Fixed wrong prediction for incomplete ranges.
[fic.git] / modules / saupePredictor.h
4 #include "../headers.h"
5 #include "../kdTree.h"
7 /// \ingroup modules
8 /** Predictor for MStdEncoder based on a theorem proven in Saupe's work.
9 * It resizes the blocks to 4x4 and normalizes them.
10 * Domains for every level are stored in a KDTree instance and searched.
11 * The user can set the size of returned chunks of the blocks
12 * and the maximal part of domains returned. */
13 class MSaupePredictor: public IStdEncPredictor {
14 DECLARE_debugModule;
16 DECLARE_TypeInfo( MSaupePredictor, "Saupe predictor"
17 , "Predictor for standard encoder using multi-dimensional nearest neighbour search"
18 , {
19 label: "Prediction chunk size",
20 desc: "The number of predicted domains in a chunk",
21 type: settingInt(1,16,64)
22 }, {
23 label: "Max. predicted part",
24 desc: "The maximal part of domains predicted for a range block",
25 type: settingInt(-20,-8,0,IntLog2)
26 } )
28 protected:
29 /** Indices for settings */
30 enum Settings { ChunkSize, MaxPredPart };
32 /** maxPredCoeff() * "the number of domains" == "max. number of predictions" */
33 Real maxPredCoeff() { return ldexp( Real(1), settingsInt(MaxPredPart) ); }
35 public:
36 typedef float KDReal; ///< The floating point type used in the KD-tree
37 typedef KDTree<KDReal> Tree;///< The version of KDTree in use
38 protected:
39 // Module's data
40 std::vector<Tree*> levelTrees; ///< The predicting Tree for every level (can be missing)
41 #ifndef NDEBUG // the stats about the domain counts predicted
42 long predicted, maxpred;
43 #endif
45 protected:
46 // Construction and destruction
47 #ifndef NDEBUG
48 MSaupePredictor(): predicted(0), maxpred(0) {}
49 #endif
50 /** Only call ::cleanUp */
51 ~MSaupePredictor() { cleanUp(); }
53 public:
54 /** \name IStdEncPredictor interface
55 * @{ */
56 IOneRangePredictor* newPredictor(const NewPredictorData &data);
58 void cleanUp() {
59 clearContainer(levelTrees);
60 levelTrees.clear();
62 /// @}
64 protected:
65 /** Computes the level for predictions based on the actual level */
66 int getPredLevel(int /*realLevel*/) const
67 { return 2; }
69 /** Builds a new tree for one level of range blocks using passed domain blocks */
70 Tree* createTree(const NewPredictorData &data);
72 /** Normalizes and possibly shrinks a domain block */
73 static void refineDomain( const SummedPixels &pixMatrix, int x0, int y0
74 , bool allowInversion, int realLevel, int predLevel, SReal *pixelResult );
75 /** Normalizes and possibly shrinks a range block, returns true on success.
76 * Failure occurs when the shrunken block contains at most one pixel (pointless to predict). */
77 static bool refineRange
78 ( const NewPredictorData &data, int predLevel, SReal *pixelResult );
81 protected:
82 /** Implementation of the one-range-predictor from IStdEncPredictor interface */
83 class OneRangePredictor: public IOneRangePredictor {
84 friend class MSaupePredictor;
86 /** Struct representing one node of the KD-tree and its distance form the range block */
87 struct HeapInfo {
88 int index; ///< The index of the node in the tree
89 float bestError;///< The SE-distance of the node from the range's point
91 /** Only initializes members from the parameters */
92 HeapInfo(int index_,float bestError_)
93 : index(index_), bestError(bestError_) {}
95 /** Reverse comparison operator according to the ::bestError (lowest first) */
96 bool operator<(const HeapInfo &other) const
97 { return bestError>other.bestError; }
100 /** A convertor from SE in regular space to SE in normalized space */
101 class SEnormalizator {
102 Real errorAccel; ///< Accelerator for conversion of SEs to the real values
103 public:
104 /** Initializes the normalizator for a range block, needed to call ::normSE */
105 void initialize(const NewPredictorData &data,int predLevel) {
106 int shift= 2 * (predLevel - data.rangeBlock->level);
107 errorAccel= ldexp( data.pixCount/data.rnDev2, shift );
108 //errorAccel= data.pixCount/data.rnDev2;
110 /** Computes normalized-tree-error from real SE (::initialize has been called) */
111 Real normSE(Real error) const {
112 Real result= std::ldexp( 1-sqrt(1-error*errorAccel), 1 );
113 if ( isNaN(result) )
114 result= numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
115 return result;
117 } errorNorm; ///< used to compute SE in the normalized space (from normal SE)
119 typedef Tree::PointHeap PointHeap;
120 protected:
121 std::vector<PointHeap*> heaps; ///< Pointers to the heaps for every rotation and inversion
122 std::vector<HeapInfo> infoHeap; ///< Heap built from ::heaps according to their best SEs
123 KDReal *points; ///< Normalized range rotations and inversions used by the heaps (owned)
124 int chunkSize /// The suggested count for predicted ranges returned at once
125 , predsRemain /// Max.\ remaining count of predictions to be returned
126 , heapCount; ///< The number of heaps
127 bool firstChunk /// True if nothing has been predicted yet, false otherwise
128 , allowRotations/// Like NewPredictorData::allowRotations
129 , isRegular; ///< Indicates regularity of the range block (see RangeNode::isRegular)
131 DEBUG_ONLY( public: long *predicted; )
133 protected:
134 /** Creates a new predictor for a range block (prepares tree-heaps, etc.) */
135 OneRangePredictor( const NewPredictorData &data, int chunkSize_
136 , const Tree &tree, int maxPredicts );
137 public:
138 /** \name IOneRangePredictor interface
139 * @{ */
140 Predictions& getChunk(float maxPredictedSE,Predictions &store);
141 ~OneRangePredictor() {
142 clearContainer(heaps);
143 delete[] points;
145 /// @}
146 }; // OneRangePredictor class