[exciting.git] / src / writelsj.f90
2 ! Copyright (C) 2002-2007 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3 ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
4 ! See the file COPYING for license details.
6 subroutine writelsj
7 use modmain
8 implicit none
9 ! local variables
10 integer ik,ispn,jspn,i,j,kst
11 integer is,ia,ias,ist,irc,n
12 real(8) xl(3),xs(3),xj(3),wo
13 complex(8) zt1
14 ! allocatable arrays
15 logical, allocatable :: done(:,:)
16 real(8), allocatable :: xlt(:,:),xst(:,:),xjt(:,:)
17 complex(8), allocatable :: apwalm(:,:,:,:,:)
18 complex(8), allocatable :: evecfv(:,:,:)
19 complex(8), allocatable :: evecsv(:,:)
20 complex(8), allocatable :: wfmt1(:,:,:,:)
21 complex(8), allocatable :: wfmt2(:,:,:)
22 complex(8), allocatable :: wfmt3(:,:,:,:)
23 complex(8), allocatable :: wfmt4(:,:,:,:)
24 complex(8), allocatable :: zlflm(:,:)
25 ! external functions
26 complex(8) zfmtinp
27 external zfmtinp
28 ! initialise universal variables
29 call init0
30 call init1
31 allocate(done(nstfv,nspnfv))
32 allocate(xlt(3,natmtot),xst(3,natmtot),xjt(3,natmtot))
33 allocate(apwalm(ngkmax,apwordmax,lmmaxapw,natmtot,nspnfv))
34 allocate(evecfv(nmatmax,nstfv,nspnfv))
35 allocate(evecsv(nstsv,nstsv))
36 allocate(wfmt1(lmmaxapw,nrcmtmax,nstfv,nspnfv))
37 allocate(wfmt2(lmmaxapw,nrcmtmax,2))
38 allocate(wfmt3(lmmaxapw,nrcmtmax,2,3))
39 allocate(wfmt4(lmmaxapw,nrcmtmax,2,3))
40 allocate(zlflm(lmmaxapw,3))
41 ! read density and potentials from file
42 call readstate
43 ! find the new linearisation energies
44 call linengy
45 ! generate the APW radial functions
46 call genapwfr
47 ! generate the local-orbital radial functions
48 call genlofr
49 if (task.eq.15) then
50 ! get the occupancies from file
51 do ik=1,nkpt
52 call getoccsv(vkl(1,ik),occsv(1,ik))
53 end do
54 else
55 ! flag the occupancies for the k-points and states in kstlist
56 occsv(:,:)=0.d0
57 do kst=1,nkstlist
58 ik=kstlist(1,kst)
59 j=kstlist(2,kst)
60 if ((ik.le.0).or.(ik.gt.nkpt)) then
61 write(*,*)
62 write(*,'("Error(writelsj): k-point out of range : ",I8)') ik
63 write(*,*)
64 stop
65 end if
66 if ((j.le.0).or.(j.gt.nstsv)) then
67 write(*,*)
68 write(*,'("Error(writelsj): state out of range : ",I8)') j
69 write(*,*)
70 stop
71 end if
72 occsv(j,ik)=1.d0
73 end do
74 end if
75 if (task.eq.15) then
76 open(50,file='LSJ.OUT',action='WRITE',form='FORMATTED')
77 else
78 open(50,file='LSJ_KST.OUT',action='WRITE',form='FORMATTED')
79 end if
80 write(50,*)
81 write(50,'("Expectation values are computed only over the muffin-tin")')
82 ! zero the total expection values
83 xlt(:,:)=0.d0
84 xst(:,:)=0.d0
85 xjt(:,:)=0.d0
86 ! begin loop over k-point and state list
87 do ik=1,nkpt
88 ! get the eigenvectors from file
89 call getevecfv(vkl(1,ik),vgkl(1,1,ik,1),evecfv)
90 call getevecsv(vkl(1,ik),evecsv)
91 ! find the matching coefficients
92 do ispn=1,nspnfv
93 call match(ngk(ik,ispn),gkc(1,ik,ispn),tpgkc(1,1,ik,ispn), &
94 sfacgk(1,1,ik,ispn),apwalm(1,1,1,1,ispn))
95 end do
96 ! begin loop over atoms and species
97 do is=1,nspecies
98 n=lmmaxapw*nrcmt(is)
99 do ia=1,natoms(is)
100 ias=idxas(ia,is)
101 done(:,:)=.false.
102 ! begin loop over second-variational states
103 do j=1,nstsv
104 wo=wkpt(ik)*occsv(j,ik)
105 if (abs(wo).gt.epsocc) then
106 if (tevecsv) then
107 ! generate spinor wavefunction from second-variational eigenvectors
108 wfmt2(:,:,:)=0.d0
110 do ispn=1,nspinor
111 if (spinsprl) then
112 jspn=ispn
113 else
114 jspn=1
115 end if
116 do ist=1,nstfv
117 i=i+1
118 zt1=evecsv(i,j)
119 if (abs(dble(zt1))+abs(aimag(zt1)).gt.epsocc) then
120 if (.not.done(ist,jspn)) then
121 call wavefmt(lradstp,lmaxapw,is,ia,ngk(ik,jspn), &
122 apwalm(1,1,1,1,jspn),evecfv(1,ist,jspn),lmmaxapw, &
123 wfmt1(1,1,ist,jspn))
124 done(ist,jspn)=.true.
125 end if
126 ! add to spinor wavefunction
127 call zaxpy(n,zt1,wfmt1(1,1,ist,jspn),1,wfmt2(1,1,ispn),1)
128 end if
129 end do
130 end do
131 else
132 ! spin-unpolarised wavefunction
133 call wavefmt(lradstp,lmaxapw,is,ia,ngk(ik,1),apwalm,evecfv(1,j,1), &
134 lmmaxapw,wfmt2)
135 end if
136 ! apply the L operator
137 do ispn=1,nspinor
138 do irc=1,nrcmt(is)
139 call lopzflm(lmaxapw,wfmt2(1,irc,ispn),lmmaxapw,zlflm)
140 do i=1,3
141 wfmt3(:,irc,ispn,i)=zlflm(:,i)
142 end do
143 end do
144 end do
145 ! compute the expectation value of L
146 xl(:)=0.d0
147 do i=1,3
148 do ispn=1,nspinor
149 zt1=zfmtinp(.true.,lmaxapw,nrcmt(is),rcmt(1,is),lmmaxapw, &
150 wfmt2(1,1,ispn),wfmt3(1,1,ispn,i))
151 xl(i)=xl(i)+dble(zt1)
152 end do
153 end do
154 ! compute the expecations value of S
155 if (spinpol) then
156 ! apply the S operator
157 do irc=1,nrcmt(is)
158 ! S_x
159 wfmt4(:,irc,1,1)=0.5d0*wfmt2(:,irc,2)
160 wfmt4(:,irc,2,1)=0.5d0*wfmt2(:,irc,1)
161 ! S_y
162 wfmt4(:,irc,1,2)=-0.5d0*zi*wfmt2(:,irc,2)
163 wfmt4(:,irc,2,2)=0.5d0*zi*wfmt2(:,irc,1)
164 ! S_z
165 wfmt4(:,irc,1,3)=0.5d0*wfmt2(:,irc,1)
166 wfmt4(:,irc,2,3)=-0.5d0*wfmt2(:,irc,2)
167 end do
168 xs(:)=0.d0
169 do i=1,3
170 do ispn=1,nspinor
171 zt1=zfmtinp(.true.,lmaxapw,nrcmt(is),rcmt(1,is),lmmaxapw, &
172 wfmt2(1,1,ispn),wfmt4(1,1,ispn,i))
173 xs(i)=xs(i)+dble(zt1)
174 end do
175 end do
176 else
177 ! spin-unpolarised case
178 xs(:)=0.d0
179 end if
180 ! expectation value of J
181 xj(:)=xl(:)+xs(:)
182 ! add to the total
183 xlt(:,ias)=xlt(:,ias)+wo*xl(:)
184 xst(:,ias)=xst(:,ias)+wo*xs(:)
185 xjt(:,ias)=xjt(:,ias)+wo*xj(:)
186 ! write the particular L, S and J to file
187 if (task.eq.16) then
188 write(50,*)
189 write(50,'("k-point : ",I6,3G18.10)') ik,vkl(:,ik)
190 write(50,'("state : ",I6)') j
191 write(50,'("species : ",I4," (",A,"), atom : ",I4)') is, &
192 trim(spsymb(is)),ia
193 write(50,'(" L : ",3G18.10)') xl
194 write(50,'(" S : ",3G18.10)') xs
195 write(50,'(" J : ",3G18.10)') xj
196 end if
197 end if
198 ! end loop over states
199 end do
200 ! end loops over atoms and species
201 end do
202 end do
203 ! end loop over k-points
204 end do
205 ! write the total L, S and J to file if required
206 if (task.eq.15) then
207 do is=1,nspecies
208 do ia=1,natoms(is)
209 ias=idxas(ia,is)
210 write(50,*)
211 write(50,'("Species : ",I4," (",A,"), atom : ",I4)') is, &
212 trim(spsymb(is)),ia
213 write(50,'(" L : ",3G18.10)') xlt(:,ias)
214 write(50,'(" S : ",3G18.10)') xst(:,ias)
215 write(50,'(" J : ",3G18.10)') xjt(:,ias)
216 end do
217 end do
218 end if
219 close(50)
220 write(*,*)
221 write(*,'("Info(writelsj):")')
222 if (task.eq.15) then
223 write(*,'(" total L, S and J expectation values written to LSJ.OUT")')
224 else
225 write(*,'(" L, S and J expectation values for each k-point and state")')
226 write(*,'(" in kstlist written to LSJ_KST.OUT")')
227 end if
228 write(*,*)
229 deallocate(done,xlt,xst,xjt)
230 deallocate(apwalm,evecfv,evecsv)
231 deallocate(wfmt1,wfmt2,wfmt3,wfmt4,zlflm)
232 return
233 end subroutine