use same (top) baselane for all local builds (yole)
[fedora-idea.git] / plugins / IntelliLang / build.xml
1 <project name="IntelliLang" default="zips">
3   <property file=""/>
5   <fail unless="jdk.home.idea_8.0">
6     Please set the property 'jdk.home.idea_8.0' to point to your IntelliJ IDEA 8.0 installation directory.
7   </fail>
9   <import file="IntelliLang.xml" />
11   <target name="jars" depends="all, jar.IntelliLang" />
13   <target name="jar.IntelliLang" depends="compile.module.intellilang">
14     <mkdir dir="build" />
15     <jar file="build/IntelliLang.jar" compress="false">
16       <fileset dir="${intellilang.output.dir}">
17         <include name="**/*.*" />
18       </fileset>
19       <fileset dir=".">
20         <include name="META-INF/plugin.xml" />
21       </fileset>
22     </jar>
23   </target>
25   <target name="">
26     <zip file="build/">
27       <zipfileset dir="src" prefix="IntelliLang/src">
28         <include name="org/**/*.java" />
29         <include name="org/**/*.png" />
30         <include name="**/*.html" />
31         <include name="**/*.xml" />
32       </zipfileset>
33       <zipfileset dir="annotations" prefix="IntelliLang/annotations">
34         <include name="src/org/**/*.java" />
35       </zipfileset>
36       <zipfileset dir="." prefix="IntelliLang">
37         <include name="build.xml" />
38         <include name="IntelliLang.xml" />
39         <include name="IntelliLang-standalone.ipr" />
40         <include name="IntelliLang.iml" />
41         <include name="annotations.iml" />
42         <include name="META-INF/plugin.xml" />
43         <include name="LICENSE" />
44       </zipfileset>
46       <!-- help jar already contains plain HTML sources - no need to supply them in another form -->
47       <zipfileset dir="help" prefix="IntelliLang/help">
48         <include name="*.jar" />
49       </zipfileset>
50     </zip>
51   </target>
53   <target name="jar.regexp-support">
54     <ant dir="../RegExpSupport" target="jar">
55       <property name="regexp-lang.embedded" value="true" />
56     </ant>
57   </target>
59   <target name="" depends="jars, jar.regexp-support">
60     <zip file="build/">
61       <zipfileset dir="build" prefix="IntelliLang/lib">
62         <include name="*.jar" />
63       </zipfileset>
64       <zipfileset dir="help" prefix="IntelliLang/help">
65         <include name="*.jar" />
66       </zipfileset>
67       <zipfileset dir="../RegExpSupport/build" prefix="IntelliLang/lib">
68         <include name="*.jar" />
69       </zipfileset>
70       <zipfileset dir="." prefix="IntelliLang">
71         <include name="LICENSE" />
72       </zipfileset>
73     </zip>
74   </target>
76   <target name="zips" depends=",">
77     <ant dir="../RegExpSupport" target="">
78       <property name="" value="${basedir}/build/" />
79       <property name="" value="true" />
80     </ant>
81   </target>
83   <target name="test.regexp-support">
84     <ant dir="../RegExpSupport" target="test" />
85   </target>
87 </project>