IDEADEV-41062 (Map help button of "Import into Subversion" dialog box)
[fedora-idea.git] / plugins / svn4idea / src / org / jetbrains / idea / svn /
1 /*
2 * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o.
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
18 package org.jetbrains.idea.svn;
20 import com.intellij.ide.FrameStateListener;
21 import com.intellij.ide.FrameStateManager;
22 import com.intellij.notification.*;
23 import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.AnAction;
24 import com.intellij.openapi.application.Application;
25 import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
26 import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger;
27 import com.intellij.openapi.options.Configurable;
28 import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException;
29 import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager;
30 import com.intellij.openapi.project.DumbAwareRunnable;
31 import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
32 import com.intellij.openapi.startup.StartupManager;
33 import com.intellij.openapi.ui.DialogWrapper;
34 import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages;
35 import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair;
36 import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo;
37 import com.intellij.openapi.util.Trinity;
38 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.*;
39 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.annotate.AnnotationProvider;
40 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.*;
41 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.checkin.CheckinEnvironment;
42 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.diff.DiffProvider;
43 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.history.VcsHistoryProvider;
44 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.history.VcsRevisionNumber;
45 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.merge.MergeProvider;
46 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.rollback.RollbackEnvironment;
47 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.update.UpdateEnvironment;
48 import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.versionBrowser.ChangeBrowserSettings;
49 import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
50 import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFileManager;
51 import com.intellij.util.containers.Convertor;
52 import com.intellij.util.containers.SoftHashMap;
53 import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBus;
54 import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBusConnection;
55 import com.intellij.util.messages.Topic;
56 import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
57 import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
58 import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
59 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.actions.ShowPropertiesDiffWithLocalAction;
60 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.actions.SvnMergeProvider;
61 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.annotate.SvnAnnotationProvider;
62 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.checkin.SvnCheckinEnvironment;
63 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.dialogs.SvnFormatWorker;
64 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.dialogs.WCInfo;
65 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history.LoadedRevisionsCache;
66 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history.SvnChangeList;
67 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history.SvnCommittedChangesProvider;
68 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.history.SvnHistoryProvider;
69 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.rollback.SvnRollbackEnvironment;
70 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.update.SvnIntegrateEnvironment;
71 import org.jetbrains.idea.svn.update.SvnUpdateEnvironment;
72 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.*;
73 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.auth.ISVNAuthenticationManager;
74 import;
75 import;
76 import;
77 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.util.jna.SVNJNAUtil;
78 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.SVNAdminUtil;
79 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNAdminArea14;
80 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNAdminAreaFactory;
81 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.admin.SVNWCAccess;
82 import;
83 import;
84 import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.*;
85 import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNDebugLog;
86 import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNDebugLogAdapter;
87 import org.tmatesoft.svn.util.SVNLogType;
89 import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent;
90 import;
91 import;
92 import java.util.*;
93 import java.util.logging.Level;
95 @SuppressWarnings({"IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed"})
96 public class SvnVcs extends AbstractVcs {
97 private final static Logger REFRESH_LOG = Logger.getInstance("#svn_refresh");
99 private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("org.jetbrains.idea.svn.SvnVcs");
100 @NonNls public static final String VCS_NAME = "svn";
101 private static final VcsKey ourKey = createKey(VCS_NAME);
102 private final Map<String, Map<String, Pair<SVNPropertyValue, Trinity<Long, Long, Long>>>> myPropertyCache = new SoftHashMap<String, Map<String, Pair<SVNPropertyValue, Trinity<Long, Long, Long>>>>();
104 private final SvnConfiguration myConfiguration;
105 private final SvnEntriesFileListener myEntriesFileListener;
107 private CheckinEnvironment myCheckinEnvironment;
108 private RollbackEnvironment myRollbackEnvironment;
109 private UpdateEnvironment mySvnUpdateEnvironment;
110 private UpdateEnvironment mySvnIntegrateEnvironment;
111 private VcsHistoryProvider mySvnHistoryProvider;
112 private AnnotationProvider myAnnotationProvider;
113 private DiffProvider mySvnDiffProvider;
114 private final VcsShowConfirmationOption myAddConfirmation;
115 private final VcsShowConfirmationOption myDeleteConfirmation;
116 private EditFileProvider myEditFilesProvider;
117 private SvnCommittedChangesProvider myCommittedChangesProvider;
118 private final VcsShowSettingOption myCheckoutOptions;
120 private ChangeProvider myChangeProvider;
121 private MergeProvider myMergeProvider;
123 @NonNls public static final String LOG_PARAMETER_NAME = "javasvn.log";
124 public static final String pathToEntries = SvnUtil.SVN_ADMIN_DIR_NAME + File.separatorChar + SvnUtil.ENTRIES_FILE_NAME;
125 public static final String pathToDirProps = SvnUtil.SVN_ADMIN_DIR_NAME + File.separatorChar + SvnUtil.DIR_PROPS_FILE_NAME;
126 private final SvnChangelistListener myChangeListListener;
128 private SvnCopiesRefreshManager myCopiesRefreshManager;
129 private SvnFileUrlMappingImpl myMapping;
130 private final MyFrameStateListener myFrameStateListener;
132 public static final Topic<Runnable> ROOTS_RELOADED = new Topic<Runnable>("ROOTS_RELOADED", Runnable.class);
133 private VcsListener myVcsListener;
135 static {
136 SvnHttpAuthMethodsDefaultChecker.check();
138 //noinspection UseOfArchaicSystemPropertyAccessors
139 final JavaSVNDebugLogger logger = new JavaSVNDebugLogger(Boolean.getBoolean(LOG_PARAMETER_NAME), LOG);
140 SVNDebugLog.setDefaultLog(logger);
141 SVNAdminAreaFactory.setSelector(new SvnFormatSelector());
143 DAVRepositoryFactory.setup();
144 SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl.setup();
145 FSRepositoryFactory.setup();
147 // non-optimized writing is fast enough on Linux/MacOS, and somewhat more reliable
148 if (SystemInfo.isWindows) {
149 SVNAdminArea14.setOptimizedWritingEnabled(true);
152 if (! SVNJNAUtil.isJNAPresent()) {
153 LOG.warn("JNA is not found by svnkit library");
157 private static Boolean booleanProperty(final String systemParameterName) {
158 return Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty(systemParameterName));
161 public SvnVcs(final Project project, MessageBus bus, SvnConfiguration svnConfiguration, final ChangeListManager changeListManager,
162 final VcsDirtyScopeManager vcsDirtyScopeManager, final StartupManager startupManager) {
163 super(project, VCS_NAME);
164 LOG.debug("ct");
165 myConfiguration = svnConfiguration;
167 dumpFileStatus(FileStatus.ADDED);
168 dumpFileStatus(FileStatus.DELETED);
169 dumpFileStatus(FileStatus.MERGE);
170 dumpFileStatus(FileStatus.MODIFIED);
171 dumpFileStatus(FileStatus.NOT_CHANGED);
172 dumpFileStatus(FileStatus.UNKNOWN);
174 dumpFileStatus(SvnFileStatus.REPLACED);
175 dumpFileStatus(SvnFileStatus.EXTERNAL);
176 dumpFileStatus(SvnFileStatus.OBSTRUCTED);
178 myEntriesFileListener = new SvnEntriesFileListener(project);
180 final ProjectLevelVcsManager vcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(project);
181 myAddConfirmation = vcsManager.getStandardConfirmation(VcsConfiguration.StandardConfirmation.ADD, this);
182 myDeleteConfirmation = vcsManager.getStandardConfirmation(VcsConfiguration.StandardConfirmation.REMOVE, this);
183 myCheckoutOptions = vcsManager.getStandardOption(VcsConfiguration.StandardOption.CHECKOUT, this);
185 if (myProject.isDefault()) {
186 myChangeListListener = null;
188 else {
189 upgradeIfNeeded(bus);
191 myChangeListListener = new SvnChangelistListener(myProject, createChangelistClient());
193 myVcsListener = new VcsListener() {
194 public void directoryMappingChanged() {
195 invokeRefreshSvnRoots(true);
200 // do one time after project loaded
201 startupManager.runWhenProjectIsInitialized(new DumbAwareRunnable() {
202 public void run() {
203 postStartup();
205 // for IDEA, it takes 2 minutes - and anyway this can be done in background, no sence...
206 // once it could be mistaken about copies for 2 minutes on start...
208 /*if (! myMapping.getAllWcInfos().isEmpty()) {
209 invokeRefreshSvnRoots();
210 return;
212 ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(new Runnable() {
213 public void run() {
214 myCopiesRefreshManager.getCopiesRefresh().ensureInit();
216 }, SvnBundle.message("refreshing.working.copies.roots.progress.text"), true, myProject);*/
220 myFrameStateListener = new MyFrameStateListener(changeListManager, vcsDirtyScopeManager);
223 public void postStartup() {
224 if (myProject.isDefault()) return;
225 myCopiesRefreshManager = new SvnCopiesRefreshManager(myProject, (SvnFileUrlMappingImpl) getSvnFileUrlMapping());
227 invokeRefreshSvnRoots(true);
230 public void invokeRefreshSvnRoots(final boolean asynchronous) {
231 REFRESH_LOG.debug("refresh: ", new Throwable());
232 if (myCopiesRefreshManager != null) {
233 if (asynchronous) {
234 myCopiesRefreshManager.getCopiesRefresh().asynchRequest();
235 } else {
236 ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(new Runnable() {
237 public void run() {
238 myCopiesRefreshManager.getCopiesRefresh().synchRequest();
240 }, SvnBundle.message("refreshing.working.copies.roots.progress.text"), true, myProject);
245 @Override
246 public boolean checkImmediateParentsBeforeCommit() {
247 return true;
250 private void upgradeIfNeeded(final MessageBus bus) {
251 final MessageBusConnection connection = bus.connect();
252 connection.subscribe(ChangeListManagerImpl.LISTS_LOADED, new LocalChangeListsLoadedListener() {
253 public void processLoadedLists(final List<LocalChangeList> lists) {
254 SvnConfiguration.SvnSupportOptions supportOptions = null;
255 try {
256 ChangeListManager.getInstanceChecked(myProject).setReadOnly(SvnChangeProvider.ourDefaultListName, true);
258 supportOptions = myConfiguration.getSupportOptions();
260 upgradeToRecentVersion(supportOptions);
261 if (! supportOptions.changeListsSynchronized()) {
262 processChangeLists(lists);
265 catch (ProcessCanceledException e) {
267 } finally {
268 if (supportOptions != null) {
269 supportOptions.upgrade();
273 connection.disconnect();
278 public void processChangeLists(final List<LocalChangeList> lists) {
279 final ProjectLevelVcsManager plVcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstanceChecked(myProject);
280 plVcsManager.startBackgroundVcsOperation();
281 try {
282 final SVNChangelistClient client = createChangelistClient();
283 for (LocalChangeList list : lists) {
284 if (! list.isDefault()) {
285 final Collection<Change> changes = list.getChanges();
286 for (Change change : changes) {
287 correctListForRevision(plVcsManager, change.getBeforeRevision(), client, list.getName());
288 correctListForRevision(plVcsManager, change.getAfterRevision(), client, list.getName());
293 finally {
294 final Application appManager = ApplicationManager.getApplication();
295 if (appManager.isDispatchThread()) {
296 appManager.executeOnPooledThread(new Runnable() {
297 public void run() {
298 plVcsManager.stopBackgroundVcsOperation();
301 } else {
302 plVcsManager.stopBackgroundVcsOperation();
307 private void correctListForRevision(final ProjectLevelVcsManager plVcsManager, final ContentRevision revision,
308 final SVNChangelistClient client, final String name) {
309 if (revision != null) {
310 final FilePath path = revision.getFile();
311 final AbstractVcs vcs = plVcsManager.getVcsFor(path);
312 if ((vcs != null) && VCS_NAME.equals(vcs.getName())) {
313 try {
314 client.doAddToChangelist(new File[] {path.getIOFile()}, SVNDepth.EMPTY, name, null);
316 catch (SVNException e) {
317 // left in default list
323 private final static String UPGRADE_SUBVERSION_FORMAT = "Subversion";
325 private void upgradeToRecentVersion(final SvnConfiguration.SvnSupportOptions supportOptions) {
326 if (! supportOptions.upgradeTo16Asked()) {
327 final SvnWorkingCopyChecker workingCopyChecker = new SvnWorkingCopyChecker();
329 if (workingCopyChecker.upgradeNeeded()) {
331 Notifications.Bus.notify(new Notification(UPGRADE_SUBVERSION_FORMAT, SvnBundle.message("upgrade.format.to16.question.title"),
332 "Old format Subversion working copies <a href=\"\">could be upgraded to version 1.6</a>.",
333 NotificationType.INFORMATION, new NotificationListener() {
334 public void hyperlinkUpdate(@NotNull Notification notification, @NotNull HyperlinkEvent event) {
335 final int upgradeAnswer = Messages.showYesNoDialog(SvnBundle.message("upgrade.format.to16.question.text",
336 SvnBundle.message("", SvnBundle.message(""))),
337 SvnBundle.message("upgrade.format.to16.question.title"), Messages.getWarningIcon());
338 if (DialogWrapper.OK_EXIT_CODE == upgradeAnswer) {
339 workingCopyChecker.doUpgrade();
342 notification.expire();
344 }));
349 @Override
350 public void activate() {
351 if (! myProject.isDefault()) {
352 ChangeListManager.getInstance(myProject).addChangeListListener(myChangeListListener);
353 ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject).addVcsListener(myVcsListener);
356 SvnApplicationSettings.getInstance().svnActivated();
357 VirtualFileManager.getInstance().addVirtualFileListener(myEntriesFileListener);
358 // this will initialize its inner listener for committed changes upload
359 LoadedRevisionsCache.getInstance(myProject);
360 FrameStateManager.getInstance().addListener(myFrameStateListener);
363 @Override
364 public void deactivate() {
365 FrameStateManager.getInstance().removeListener(myFrameStateListener);
367 if (myVcsListener != null) {
368 ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject).removeVcsListener(myVcsListener);
371 VirtualFileManager.getInstance().removeVirtualFileListener(myEntriesFileListener);
372 SvnApplicationSettings.getInstance().svnDeactivated();
373 new DefaultSVNRepositoryPool(null, null).shutdownConnections(true);
374 if (myCommittedChangesProvider != null) {
375 myCommittedChangesProvider.deactivate();
377 if (myChangeListListener != null && (! myProject.isDefault())) {
378 ChangeListManager.getInstance(myProject).removeChangeListListener(myChangeListListener);
382 public VcsShowConfirmationOption getAddConfirmation() {
383 return myAddConfirmation;
386 public VcsShowConfirmationOption getDeleteConfirmation() {
387 return myDeleteConfirmation;
390 public VcsShowSettingOption getCheckoutOptions() {
391 return myCheckoutOptions;
394 public EditFileProvider getEditFileProvider() {
395 if (myEditFilesProvider == null) {
396 myEditFilesProvider = new SvnEditFileProvider(this);
398 return myEditFilesProvider;
401 @NotNull
402 public ChangeProvider getChangeProvider() {
403 if (myChangeProvider == null) {
404 myChangeProvider = new SvnChangeProvider(this);
406 return myChangeProvider;
409 public SVNRepository createRepository(String url) throws SVNException {
410 SVNRepository repos = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(url));
411 repos.setAuthenticationManager(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject));
412 repos.setTunnelProvider(myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
413 return repos;
416 public SVNRepository createRepository(SVNURL url) throws SVNException {
417 SVNRepository repos = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(url);
418 repos.setAuthenticationManager(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject));
419 repos.setTunnelProvider(myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
420 return repos;
423 public SVNUpdateClient createUpdateClient() {
424 return new SVNUpdateClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
427 public SVNStatusClient createStatusClient() {
428 return new SVNStatusClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
431 public SVNWCClient createWCClient() {
432 return new SVNWCClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
435 public SVNCopyClient createCopyClient() {
436 return new SVNCopyClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
439 public SVNMoveClient createMoveClient() {
440 return new SVNMoveClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
443 public SVNLogClient createLogClient() {
444 return new SVNLogClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
447 public SVNCommitClient createCommitClient() {
448 return new SVNCommitClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
451 public SVNDiffClient createDiffClient() {
452 return new SVNDiffClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
455 public SVNChangelistClient createChangelistClient() {
456 return new SVNChangelistClient(myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject), myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
459 public SVNWCAccess createWCAccess() {
460 final SVNWCAccess access = SVNWCAccess.newInstance(null);
461 access.setOptions(myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject));
462 return access;
465 public ISVNOptions getSvnOptions() {
466 return myConfiguration.getOptions(myProject);
469 public ISVNAuthenticationManager getSvnAuthenticationManager() {
470 return myConfiguration.getAuthenticationManager(myProject);
473 void dumpFileStatus(FileStatus fs) {
474 if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
475 LOG.debug("FileStatus:" + fs.getText() + " " + fs.getColor() + " " + " " + fs.getClass().getName());
479 public UpdateEnvironment getIntegrateEnvironment() {
480 if (mySvnIntegrateEnvironment == null) {
481 mySvnIntegrateEnvironment = new SvnIntegrateEnvironment(this);
483 return mySvnIntegrateEnvironment;
486 public UpdateEnvironment getUpdateEnvironment() {
487 if (mySvnUpdateEnvironment == null) {
488 mySvnUpdateEnvironment = new SvnUpdateEnvironment(this);
490 return mySvnUpdateEnvironment;
493 public String getDisplayName() {
494 LOG.debug("getDisplayName");
495 return "Subversion";
498 public Configurable getConfigurable() {
499 LOG.debug("createConfigurable");
500 return new SvnConfigurable(myProject);
504 public SvnConfiguration getSvnConfiguration() {
505 return myConfiguration;
508 public static SvnVcs getInstance(Project project) {
509 return (SvnVcs) ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(project).findVcsByName(VCS_NAME);
512 @NotNull
513 public CheckinEnvironment getCheckinEnvironment() {
514 if (myCheckinEnvironment == null) {
515 myCheckinEnvironment = new SvnCheckinEnvironment(this);
517 return myCheckinEnvironment;
520 @NotNull
521 public RollbackEnvironment getRollbackEnvironment() {
522 if (myRollbackEnvironment == null) {
523 myRollbackEnvironment = new SvnRollbackEnvironment(this);
525 return myRollbackEnvironment;
528 public VcsHistoryProvider getVcsHistoryProvider() {
529 // no heavy state, but it would be useful to have place to keep state in -> do not reuse instance
530 return new SvnHistoryProvider(this);
533 public VcsHistoryProvider getVcsBlockHistoryProvider() {
534 return getVcsHistoryProvider();
537 public AnnotationProvider getAnnotationProvider() {
538 if (myAnnotationProvider == null) {
539 myAnnotationProvider = new SvnAnnotationProvider(this);
541 return myAnnotationProvider;
544 public SvnEntriesFileListener getSvnEntriesFileListener() {
545 return myEntriesFileListener;
548 public DiffProvider getDiffProvider() {
549 if (mySvnDiffProvider == null) {
550 mySvnDiffProvider = new SvnDiffProvider(this);
552 return mySvnDiffProvider;
555 private Trinity<Long, Long, Long> getTimestampForPropertiesChange(final File ioFile, final boolean isDir) {
556 final File dir = isDir ? ioFile : ioFile.getParentFile();
557 final String relPath = SVNAdminUtil.getPropPath(ioFile.getName(), isDir ? SVNNodeKind.DIR : SVNNodeKind.FILE, false);
558 final String relPathBase = SVNAdminUtil.getPropBasePath(ioFile.getName(), isDir ? SVNNodeKind.DIR : SVNNodeKind.FILE, false);
559 final String relPathRevert = SVNAdminUtil.getPropRevertPath(ioFile.getName(), isDir ? SVNNodeKind.DIR : SVNNodeKind.FILE, false);
560 return new Trinity<Long, Long, Long>(new File(dir, relPath).lastModified(), new File(dir, relPathBase).lastModified(),
561 new File(dir, relPathRevert).lastModified());
564 private boolean trinitiesEqual(final Trinity<Long, Long, Long> t1, final Trinity<Long, Long, Long> t2) {
565 if (t2.first == 0 && t2.second == 0 && t2.third == 0) return false;
566 return t1.equals(t2);
569 @Nullable
570 public SVNPropertyValue getPropertyWithCaching(final VirtualFile file, final String propName) throws SVNException {
571 Map<String, Pair<SVNPropertyValue, Trinity<Long, Long, Long>>> cachedMap = myPropertyCache.get(keyForVf(file));
572 final Pair<SVNPropertyValue, Trinity<Long, Long, Long>> cachedValue = (cachedMap == null) ? null : cachedMap.get(propName);
574 final File ioFile = new File(file.getPath());
575 final Trinity<Long, Long, Long> tsTrinity = getTimestampForPropertiesChange(ioFile, file.isDirectory());
577 if (cachedValue != null) {
578 // zero means that a file was not found
579 if (trinitiesEqual(cachedValue.getSecond(), tsTrinity)) {
580 return cachedValue.getFirst();
584 final SVNPropertyData value = createWCClient().doGetProperty(ioFile, propName, SVNRevision.WORKING, SVNRevision.WORKING);
585 final SVNPropertyValue propValue = (value == null) ? null : value.getValue();
587 if (cachedMap == null) {
588 cachedMap = new HashMap<String, Pair<SVNPropertyValue, Trinity<Long, Long, Long>>>();
589 myPropertyCache.put(keyForVf(file), cachedMap);
592 cachedMap.put(propName, new Pair<SVNPropertyValue, Trinity<Long, Long, Long>>(propValue, tsTrinity));
594 return propValue;
597 public boolean fileExistsInVcs(FilePath path) {
598 File file = path.getIOFile();
599 SVNStatus status;
600 try {
601 status = createStatusClient().doStatus(file, false);
602 if (status != null) {
603 final SVNStatusType statusType = status.getContentsStatus();
604 if (statusType == SVNStatusType.STATUS_ADDED) {
605 return status.isCopied();
607 return !(status.getContentsStatus() == SVNStatusType.STATUS_UNVERSIONED ||
608 status.getContentsStatus() == SVNStatusType.STATUS_IGNORED ||
609 status.getContentsStatus() == SVNStatusType.STATUS_OBSTRUCTED);
612 catch (SVNException e) {
615 return false;
618 public boolean fileIsUnderVcs(FilePath path) {
619 final ChangeListManager clManager = ChangeListManager.getInstance(myProject);
620 return (! SvnStatusUtil.isIgnoredInAnySense(clManager, path.getVirtualFile())) && (! clManager.isUnversioned(path.getVirtualFile()));
623 private static File getEntriesFile(File file) {
624 return file.isDirectory() ? new File(file, pathToEntries) : new File(file.getParentFile(), pathToEntries);
627 private static File getDirPropsFile(File file) {
628 return new File(file, pathToDirProps);
631 @Nullable
632 public SVNInfo getInfo(final VirtualFile file) {
633 try {
634 SVNWCClient wcClient = new SVNWCClient(getSvnAuthenticationManager(), getSvnOptions());
635 SVNInfo info = wcClient.doInfo(new File(file.getPath()), SVNRevision.WORKING);
636 if (info == null || info.getRepositoryRootURL() == null) {
637 info = wcClient.doInfo(new File(file.getPath()), SVNRevision.HEAD);
639 return info;
641 catch (SVNException e) {
642 return null;
646 public static class SVNStatusHolder {
648 private final SVNStatus myValue;
649 private final long myEntriesTimestamp;
650 private final long myFileTimestamp;
651 private final boolean myIsLocked;
653 public SVNStatusHolder(long entriesStamp, long fileStamp, SVNStatus value) {
654 myValue = value;
655 myEntriesTimestamp = entriesStamp;
656 myFileTimestamp = fileStamp;
657 myIsLocked = value != null && value.isLocked();
660 public long getEntriesTimestamp() {
661 return myEntriesTimestamp;
664 public long getFileTimestamp() {
665 return myFileTimestamp;
668 public boolean isLocked() {
669 return myIsLocked;
672 public SVNStatus getStatus() {
673 return myValue;
677 public static class SVNInfoHolder {
679 private final SVNInfo myValue;
680 private final long myEntriesTimestamp;
681 private final long myFileTimestamp;
683 public SVNInfoHolder(long entriesStamp, long fileStamp, SVNInfo value) {
684 myValue = value;
685 myEntriesTimestamp = entriesStamp;
686 myFileTimestamp = fileStamp;
689 public long getEntriesTimestamp() {
690 return myEntriesTimestamp;
693 public long getFileTimestamp() {
694 return myFileTimestamp;
697 public SVNInfo getInfo() {
698 return myValue;
702 private static class JavaSVNDebugLogger extends SVNDebugLogAdapter {
703 private final boolean myLoggingEnabled;
704 private final Logger myLog;
705 @NonNls public static final String TRACE_LOG_PARAMETER_NAME = "javasvn.log.trace";
707 public JavaSVNDebugLogger(boolean loggingEnabled, Logger log) {
708 myLoggingEnabled = loggingEnabled;
709 myLog = log;
712 public void log(final SVNLogType logType, final Throwable th, final Level logLevel) {
713 if (myLoggingEnabled) {
718 public void log(final SVNLogType logType, final String message, final Level logLevel) {
719 if (myLoggingEnabled) {
724 public void log(final SVNLogType logType, final String message, final byte[] data) {
725 if (myLoggingEnabled) {
726 if (data != null) {
727 try {
728 + "\n" + new String(data, "UTF-8"));
730 catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
731 + "\n" + new String(data));
733 } else {
740 public FileStatus[] getProvidedStatuses() {
741 return new FileStatus[]{SvnFileStatus.EXTERNAL,
742 SvnFileStatus.OBSTRUCTED,
743 SvnFileStatus.REPLACED};
747 @Override @NotNull
748 public CommittedChangesProvider<SvnChangeList, ChangeBrowserSettings> getCommittedChangesProvider() {
749 if (myCommittedChangesProvider == null) {
750 myCommittedChangesProvider = new SvnCommittedChangesProvider(myProject);
752 return myCommittedChangesProvider;
755 @Nullable
756 @Override
757 public VcsRevisionNumber parseRevisionNumber(final String revisionNumberString) {
758 final SVNRevision revision = SVNRevision.parse(revisionNumberString);
759 if (revision.equals(SVNRevision.UNDEFINED)) {
760 return null;
762 return new SvnRevisionNumber(revision);
765 @Override
766 public String getRevisionPattern() {
767 return ourIntegerPattern;
770 @Override
771 public boolean isVersionedDirectory(final VirtualFile dir) {
772 return SvnUtil.seemsLikeVersionedDir(dir);
775 @NotNull
776 public SvnFileUrlMapping getSvnFileUrlMapping() {
777 if (myMapping == null) {
778 myMapping = SvnFileUrlMappingImpl.getInstance(myProject);
780 return myMapping;
784 * Returns real working copies roots - if there is <Project Root> -> Subversion setting,
785 * and there is one working copy, will return one root
787 public List<WCInfo> getAllWcInfos() {
788 final SvnFileUrlMapping urlMapping = getSvnFileUrlMapping();
790 final List<RootUrlInfo> infoList = urlMapping.getAllWcInfos();
791 final List<WCInfo> infos = new ArrayList<WCInfo>();
792 for (RootUrlInfo info : infoList) {
793 final File file = info.getIoFile();
794 infos.add(new WCInfo(file.getAbsolutePath(), info.getAbsoluteUrlAsUrl(),
795 SvnFormatSelector.getWorkingCopyFormat(file), info.getRepositoryUrl(), SvnUtil.isWorkingCopyRoot(file)));
797 return infos;
800 private class SvnWorkingCopyChecker {
801 private List<WCInfo> myAllWcInfos;
803 public boolean upgradeNeeded() {
804 myAllWcInfos = getAllWcInfos();
805 for (WCInfo info : myAllWcInfos) {
806 if (! WorkingCopyFormat.ONE_DOT_SIX.equals(info.getFormat())) {
807 return true;
810 return false;
813 public void doUpgrade() {
814 ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
815 public void run() {
816 final SvnFormatWorker formatWorker = new SvnFormatWorker(myProject, WorkingCopyFormat.ONE_DOT_SIX, myAllWcInfos);
817 // additionally ask about working copies with roots above the project root
818 formatWorker.checkForOutsideCopies();
819 if (formatWorker.haveStuffToConvert()) {
820 ProgressManager.getInstance().run(formatWorker);
827 @Override
828 public RootsConvertor getCustomConvertor() {
829 return getSvnFileUrlMapping();
832 @Override
833 public MergeProvider getMergeProvider() {
834 if (myMergeProvider == null) {
835 myMergeProvider = new SvnMergeProvider(myProject);
837 return myMergeProvider;
840 @Override
841 public List<AnAction> getAdditionalActionsForLocalChange() {
842 return Arrays.<AnAction>asList(new ShowPropertiesDiffWithLocalAction());
845 public void pathChanged(final File from, final File to) throws SVNException {
846 myChangeListListener.pathChanged(from, to);
849 private String keyForVf(final VirtualFile vf) {
850 return vf.getUrl();
853 @Override
854 public boolean allowsNestedRoots() {
855 return SvnConfiguration.getInstance(myProject).DETECT_NESTED_COPIES;
858 @Override
859 public <S> List<S> filterUniqueRoots(final List<S> in, final Convertor<S, VirtualFile> convertor) {
860 if (in.size() <= 1) return in;
862 final List<MyPair<S>> infos = new ArrayList<MyPair<S>>(in.size());
863 final SvnFileUrlMappingImpl mapping = (SvnFileUrlMappingImpl) getSvnFileUrlMapping();
864 for (S s : in) {
865 final VirtualFile vf = convertor.convert(s);
867 final File ioFile = new File(vf.getPath());
868 final SVNURL url = mapping.getUrlForFile(ioFile);
869 if (url == null) continue;
870 infos.add(new MyPair<S>(vf, url.toString(), s));
872 final List<MyPair<S>> filtered = new ArrayList<MyPair<S>>(infos.size());
873 ForNestedRootChecker.filterOutSuperfluousChildren(this, infos, filtered);
875 return ObjectsConvertor.convert(filtered, new Convertor<MyPair<S>, S>() {
876 public S convert(final MyPair<S> o) {
877 return o.getSrc();
882 private static class MyPair<T> implements RootUrlPair {
883 private final VirtualFile myFile;
884 private final String myUrl;
885 private final T mySrc;
887 private MyPair(VirtualFile file, String url, T src) {
888 myFile = file;
889 myUrl = url;
890 mySrc = src;
893 public T getSrc() {
894 return mySrc;
897 public VirtualFile getVirtualFile() {
898 return myFile;
901 public String getUrl() {
902 return myUrl;
906 private static class MyFrameStateListener implements FrameStateListener {
907 private final ChangeListManager myClManager;
908 private final VcsDirtyScopeManager myDirtyScopeManager;
910 private MyFrameStateListener(ChangeListManager clManager, VcsDirtyScopeManager dirtyScopeManager) {
911 myClManager = clManager;
912 myDirtyScopeManager = dirtyScopeManager;
915 public void onFrameDeactivated() {
918 public void onFrameActivated() {
919 final List<VirtualFile> folders = ((ChangeListManagerImpl)myClManager).getLockedFolders();
920 if (! folders.isEmpty()) {
921 myDirtyScopeManager.filesDirty(null, folders);
926 public static VcsKey getKey() {
927 return ourKey;