[exciting.git] / src / gndstate.f90
2 ! Copyright (C) 2002-2007 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3 ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
4 ! See the file COPYING for license details.
6 !BOP
7 ! !ROUTINE: gndstate
9 subroutine gndstate
10 ! !USES:
11 use modmain
13 ! Computes the self-consistent Kohn-Sham ground-state. General information is
14 ! written to the file {\tt INFO.OUT}. First- and second-variational
15 ! eigenvalues, eigenvectors and occupancies are written to the unformatted
16 ! files {\tt EVALFV.OUT}, {\tt EVALSV.OUT}, {\tt EVECFV.OUT}, {\tt EVECSV.OUT}
17 ! and {\tt OCCSV.OUT}.
20 ! Created October 2002 (JKD)
21 !EOP
22 !BOC
23 implicit none
24 ! local variables
25 logical exist
26 integer ik,is,ia,idm,n
27 real(8) dv,timetot
28 ! allocatable arrays
29 real(8), allocatable :: nu(:)
30 real(8), allocatable :: mu(:)
31 real(8), allocatable :: beta(:)
32 real(8), allocatable :: f(:)
33 real(8), allocatable :: evalfv(:,:)
34 complex(8), allocatable :: evecfv(:,:,:)
35 complex(8), allocatable :: evecsv(:,:)
36 ! require forces for structural optimisation
37 if ((task.eq.2).or.(task.eq.3)) tforce=.true.
38 ! initialise global variables
39 call init0
40 call init1
41 ! initialise OEP variables if required
42 if (xctype.lt.0) call init2
43 ! write the real and reciprocal lattice vectors to file
44 call writelat
45 ! write inter-atomic distances to file
46 call writeiad
47 ! write symmetry matrices to file
48 call writesym
49 ! output the k-point set to file
50 call writekpts
51 ! write lattice vectors and atomic positions to file
52 call writegeom(.false.)
53 ! open INFO.OUT file
54 open(60,file='INFO'//trim(filext),action='WRITE',form='FORMATTED')
56 open(61,file='TOTENERGY'//trim(filext),action='WRITE',form='FORMATTED')
57 ! open FERMIDOS.OUT
58 open(62,file='FERMIDOS'//trim(filext),action='WRITE',form='FORMATTED')
59 ! open MOMENT.OUT if required
60 if (spinpol) open(63,file='MOMENT'//trim(filext),action='WRITE', &
61 form='FORMATTED')
62 ! open FORCEMAX.OUT if required
63 if (tforce) open(64,file='FORCEMAX'//trim(filext),action='WRITE', &
64 form='FORMATTED')
65 ! open RMSDVEFF.OUT
66 open(65,file='RMSDVEFF'//trim(filext),action='WRITE',form='FORMATTED')
67 ! write out general information to INFO.OUT
68 call writeinfo(60)
69 ! initialise or read the charge density and potentials from file
70 iscl=0
71 write(60,*)
72 if ((task.eq.1).or.(task.eq.3)) then
73 call readstate
74 write(60,'("Density and potential read in from STATE.OUT")')
75 else
76 call rhoinit
77 call poteff
78 call genveffig
79 write(60,'("Density and potential initialised from atomic data")')
80 end if
81 call flushifc(60)
82 ! size of mixing vector
83 n=lmmaxvr*nrmtmax*natmtot+ngrtot
84 if (spinpol) n=n*(1+ndmag)
85 if (ldapu.ne.0) n=n+2*lmmaxlu*lmmaxlu*nspinor*nspinor*natmtot
86 ! allocate mixing arrays
87 allocate(nu(n))
88 allocate(mu(n))
89 allocate(beta(n))
90 allocate(f(n))
91 ! set stop flag
92 tstop=.false.
93 10 continue
94 ! set last iteration flag
95 tlast=.false.
96 ! initialise the mixer
97 call packeff(.true.,n,nu)
98 call mixer(.true.,beta0,betamax,n,nu,mu,beta,f,dv)
99 call packeff(.false.,n,nu)
100 ! delete any existing eigenvector files
101 call delevec
102 ! begin the self-consistent loop
103 write(60,*)
104 write(60,'("+------------------------------+")')
105 write(60,'("| Self-consistent loop started |")')
106 write(60,'("+------------------------------+")')
107 do iscl=1,maxscl
108 write(60,*)
109 write(60,'("+-------------------------+")')
110 write(60,'("| Iteration number : ",I4," |")') iscl
111 write(60,'("+-------------------------+")')
112 call flushifc(60)
113 if (iscl.ge.maxscl) then
114 write(60,*)
115 write(60,'("Reached self-consistent loops maximum")')
116 tlast=.true.
117 end if
118 call flushifc(60)
119 ! generate the core wavefunctions and densities
120 call gencore
121 ! find the new linearisation energies
122 call linengy
123 ! write out the linearisation energies
124 call writelinen
125 ! generate the APW radial functions
126 call genapwfr
127 ! generate the local-orbital radial functions
128 call genlofr
129 ! compute the overlap radial integrals
130 call olprad
131 ! compute the Hamiltonian radial integrals
132 call hmlrad
133 ! begin parallel loop over k-points
135 !$OMP PRIVATE(evalfv,evecfv,evecsv)
136 !$OMP DO
137 do ik=1,nkpt
138 ! every thread should allocate its own arrays
139 allocate(evalfv(nstfv,nspnfv))
140 allocate(evecfv(nmatmax,nstfv,nspnfv))
141 allocate(evecsv(nstsv,nstsv))
142 ! solve the first- and second-variational secular equations
143 call seceqn(ik,evalfv,evecfv,evecsv)
144 ! write the eigenvalues/vectors to file
145 call putevalfv(ik,evalfv)
146 call putevalsv(ik,evalsv(1,ik))
147 call putevecfv(ik,evecfv)
148 call putevecsv(ik,evecsv)
149 deallocate(evalfv,evecfv,evecsv)
150 end do
151 !$OMP END DO
153 ! find the occupation numbers and Fermi energy
154 call occupy
155 ! write out the eigenvalues and occupation numbers
156 call writeeval
157 ! write the Fermi energy to file
158 call writefermi
159 ! set the charge density and magnetisation to zero
160 rhomt(:,:,:)=0.d0
161 rhoir(:)=0.d0
162 if (spinpol) then
163 magmt(:,:,:,:)=0.d0
164 magir(:,:)=0.d0
165 end if
167 !$OMP PRIVATE(evecfv,evecsv)
168 !$OMP DO
169 do ik=1,nkpt
170 allocate(evecfv(nmatmax,nstfv,nspnfv))
171 allocate(evecsv(nstsv,nstsv))
172 ! write the occupancies to file
173 call putoccsv(ik,occsv(1,ik))
174 ! get the eigenvectors from file
175 call getevecfv(vkl(1,ik),vgkl(1,1,ik,1),evecfv)
176 call getevecsv(vkl(1,ik),evecsv)
177 ! add to the density and magnetisation
178 call rhovalk(ik,evecfv,evecsv)
179 deallocate(evecfv,evecsv)
180 end do
181 !$OMP END DO
183 ! symmetrise the density
184 call symrf(lradstp,rhomt,rhoir)
185 ! symmetrise the magnetisation
186 if (spinpol) call symrvf(lradstp,magmt,magir)
187 ! convert the density from a coarse to a fine radial mesh
188 call rfmtctof(rhomt)
189 ! convert the magnetisation from a coarse to a fine radial mesh
190 do idm=1,ndmag
191 call rfmtctof(magmt(1,1,1,idm))
192 end do
193 ! add the core density to the total density
194 call addrhocr
195 ! calculate the charges
196 call charge
197 ! calculate the moments
198 if (spinpol) call moment
199 ! normalise the density
200 call rhonorm
201 ! LDA+U
202 if (ldapu.ne.0) then
203 ! generate the LDA+U density matrix
204 call gendmatlu
205 ! generate the LDA+U potential matrix
206 call genvmatlu
207 ! write the LDA+U matrices to file
208 call writeldapu
209 end if
210 ! compute the effective potential
211 call poteff
212 ! pack interstitial and muffin-tin effective potential and field into one array
213 call packeff(.true.,n,nu)
214 ! mix in the old potential and field with the new
215 call mixer(.false.,beta0,betamax,n,nu,mu,beta,f,dv)
216 ! unpack potential and field
217 call packeff(.false.,n,nu)
218 ! add the fixed spin moment effect field
219 if (fixspin.ne.0) call fsmfield
220 ! Fourier transform effective potential to G-space
221 call genveffig
222 ! reduce the external magnetic fields if required
223 if (reducebf.lt.1.d0) then
224 bfieldc(:)=bfieldc(:)*reducebf
225 bfcmt(:,:,:)=bfcmt(:,:,:)*reducebf
226 end if
227 ! compute the energy components
228 call energy
229 ! output energy components
230 call writeengy(60)
231 write(60,*)
232 write(60,'("Density of states at Fermi energy : ",G18.10)') fermidos
233 write(60,'(" (states/Hartree/spin/unit cell)")')
234 ! write total energy to TOTENERGY.OUT and flush
235 write(61,'(G18.10)') engytot
236 call flushifc(61)
237 ! write DOS at Fermi energy to FERMIDOS.OUT and flush
238 write(62,'(G18.10)') fermidos
239 call flushifc(62)
240 ! output charges and moments
241 call writechg(60)
242 ! write total moment to MOMENT.OUT and flush
243 if (spinpol) then
244 write(63,'(3G18.10)') momtot(1:ndmag)
245 call flushifc(63)
246 end if
247 ! output effective fields for fixed spin moment calculations
248 if (fixspin.ne.0) call writefsm(60)
249 ! check for WRITE file
250 inquire(file='WRITE',exist=exist)
251 if (exist) then
252 write(60,*)
253 write(60,'("WRITE file exists - writing STATE.OUT")')
254 call writestate
255 open(50,file='WRITE')
256 close(50,status='DELETE')
257 end if
258 ! write STATE.OUT file if required
259 if (nwrite.ge.1) then
260 if (mod(iscl,nwrite).eq.0) then
261 call writestate
262 write(60,*)
263 write(60,'("Wrote STATE.OUT")')
264 end if
265 end if
266 ! exit self-consistent loop if last iteration is complete
267 if (tlast) goto 20
268 ! check for convergence
269 if (iscl.ge.2) then
270 write(60,*)
271 write(60,'("RMS change in effective potential (target) : ",G18.10,&
272 &" (",G18.10,")")') dv,epspot
273 if (dv.lt.epspot) then
274 write(60,*)
275 write(60,'("Potential convergence target achieved")')
276 tlast=.true.
277 end if
278 write(65,'(G18.10)') dv
279 call flushifc(65)
280 end if
281 if (xctype.lt.0) then
282 write(60,*)
283 write(60,'("Magnitude of OEP residue : ",G18.10)') resoep
284 end if
285 ! check for STOP file
286 inquire(file='STOP',exist=exist)
287 if (exist) then
288 write(60,*)
289 write(60,'("STOP file exists - stopping self-consistent loop")')
290 tstop=.true.
291 tlast=.true.
292 open(50,file='STOP')
293 close(50,status='DELETE')
294 end if
295 ! output the current total CPU time
296 timetot=timeinit+timemat+timefv+timesv+timerho+timepot+timefor
297 write(60,*)
298 write(60,'("Time (CPU seconds) : ",F12.2)') timetot
299 ! end the self-consistent loop
300 end do
301 20 continue
302 write(60,*)
303 write(60,'("+------------------------------+")')
304 write(60,'("| Self-consistent loop stopped |")')
305 write(60,'("+------------------------------+")')
306 ! write density and potentials to file only if maxscl > 1
307 if (maxscl.gt.1) then
308 call writestate
309 write(60,*)
310 write(60,'("Wrote STATE.OUT")')
311 end if
312 !-----------------------!
313 ! compute forces !
314 !-----------------------!
315 if ((.not.tstop).and.(tforce)) then
316 call force
317 ! output forces to INFO.OUT
318 call writeforce(60)
319 ! write maximum force magnitude to FORCEMAX.OUT
320 write(64,'(G18.10)') forcemax
321 call flushifc(64)
322 end if
323 !---------------------------------------!
324 ! perform structural relaxation !
325 !---------------------------------------!
326 if ((.not.tstop).and.((task.eq.2).or.(task.eq.3))) then
327 write(60,*)
328 write(60,'("Maximum force magnitude (target) : ",G18.10," (",G18.10,")")') &
329 forcemax,epsforce
330 call flushifc(60)
331 ! check force convergence
332 if (forcemax.le.epsforce) then
333 write(60,*)
334 write(60,'("Force convergence target achieved")')
335 goto 30
336 end if
337 ! update the atomic positions if forces are not converged
338 call updatpos
339 write(60,*)
340 write(60,'("+--------------------------+")')
341 write(60,'("| Updated atomic positions |")')
342 write(60,'("+--------------------------+")')
343 do is=1,nspecies
344 write(60,*)
345 write(60,'("Species : ",I4," (",A,")")') is,trim(spsymb(is))
346 write(60,'(" atomic positions (lattice) :")')
347 do ia=1,natoms(is)
348 write(60,'(I4," : ",3F14.8)') ia,atposl(:,ia,is)
349 end do
350 end do
351 ! add blank line to TOTENERGY.OUT, FERMIDOS.OUT and MOMENT.OUT
352 write(61,*)
353 write(62,*)
354 if (spinpol) write (63,*)
355 ! begin new self-consistent loop with updated positions
356 goto 10
357 end if
358 30 continue
359 ! output timing information
360 write(60,*)
361 write(60,'("Timings (CPU seconds) :")')
362 write(60,'(" initialisation",T40,": ",F12.2)') timeinit
363 write(60,'(" Hamiltonian and overlap matrix set up",T40,": ",F12.2)') timemat
364 write(60,'(" first-variational secular equation",T40,": ",F12.2)') timefv
365 if (spinpol) then
366 write(60,'(" second-variational calculation",T40,": ",F12.2)') timesv
367 end if
368 write(60,'(" charge density calculation",T40,": ",F12.2)') timerho
369 write(60,'(" potential calculation",T40,": ",F12.2)') timepot
370 if (tforce) then
371 write(60,'(" force calculation",T40,": ",F12.2)') timefor
372 end if
373 timetot=timeinit+timemat+timefv+timesv+timerho+timepot+timefor
374 write(60,'(" total",T40,": ",F12.2)') timetot
375 write(60,*)
376 write(60,'("+----------------------------------+")')
377 write(60,'("| EXCITING version ",I1.1,".",I1.1,".",I3.3," stopped |")') version
378 write(60,'("+----------------------------------+")')
379 ! close the INFO.OUT file
380 close(60)
381 ! close the TOTENERGY.OUT file
382 close(61)
383 ! close the FERMIDOS.OUT file
384 close(62)
385 ! close the MOMENT.OUT file
386 if (spinpol) close(63)
387 ! close the FORCEMAX.OUT file
388 if (tforce) close(64)
389 ! close the RMSDVEFF.OUT file
390 close(65)
391 deallocate(nu,mu,beta,f)
392 return
393 end subroutine
394 !EOC