Prediction {
169 float error; ///< The square error of the mapping
170 bool inverted; ///< Whether the colours are mapped with a negative linear coefficient
171 #ifndef NDEBUG
172 Real rdSum ///
173 , dSum /// Sum of all pixels in best domain
174 , d2Sum; ///< Sum of squares of all pixesl in the best domain
175 #endif
177 /** Only initializes ::error to the maximum float value */
178 BestInfo()
179 : Prediction(), error( numeric_limits<float>::infinity() ) {}
180 /** Only returns reference to *this typed as IStdEncPredictor::Prediciton */
181 IStdEncPredictor::Prediction& prediction()
182 { return *this; }
184 } // namespace NOSPACE
186 /** Structure constructed for a range to try domains */
187 struct MStdEncoder::EncodingInfo {
188 /** The type for exact-comparing methods */
189 typedef bool (EncodingInfo::*ExactCompareProc)( Prediction prediction );
191 private:
192 static const ExactCompareProc exactCompareArray[]; ///< Possible comparing methods
194 ExactCompareProc selectedProc; ///< Selected comparing method
195 public:
196 StableInfo stable; ///< Information only depending on the range (and not domain) block
197 BestInfo best; ///< Information about the best (at the moment) mapping found
198 float targetSE; ///< The target SE (square error) for the range
200 public:
201 /** Only nulls ::selectedProc */
202 EncodingInfo()
203 : selectedProc(0) {}
205 /** Initializes a RangeInfo object from \p this */
206 RangeInfo* initRangeInfo(RangeInfo *ri) const {
207 ri->bestSE= best.error;
208 ri->domainID= best.domainID;
209 ri->rotation= best.rotation;
210 ri->qrAvg= stable.qrAvg;
211 ri->qrDev2= stable.qrDev2;
212 ri->inverted= best.inverted;
213 #ifndef NDEBUG
214 ri->exact.avg= stable.rSum/stable.pixCount;
215 ri->exact.dev2= stable.r2Sum/stable.pixCount - sqr(ri->exact.avg);
216 ri->exact.linCoeff= ( stable.pixCount*best.rdSum - stable.rSum*best.dSum )
217 / ( stable.pixCount*best.d2Sum - sqr(best.dSum) );
218 ri->exact.constCoeff= ri->exact.avg - ri->exact.linCoeff*best.dSum/stable.pixCount;
219 #endif
220 return ri;
223 /** Selects the right comparing method according to ::stable */
224 void selectExactCompareProc() {
225 selectedProc= exactCompareArray
226 [((( stable.quantError *2
227 + stable.allowInversion ) *2
228 + stable.isRegular ) *2
229 + (stable.maxLinCoeff2 >= 0) ) *2
230 + (stable.bigScaleCoeff != 0)
234 /** Uses the selected comparing method */
235 bool exactCompare(Prediction prediction)
236 { return (this->* selectedProc)(prediction); }
238 private:
239 /** Template for all the comparing methods */
240 template < bool quantErrors, bool allowInversion, bool isRegular
241 , bool restrictMaxLinCoeff, bool bigScalePenalty >
242 bool exactCompareProc( Prediction prediction );
243 }; // EncodingInfo struct
245 #define ALTERNATE_0(name,params...) name<params>
246 #define ALTERNATE_1(name,params...) ALTERNATE_0(name,##params,false), ALTERNATE_0(name,##params,true)
247 #define ALTERNATE_2(name,params...) ALTERNATE_1(name,##params,false), ALTERNATE_1(name,##params,true)
248 #define ALTERNATE_3(name,params...) ALTERNATE_2(name,##params,false), ALTERNATE_2(name,##params,true)
249 #define ALTERNATE_4(name,params...) ALTERNATE_3(name,##params,false), ALTERNATE_3(name,##params,true)
250 #define ALTERNATE_5(name,params...) ALTERNATE_4(name,##params,false), ALTERNATE_4(name,##params,true)
251 const MStdEncoder::EncodingInfo::ExactCompareProc MStdEncoder::EncodingInfo::exactCompareArray[]
252 = {ALTERNATE_5(&MStdEncoder::EncodingInfo::exactCompareProc)};
253 #undef ALTERNATE_0
254 #undef ALTERNATE_1
255 #undef ALTERNATE_2
256 #undef ALTERNATE_3
257 #undef ALTERNATE_4
258 #undef ALTERNATE_5
260 template< bool quantErrors, bool allowInversion, bool isRegular
261 , bool restrictMaxLinCoeff, bool bigScalePenalty >
262 bool MStdEncoder::EncodingInfo::exactCompareProc( Prediction prediction ) {
263 using namespace MatrixWalkers;
264 // find out which domain was predicted (pixel matrix and position within it)
265 Block domBlock;
266 const Pool &pool= getDomainData( *stable.rangeBlock, *stable.pools, *stable.poolInfos
267 , prediction.domainID, 0/*zoom*/, domBlock );
268 // compute domain sums
269 if (!isRegular)
270 domBlock= adjustDomainForIncompleteRange
271 ( *stable.rangeBlock, prediction.rotation, domBlock );
272 Real dSum, d2Sum;
273 pool.getSums(domBlock).unpack(dSum,d2Sum);
274 // compute the denominator common to most formulas
275 Real test= stable.pixCount*d2Sum - sqr(dSum);
276 if (test<=0) // skip too flat domains
277 return false;
278 Real denom= 1/test;
280 // compute the sum of products of pixels
281 Real rdSum= walkOperateCheckRotate
282 ( Checked<const SReal>(stable.rangePixels->pixels, *stable.rangeBlock), RDSummer<Real,SReal>()
283 , pool.pixels, domBlock, prediction.rotation ) .result();
285 Real nRDs_RsDs= stable.pixCount*rdSum - stable.rSum*dSum;
286 // check for negative linear coefficients (if needed)
287 if (!allowInversion)
288 if (nRDs_RsDs<0)
289 return false;
290 // compute the square of linear coefficient if needed (for restricting or penalty)
291 Real linCoeff2 DEBUG_ONLY(= numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN() );
292 if ( restrictMaxLinCoeff || bigScalePenalty )
293 linCoeff2= stable.rnDev2 * denom;
294 if (restrictMaxLinCoeff)
295 if ( linCoeff2 > stable.maxLinCoeff2 )
296 return false;
298 float optSE DEBUG_ONLY(= numeric_limits<Real>::quiet_NaN() );
300 if (quantErrors) {
301 optSE= stable.qrAvg * ( stable.pixCount*stable.qrAvg - ldexp(stable.rSum,1) )
302 + stable.r2Sum + stable.qrDev
303 * ( stable.pixCount*stable.qrDev - ldexp( abs(nRDs_RsDs)*sqrt(denom), 1 ) );
304 } else { // !quantErrors
305 // assuming different linear coeffitient
306 Real inner= stable.rnDev2 - stable.rnDev*abs(nRDs_RsDs)*sqrt(denom);
307 optSE= ldexp( inner, 1 ) / stable.pixCount;
310 // add big-scaling penalty if needed
311 if (bigScalePenalty)
312 optSE+= linCoeff2 * targetSE * pool.contrFactor * stable.bigScaleCoeff;
314 // test if the error is the best so far
315 if ( optSE < best.error ) {
316 best.prediction()= prediction;
317 best.error= optSE;
318 best.inverted= nRDs_RsDs<0;
320 #ifndef NDEBUG
321 best.rdSum= rdSum;
322 best.dSum= dSum;
323 best.d2Sum= d2Sum;
324 #endif
326 return true;
327 } else
328 return false;
329 } // EncodingInfo::exactCompareProc method
332 float MStdEncoder::findBestSE(const RangeNode &range,bool allowHigherSE) {
333 ASSERT( planeBlock && !stdRangeSEs.empty() && !range.encoderData );
334 const IColorTransformer::PlaneSettings *plSet= planeBlock->settings;
336 // initialize an encoding-info object
337 EncodingInfo info;
339 info.stable.rangeBlock= &range;
340 info.stable.rangePixels= planeBlock;
341 info.stable.pools= &planeBlock->domains->getPools();
343 ASSERT( range.level < (int)levelPoolInfos.size() );
344 info.stable.poolInfos= &levelPoolInfos[range.level];
345 // check the level has been initialized
346 if ( info.stable.poolInfos->empty() ) {
347 buildPoolInfos4aLevel(range.level);
348 ASSERT( !info.stable.poolInfos->empty() );
351 info.stable.allowRotations= settingsInt(AllowedRotations);
352 info.stable.quantError= settingsInt(AllowedQuantError);
353 info.stable.allowInversion= settingsInt(AllowedInversion);
354 info.stable.isRegular= range.isRegular();
356 Real coeff= settingsFloat(MaxLinCoeff);
357 info.stable.maxLinCoeff2= coeff==MaxLinCoeff_none ? -1 : sqr(coeff);
359 info.stable.bigScaleCoeff= settingsFloat(BigScaleCoeff);
361 planeBlock->getSums(range).unpack( info.stable.rSum, info.stable.r2Sum );
362 info.stable.pixCount= range.size();
363 info.stable.rnDev2= info.stable.pixCount*info.stable.r2Sum - sqr(info.stable.rSum);
364 if (info.stable.rnDev2<0)
365 info.stable.rnDev2= 0;
366 info.stable.rnDev= sqrt(info.stable.rnDev2);
368 Real variance;
370 Quantizer::Average quantAvg( settingsInt(QuantStepLog_avg) );
371 Quantizer::Deviation quantDev( settingsInt(QuantStepLog_dev) );
372 Real average= info.stable.rSum / info.stable.pixCount;
373 info.stable.qrAvg= quantAvg.qRound(average);
375 variance= info.stable.r2Sum/info.stable.pixCount - sqr(average);
376 Real deviance= variance>0 ? sqrt(variance) : 0;
377 int qrDev= quantDev.quant(deviance);
378 // if we have too little deviance or no domain pool for that big level or no domain in the pool
379 if ( !qrDev || range.level >= (int)levelPoolInfos.size()
380 || info.stable.poolInfos->back().indexBegin <= 0 ) // -> no domain block, only average
381 goto returning; // skips to the end, assigning a constant block
382 else { // the regular case, with nonzero quantized deviance
383 info.stable.qrDev= quantDev.dequant(qrDev);
384 info.stable.qrDev2= sqr(info.stable.qrDev);
388 info.targetSE= info.stable.isRegular ? stdRangeSEs[range.level]
389 : plSet->moduleQ2SE->rangeSE( plSet->quality, range.size() );
390 ASSERT(info.targetSE>=0);
391 if (allowHigherSE)
392 numeric_limits<float>::infinity();
393 info.selectExactCompareProc();
395 { // a goto-skippable block
396 // create and initialize a new predictor (in auto_ptr because of exceptions)
397 auto_ptr<IStdEncPredictor::IOneRangePredictor> predictor
398 ( modulePredictor()->newPredictor(info.stable) );
399 typedef IStdEncPredictor::Predictions Predictions;
400 Predictions predicts;
402 float sufficientSE= info.targetSE*settingsFloat(SufficientSEq);
403 // get and process prediction chunks until an empty one is returned
404 while ( !predictor->getChunk(,predicts).empty() )
405 for (Predictions::iterator it=predicts.begin(); it!=predicts.end(); ++it) {
406 bool betterSE= info.exactCompare(*it);
407 if ( betterSE &&<=sufficientSE )
408 goto returning;
412 returning:
413 // check the case that the predictor didn't return any domains (or jumped to returning:)
414 if ( < 0 ) { // a constant block
415 info.stable.qrDev= info.stable.qrDev2= 0;
416 info.stable.quantError
417 ? info.stable.r2Sum + info.stable.qrAvg
418 *( info.stable.pixCount*info.stable.qrAvg - ldexp(info.stable.rSum,1) )
419 : variance*info.stable.pixCount;
421 // store the important info and return the error
422 range.encoderData= info.initRangeInfo( /*rangeInfoAlloc.make()*/ new RangeInfo );
423 return;
424 } // ::findBestSE method
426 void MStdEncoder::buildPoolInfos4aLevel(int level) {
427 // get the real maximum domain count (divide by the number of rotations)
428 int domainCountLog2= planeBlock->settings->domainCountLog2;
429 if ( settingsInt(AllowedRotations) )
430 domainCountLog2-= 3;
431 // get the per-domain-pool densities
432 vector<short> densities= planeBlock->domains->getLevelDensities(level,domainCountLog2);
433 // storing the result in this-level infos with beginIndex values for all pools
434 vector<LevelPoolInfo> &poolInfos= levelPoolInfos[level];
435 ASSERT( poolInfos.empty() );
436 const ISquareDomains::PoolList &pools= planeBlock->domains->getPools();
437 int zoom= planeBlock->settings->zoom;
439 int domainSizeNZ= powers[level-zoom];
440 int poolCount= pools.size();
441 poolInfos.resize(poolCount+1);
443 int domCount= poolInfos[0].indexBegin= 0; // accumulated count
444 for (int i=0; i<poolCount; ++i) {
445 int dens= poolInfos[i].density= densities[i];
446 ASSERT(dens>=0);
447 if (dens) // if dens==0, there are no domains -> no increase
448 domCount+= getCountForDensity2D( rShift(pools[i].width,zoom)
449 , rShift(pools[i].height,zoom), dens, domainSizeNZ );
450 poolInfos[i+1].indexBegin= domCount;
452 poolInfos[poolCount].density= -1;
455 void MStdEncoder::writeSettings(ostream &file) {
456 ASSERT( /*modulePredictor() &&*/ moduleCodec(true) && moduleCodec(false) );
457 // put settings needed for decoding
458 put<Uchar>( file, settingsInt(AllowedRotations) );
459 put<Uchar>( file, settingsInt(AllowedInversion) );
460 put<Uchar>( file, settingsInt(QuantStepLog_avg) );
461 put<Uchar>( file, settingsInt(QuantStepLog_dev) );
462 // put ID's of connected modules (the predictor module doesn't need to be known)
463 file_saveModuleType( file, ModuleCodecAvg );
464 file_saveModuleType( file, ModuleCodecDev );
465 // put the settings of connected modules
466 moduleCodec(true)->writeSettings(file);
467 moduleCodec(false)->writeSettings(file);
469 void MStdEncoder::readSettings(istream &file) {
470 ASSERT( !modulePredictor() && !moduleCodec(true) && !moduleCodec(false) );
471 // get settings needed for decoding
472 settingsInt(AllowedRotations)= get<Uchar>(file);
473 settingsInt(AllowedInversion)= get<Uchar>(file);
474 settingsInt(QuantStepLog_avg)= get<Uchar>(file);
475 settingsInt(QuantStepLog_dev)= get<Uchar>(file);
476 // create connected modules (the predictor module isn't needed)
477 file_loadModuleType( file, ModuleCodecAvg );
478 file_loadModuleType( file, ModuleCodecDev );
479 // get the settings of connected modules
480 moduleCodec(true)->readSettings(file);
481 moduleCodec(false)->readSettings(file);
484 void MStdEncoder::writeData(ostream &file,int phase) {
485 typedef RangeList::const_iterator RLcIterator;
486 ASSERT( moduleCodec(true) && moduleCodec(false) );
487 ASSERT( planeBlock && planeBlock->ranges && planeBlock->encoder==this );
488 const RangeList &ranges= planeBlock->ranges->getRangeList();
489 ASSERT( !ranges.empty() );
491 switch(phase) {
492 case 0: { // save the averages
493 // get the list
494 vector<int> averages;
495 averages.reserve(ranges.size());
496 Quantizer::Average quant( settingsInt(QuantStepLog_avg) );
497 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
498 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
499 STREAM_POS(file);
500 const RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
501 averages.push_back( quant.quant(info->qrAvg) );
503 // pass it to the codec
504 moduleCodec(true)->setPossibilities( powers[settingsInt(QuantStepLog_avg)] );
505 moduleCodec(true)->encode( averages, file );
506 break;
509 case 1: { // save the deviations
510 // get the list
511 vector<int> devs;
512 devs.reserve(ranges.size());
513 Quantizer::Deviation quant( settingsInt(QuantStepLog_dev) );
514 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
515 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
516 STREAM_POS(file);
517 const RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
518 int dev= ( info->domainID>=0 ? quant.quant(sqrt(info->qrDev2)) : 0 );
519 devs.push_back(dev);
521 // pass it to the codec
522 moduleCodec(false)->setPossibilities( powers[settingsInt(QuantStepLog_dev)] );
523 moduleCodec(false)->encode( devs, file );
524 break;
527 case 2: { // save the rest
528 BitWriter stream(file);
529 // put the inversion bits if inversion is allowed
530 if ( settingsInt(AllowedInversion) )
531 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
532 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
533 STREAM_POS(file);
534 const RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
535 if ( info->domainID >= 0 )
536 stream.putBits(info->inverted,1);
538 // put the rotation bits if rotations are allowed
539 if ( settingsInt(AllowedRotations) )
540 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
541 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
542 STREAM_POS(file);
543 const RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
544 if ( info->domainID >= 0 ) {
545 ASSERT( 0<=info->rotation && info->rotation<8 );
546 stream.putBits( info->rotation, 3 );
549 // find out bits needed to store IDs of domains for every level
550 vector<int> domBits;
551 domBits.resize( levelPoolInfos.size() );
552 for (int i=0; i<(int)levelPoolInfos.size(); ++i) {
553 int count= levelPoolInfos[i].empty() ? 0 : levelPoolInfos[i].back().indexBegin;
554 ASSERT(count>=0);
555 STREAM_POS(file);
556 domBits[i]= count ? log2ceil(count) : 0;
558 // put the domain bits
559 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
560 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
561 STREAM_POS(file);
562 const RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
563 int domID= info->domainID;
564 if ( domID >= 0 ) {
565 int bits= domBits[ (*it)->level ];
566 ASSERT( 0<=domID && domID<powers[bits] );
567 if (bits>0)
568 stream.putBits( domID, bits );
571 break;
573 default:
574 ASSERT(false);
576 } // ::writeData method
577 void MStdEncoder::readData(istream &file,int phase) {
578 typedef RangeList::const_iterator RLcIterator;
579 ASSERT( moduleCodec(true) && moduleCodec(false) );
580 ASSERT( planeBlock && planeBlock->ranges && planeBlock->encoder==this );
581 const RangeList &ranges= planeBlock->ranges->getRangeList();
582 ASSERT( !ranges.empty() );
584 switch(phase) {
585 case 0: { // create the infos and load the averages
586 // get the list of averages from the codec
587 vector<int> averages;
588 moduleCodec(true)->setPossibilities( powers[settingsInt(QuantStepLog_avg)] );
589 moduleCodec(true)->decode( file, ranges.size(), averages );
590 // iterate the list, create infos and fill them with dequantized averages
591 Quantizer::Average quant( settingsInt(QuantStepLog_avg) );
592 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
593 ASSERT( *it && !(*it)->encoderData );
594 STREAM_POS(file);
595 RangeInfo *info= new RangeInfo;//rangeInfoAlloc.make();
596 (*it)->encoderData= info;
597 info->qrAvg= quant.dequant(averages[it-ranges.begin()]);
598 DEBUG_ONLY( info->bestSE= -1; ) // SE not needed for decoding,saving,...
599 if ( !settingsInt(AllowedInversion) )
600 info->inverted= false;
602 break;
605 case 1: { // load the deviations
606 // get the list of deviations from the codec
607 vector<int> devs;
608 moduleCodec(false)->setPossibilities( powers[settingsInt(QuantStepLog_dev)] );
609 moduleCodec(false)->decode( file, ranges.size(), devs );
610 // iterate the list, create infos and fill the with dequantized deviations
611 Quantizer::Deviation quant( settingsInt(QuantStepLog_dev) );
612 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
613 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
614 STREAM_POS(file);
615 RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
616 int quantDev= devs[it-ranges.begin()];
617 if (quantDev)
618 info->qrDev2= sqr(quant.dequant(quantDev));
619 else { // it's a flat block
620 info->qrDev2= 0;
622 DEBUG_ONLY( info->inverted= false; )
623 ASSERT( info->rotation==-1 && info->domainID==-1 );
626 break;
629 case 2: { // load the rest
630 BitReader stream(file);
631 // get the inversion bits if inversion is allowed
632 if ( settingsInt(AllowedInversion) )
633 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
634 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
635 STREAM_POS(file);
636 RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
637 if (info->qrDev2)
638 info->inverted= stream.getBits(1);
640 // get the rotation bits if rotations are allowed
641 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
642 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
643 STREAM_POS(file);
644 RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
645 if (info->qrDev2)
646 info->rotation= settingsInt(AllowedRotations) ? stream.getBits(3) : 0;
648 // find out bits needed to store IDs of domains for every level
649 vector<int> domBits( levelPoolInfos.size(), -1 );
650 // get the domain bits
651 for (RLcIterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
652 ASSERT( *it && (*it)->encoderData );
653 STREAM_POS(file);
654 RangeInfo *info= RangeInfo::get(*it);
655 if (!info->qrDev2)
656 continue;
657 int level= (*it)->level;
658 int bits= domBits[level];
659 if (bits<0) {
660 // yet unused level -> initialize it and get the right bits
661 buildPoolInfos4aLevel(level);
662 bits= domBits[level]
663 = log2ceil( levelPoolInfos[level].back().indexBegin );
664 ASSERT( bits>0 );
666 // get the domain ID, check it's OK and store it in the range's info
667 int domID= stream.getBits(bits);
668 checkThrow( domID < levelPoolInfos[level].back().indexBegin );
669 info->domainID= domID;
671 // initialize decoding accelerators for domain-to-range mappings
672 initRangeInfoAccelerators();
673 break;
675 default:
676 ASSERT(false);
678 } // ::readData method
680 void MStdEncoder::decodeAct( DecodeAct action, int count ) {
681 // do some checks
682 ASSERT( planeBlock && planeBlock->ranges && planeBlock->encoder==this );
683 const RangeList &ranges= planeBlock->ranges->getRangeList();
684 ASSERT( !ranges.empty() );
686 switch (action) {
687 default:
688 ASSERT(false);
689 case Clear:
690 ASSERT(count==1);
691 planeBlock->pixels.fillSubMatrix
692 ( Block(0,0,planeBlock->width,planeBlock->height), 0.5f );
693 planeBlock->summers_invalidate();
694 break;
695 case Iterate:
696 ASSERT(count>0);
697 do {
698 // prepare the domains, iterate each range block
699 planeBlock->domains->fillPixelsInPools(*planeBlock);
700 for (RangeList::const_iterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it) {
701 const RangeInfo &info= *RangeInfo::get(*it);
702 if ( info.domainID < 0 ) { // no domain - constant color
703 planeBlock->pixels.fillSubMatrix( **it, info.qrAvg );
704 continue;
706 // get domain sums and the pixel count
707 Real dSum, d2Sum;
708 info.decAccel.pool->summers_makeValid();
709 info.decAccel.pool->getSums(info.decAccel.domBlock).unpack(dSum,d2Sum);
710 Real pixCount= (*it)->size();
711 // find out the coefficients and handle constant blocks
712 Real linCoeff= (info.inverted ? -pixCount : pixCount)
713 * sqrt( info.qrDev2 / ( pixCount*d2Sum - sqr(dSum) ) );
714 if ( !isnormal(linCoeff) || !linCoeff ) {
715 planeBlock->pixels.fillSubMatrix( **it, info.qrAvg );
716 continue;
718 Real constCoeff= info.qrAvg - linCoeff*dSum/pixCount;
719 // map the nonconstant blocks
720 using namespace MatrixWalkers;
721 MulAddCopyChecked<Real> oper( linCoeff, constCoeff, 0, 1 );
722 walkOperateCheckRotate( Checked<SReal>(planeBlock->pixels, **it), oper
723 , info.decAccel.pool->pixels, info.decAccel.domBlock, info.rotation );
725 } while (--count);
726 break;
727 } // switch (action)
728 } // ::decodeAct method
730 void MStdEncoder::initRangeInfoAccelerators() {
731 // get references that are the same for all range blocks
732 const RangeList &ranges= planeBlock->ranges->getRangeList();
733 const ISquareDomains::PoolList &pools= planeBlock->domains->getPools();
734 int zoom= planeBlock->settings->zoom;
735 // iterate over the ranges (and their accelerators)
736 for ( RangeList::const_iterator it=ranges.begin(); it!=ranges.end(); ++it ) {
737 // get range level, reference to the range's info and to the level's pool infos
738 int level= (*it)->level;
739 RangeInfo &info= *RangeInfo::get(*it);
740 if ( info.domainID < 0 )
741 continue;
742 const PoolInfos &poolInfos= levelPoolInfos[level];
743 // build pool infos for the level (if neccesary), fill info's accelerators
744 if ( poolInfos.empty() )
745 buildPoolInfos4aLevel(level), ASSERT( !poolInfos.empty() );
746 info.decAccel.pool= &getDomainData
747 ( **it, pools, poolInfos, info.domainID, zoom, info.decAccel.domBlock );
748 // adjust domain's block if the range isn't regular
749 if ( !(*it)->isRegular() )
750 info.decAccel.domBlock= adjustDomainForIncompleteRange
751 ( **it, info.rotation, info.decAccel.domBlock );