[exciting.git] / src / rdirac.f90
2 ! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3 ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
4 ! License. See the file COPYING for license details.
6 !BOP
7 ! !ROUTINE: rdirac
9 subroutine rdirac(n,l,k,np,nr,r,vr,eval,g0,f0)
11 ! n : principal quantum number (in,integer)
12 ! l : quantum number l (in,integer)
13 ! k : quantum number k (l or l+1) (in,integer)
14 ! np : order of predictor-corrector polynomial (in,integer)
15 ! nr : number of radial mesh points (in,integer)
16 ! r : radial mesh (in,real(nr))
17 ! vr : potential on radial mesh (in,real(nr))
18 ! eval : eigenvalue without rest-mass energy (inout,real)
19 ! g0 : major component of the radial wavefunction (out,real(nr))
20 ! f0 : minor component of the radial wavefunction (out,real(nr))
22 ! Finds the solution to the radial Dirac equation for a given potential $v(r)$
23 ! and quantum numbers $n$, $k$ and $l$. The method involves integrating the
24 ! equation using the predictor-corrector method and adjusting $E$ until the
25 ! number of nodes in the wavefunction equals $n-l-1$. The calling routine must
26 ! provide an initial estimate for the eigenvalue. Note that the arrays
27 ! {\tt g0} and {\tt f0} represent the radial functions multiplied by $r$.
30 ! Created September 2002 (JKD)
31 !EOP
32 !BOC
33 implicit none
34 ! arguments
35 integer, intent(in) :: n
36 integer, intent(in) :: l
37 integer, intent(in) :: k
38 integer, intent(in) :: np
39 integer, intent(in) :: nr
40 real(8), intent(in) :: r(nr)
41 real(8), intent(in) :: vr(nr)
42 real(8), intent(inout) :: eval
43 real(8), intent(out) :: g0(nr)
44 real(8), intent(out) :: f0(nr)
45 ! local variables
46 integer, parameter :: maxit=2000
47 integer kpa,it,nn,ir,irm,nnd,nndp
48 ! energy convergence tolerance
49 real(8), parameter :: eps=1.d-10
50 real(8) t1,de
51 ! automatic arrays
52 real(8) g1(nr),f1(nr),fr(nr),gr(nr),cf(3,nr)
53 if (k.le.0) then
54 write(*,*)
55 write(*,'("Error(rdirac): k <= 0 : ",I8)') k
56 write(*,*)
57 stop
58 end if
59 if (k.gt.n) then
60 write(*,*)
61 write(*,'("Error(rdirac): incompatible n and k : ",2I8)') n,k
62 write(*,*)
63 stop
64 end if
65 if ((k.eq.n).and.(l.ne.k-1)) then
66 write(*,*)
67 write(*,'("Error(rdirac): incompatible n, k and l : ",3I8)') n,k,l
68 write(*,*)
69 stop
70 end if
71 if (k.eq.l) then
72 kpa=k
73 else if (k.eq.l+1) then
74 kpa=-k
75 else
76 write(*,*)
77 write(*,'("Error(rdirac): incompatible l and k : ",2I8)') l,k
78 write(*,*)
79 stop
80 end if
81 de=1.d0
82 nndp=0
83 do it=1,maxit
84 ! integrate the Dirac equation
85 call rdiracdme(0,kpa,eval,np,nr,r,vr,nn,g0,g1,f0,f1)
86 ! check the number of nodes
87 nnd=nn-(n-l-1)
88 if (nnd.gt.0) then
89 eval=eval-de
90 else
91 eval=eval+de
92 end if
93 if (it.gt.1) then
94 if ((nnd.ne.0).or.(nndp.ne.0)) then
95 if (nnd*nndp.le.0) then
96 de=de*0.5d0
97 else
98 de=de*1.1d0
99 end if
100 end if
101 end if
102 nndp=nnd
103 if (de.lt.eps*(abs(eval)+1.d0)) goto 20
104 end do
105 write(*,*)
106 write(*,'("Error(rdirac): maximum iterations exceeded")')
107 write(*,*)
108 stop
109 20 continue
110 ! find effective infinity and set wavefunction to zero after that point
111 ! major component
112 irm=nr
113 do ir=2,nr
114 if ((g0(ir-1)*g0(ir).lt.0.d0).or.(g1(ir-1)*g1(ir).lt.0.d0)) irm=ir
115 end do
116 g0(irm:nr)=0.d0
117 ! minor component
118 irm=nr
119 do ir=2,nr
120 if ((f0(ir-1)*f0(ir).lt.0.d0).or.(f1(ir-1)*f1(ir).lt.0.d0)) irm=ir
121 end do
122 f0(irm:nr)=0.d0
123 ! normalise
124 do ir=1,nr
125 fr(ir)=g0(ir)**2+f0(ir)**2
126 end do
127 call fderiv(-1,nr,r,fr,gr,cf)
128 t1=sqrt(abs(gr(nr)))
129 if (t1.gt.0.d0) then
130 t1=1.d0/t1
131 else
132 write(*,*)
133 write(*,'("Error(rdirac): zero wavefunction")')
134 write(*,*)
135 stop
136 end if
137 g0(:)=t1*g0(:)
138 f0(:)=t1*f0(:)
139 return
140 end subroutine
141 !EOC