[exciting.git] / src / mossbauer.f90
2 ! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3 ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
4 ! See the file COPYING for license details.
6 !BOP
7 ! !ROUTINE: mossbauer
9 subroutine mossbauer
10 ! !USES:
11 use modmain
13 ! Computes the contact charge density and contact magnetic hyperfine field for
14 ! each atom and outputs the data to the file {\tt MOSSBAUER.OUT}. The nuclear
15 ! radius used for the contact quantities is approximated by the empirical
16 ! formula $R_{\rm N}=1.25 Z^{1/3}$ fm, where $Z$ is the atomic number.
19 ! Created May 2004 (JKD)
20 !EOP
21 !BOC
22 implicit none
23 ! local variables
24 integer is,ia,ias,ir,nr
25 ! nuclear radius constant in Bohr
26 real(8), parameter :: r0=1.25d-15/0.52917720859d-10
27 real(8) rn,vn,rho0,b,t1
28 ! allocatable arrays
29 real(8), allocatable :: fr(:)
30 real(8), allocatable :: gr(:)
31 real(8), allocatable :: cf(:,:)
32 ! initialise universal variables
33 call init0
34 ! read density and potentials from file
35 call readstate
36 ! allocate local arrays
37 allocate(fr(nrmtmax))
38 allocate(gr(nrmtmax))
39 allocate(cf(3,nrmtmax))
40 open(50,file='MOSSBAUER.OUT',action='WRITE',form='FORMATTED')
41 do is=1,nspecies
42 !--------------------------------!
43 ! contact charge density !
44 !--------------------------------!
45 ! approximate nuclear radius : r0*A^(1/3)
46 rn=r0*abs(spzn(is))**(1.d0/3.d0)
47 do ir=1,nrmt(is)
48 if (spr(ir,is).gt.rn) goto 10
49 end do
50 write(*,*)
51 write(*,'("Error(mossbauer): nuclear radius too large : ",G18.10)') rn
52 write(*,'(" for species ",I4)') is
53 write(*,*)
54 stop
55 10 continue
56 nr=ir
57 rn=spr(nr,is)
58 ! nuclear volume
59 vn=(4.d0/3.d0)*pi*rn**3
60 do ia=1,natoms(is)
61 ias=idxas(ia,is)
62 !--------------------------------!
63 ! contact charge density !
64 !--------------------------------!
65 fr(1:nr)=rhomt(1,1:nr,ias)*y00
66 do ir=1,nr
67 fr(ir)=(fourpi*spr(ir,is)**2)*fr(ir)
68 end do
69 call fderiv(-1,nr,spr(:,is),fr,gr,cf)
70 rho0=gr(nr)/vn
71 write(50,*)
72 write(50,'("Species : ",I4," (",A,"), atom : ",I4)') is,trim(spsymb(is)),ia
73 write(50,'(" approximate nuclear radius : ",G18.10)') rn
74 write(50,'(" number of mesh points to nuclear radius : ",I6)') nr
75 write(50,'(" contact charge density : ",G18.10)') rho0
76 !------------------------------------------!
77 ! contact magnetic hyperfine field !
78 !------------------------------------------!
79 if (spinpol) then
80 do ir=1,nr
81 if (ncmag) then
82 ! non-collinear
83 t1=sqrt(magmt(1,ir,ias,1)**2+magmt(1,ir,ias,2)**2 &
84 +magmt(1,ir,ias,3)**2)
85 else
86 ! collinear
87 t1=magmt(1,ir,ias,1)
88 end if
89 fr(ir)=t1*y00*fourpi*spr(ir,is)**2
90 end do
91 call fderiv(-1,nr,spr(:,is),fr,gr,cf)
92 b=gr(nr)/vn
93 write(50,'(" contact magnetic hyperfine field (mu_B) : ",G18.10)') b
94 end if
95 end do
96 end do
97 close(50)
98 write(*,*)
99 write(*,'("Info(mossbauer):")')
100 write(*,'(" Mossbauer parameters written to MOSSBAUER.OUT")')
101 write(*,*)
102 deallocate(fr,gr,cf)
103 return
104 end subroutine
105 !EOC