ComponentWithBrowseButton - optional remove listener on hide
[fedora-idea.git] / platform / platform-resources-en / src / tips / Switcher.html
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5 <td>Use Switcher (&shortcut:ToolWindowSwitcher;) to switch between open files and tool windows. Keeping <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">Ctrl</font> pressed, use <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">Up</font> and <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">Down</font> arrow keys, <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">Tab</font> or <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">Shift+Tab</font>, <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">Alt</font> for navigation;
6 use <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">Delete</font> or <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#993300">BackSpace</font> to close editor tab or hide a tool window.</td></tr>
7 <tr><td><img src="images/switcher.png" alt="Switcher" align="left"/></td></tr>
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