avoid fstat for every file
[fast-export/rorcz.git] / p4-fast-export.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 # p4-fast-export.py
5 # Author: Simon Hausmann <hausmann@kde.org>
6 # License: MIT <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php>
8 # TODO:
9 # - support integrations (at least p4i)
10 # - support incremental imports
11 # - create tags
12 # - instead of reading all files into a variable try to pipe from
13 # - support p4 submit (hah!)
14 # - don't hardcode the import to master
16 import os, string, sys, time
17 import marshal, popen2
19 if len(sys.argv) != 2:
20 print "usage: %s //depot/path[@revRange]" % sys.argv[0]
21 print "\n example:"
22 print " %s //depot/my/project/ -- to import everything"
23 print " %s //depot/my/project/@1,6 -- to import only from revision 1 to 6"
24 print ""
25 print " (a ... is not needed in the path p4 specification, it's added implicitly)"
26 print ""
27 sys.exit(1)
29 prefix = sys.argv[1]
30 changeRange = ""
31 try:
32 atIdx = prefix.index("@")
33 changeRange = prefix[atIdx:]
34 prefix = prefix[0:atIdx]
35 except ValueError:
36 changeRange = ""
38 if not prefix.endswith("/"):
39 prefix += "/"
41 def p4CmdList(cmd):
42 pipe = os.popen("p4 -G %s" % cmd, "rb")
43 result = []
44 try:
45 while True:
46 entry = marshal.load(pipe)
47 result.append(entry)
48 except EOFError:
49 pass
50 pipe.close()
51 return result
53 def p4Cmd(cmd):
54 list = p4CmdList(cmd)
55 result = {}
56 for entry in list:
57 result.update(entry)
58 return result;
60 def getUserMap():
61 users = {}
63 for output in p4CmdList("users"):
64 if not output.has_key("User"):
65 continue
66 users[output["User"]] = output["FullName"] + " <" + output["Email"] + ">"
67 return users
69 users = getUserMap()
71 output = os.popen("p4 changes %s...%s" % (prefix, changeRange)).readlines()
73 changes = []
74 for line in output:
75 changeNum = line.split(" ")[1]
76 changes.append(changeNum)
78 changes.reverse()
80 sys.stderr.write("\n")
82 tz = - time.timezone / 36
84 gitOutput, gitStream, gitError = popen2.popen3("git-fast-import")
86 cnt = 1
87 for change in changes:
88 description = p4Cmd("describe %s" % change)
90 sys.stdout.write("\rimporting revision %s (%s%%)" % (change, cnt * 100 / len(changes)))
91 cnt = cnt + 1
93 epoch = description["time"]
94 author = description["user"]
96 gitStream.write("commit refs/heads/master\n")
97 if author in users:
98 gitStream.write("committer %s %s %s\n" % (users[author], epoch, tz))
99 else:
100 gitStream.write("committer %s <a@b> %s %s\n" % (author, epoch, tz))
101 gitStream.write("data <<EOT\n")
102 gitStream.write(description["desc"])
103 gitStream.write("EOT\n\n")
105 fnum = 0
106 while description.has_key("depotFile%s" % fnum):
107 path = description["depotFile%s" % fnum]
108 if not path.startswith(prefix):
109 print "\nchanged files: ignoring path %s outside of %s in change %s" % (path, prefix, change)
110 fnum = fnum + 1
111 continue
113 rev = description["rev%s" % fnum]
114 depotPath = path + "#" + rev
115 relPath = path[len(prefix):]
116 action = description["action%s" % fnum]
118 if action == "delete":
119 gitStream.write("D %s\n" % relPath)
120 else:
121 mode = 644
122 if description["type%s" % fnum].startswith("x"):
123 mode = 755
125 data = os.popen("p4 print -q \"%s\"" % depotPath, "rb").read()
127 gitStream.write("M %s inline %s\n" % (mode, relPath))
128 gitStream.write("data %s\n" % len(data))
129 gitStream.write(data)
130 gitStream.write("\n")
132 fnum = fnum + 1
134 gitStream.write("\n")
136 gitStream.close()
137 gitOutput.close()
138 gitError.close()
140 print ""