fix case of testdata
[fedora-idea.git] / java / java-tests / testSrc / com / intellij / codeInspection /
1 /*
2 * Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
3 * User: max
4 * Date: Apr 11, 2002
5 * Time: 6:50:50 PM
6 * To change template for new class use
7 * Code Style | Class Templates options (Tools | IDE Options).
8 */
9 package com.intellij.codeInspection;
11 import com.intellij.JavaTestUtil;
12 import com.intellij.codeInspection.dataFlow.DataFlowInspection;
13 import com.intellij.codeInspection.ex.LocalInspectionToolWrapper;
14 import com.intellij.testFramework.InspectionTestCase;
15 import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
17 public class DataFlowInspectionTest extends InspectionTestCase {
18 @Override
19 protected String getTestDataPath() {
20 return JavaTestUtil.getJavaTestDataPath() + "/inspection";
23 private void doTest() throws Exception {
24 doTest("dataFlow/" + getTestName(false), new DataFlowInspection());
27 private void doTest15() throws Exception {
28 final LocalInspectionToolWrapper tool = new LocalInspectionToolWrapper(new DataFlowInspection());
29 doTest("dataFlow/" + getTestName(false), tool, "java 1.5");
32 public void testnpe1() throws Exception { doTest(); }
34 public void testcaseAndNpe() throws Exception { doTest(); }
36 public void testcce() throws Exception { doTest(); }
38 public void testexceptionCFG() throws Exception { doTest(); }
40 public void testinst() throws Exception { doTest(); }
42 public void testwrongEqualTypes() throws Exception { doTest(); }
44 public void testSCR13702() throws Exception { doTest(); }
46 public void testSCR13626() throws Exception { doTest(); }
48 public void testSCR13871() throws Exception { doTest(); }
50 public void testInstanceof() throws Exception { doTest(); }
52 public void testorBug() throws Exception { doTest(); }
54 public void testSCR14819() throws Exception { doTest(); }
56 public void testSCR14314() throws Exception { doTest(); }
58 public void testSCR15162() throws Exception { doTest(); }
60 public void testCatchParameterCantBeNull() throws Exception { doTest(); }
62 public void testxor() throws Exception { doTest(); }
64 public void testGenericInstanceof() throws Exception { doTest(); }
66 public void testthisInstanceof() throws Exception { doTest(); }
68 public void testandEq() throws Exception { doTest(); }
70 public void testnullableField() throws Exception { doTest(); }
72 public void testSCR39950() throws Exception { doTest(); }
74 public void testscrIDEA1() throws Exception { doTest(); }
75 public void testSCR18186() throws Exception { doTest(); }
76 //public void testSCR15406() throws Exception {
77 // doTest();
78 //}
79 public void testconstantExpr() throws Exception { doTest(); }
81 public void testNotNullable() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
83 public void testNotNullableParameter() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
85 public void testNotNullableParameter2() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
87 public void testNullable() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
88 public void testNullableThroughCast() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
89 public void testNullableThroughVariable() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
90 public void testNullableThroughVariableShouldNotBeReported() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
91 public void testNullableAssignment() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
93 public void testNullableLocalVariable() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
95 public void testNotNullLocalVariable() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
97 public void testNullableReturn() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
99 public void testNullableReturn1() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
101 public void testfinalFields() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
103 public void testNotNullArray() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
105 public void testFieldsFlashing() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
107 public void testConditionFalseAndNPE() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
109 public void testIDEADEV1575() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
111 public void testAlexBug() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
112 public void testYoleBug() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
114 public void testForeachFlow() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
115 public void testForEachNPE() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
116 public void testArrayAccessNPE() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
117 public void testArrayAccessDoesntCancelAnalysis() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
118 public void testcompileTimeConst() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
119 public void testautoboxing() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
120 public void testunboxingNPE() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
122 public void testStrangeArrayIndexOutOfBounds() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
123 public void testIDEADEV2605() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
124 public void testConstantsDifferentTypes() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
125 public void testBoxingNaN() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
126 public void testjspTemplateStatement() throws Exception {
127 @NonNls final String testDir = getTestDataPath() + "/"+ "dataFlow/" + getTestName(false);
128 runTool(testDir, "java 1.4", new LocalInspectionToolWrapper(new DataFlowInspection()));
129 // should not crash
131 public void testboxingBoolean() throws Exception { doTest15();}
133 public void testCheckedExceptionDominance() throws Exception { doTest15();}
134 public void testIDEADEV10489() throws Exception { doTest15();}
135 public void testPlusOnStrings() throws Exception { doTest15();}
137 public void testSwitchQualifierProducesNPE() throws Exception {doTest15();}
138 public void testIDEADEV15583() throws Exception {doTest15();}
139 public void testIDEADEV13153() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
140 public void testIDEADEV13156() throws Exception { doTest15(); }
142 //public void testIDEADEV11033() throws Exception { doTest15(); }