fixed [IDEADEV-41319] test runner: do not show green balloon and green progress bar...
[fedora-idea.git] / resources-en / src / tips / ColorEditingInCss.html
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5 <td><p><font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#003399">IntelliJ</font>
6 <font style="font-family: Verdana; font-weight:bold;" size="3" color="#3366cc">IDEA</font> simplifies working
7 with colors in CSS files. The <font style="font-family: Courier; " size="3" color="#003399">color</font>
8 properties are marked with the icons of the corresponding color in the left gutter area of the editor.
9 Use these icons to view colors and change color values. When you point with your mouse cursor to the color icon,
10 the popup window appears, showing the color and its code:</p>
11 <p><img hspace="20" src="images/cssColor.png"></p>
12 <p>Double-click color icon to choose the desired color from the color picker dialog box.</p>
13 </td>
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15 </table>
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17 </html>