1 # @interface (annotation) related messages
2 annotation.unknown.method=Cannot resolve method ''{0}''
3 annotation.missing.method=Cannot find method ''{0}''
4 annotation.incompatible.types=Incompatible types. Found: ''{0}'', required: ''{1}''
5 annotation.illegal.array.initializer=Illegal initializer for ''{0}''
6 annotation.duplicate.annotation=Duplicate annotation
7 annotation.duplicate.attribute=Duplicate attribute ''{0}''
8 annotation.missing.attribute={0} missing though required
9 annotation.not.applicable=@''{0}'' not applicable to {1}
10 annotation.nonconstant.attribute.value=Attribute value must be constant
11 annotation.invalid.annotation.member.type=Invalid type for annotation member
12 annotation.cyclic.element.type=Cyclic annotation element type
13 annotation.annotation.type.expected=Annotation type expected
14 annotation.members.may.not.have.throws.list=@interface members may not have throws list
15 annotation.may.not.have.extends.list=@interface may not have extends list
16 annotation.name.is.missing=Annotation attribute must be of the form 'name=value'
18 # These aren't unused.
19 # suppress inspection "unused property"
20 annotation.target.ANNOTATION_TYPE=annotation type
21 # suppress inspection "unused property"
22 annotation.target.TYPE=type
23 # suppress inspection "unused property"
24 annotation.target.CONSTRUCTOR=constructor
25 # suppress inspection "unused property"
26 annotation.target.METHOD=method
27 # suppress inspection "unused property"
28 annotation.target.FIELD=field
29 # suppress inspection "unused property"
30 annotation.target.PARAMETER=parameter
31 # suppress inspection "unused property"
32 annotation.target.LOCAL_VARIABLE=local variable
33 # suppress inspection "unused property"
34 annotation.target.PACKAGE=package
36 # generics related messages
37 generics.holder.type=Type
38 generics.holder.method=Method
40 generics.are.not.supported=Generics are not supported at this language level
41 generics.inferred.type.for.type.parameter.is.not.within.its.bound.extend=Inferred type ''{2}'' for type parameter ''{0}'' is not within its bound; should extend ''{1}''
42 generics.inferred.type.for.type.parameter.is.not.within.its.bound.implement=Inferred type ''{2}'' for type parameter ''{0}'' is not within its bound; should implement ''{1}''
43 generics.type.parameter.is.not.within.its.bound.extend=Type parameter ''{0}'' is not within its bound; should extend ''{1}''
44 generics.type.parameter.is.not.within.its.bound.implement=Type parameter ''{0}'' is not within its bound; should implement ''{1}''
46 # {0} - Type (class) or Method
47 generics.type.or.method.does.not.have.type.parameters={0} ''{1}'' does not have type parameters
48 generics.wrong.number.of.type.arguments=Wrong number of type arguments: {0}; required: {1}
49 generics.cannot.be.inherited.with.different.type.arguments=''{0}'' cannot be inherited with different type arguments: ''{1}'' and ''{2}''
50 generics.select.static.class.from.parameterized.type=Cannot select static class ''{0}'' from parameterized type
51 generics.methods.have.same.erasure={0}; both methods have same erasure
52 generics.methods.have.same.erasure.override={0}; both methods have same erasure, yet neither overrides the other
53 generics.type.parameter.cannot.be.instantiated=Type parameter ''{0}'' cannot be instantiated directly
54 wildcard.type.cannot.be.instantiated=Wildcard type ''{0}'' cannot be instantiated directly
55 generics.wildcard.not.expected=No wildcard expected
56 generics.wildcards.may.be.used.only.as.reference.parameters=Wildcards may be used only as reference parameters
57 generics.type.argument.cannot.be.of.primitive.type=Type argument cannot be of primitive type
58 generics.unchecked.assignment=Unchecked assignment: ''{0}'' to ''{1}''
59 generics.unchecked.cast=Unchecked cast: ''{0}'' to ''{1}''
60 generics.unchecked.call.to.member.of.raw.type=Unchecked call to ''{0}'' as a member of raw type ''{1}''
61 foreach.not.applicable=foreach not applicable to type ''{0}''.
62 illegal.to.access.static.member.from.enum.constructor.or.instance.initializer=It is illegal to access static member ''{0}'' from enum constructor or instance initializer
63 enum.types.cannot.be.instantiated=Enum types cannot be instantiated
64 generic.array.creation=Generic array creation
65 generics.enum.may.not.have.type.parameters=Enum may not have type parameters
66 generics.annotation.members.may.not.have.type.parameters=@interface members may not have type parameters
67 annotation.may.not.have.type.parameters=@interface may not have type parameters
68 generics.duplicate.type.parameter=Duplicate type parameter: ''{0}''
69 generics.cannot.catch.type.parameters=Cannot catch type parameters
70 generics.cannot.instanceof.type.parameters=Class or array expected
71 illegal.generic.type.for.instanceof=Illegal generic type for instanceof
72 cannot.select.dot.class.from.type.variable=Cannot select from a type variable
73 method.doesnot.override.super=Method does not override method from its superclass
74 call.to.super.is.not.allowed.in.enum.constructor=Call to super is not allowed in enum constructor
75 vararg.not.last.parameter=Vararg parameter must be the last in the list
76 modifiers.for.enum.constants=No modifiers allowed for enum constants
77 generics.type.arguments.on.raw.type=Type arguments given on a raw type
78 generics.type.arguments.on.raw.method=Type arguments given on a raw method
79 classes.extends.enum=Classes cannot directly extend 'java.lang.Enum'
80 unchecked.overriding.incompatible.return.type=Unchecked overriding: return type requires unchecked conversion. Found ''{0}'', required ''{1}''
81 unchecked.overriding=Unchecked overriding
82 local.enum=Enum must not be local
84 interface.expected=Interface expected here
85 class.expected=No interface expected here
86 implements.after.interface=No implements clause allowed for interface
87 static.declaration.in.inner.class=Inner classes cannot have static declarations
88 class.must.be.abstract=Class ''{0}'' must either be declared abstract or implement abstract method ''{1}'' in ''{2}''
89 abstract.cannot.be.instantiated=''{0}'' is abstract; cannot be instantiated
90 duplicate.class.in.other.file=Duplicate class found in the file ''{0}''
91 duplicate.class=Duplicate class: ''{0}''
92 public.class.should.be.named.after.file=Class ''{0}'' is public, should be declared in a file named ''{0}.java''
93 inheritance.from.final.class=Cannot inherit from final ''{0}''
94 package.name.file.path.mismatch=Package name ''{0}'' does not correspond to the file path ''{1}''
95 missing.package.statement=Missing package statement: ''{0}''
96 interface.cannot.be.local=Modifier 'interface' not allowed here
97 cyclic.inheritance=Cyclic inheritance involving ''{0}''
98 class.already.imported=''{0}'' is already defined in this compilation unit
99 class.cannot.extend.multiple.classes=Class cannot extend multiple classes
100 not.allowed.in.interface=Not allowed in interface
101 qualified.new.of.static.class=Qualified new of static class
102 invalid.qualified.new=Invalid qualified new
103 class.name.expected=Class name expected
104 no.enclosing.instance.in.scope=No enclosing instance of type ''{0}'' is in scope
105 externalizable.class.should.have.public.constructor=Externalizable class should have public no-args constructor
106 is.not.an.enclosing.class=''{0}'' is not an enclosing class
107 cannot.be.referenced.from.static.context=''{0}'' cannot be referenced from a static context
108 no.default.constructor.available=There is no default constructor available in ''{0}''
109 missing.return.statement=Missing return statement
110 unreachable.statement=Unreachable statement
111 variable.not.initialized=Variable ''{0}'' might not have been initialized
112 variable.already.assigned=Variable ''{0}'' might already have been assigned to
113 variable.assigned.in.loop=Variable ''{0}'' might be assigned in loop
114 assignment.to.final.variable=Cannot assign a value to final variable ''{0}''
115 variable.must.be.final=Variable ''{0}'' is accessed from within inner class. Needs to be declared final.
116 initializer.must.be.able.to.complete.normally=Initializer must be able to complete normally
117 weaker.privileges={0}; attempting to assign weaker access privileges (''{1}''); was ''{2}''
118 incompatible.return.type=attempting to use incompatible return type
119 final.method.override=''{0}'' cannot override ''{1}'' in ''{2}''; overridden method is final
120 overridden.method.does.not.throw={0}; overridden method does not throw ''{1}''
121 exception.is.never.thrown=Exception ''{0}'' is never thrown in the method
122 wrong.method.arguments=''{0}'' in ''{1}'' cannot be applied to ''{2}''
123 method.call.expected=Method call expected
124 ambiguous.method.call=Ambiguous method call: both ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' match
125 cannot.resolve.method=Cannot resolve method ''{0}''
126 missing.method.body=Missing method body, or declare abstract
127 abstract.method.in.non.abstract.class=Abstract method in non-abstract class
128 missing.return.type=Invalid method declaration; return type required
129 duplicate.method=''{0}'' is already defined in ''{1}''
130 constructor.call.must.be.first.statement=Call to ''{0}'' must be first statement in constructor body
131 direct.abstract.method.access=Abstract method ''{0}'' cannot be accessed directly
132 unrelated.overriding.methods.return.types=methods have unrelated return types
133 overrides.deprecated.method=Overrides deprecated method in ''{0}''
134 recursive.constructor.invocation=Recursive constructor invocation
135 wrong.constructor.arguments=''{0}'' cannot be applied to ''{1}''
136 cannot.resolve.constructor=Cannot resolve constructor ''{0}''
137 invalid.package.annotation.containing.file=Package annotations should be in file package-info.java
138 repeated.annotation.target=Repeated annotation target
140 clash.methods.message=''{0}'' clashes with ''{1}''
141 clash.methods.message.show.classes=''{0}'' in ''{2}'' clashes with ''{1}'' in ''{3}''
143 # {0} - colspan, {1} - method1, {2} - class1, {3} - method2, {4} - class2
144 ambiguous.method.html.tooltip=\
145 <html><body><table border=0>\
146 <tr><td colspan={0}>Ambiguous method call. Both</td></tr>\
147 <tr>{1}<td>in <b>{2}</b>\\ and</td></tr>\
148 <tr>{3}<td>in <b>{4}</b>\\ match.</td></tr>\
149 </table></body></html>
152 # {0} - colspan, {1} - method name, {2} - class name, {3} - formal parameters row, {4} - arguments row
153 argument.mismatch.html.tooltip=\
154 <html><body><table border=0>\
155 <tr><td><b>{1}</b></td>{3}<td colspan={0}>in <b>{2}</b>\\ cannot be applied</td></tr>\
156 <tr><td>to</td>{4}</tr>\
157 </table></body></html>
159 # {0} - left raw type, {1} - required row, {2} - right raw type, {3} - found row
160 incompatible.types.html.tooltip=\
161 <html><body>Incompatible types.<table>\
162 <tr><td>Required:</td><td>{0}</td>{1}</tr>\
163 <tr><td>Found:</td><td>{2}</td>{3}</tr>\
164 </table></body></html>
166 interface.methods.cannot.have.body=Interface methods cannot have body
167 abstract.methods.cannot.have.a.body=Abstract methods cannot have a body
168 native.methods.cannot.have.a.body=Native methods cannot have a body
170 instance.method.cannot.override.static.method=Instance method ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' cannot override static method ''{2}'' in ''{3}''
171 static.method.cannot.override.instance.method=Static method ''{0}'' in ''{1}'' cannot override instance method ''{2}'' in ''{3}''
172 inconvertible.type.cast=Inconvertible types; cannot cast ''{0}'' to ''{1}''
173 variable.expected=Variable expected
174 binary.operator.not.applicable=Operator ''{0}'' cannot be applied to ''{1}'',''{2}''
175 unary.operator.not.applicable=Operator ''{0}'' cannot be applied to ''{1}''
176 return.outside.method=Return outside method
177 return.from.void.method=Cannot return a value from a method with void result type
178 missing.return.value=Missing return value
180 #{0] - exceptions list (comma separated). {1} - exceptions count in the list
181 unhandled.exceptions=Unhandled {1, choice, 0#exception|2#exceptions}: {0}
182 variable.already.defined=Variable ''{0}'' is already defined in the scope
183 break.outside.switch.or.loop=Break outside switch or loop
184 continue.outside.loop=Continue outside of loop
185 not.loop.label=Not a loop label: ''{0}''
186 incompatible.modifiers=Illegal combination of modifiers: ''{0}'' and ''{1}''
187 modifier.not.allowed=Modifier ''{0}'' not allowed here
188 exception.never.thrown.try=Exception ''{0}'' is never thrown in the corresponding try block
189 not.a.statement=Not a statement
190 incompatible.types=Incompatible types. Found: ''{1}'', required: ''{0}''
191 valid.switch.selector.types=byte, char, short or int
192 dot.expected.after.super.or.this='.' expected
194 non.static.symbol.referenced.from.static.context=Non-static {0} ''{1}'' cannot be referenced from a static context
195 private.symbol=''{0}'' has private access in ''{1}''
196 protected.symbol=''{0}'' has protected access in ''{1}''
197 package.local.symbol=''{0}'' is not public in ''{1}''. Cannot be accessed from outside package
198 visibility.access.problem=Cannot access ''{0}'' in ''{1}''
199 array.type.expected=Array type expected; found: ''{0}''
200 expression.expected=Expression expected
201 case.statement.outside.switch=Case statement outside switch
202 qualified.enum.constant.in.switch=An enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant
203 constant.expression.required=Constant expression required
204 duplicate.default.switch.label=Duplicate default label
205 duplicate.switch.label=Duplicate label ''{0}''
206 switch.colon.expected.after.case.label=':' expected
209 illegal.forward.reference=Illegal forward reference
211 unknown.class=Unknown class: ''{0}''
212 illegal.type.void=Illegal type: 'void'
213 member.referenced.before.constructor.called=Cannot reference ''{0}'' before supertype constructor has been called
214 label.without.statement=Label without statement
215 duplicate.label=Label ''{0}'' already in use
216 nonterminated.comment=Unclosed comment
217 assignment.to.itself=Variable is assigned to itself
218 assignment.to.declared.variable=Variable ''{0}'' is initialized with self assignment
219 exception.already.caught=Exception ''{0}'' has already been caught
220 statement.must.be.prepended.with.case.label=Statement must be prepended with case label
221 void.type.is.not.allowed='void' type is not allowed here
222 single.import.class.conflict=''{0}'' is already defined in a single-type import
223 numeric.overflow.in.expression=Numeric overflow in expression
224 static.member.accessed.via.instance.reference=Static member ''{0}.{1}'' accessed via instance reference
225 unresolved.label=Undefined label: ''{0}''
226 deprecated.symbol=''{0}'' is deprecated
227 cannot.resolve.symbol=Cannot resolve symbol ''{0}''
228 static.imports.prior.15=Static imports are not supported at this language level
229 varargs.prior.15=Variable arity methods are not supported at this language level
230 foreach.prior.15=Foreach loops are not supported at this language level
231 annotations.prior.15=Annotations are not supported at this language level
232 class.is.already.defined.in.single.type.import=class ''{0}'' is already defined in a single-type import
233 field.is.already.defined.in.single.type.import=field ''{0}'' is already defined in a single-type import
234 annotation.interface.members.may.not.have.parameters=@interface members may not have parameters
236 local.variable.is.never.used=Variable ''{0}'' is never used
237 local.variable.is.not.used.for.reading=Variable ''{0}'' is assigned but never accessed
238 local.variable.is.not.assigned=Variable ''{0}'' is never assigned
239 private.field.is.not.used=Private field ''{0}'' is never used
240 private.field.is.not.used.for.reading=Private field ''{0}'' is assigned but never accessed
241 private.field.is.not.assigned=Private field ''{0}'' is never assigned
242 parameter.is.not.used=Parameter ''{0}'' is never used
243 private.method.is.not.used=Private method ''{0}'' is never used
244 private.constructor.is.not.used=Private constructor ''{0}'' is never used
245 private.inner.class.is.not.used=Private inner class ''{0}'' is never used
246 private.inner.interface.is.not.used=Private inner interface ''{0}'' is never used
247 type.parameter.is.not.used=Type parameter ''{0}'' is never used
248 local.class.is.not.used=Local class ''{0}'' is never used
249 uidesigned.field.is.overwritten.by.generated.code=Field ''{0}'' is overwritten by generated code
250 uidesigner.bound.field.type.mismatch=Types of GUI component (''{0}'') and bound field (''{1}'') do not match
252 hexadecimal.numbers.must.contain.at.least.one.hexadecimal.digit=Hexadecimal numbers must contain at least one hexadecimal digit
253 integer.number.too.large=Integer number too large
254 long.number.too.large=Long number too large
255 malformed.floating.point.literal=Malformed floating point literal
256 illegal.line.end.in.character.literal=Illegal line end in character literal
257 illegal.escape.character.in.character.literal=Illegal escape character in character literal
258 too.many.characters.in.character.literal=Too many characters in character literal
259 empty.character.literal=Empty character literal
260 illegal.line.end.in.string.literal=Illegal line end in string literal
261 illegal.escape.character.in.string.literal=Illegal escape character in string literal
262 floating.point.number.too.large=Floating point number too large
263 floating.point.number.too.small=Floating point number too small
265 import.statement.identifier.or.asterisk.expected.=Identifier or '*' expected
267 javadoc.exception.tag.exception.class.expected=Exception class expected
268 javadoc.exception.tag.wrong.tag.value=Wrong tag value
269 javadoc.exception.tag.class.is.not.throwable=Class {0} is not a descendant of Throwable
270 javadoc.exception.tag.exception.is.not.thrown={0} is not declared to be thrown by method {1}
271 javadoc.param.tag.paramter.name.expected=Parameter name expected
272 javadoc.param.tag.type.parameter.name.expected=Type parameter name expected
273 javadoc.param.tag.type.parameter.gt.expected='>' expected
274 javadoc.value.tag.jdk15.required=@value tag may not have any arguments when JDK 1.4 or earlier is used
275 javadoc.value.field.required=@value tag must reference a field
276 javadoc.value.static.field.required=@value tag must reference a static field
277 javadoc.value.field.with.initializer.required=@value tag must reference a field with a constant initializer
279 expected.identifier=Identifier expected
280 expected.comma.or.semicolon=',' or ';' expected
281 unexpected.token=Unexpected token
282 unexpected.eof=Unexpected end of file
283 expected.class.or.interface='class' or 'interface' expected
284 expected.identifier.or.type=Identifier or type expected
285 expected.rbracket=']' expected
286 expected.expression=Expression expected
287 expected.semicolon=';' expected
288 expected.class.reference=Class reference expected
289 expected.lparen='(' expected
290 expected.rparen=')' expected
291 expected.eq='=' expected
292 expected.value=Value expected
293 expected.rbrace='}' expected
294 expected.lbrace='{' expected
295 unexpected.identifier=Unexpected identifier
296 expected.gt='>' expected.
297 expected.lbrace.or.semicolon='{' or ';' expected
298 expected.parameter=Parameter expected
299 expected.type.parameter=Type parameter expected
300 expected.comma=',' expected
301 expected.comma.or.rparen=',' or ')' expected
302 unexpected.tokens.beyond.the.end.of.expression=Unexpected token(s) beyond the end of expression
303 expected.colon=':' expected
304 expected.type=Type expected
305 expected.lbracket='[' expected
306 expected.lparen.or.lbracket='(' or '[' expected
307 expected.array.initializer=Array initializer expected
308 unexpected.tokens=Unexpected tokens
309 expected.gt.or.comma='>' or ',' expected.
310 else.without.if='else' without 'if'
311 catch.without.try='catch' without 'try'
312 finally.without.try='finally' without 'try'
313 expected.statement=Statement expected
314 expected.while='while' expected
315 expected.catch.or.finally='catch' or 'finally' expected
316 expected.boolean.expression=Boolean expression expected
317 error.cannot.resolve.class=Cannot resolve class ''{0}''
318 error.cannot.resolve.class.or.package=Cannot resolve class or package ''{0}''
319 expected.class.or.package=Expected class or package
320 suspicious.name.assignment=''{0}'' should probably not be assigned to ''{1}''
321 suspicious.name.parameter=''{0}'' should probably not be passed as parameter ''{1}''
322 type.parameter.cannot.be.followed.by.other.bounds=Type parameter cannot be followed by other bounds
323 generic.extend.exception=Generic class may not extend 'java.lang.Throwable'
324 illegal.initializer=Illegal initializer for ''{0}''
325 class.cannot.inherit.from.its.type.parameter=Class cannot inherit from its type parameter
326 cannot.resolve.package=Cannot resolve package {0}
327 override.not.allowed.in.interfaces=@Override is not allowed when implementing interface method