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[fedora-idea.git] / build / scripts / dist.gant
1 import org.jetbrains.jps.Jps
2 import static org.jetbrains.jps.idea.IdeaProjectLoader.*
4 includeTargets << new File("${guessHome(this)}/build/scripts/utils.gant")
5 includeTool << Jps
7 requireProperty("out", "$home/out")
9 class Paths {
10   final sandbox
11   final distWin
12   final distAll
13   final distUnix
14   final distMac
15   final artifacts
17   def Paths(String out) {
18     sandbox = out
19     distWin = "$sandbox/"
20     distAll = "$sandbox/dist.all.ce"
21     distUnix = "$sandbox/dist.unix.ce"
22     distMac = "$sandbox/dist.mac.ce"
24     artifacts = "$sandbox/artifacts"
25   }
28 setProperty("paths", new Paths(out))
30 def paths = new Paths(out)
32 def includeFile(String filepath) {
33   Script s = groovyShell.parse(new File(filepath))
34   s.setBinding(binding)
35   s
38 target(compile: "Compile project") {
39   loadProject()
41   project.stage("Cleaning up sandbox folder")
42   ant.delete(dir: paths.sandbox)
44   [paths.sandbox, paths.distWin, paths.distAll, paths.distUnix, paths.distMac, paths.artifacts].each {
45     ant.mkdir(dir: it)
46   }
48   ant.tstamp() {
49     format(property: "today.year", pattern: "yyyy")
50   }
52   project["javac"] = "$jdk/bin/javac"
53   project.targetFolder = "$out/classes"
54   project.clean()
55   project.makeProduction()
58 String appInfoFile() {
59   return "${this["community-resources"].output}/idea/IdeaApplicationInfo.xml"
62 def wire_build_date(String buildNumber) {
63   ant.replace(token: "__BUILD_NUMBER__", value: buildNumber, file: appInfoFile())
64   ant.replace(token: "__BUILD_DATE__", value: DSTAMP, file: appInfoFile())
67 target('default': 'The default target') {
68   depends(compile)
69   layoutAll(
70           buildNumber: "IC-90.SNAPSHOT",
71           version: "Maia",
72           system_selector: "IntelliJIdeaCE90",
73           jdk_req: "1.6*",
74           vmoptions: "-Xms128m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=250m -ea",
75           home, out)
78 public def layoutAll(Map args, String home, String out) {
79   Paths paths = new Paths(out)
81   wire_build_date(args.buildNumber)
82   ant.xmlproperty(file: appInfoFile(), collapseAttributes: "true")
84   def layouts = includeFile("$home/build/scripts/layouts.gant")
85   layouts.layoutFull(home, paths.distAll)
87   ant.echo(message: args.buildNumber, file: "$paths.distAll/build.txt")
88   ant.copy(todir: "$paths.distAll/license", preservelastmodified: "true") {
89     fileset(dir: "$home/license")
90   }
92   ant.copy(file: "$home/LICENSE.txt", todir: "$paths.distAll", preservelastmodified: "true")
94   layoutMac(args, home, paths)
95   layoutLinux(args, home, paths)
96   layoutWin(args, home, paths)
99 boolean isEap() {
100   return "true" == p("component.version.eap")
103 private def patchPropertiesFile(String where) {
104   ant.echo(file: "$where/bin/", append: "true", message:
105            isEap() ?
108 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
109 # Change to 'disabled' if you need not to receive instant visual notifications about
110 # fatal errors that happen to IDEA or plugins installed.
111 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
112 idea.fatal.error.notification=enabled
119 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
120 # Change to 'eanbled' if you need to receive instant visual notifications about
121 # fatal errors that happen to IDEA or plugins installed.
122 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
123 idea.fatal.error.notification=disabled
125   )
128 private def layoutWin(Map args, String home, Paths paths) {
129   layout("$paths.distWin") {
130     dir("bin") {
131       fileset(dir: "$home/bin") { include(name: "*.*") }
132       fileset(dir: "$home/bin/win") { include(name: "*.*") }
133     }
134   }
136   patchPropertiesFile(paths.distWin)
137   ant.echo(file: "$paths.distWin/bin/idea.exe.vmoptions", message: args.vmoptions.replace(' ', '\n'))
139 "$paths.artifacts/idea${args.buildNumber}") {
140     fileset(dir: paths.distAll)
141     fileset(dir: paths.distWin)
142   }
145 private def layoutMac(Map args, String home, Paths paths) {
146   project.stage("Cleaning up sandbox folder")
148   ant.copy(todir: "$paths.distMac/bin") {
149     fileset(dir: "$home/bin") { include(name: "*.*") }
150     fileset(dir: "$home/bin/nix")
151     fileset(dir: "$home/bin/mac")
152   }
154   patchPropertiesFile(paths.distMac)
156   ant.copy(todir: paths.distMac) {
157     fileset(dir: "$home/build/conf/mac")
158   }
160   def version = isEap() ? p("component.version.codename") : p("component.version.major") + "." +  p("component.version.minor")
162   ant.replace(file: "${paths.distMac}/Contents/Info.plist") {
163     replacefilter(token: "@@build@@", value: args.buildNumber)
165     replacefilter(token: "@@version@@", value: version)
166     replacefilter(token: "@@vmoptions@@", value: args.vmoptions + " -Xverify:none -XX:+UseCompressedOOPS")
167     replacefilter(token: "@@system_selector@@", value: args.system_selector)
168     replacefilter(token: "@@jdk_req@@", value: args.jdk_req)
169   }
171   def root = isEap() ? "${version}-${args.buildNumbder}.app" : "IntelliJ IDEA ${version}"
173 "$paths.artifacts/idea${args.buildNumber}") {
174     [paths.distAll, paths.distMac].each {
175       tarfileset(dir: it, prefix: root) {
176         exclude(name: "bin/*.sh")
177         exclude(name: "Contents/MacOS/idea")
178       }
179     }
181     tarfileset(dir: paths.distMac, filemode: "755", prefix: root) {
182       include(name: "bin/*.sh")
183       include(name: "Contents/MacOS/idea")
184     }
185   }
188 def layoutLinux(Map args, String home, Paths paths) {
189   project.stage("tar.gz")
190   layout(paths.distUnix) {
191     dir("bin") {
192       fileset(dir: "$home/bin") { include(name: "*.*") }
193       fileset(dir: "$home/bin/linux") { include(name: "*.*") }
194       fileset(dir: "$home/bin/nix") { include(name: "*.*") }
195     }
196   }
198   patchPropertiesFile(paths.distUnix)
200   ant.echo(file: "$paths.distUnix/bin/idea.vmoptions", message: args.vmoptions.replace(' ', '\n') )
201   ant.fixcrlf(srcdir: "$paths.distUnix/bin", includes: "idea.vmoptions", eol: "unix")
202   ant.fixcrlf(srcdir: "$paths.distUnix/bin", includes: "*.sh", eol: "unix")
205   def tarRoot = "idea-$args.buildNumber"
206   def tarPath = "$paths.artifacts/idea${args.buildNumber}.tar"
207   ant.tar(tarfile: tarPath) {
208     [paths.distAll, paths.distUnix].each {
209       tarfileset(dir: it, prefix: tarRoot) {
210         exclude(name: "bin/*.sh")
211       }
212     }
214     tarfileset(dir: paths.distUnix, filemode: "755", prefix: tarRoot) {
215       include(name: "bin/*.sh")
216     }
217   }
219   ant.gzip(src: tarPath, zipfile: "${tarPath}.gz")
220   ant.delete(file: tarPath)