[exciting.git] / src / genvmatk.f90
2 ! Copyright (C) 2007 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3 ! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
4 ! See the file COPYING for license details.
6 subroutine genvmatk(vmt,vir,wfmt,wfir,vmat)
7 use modmain
8 implicit none
9 ! arguments
10 real(8), intent(in) :: vmt(lmmaxvr,nrcmtmax,natmtot)
11 real(8), intent(in) :: vir(ngrtot)
12 complex(8), intent(in) :: wfmt(lmmaxvr,nrcmtmax,natmtot,nspinor,nstsv)
13 complex(8), intent(in) :: wfir(ngrtot,nspinor,nstsv)
14 complex(8), intent(out) :: vmat(nstsv,nstsv)
15 ! local variables
16 integer is,ia,ias,nr,irc
17 integer ispn,ist,jst
18 real(8) t1
19 complex(8) zt1
20 ! allocatable arrays
21 real(8), allocatable :: rfir(:)
22 complex(8), allocatable :: zfmt(:,:)
23 complex(8), allocatable :: zfir(:)
24 ! external functions
25 complex(8) zfmtinp,zdotc
26 external zfmtinp,zdotc
27 ! allocate local arrays
28 allocate(rfir(ngrtot))
29 allocate(zfmt(lmmaxvr,nrcmtmax))
30 allocate(zfir(ngrtot))
31 ! zero the matrix elements
32 vmat(:,:)=0.d0
33 !-------------------------!
34 ! muffin-tin part !
35 !-------------------------!
36 do jst=1,nstsv
37 do is=1,nspecies
38 nr=nrcmt(is)
39 do ia=1,natoms(is)
40 ias=idxas(ia,is)
41 do ispn=1,nspinor
42 ! apply potential to wavefunction
43 do irc=1,nr
44 zfmt(:,irc)=vmt(:,irc,ias)*wfmt(:,irc,ias,ispn,jst)
45 end do
46 do ist=1,jst
47 ! compute inner product (functions are in spherical coordinates)
48 zt1=zfmtinp(.false.,lmaxvr,nr,rcmt(1,is),lmmaxvr, &
49 wfmt(1,1,ias,ispn,ist),zfmt)
50 vmat(ist,jst)=vmat(ist,jst)+zt1
51 end do
52 end do
53 end do
54 end do
55 end do
56 !---------------------------!
57 ! interstitial part !
58 !---------------------------!
59 rfir(:)=vir(:)*cfunir(:)
60 t1=omega/dble(ngrtot)
61 do jst=1,nstsv
62 do ispn=1,nspinor
63 ! apply potential to wavefunction
64 zfir(:)=rfir(:)*wfir(:,ispn,jst)
65 do ist=1,jst
66 zt1=zdotc(ngrtot,wfir(1,ispn,ist),1,zfir,1)
67 vmat(ist,jst)=vmat(ist,jst)+t1*zt1
68 end do
69 end do
70 end do
71 ! lower triangular part
72 do ist=1,nstsv
73 do jst=1,ist-1
74 vmat(ist,jst)=conjg(vmat(jst,ist))
75 end do
76 end do
77 deallocate(rfir,zfmt,zfir)
78 return
79 end subroutine