bebob: add a partial support for PreSonus Inspire1394
[ffado.git] / libffado / support / mixer-qt4 / ffado / mixer /
2 # - Qt4/FFADO application for Presonus Inspire1394
3 # Copyright (C) 2014 Takashi Sakamoto <>
5 # This file is part of FFADO
6 # FFADO = Free Firewire (pro-)audio drivers for linux
8 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
11 # version 3 of the License.
13 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
23 from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, Qt, SIGNAL
24 from PyQt4.QtGui import QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout, QGridLayout
25 from PyQt4.QtGui import QGroupBox, QLabel, QSizePolicy, QSlider, QComboBox, QToolButton
26 from math import log10
27 from ffado.config import *
29 class Presonus_Inspire1394(QtGui.QWidget):
30 # feature_id/name
31 inputs = [[1, "Analog in 1/2"],
32 [2, "Analog in 3/4"]]
34 # feature_id/name
35 mixer_src = [[3, "Analog in 1/2"],
36 [4, "Analog in 3/4"],
37 [5, "Stream in 5/6"]]
39 # feature id/name
40 outputs = [[6, "Analog out 1/2"],
41 [7, "HP out 1/2"]]
43 # selector_id/sources
44 out_src = [1, ["Mixer out 1/2", "Stream in 1/2"]]
46 def __init__(self, parent=None):
47 QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
49 def getDisplayTitle(self):
50 return 'Inspire1394'
52 def buildMixer(self):
53 self.Selectors = {}
54 self.Volumes = {}
56 plain_layout = QHBoxLayout(self)
58 left = QGroupBox(self)
59 plain_layout.addWidget(left)
60 self.addAnalogInputs(left)
62 center = QGroupBox(self)
63 plain_layout.addWidget(center)
64 self.addInternalMixer(center)
66 right = QGroupBox(self)
67 plain_layout.addWidget(right)
68 self.addAnalogOutputs(right)
70 def addAnalogInputs(self, box):
71 box_layout = QVBoxLayout()
72 box.setLayout(box_layout)
73 box.setTitle("Analog Inputs")
75 grid = QGroupBox(box)
76 box_layout.addWidget(grid)
77 grid_layout = QGridLayout()
78 grid.setLayout(grid_layout)
80 self.addVolumes(self.inputs, grid, grid_layout)
82 def addAnalogOutputs(self, box):
83 box_layout = QVBoxLayout()
84 box.setLayout(box_layout)
85 box.setTitle("Analog Outputs")
87 cmb = QComboBox(box)
88 box_layout.addWidget(cmb)
89 for i in range(len(self.out_src[1])):
90 cmb.addItem(self.out_src[1][i], i)
91 self.Selectors[cmb] = ["/Mixer/Selector_%d" % self.out_src[0]]
93 grid = QGroupBox(box)
94 box_layout.addWidget(grid)
95 grid_layout = QGridLayout()
96 grid.setLayout(grid_layout)
98 self.addVolumes(self.outputs, grid, grid_layout)
100 def addInternalMixer(self, box):
101 box_layout = QGridLayout()
102 box.setLayout(box_layout)
103 box.setTitle("Hardware Mixer")
105 self.addVolumes(self.mixer_src, box, box_layout)
107 def addVolumes(self, elms, parent, layout):
108 for col in range(len(elms)):
109 label = QLabel(parent)
110 label.setText(elms[col][1])
111 layout.addWidget(label, 0, col * 2, 1, 2, Qt.AlignHCenter)
113 l_sld = self.getSlider(parent)
114 r_sld = self.getSlider(parent)
115 layout.addWidget(l_sld, 1, col * 2, Qt.AlignHCenter)
116 layout.addWidget(r_sld, 1, col * 2 + 1, Qt.AlignHCenter)
118 link = self.getLink(parent)
119 layout.addWidget(link, 2, col * 2, 1, 2, Qt.AlignHCenter)
121 path = "/Mixer/Feature_Volume_%d" % elms[col][0]
122 self.Volumes[l_sld] = [path, 1, r_sld, link]
123 self.Volumes[r_sld] = [path, 2, l_sld, link]
125 # widget helper functions
126 def getSlider(self, parent):
127 sld = QSlider(parent)
128 sld.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum)
129 sld.setMinimum(0)
130 sld.setMaximum(99)
131 sld.setPageStep(10)
132 sld.setPageStep(10)
133 sld.setMinimumHeight(50)
134 sld.setTickInterval(25)
135 sld.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBothSides)
136 return sld
138 def getLink(self, parent):
139 link = QToolButton(parent)
140 link.setText("link")
141 link.setCheckable(True)
142 link.setMinimumWidth(100)
143 link.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Preferred, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
144 return link
146 def initValues(self):
147 for ctl, params in self.Selectors.items():
148 path = params[0]
149 state = self.hw.getDiscrete(path)
150 ctl.setCurrentIndex(state)
151 QObject.connect(ctl, SIGNAL('activated(int)'), self.updateSelector)
153 for ctl, params in self.Volumes.items():
154 path = params[0]
155 idx = params[1]
156 pair = params[2]
157 link = params[3]
159 db = self.hw.getContignuous(path, idx)
160 vol = self.db2vol(db)
161 ctl.setValue(vol)
162 QObject.connect(ctl, SIGNAL('valueChanged(int)'), self.updateVolume)
164 if idx == 2:
165 pair_db = self.hw.getContignuous(path, 1)
166 if pair_db == db:
167 link.setChecked(True)
169 # helper functions
170 def vol2db(self, vol):
171 return (log10(vol + 1) - 2) * 16384
173 def db2vol(self, db):
174 return pow(10, db / 16384 + 2) - 1
176 def updateSelector(self, state):
177 sender = self.sender()
178 path = self.Selectors[sender][0]
179 self.hw.setDiscrete(path, state)
181 def updateVolume(self, vol):
182 sender = self.sender()
183 path = self.Volumes[sender][0]
184 idx = self.Volumes[sender][1]
185 pair = self.Volumes[sender][2]
186 link = self.Volumes[sender][3]
188 db = self.vol2db(vol)
189 self.hw.setContignuous(path, db, idx)
191 if link.isChecked():
192 pair.setValue(vol)