Various small fixes in documentation and settings.
[fic.git] / modules / stdDomains.cpp
1 #include "stdDomains.h"
2 #include "../fileUtil.h"
4 enum { MinDomSize=8, MinRngSize=4 };
6 using namespace std;
9 /** Implementations of shrinking routines by using MatrixWalkers */
10 namespace NOSPACE {
11 using namespace MatrixWalkers;
12 /** Performs a simple 50\%^2 image shrink (dimensions belong to the destination)
13 * \relates MStdDomains */
14 void shrinkToHalf( CSMatrix src, SMatrix dest, int width, int height ) {
15 walkOperate( Checked<SReal>(dest,Block(0,0,width,height))
16 , HalfShrinker<const SReal>(src), ReverseAssigner() );
18 /** Performs a simple 33\%x66\% image horizontal shrink
19 * (dimensions belong to the destination) \relates MStdDomains */
20 void shrinkHorizontally( CSMatrix src, SMatrix dest, int width, int height ) {
21 walkOperate( Checked<SReal>(dest,Block(0,0,width,height))
22 , HorizShrinker<const SReal>(src), ReverseAssigner() );
24 /** Performs a simple 66\%x33\% image vertical shrink
25 * (dimensions belong to the destination) \relates MStdDomains */
26 void shrinkVertically( CSMatrix src, SMatrix dest, int width, int height ) {
27 walkOperate( Checked<SReal>(dest,Block(0,0,width,height))
28 , VertShrinker<const SReal>(src), ReverseAssigner() );
30 /** Performs 50\% shrink with 45-degree anticlockwise rotation
31 * (\p side - the length of the destination square;
32 * \p sx0, \p sy0 - the top-left of the enclosing source square) \relates MStdDomains */
33 void shrinkToDiamond( CSMatrix src, SMatrix dest, int side ) {
34 walkOperate( Checked<SReal>(dest,Block(0,0,side,side))
35 , DiamShrinker<const SReal>(src,side), ReverseAssigner() );
36 }// shrinkToDiamond
40 namespace NOSPACE {
41 /** Pool ordering according to Pool::type (primary key) and Pool::level (secondary) */
42 struct PoolTypeLevelComparator {
43 typedef MStdDomains::Pool Pool;
44 bool operator()(const Pool &a,const Pool &b) {
45 if (a.type!=b.type)
46 return a.type<b.type;
47 else
48 return a.level<b.level;
51 /* All sizes are unzoomed */
52 inline static int minSizeNeededForDiamond()
53 { return 2*MinDomSize-1; }
54 inline static int getDiamondSize(int fromSize)
55 { return fromSize<minSizeNeededForDiamond() ? 0 : fromSize/2; }
56 inline static int getDiamondShift(int fromSize)
57 { return ( getDiamondSize(fromSize) - MinRngSize + 1 )*2; }
59 void MStdDomains::initPools(const PlaneBlock &planeBlock) {
60 zoom= planeBlock.settings->zoom;
61 width= rShift( planeBlock.width, zoom );
62 height= rShift( planeBlock.height, zoom );
63 // checks some things
64 ASSERT( width>0 && height>0 && this && settings && pools.empty() );
65 if ( min(width,height)/2 < MinDomSize )
66 // no domains (too small)
67 return;
68 // create the first set of domain pools for standard, horizontal and vertical domains
69 if ( settingsInt(DomPortion_Standard) )
70 pools.push_back(Pool( width/2, height/2, DomPortion_Standard, 1, 0.25, zoom ));
71 if ( settingsInt(DomPortion_Horiz) && width/3>=MinDomSize )
72 pools.push_back(Pool( width/3, height/3*2, DomPortion_Horiz, 1, 2.0/9.0, zoom ));
73 if ( settingsInt(DomPortion_Vert) && height/3>=MinDomSize )
74 pools.push_back(Pool( width/3*2, height/3, DomPortion_Vert, 1, 2.0/9.0, zoom ));
75 // create the first set of domain pools for diamond domains
76 if ( settingsInt(DomPortion_Diamond) ) {
77 // get longer and shorter dimension
78 int shorter= min(width,height);
79 int shift= getDiamondShift(shorter);
80 // generate the pool sizes
81 for (int longer=max(width,height); longer>minSizeNeededForDiamond(); longer-=shift) {
82 int side= getDiamondSize( min(longer,shorter) );
83 ASSERT(side>=0);
84 if (side)
85 pools.push_back(Pool( side, side, DomPortion_Diamond, 1, 0.5, zoom ));
86 else
87 break;
90 // if allowed, create more downscaled domains (at most 256 pools)
91 if ( settingsInt(MultiDownScaling) )
92 for (Uint i=0; i<pools.size() && i<256; ++i) {
93 const Pool &pool= pools[i];
94 // compute new dimensions and add the pool if it's big enough
95 int w= rShift<int>(pool.width,zoom+1);
96 int h= rShift<int>(pool.height,zoom+1);
97 float cf= ldexp(pool.contrFactor,-2);
98 if ( min(w,h) >= MinDomSize )
99 pools.push_back( Pool( w, h, pool.type, pool.level+1, cf, zoom ) );
101 // sort the pools according to their types and levels (stable so the diamonds can't be swapped)
102 stable_sort( pools.begin(), pools.end(), PoolTypeLevelComparator() );
105 namespace NOSPACE {
106 typedef MStdDomains::PoolList::const_iterator PoolIt;
107 /** To be called before creating shrinked domains to check the shrink is OK (debug only) */
108 static inline bool halfShrinkOK(PoolIt src,PoolIt dest,int zoom) {
109 return src->level+1 == dest->level && src->type == dest->type
110 && rShift<int>(src->width,zoom+1) == rShift<int>(dest->width,zoom)
111 && rShift<int>(src->height,zoom+1) == rShift<int>(dest->height,zoom);
114 void MStdDomains::fillPixelsInPools(PlaneBlock &planeBlock) {
115 ASSERT( !pools.empty() ); // assuming initPools has already been called
116 // iterate over pool types
117 PoolList::iterator end= pools.begin();
118 while ( end != pools.end() ) {
119 PoolList::iterator begin= end;
120 char type= begin->type;
121 // find the end of the same-pool-type block and invalidate the summers on the way
122 while ( end!=pools.end() && end->type==type ) {
123 end->summers_invalidate();
124 ++end;
127 // we've got the interval, find out about the type
128 if (type!=DomPortion_Diamond) {
129 // non-diamond domains all behave similarly
130 void (*shrinkProc)( CSMatrix , SMatrix , int, int );
131 switch (type) {
132 case DomPortion_Standard: shrinkProc= &shrinkToHalf; break;
133 case DomPortion_Horiz: shrinkProc= &shrinkHorizontally;break;
134 case DomPortion_Vert: shrinkProc= &shrinkVertically; break;
135 default: ASSERT(false), shrinkProc=0;
137 // we have the right procedure -> fill the first pool
138 ASSERT( begin->level == 1 );
139 shrinkProc( planeBlock.pixels, begin->pixels, begin->width, begin->height );
140 // fill the rest (in the same-type interval)
141 while (++begin != end) {
142 ASSERT( halfShrinkOK(begin-1,begin,zoom) );
143 shrinkToHalf( (begin-1)->pixels, begin->pixels, begin->width, begin->height );
146 } else { // handle diamond-type domains
147 PoolList::iterator it= begin; //< the currently filled domain pool
148 // fill the first set of diamond-type domain pools
149 bool horiz= width>=height;
150 int shift= lShift( getDiamondShift(min(width,height)), zoom );
151 int longerEnd= lShift( max(width,height)-minSizeNeededForDiamond(), zoom );
152 CSMatrix source= planeBlock.pixels;
154 for (int l=0; l<=longerEnd; ++it,l+=shift) {
155 ASSERT( it!=end && it->level==1 && it->width==it->height );
156 shrinkToDiamond( planeBlock.pixels, it->pixels, it->width );
157 source.shiftMatrix( (horiz?shift:0), (horiz?0:shift) );
159 // now fill the multiscaled diamond pools
160 while (it!=end) {
161 // too small pools are skipped
162 while ( min(begin->width,begin->height) < 2*MinDomSize )
163 ++begin;
164 ASSERT( halfShrinkOK(begin,it,zoom) );
165 shrinkToHalf( begin->pixels, it->pixels, it->width, it->height );
166 // move on
167 ++it;
168 ++begin;
170 }// if non-diamond else diamond
172 // we just handled the whole interval (of diamond or other type)
174 }// for (iterate over single-type intervals)
176 // (cancelled) we filled all pools, let's prepare the summers
177 //for_each( pools, mem_fun_ref(&Pool::summers_makeValid) );
178 }// ::fillPixelsInPools
180 namespace NOSPACE {
181 /** Computes the ideal domain density for pool, level and max.\ domain count,
182 * the density is push_back-ed, returns the generated domain count (used once)
183 * \relates MStdDomains */
184 inline static int bestDomainDensity( PoolIt pool, int level, int maxCount, int zoom
185 , vector<short> &result) {
186 level-= zoom;
187 ASSERT( maxCount>=0 && level>0 && zoom>=0 );
188 int wms= rShift<int>(pool->width,zoom) -powers[level];
189 int hms= rShift<int>(pool->height,zoom) -powers[level];
190 // check whether any domain can fit and whether we should generate any more
191 if ( wms<0 || hms<0 || !maxCount ) {
192 result.push_back(0);
193 return 0;
195 int dens;
196 if (maxCount>1) {
197 Real temp= ( wms+hms+sqrt( sqr<Real>(wms+hms) +Real(4*wms*hms)*(maxCount-1) ) )
198 / ( 2*(maxCount-1) );
199 dens= (int)ceil(temp);
200 } else
201 dens= 1+max(wms,hms);
203 if (!dens)
204 dens= 1;
205 ASSERT(dens>0);
206 int count= (wms/dens+1)*(hms/dens+1);
207 ASSERT(count<=maxCount);
209 result.push_back(dens);
210 return count;
212 /** Generates (\p results.push_back) densities for domains on level \p level for
213 * all pools of one type. It distributes at most \p maxCount domains among
214 * the pools' scale-levels in one of three ways (\p divType)
215 * and returns the number of generated domains \relates MStdDomains */
216 static int divideDomsInType( PoolIt begin, PoolIt end, int maxCount, int level
217 , char divType, int zoom, vector<short> &results ) {
218 ASSERT( begin!=end && divType>=0 && divType<=2 );
219 int scaleLevels= (end-1)->level - begin->level + 1;
220 int genCount= 0;
221 // iterate over same-scaleLevel intervals
222 for (; begin!=end; --scaleLevels) {
223 PoolIt it= begin+1;
224 while ( it!=end && it->level==begin->level )
225 ++it;
226 // we have the same-scale interval, find out how many domains to generate for it
227 int toGenerate= divType==2
228 // half per scale level
229 ? (maxCount-genCount)/2
230 // uniform dividing or no multiscaling (then scaleLevels==1)
231 : (maxCount-genCount)/scaleLevels ;
232 // distribute it uniformly among the interval
233 // (there are more than one for diamond-type only)
234 genCount+= toGenerate; // genCount: "assume" we generate exactly toGenerate
235 for (; begin!=it; ++begin)
236 toGenerate-=
237 bestDomainDensity( begin, level, toGenerate/(it-begin), zoom, results );
238 genCount-= toGenerate; // genCount: correct the count
240 return genCount;
243 vector<short> MStdDomains::getLevelDensities(int level,int stdDomCountLog2) {
244 ASSERT(level>=2);
245 // compute the sum of shares, check for no-domain situations
246 int totalShares= settingsInt(DomPortion_Standard) + settingsInt(DomPortion_Horiz)
247 + settingsInt(DomPortion_Vert) + settingsInt(DomPortion_Diamond);
248 stdDomCountLog2-= (level-zoom-2)*settingsInt(MaxDomCountLevelDivisor);
250 if ( pools.empty() || !totalShares || stdDomCountLog2<0 )
251 return vector<short>( pools.size(), 0 );
252 // get the real domain count for this level
253 int domCountLeft= powers[stdDomCountLog2];
255 vector<short> result;
256 result.reserve(pools.size());
257 PoolList::iterator begin, end;
258 end= pools.begin();
259 // iterate over single-type domain-pool intervals
260 while ( end!=pools.end() ) {
261 begin= end;
262 // find the end of the current interval
263 while ( end!=pools.end() && begin->type==end->type )
264 ++end;
265 // we've got a single-type interval
266 int share= settingsInt( (Settings)begin->type );
267 domCountLeft-= divideDomsInType( begin, end, domCountLeft*share/totalShares
268 , level, settingsInt(MultiDownScaling), zoom, result );
269 totalShares-= share;
271 // check we created the correct number of densities
272 ASSERT( result.size() == pools.size() );
273 return result;
276 void MStdDomains::writeSettings(ostream &file) {
277 ASSERT( this && settings );
278 // all settings are small integers a need to be preserved
279 int setLength= info().setLength;
280 for (int i=0; i<setLength; ++i)
281 put<Uchar>( file, settingsInt(i) );
284 void MStdDomains::readSettings(istream &file) {
285 ASSERT( this && settings );
286 // all settings are small integers a need to be preserved
287 int setLength= info().setLength;
288 for (int i=0; i<setLength; ++i)
289 settingsInt(i)= get<Uchar>(file);