Reimplemented things working with summed pixels, other fixes.
[fic.git] / modules / saupePredictor.cpp
1 #include "saupePredictor.h"
2 using namespace std;
4 IStdEncPredictor::IOneRangePredictor* MSaupePredictor
5 ::newPredictor(const NewPredictorData &data) {
6 // ensure the levelTrees vector is long enough
7 int level= data.rangeBlock->level;
8 if ( level >= (int)levelTrees.size() )
9 levelTrees.resize( level+1, (Tree*)0 );
10 // ensure the tree is built for the level
11 Tree *tree= levelTrees[level];
12 if (!tree)
13 tree= levelTrees[level]= createTree(data);
14 ASSERT(tree);
16 int maxPredicts= (int)ceil(maxPredCoeff()*tree->count);
17 if (maxPredicts<=0)
18 maxPredicts= 1;
20 OneRangePredictor *result=
21 new OneRangePredictor(data,settingsInt(ChunkSize),*tree,maxPredicts);
24 #ifndef NDEBUG
25 maxpred+= tree->count*(data.allowRotations?8:1)*(data.allowInversion?2:1);
26 result->predicted= &predicted;
27 #endif
29 return result;
32 MSaupePredictor::Tree* MSaupePredictor::createTree(const NewPredictorData &data) {
33 // compute some accelerators
34 const ISquareEncoder::LevelPoolInfos::value_type &poolInfos= *data.poolInfos;
35 int domainCount= poolInfos.back().indexBegin;
36 int level= data.rangeBlock->level;
37 int sideLength= powers[level];
38 int pixelCount= powers[2*level];
39 // create space for temporary domain pixels
40 KDReal *domPix= new KDReal[ domainCount * pixelCount ];
41 // init domain-blocks' from every pool
42 KDReal *domPixNow= domPix;
43 int poolCount= data.pools->size();
44 for (int poolID=0; poolID<poolCount; ++poolID) {
45 // check we are on the place we want to be; get the current pool, density, etc.
46 ASSERT( domPixNow-domPix == poolInfos[poolID].indexBegin*pixelCount );
47 const ISquareDomains::Pool &pool= (*data.pools)[poolID];
48 int density= poolInfos[poolID].density;
49 if (!density) // no domains in this pool for this level
50 continue;
51 int poolXend= density*getCountForDensity( pool.width, density, sideLength );
52 int poolYend= density*getCountForDensity( pool.height, density, sideLength );
53 // handle the domain block on [x0,y0] (for each in the pool)
54 for (int x0=0; x0<poolXend; x0+=density)
55 for (int y0=0; y0<poolYend; y0+=density) {
56 // compute the average and standard deviation (data needed for normalization)
57 Real sum, sum2;
58 pool.getSums(x0,y0,x0+sideLength,y0+sideLength).unpack(sum,sum2);
59 // the same as = 1 / sqrt( sum2 - sqr(sum)/pixelCount ) );
60 Real multiply= 1 / sqrt( sum2 - sqr(ldexp(sum,-level)) );
61 if ( !finite(multiply) )
62 multiply= 1; // it would be better not to add the domains into the tree
63 // if inversion is allowed and the first pixel is below zero then invert the block
64 //if ( data.allowInversion && *domPixNow < 0 )
65 // multiply= -multiply;
66 Real avg= ldexp(sum,-2*level);
67 MatrixWalkers::AddMulCopy<Real> oper( -avg, multiply );
68 // copy every column of the domain's pixels (and normalize them on the way)
69 using namespace FieldMath;
70 KDReal *linCol= domPixNow;
71 KDReal *linColEnd= domPixNow+pixelCount;
72 for (int x=x0; linCol!=linColEnd; ++x,linCol+=sideLength)
73 transform2( linCol, linCol+sideLength, pool.pixels[x]+y0, oper );
74 // move to the data of the next domain
75 domPixNow= linColEnd;
78 ASSERT( domPixNow-domPix == domainCount*pixelCount ); // check we are just at the end
79 // create the tree from obtained data
80 Tree *result= Tree::Builder
81 ::makeTree( domPix, pixelCount, domainCount, &Tree::Builder::chooseApprox );
82 // clean up temporaries, return the tree
83 delete[] domPix;
84 return result;
87 namespace NOSPACE {
88 template<class T> struct AddMulCopyTo2nd {
89 T toAdd, toMul;
91 AddMulCopyTo2nd(T add,T mul)
92 : toAdd(add), toMul(mul) {}
94 template<class R1,class R2> void operator()(R1 f,R2 &res) const
95 { res= (f+toAdd)*toMul; }
96 void innerEnd() const {}
99 struct SignChanger {
100 template<class R1,class R2> void operator()(R1 in,R2 &out) const
101 { out= -in; }
104 MSaupePredictor::OneRangePredictor::OneRangePredictor
105 ( const NewPredictorData &data, int chunkSize_, const Tree &tree, int maxPredicts )
106 : chunkSize(chunkSize_), predsRemain(maxPredicts)
107 , firstChunk(true), allowRotations(data.allowRotations), isRegular(data.isRegular)
109 // compute some accelerators, allocate space for normalized range (+rotations,inversion)
110 int rotationCount= allowRotations ? 8 : 1;
111 heapCount= rotationCount * (data.allowInversion ? 2 : 1);
112 points= new KDReal[tree.length*heapCount];
113 // if the block isn't regular, fill the space with NaNs (to be left on unused places)
114 if (!isRegular)
115 fill( points, points+tree.length*heapCount, numeric_limits<KDReal>::quiet_NaN() );
116 // compute normalizing transformation and initialize a normalizator object
117 Real multiply= sqrt(data.pixCount) / data.rnDev;
118 AddMulCopyTo2nd<Real> colorNorm( -data.rSum/data.pixCount, multiply );
119 // compute SE-normalizing accelerator
120 errorNorm.initialize(data);
122 int sideLength= powers[data.rangeBlock->level];
123 Block localBlock(0,0,sideLength,sideLength);
124 // create normalized rotations
125 for (int rot=0; rot<rotationCount; ++rot) {
126 // fake the matrix for this rotation
127 MatrixSlice<KDReal> currRangeMatrix;
128 currRangeMatrix.allocate( sideLength, sideLength, points+rot*tree.length );
129 // fill it with normalized data
130 using namespace MatrixWalkers;
131 walkOperateCheckRotate( Checked<const SReal>(data.rangePixels,*data.rangeBlock)
132 , colorNorm, currRangeMatrix, localBlock, rot );
135 // create inverse of the rotations if needed
136 if (data.allowInversion) {
137 KDReal *pointsMiddle= points+tree.length*rotationCount;
138 FieldMath::transform2( points, pointsMiddle, pointsMiddle, SignChanger() );
140 // create all the heaps and initialize their infos (and make a heap of the infos)
141 heaps.reserve(heapCount);
142 infoHeap.reserve(heapCount);
143 for (int i=0; i<heapCount; ++i) {
144 PointHeap *heap= new PointHeap( tree, points+i*tree.length, !data.isRegular );
145 heaps.push_back(heap);
146 infoHeap.push_back(HeapInfo( i, heap->getTopSE() ));
148 // build the heap from heap-informations
149 make_heap( infoHeap.begin(), infoHeap.end() );
152 MSaupePredictor::Predictions& MSaupePredictor::OneRangePredictor
153 ::getChunk(float maxPredictedSE,Predictions &store) {
154 ASSERT( PtrInt(heaps.size())==heapCount && PtrInt(infoHeap.size())<=heapCount );
155 if ( infoHeap.empty() || predsRemain<=0 ) {
156 store.clear();
157 return store;
159 // get the number of predictions to make (may be larger for the first chunk)
160 int predCount= chunkSize;
161 if (firstChunk) {
162 firstChunk= false;
163 if (heapCount>predCount)
164 predCount= heapCount;
166 // check the limit for prediction count
167 if (predCount>predsRemain)
168 predCount= predsRemain;
169 predsRemain-= predCount;
170 // compute the max. normalized SE to predict
171 float maxNormalizedSE= errorNorm.normSE(maxPredictedSE);
172 // make a local working copy for the result (the prediction), adjust its size
173 Predictions result;
174 swap(result,store); // swapping is the quickest way
175 result.resize(predCount);
176 // generate the predictions
177 for (Predictions::iterator it=result.begin(); it!=result.end(); ++it) {
178 pop_heap( infoHeap.begin(), infoHeap.end() );
179 HeapInfo &bestInfo= infoHeap.back();
180 // if the error is too high, cut the vector and exit the cycle
181 if ( bestInfo.bestError > maxNormalizedSE ) {
182 result.erase( it, result.end() );
183 infoHeap.clear(); // to be able to exit more quickly in the next call
184 break;
186 // fill the prediction and pop the heap
187 ASSERT( 0<=bestInfo.index && bestInfo.index<heapCount );
188 PointHeap &bestHeap= *heaps[bestInfo.index];
189 it->domainID= isRegular
190 ? bestHeap.popLeaf<false>()
191 : bestHeap.popLeaf<true>();
192 it->rotation= allowRotations ? bestInfo.index%8 : 0; // modulo - for the case of inversion
193 // check for emptying the heap
194 if ( !bestHeap.isEmpty() ) {
195 // rebuild the infoHeap heap
196 bestInfo.bestError= bestHeap.getTopSE();
197 push_heap( infoHeap.begin(), infoHeap.end() );
198 } else { // just emptied a heap
199 infoHeap.pop_back();
200 // check for emptying the last heap
201 if ( infoHeap.empty() )
202 break;
205 // return the result
206 swap(result,store);
208 #ifndef NDEBUG
209 *predicted+= store.size();
210 #endif
212 return store;