Link the ets tables into the choking/unchoking algorithm.
[etorrent.git] / lib / etorrent-1.0 / src / etorrent_t_peer_recv.erl
1 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 %%% File : etorrent_t_peer_recv.erl
3 %%% Author : Jesper Louis Andersen <>
4 %%% License : See COPYING
5 %%% Description : Represents a peers receiving of data
6 %%%
7 %%% Created : 19 Jul 2007 by
8 %%% Jesper Louis Andersen <>
9 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
10 -module(etorrent_t_peer_recv).
12 -behaviour(gen_server).
14 -include("etorrent_mnesia_table.hrl").
15 -include("etorrent_rate.hrl").
17 %% API
18 -export([start_link/7, connect/3, choke/1, unchoke/1, interested/1,
19 send_have_piece/2, complete_handshake/4, endgame_got_chunk/2,
20 queue_pieces/1, stop/1]).
22 %% gen_server callbacks
23 -export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
24 terminate/2, code_change/3]).
26 -record(state, { remote_peer_id = none,
27 local_peer_id = none,
28 info_hash = none,
30 tcp_socket = none,
32 remote_choked = true,
34 local_interested = false,
36 remote_request_set = none,
38 piece_set = none,
39 piece_request = [],
41 packet_left = none,
42 packet_iolist = [],
44 endgame = false, % Are we in endgame mode?
46 parent = none,
48 file_system_pid = none,
49 peer_group_pid = none,
50 send_pid = none,
52 rate = none,
53 rate_timer = none,
54 torrent_id = none}).
56 -define(DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 120000). % Default timeout in ms
57 -define(DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, 16384). % Default size for a chunk. All clients use this.
58 -define(HIGH_WATERMARK, 15). % How many chunks to queue up to
59 -define(LOW_WATERMARK, 5). % Requeue when there are less than this number of pieces in queue
60 -define(RATE_FUDGE, 5).
61 -define(RATE_UPDATE, 5 * 1000).
62 %%====================================================================
63 %% API
64 %%====================================================================
65 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
66 %% Function: start_link() -> {ok,Pid} | ignore | {error,Error}
67 %% Description: Starts the server
68 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
69 start_link(LocalPeerId, InfoHash, FilesystemPid, GroupPid, Id, Parent,
70 {IP, Port}) ->
71 gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [LocalPeerId, InfoHash,
72 FilesystemPid, GroupPid, Id, Parent,
73 {IP, Port}], []).
75 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
76 %% Function: stop/1
77 %% Args: Pid ::= pid()
78 %% Description: Gracefully ask the server to stop.
79 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
80 stop(Pid) ->
81 gen_server:cast(Pid, stop).
83 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
84 %% Function: connect(Pid, IP, Port)
85 %% Description: Connect to the IP and Portnumber for communication with
86 %% the peer. Note we don't handle the connect in the init phase. This is
87 %% due to the fact that a connect may take a considerable amount of time.
88 %% With this scheme, we spawn off processes, and then make them all attempt
89 %% connects in parallel, which is much easier.
90 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
91 connect(Pid, IP, Port) ->
92 gen_server:cast(Pid, {connect, IP, Port}).
94 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
95 %% Function: choke(Pid)
96 %% Description: Choke the peer.
97 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
98 choke(Pid) ->
99 gen_server:cast(Pid, choke).
101 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
102 %% Function: unchoke(Pid)
103 %% Description: Unchoke the peer.
104 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
105 unchoke(Pid) ->
106 gen_server:cast(Pid, unchoke).
108 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
109 %% Function: interested(Pid)
110 %% Description: Tell the peer we are interested.
111 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
112 interested(Pid) ->
113 gen_server:cast(Pid, interested).
115 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
116 %% Function: send_have_piece(Pid, PieceNumber)
117 %% Description: Tell the peer we have just recieved piece PieceNumber.
118 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
119 send_have_piece(Pid, PieceNumber) ->
120 gen_server:cast(Pid, {send_have_piece, PieceNumber}).
122 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
123 %% Function: endgame_got_chunk(Pid, Index, Offset) -> ok
124 %% Description: We got the chunk {Index, Offset}, handle it.
125 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
126 endgame_got_chunk(Pid, Chunk) ->
127 gen_server:cast(Pid, {endgame_got_chunk, Chunk}).
129 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
130 %% Function: complete_handshake(Pid, ReservedBytes, Socket, PeerId)
131 %% Description: Complete the handshake initiated by another client.
132 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
133 complete_handshake(Pid, ReservedBytes, Socket, PeerId) ->
134 gen_server:cast(Pid, {complete_handshake, ReservedBytes, Socket, PeerId}).
136 queue_pieces(Pid) ->
137 gen_server:cast(Pid, queue_pieces).
139 %%====================================================================
140 %% gen_server callbacks
141 %%====================================================================
143 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
144 %% Function: init(Args) -> {ok, State} |
145 %% {ok, State, Timeout} |
146 %% ignore |
147 %% {stop, Reason}
148 %% Description: Initiates the server
149 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
150 init([LocalPeerId, InfoHash, FilesystemPid, GroupPid, Id, Parent, {IP, Port}]) ->
151 process_flag(trap_exit, true),
152 {ok, TRef} = timer:send_interval(?RATE_UPDATE, self(), rate_update),
153 ok = etorrent_peer:new(IP, Port, Id, self()),
154 {ok, #state{
155 parent = Parent,
156 local_peer_id = LocalPeerId,
157 piece_set = gb_sets:new(),
158 remote_request_set = gb_trees:empty(),
159 info_hash = InfoHash,
160 peer_group_pid = GroupPid,
161 torrent_id = Id,
162 rate = etorrent_rate:init(?RATE_FUDGE),
163 rate_timer = TRef,
164 file_system_pid = FilesystemPid}}.
166 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
167 %% Function: %% handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} |
168 %% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
169 %% {noreply, State} |
170 %% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
171 %% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} |
172 %% {stop, Reason, State}
173 %% Description: Handling call messages
174 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
175 handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
176 Reply = ok,
177 {reply, Reply, State, 0}.
179 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
180 %% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} |
181 %% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
182 %% {stop, Reason, State}
183 %% Description: Handling cast messages
184 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
185 handle_cast({connect, IP, Port}, S) ->
186 case gen_tcp:connect(IP, Port, [binary, {active, false}],
188 {ok, Socket} ->
189 case etorrent_peer_communication:initiate_handshake(
190 Socket,
191 S#state.local_peer_id,
192 S#state.info_hash) of
193 {ok, _ReservedBytes, PeerId}
194 when PeerId == S#state.local_peer_id ->
195 {stop, normal, S};
196 {ok, _ReservedBytes, PeerId} ->
197 complete_connection_setup(S#state { tcp_socket = Socket,
198 remote_peer_id = PeerId});
199 {error, _} ->
200 {stop, normal, S}
201 end;
202 {error, _Reason} ->
203 {stop, normal, S}
204 end;
205 handle_cast({complete_handshake, _ReservedBytes, Socket, RemotePeerId}, S) ->
206 case etorrent_peer_communication:complete_handshake(Socket,
207 S#state.info_hash,
208 S#state.local_peer_id) of
209 ok -> complete_connection_setup(S#state { tcp_socket = Socket,
210 remote_peer_id = RemotePeerId });
211 {error, stop} -> {stop, normal, S}
212 end;
213 handle_cast(choke, S) ->
214 {atomic, _} = etorrent_peer:statechange(self(), local_choking),
215 etorrent_t_peer_send:choke(S#state.send_pid),
216 {noreply, S, 0};
217 handle_cast(unchoke, S) ->
218 case etorrent_peer:statechange(self(), local_unchoking) of
219 {atomic, _} -> etorrent_t_peer_send:unchoke(S#state.send_pid),
220 {noreply, S, 0};
221 {aborted, _} -> {stop, normal, S}
222 end;
223 handle_cast(interested, S) ->
224 {noreply, statechange_interested(S, true), 0};
225 handle_cast({send_have_piece, PieceNumber}, S) ->
226 etorrent_t_peer_send:send_have_piece(S#state.send_pid, PieceNumber),
227 {noreply, S, 0};
228 handle_cast({endgame_got_chunk, Chunk}, S) ->
229 NS = handle_endgame_got_chunk(Chunk, S),
230 {noreply, NS, 0};
231 handle_cast(queue_pieces, S) ->
232 {ok, NS} = try_to_queue_up_pieces(S),
233 {noreply, NS, 0};
234 handle_cast(stop, S) ->
235 {stop, normal, S};
236 handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
237 {noreply, State, 0}.
239 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
240 %% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} |
241 %% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
242 %% {stop, Reason, State}
243 %% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
244 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
245 handle_info(timeout, S) ->
246 case gen_tcp:recv(S#state.tcp_socket, 0, 3000) of
247 {ok, Packet} ->
248 handle_read_from_socket(S, Packet);
249 {error, closed} ->
250 {stop, normal, S};
251 {error, ebadf} ->
252 {stop, normal, S};
253 {error, etimedout} ->
254 {noreply, S, 0};
255 {error, timeout} when S#state.remote_choked =:= true ->
256 {noreply, S, 0};
257 {error, timeout} when S#state.remote_choked =:= false ->
258 {ok, NS} = try_to_queue_up_pieces(S),
259 {noreply, NS, 0}
260 end;
261 handle_info(rate_update, S) ->
262 Rate = etorrent_rate:update(S#state.rate, 0),
263 ok = etorrent_rate_mgr:recv_rate(S#state.torrent_id, self(), Rate#peer_rate.rate),
264 {noreply, S#state { rate = Rate}, 0};
265 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
266 {noreply, State, 0}.
268 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
269 %% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void()
270 %% Description: This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to
271 %% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary
272 %% cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason.
273 %% The return value is ignored.
274 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
275 terminate(Reason, S) ->
276 etorrent_peer:delete(self()),
277 _NS = unqueue_all_pieces(S),
278 case S#state.tcp_socket of
279 none ->
281 Sock ->
282 gen_tcp:close(Sock)
283 end,
284 case Reason of
285 normal -> ok;
286 shutdown -> ok;
287 _ -> error_logger:info_report([reason_for_termination, Reason])
288 end,
291 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
292 %% Func: code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
293 %% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
294 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
295 code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
296 {ok, State}.
298 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
299 %%% Internal functions
300 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
302 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
303 %% Func: handle_message(Msg, State) -> {ok, NewState} | {stop, Reason, NewState}
304 %% Description: Process an incoming message Msg from the wire. Return either
305 %% {ok, S} if the processing was ok, or {stop, Reason, S} in case of an error.
306 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
307 handle_message(keep_alive, S) ->
308 {ok, S};
309 handle_message(choke, S) ->
310 ok = etorrent_rate_mgr:choke(S#state.torrent_id, self()),
311 NS = unqueue_all_pieces(S),
312 {ok, NS#state { remote_choked = true }};
313 handle_message(unchoke, S) ->
314 ok = etorrent_rate_mgr:unchoke(S#state.torrent_id, self()),
315 try_to_queue_up_pieces(S#state{remote_choked = false});
316 handle_message(interested, S) ->
317 ok = etorrent_rate_mgr:interested(S#state.torrent_id, self()),
318 etorrent_t_peer_group_mgr:perform_rechoke(S#state.peer_group_pid),
319 {ok, S};
320 handle_message(not_interested, S) ->
321 ok = etorrent_rate_mgr:not_interested(S#state.torrent_id, self()),
322 etorrent_t_peer_group_mgr:perform_rechoke(S#state.peer_group_pid),
323 {ok, S};
324 handle_message({request, Index, Offset, Len}, S) ->
325 etorrent_t_peer_send:remote_request(S#state.send_pid, Index, Offset, Len),
326 {ok, S};
327 handle_message({cancel, Index, Offset, Len}, S) ->
328 etorrent_t_peer_send:cancel(S#state.send_pid, Index, Offset, Len),
329 {ok, S};
330 handle_message({have, PieceNum}, S) ->
331 case etorrent_piece:valid(S#state.torrent_id, PieceNum) of
332 true ->
333 PieceSet = gb_sets:add_element(PieceNum, S#state.piece_set),
334 NS = S#state{piece_set = PieceSet},
335 case etorrent_piece:interesting(S#state.torrent_id, PieceNum) of
336 true when S#state.local_interested =:= true ->
337 try_to_queue_up_pieces(S);
338 true when S#state.local_interested =:= false ->
339 try_to_queue_up_pieces(statechange_interested(S, true));
340 false ->
341 {ok, NS}
342 end;
343 false ->
344 {stop, {invalid_piece, S#state.remote_peer_id}, S}
345 end;
346 handle_message({bitfield, BitField}, S) ->
347 case gb_sets:size(S#state.piece_set) of
348 0 ->
349 Size = etorrent_torrent:num_pieces(S#state.torrent_id),
350 {ok, PieceSet} =
351 etorrent_peer_communication:destruct_bitfield(Size, BitField),
352 case etorrent_piece:check_interest(S#state.torrent_id, PieceSet) of
353 interested ->
354 {ok, statechange_interested(S#state {piece_set = PieceSet},
355 true)};
356 not_interested ->
357 {ok, S#state{piece_set = PieceSet}};
358 invalid_piece ->
359 {stop, {invalid_piece_2, S#state.remote_peer_id}, S}
360 end;
361 N when is_integer(N) ->
362 %% This is a bad peer. Kill him!
363 {stop, normal, S}
364 end;
365 handle_message({piece, Index, Offset, Data}, S) ->
366 case handle_got_chunk(Index, Offset, Data, size(Data), S) of
367 {ok, NS} ->
368 try_to_queue_up_pieces(NS)
369 end;
370 handle_message(Unknown, S) ->
371 {stop, {unknown_message, Unknown}, S}.
374 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
375 %% Func: handle_endgame_got_chunk(Index, Offset, S) -> State
376 %% Description: Some other peer just downloaded {Index, Offset, Len} so try
377 %% not to download it here if we can avoid it.
378 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
379 handle_endgame_got_chunk({Index, Offset, Len}, S) ->
380 case gb_trees:is_defined({Index, Offset, Len}, S#state.remote_request_set) of
381 true ->
382 %% Delete the element from the request set.
383 RS = gb_trees:delete({Index, Offset, Len}, S#state.remote_request_set),
384 etorrent_t_peer_send:cancel(S#state.send_pid,
385 Index,
386 Offset,
387 Len),
388 etorrent_chunk:endgame_remove_chunk(S#state.send_pid,
389 S#state.torrent_id,
390 {Index, Offset, Len}),
391 S#state { remote_request_set = RS };
392 false ->
393 %% Not an element in the request queue, ignore
394 etorrent_chunk:endgame_remove_chunk(S#state.send_pid,
395 S#state.torrent_id,
396 {Index, Offset, Len}),
398 end.
400 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
401 %% Func: handle_got_chunk(Index, Offset, Data, Len, S) -> {ok, State}
402 %% Description: We just got some chunk data. Store it in the mnesia DB
403 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
404 handle_got_chunk(Index, Offset, Data, Len, S) ->
405 case gb_trees:lookup({Index, Offset, Len},
406 S#state.remote_request_set) of
407 {value, Ops} ->
408 ok = etorrent_fs:write_chunk(S#state.file_system_pid,
409 {Index, Data, Ops}),
410 case etorrent_chunk:store_chunk(S#state.torrent_id,
411 Index,
412 {Offset, Len},
413 self()) of
414 full ->
415 etorrent_fs:check_piece(S#state.file_system_pid,
416 S#state.peer_group_pid,
417 Index);
418 ok ->
420 end,
421 %% Tell other peers we got the chunk if in endgame
422 case S#state.endgame of
423 true ->
424 case etorrent_chunk:mark_fetched(S#state.torrent_id,
425 {Index, Offset, Len}) of
426 found ->
428 assigned ->
429 etorrent_t_peer_group_mgr:broadcast_got_chunk(
430 S#state.peer_group_pid,
431 {Index, Offset, Len})
432 end;
433 false ->
435 end,
436 RS = gb_trees:delete_any({Index, Offset, Len}, S#state.remote_request_set),
437 {ok, S#state { remote_request_set = RS }};
438 none ->
439 %% Stray piece, we could try to get hold of it but for now we just
440 %% throw it on the floor.
441 {ok, S}
442 end.
444 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
445 %% Function: unqueue_all_pieces/1
446 %% Description: Unqueue all queued pieces at the other end. We place
447 %% the earlier queued items at the end to compensate for quick
448 %% choke/unchoke problems and live data.
449 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
450 unqueue_all_pieces(S) ->
451 %% Put chunks back
452 {atomic, _} = etorrent_chunk:putback_chunks(self()),
453 %% Tell other peers that there is 0xf00d!
454 etorrent_t_peer_group_mgr:broadcast_queue_pieces(S#state.peer_group_pid),
455 %% Clean up the request set.
456 S#state{remote_request_set = gb_trees:empty()}.
458 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
459 %% Function: try_to_queue_up_requests(state()) -> {ok, state()}
460 %% Description: Try to queue up requests at the other end.
461 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
462 try_to_queue_up_pieces(S) when S#state.remote_choked == true ->
463 {ok, S};
464 try_to_queue_up_pieces(S) ->
465 case gb_trees:size(S#state.remote_request_set) of
466 N when N > ?LOW_WATERMARK ->
467 {ok, S};
468 %% Optimization: Only replenish pieces modulo some N
469 N when is_integer(N) ->
470 PiecesToQueue = ?HIGH_WATERMARK - N,
471 case etorrent_chunk:pick_chunks(self(),
472 S#state.torrent_id,
473 S#state.piece_set,
474 PiecesToQueue) of
475 not_interested ->
476 {ok, statechange_interested(S, false)};
477 none_eligible ->
478 {ok, S};
479 {ok, Items} ->
480 queue_items(Items, S);
481 {endgame, Items} ->
482 queue_items(Items, S#state { endgame = true })
484 end.
486 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
487 %% Function: queue_items/2
488 %% Args: ChunkList ::= [CompactChunk | ExplicitChunk]
489 %% S ::= #state
490 %% CompactChunk ::= {PieceNumber, ChunkList}
491 %% ExplicitChunk ::= {PieceNumber, Offset, Size, Ops}
492 %% ChunkList ::= [{Offset, Size, Ops}]
493 %% PieceNumber, Offset, Size ::= integer()
494 %% Ops ::= file_operations - described elsewhere.
495 %% Description: Send chunk messages for each chunk we decided to queue.
496 %% also add these chunks to the piece request set.
497 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
498 queue_items(ChunkList, S) ->
499 RSet = queue_items(ChunkList, S#state.send_pid, S#state.remote_request_set),
500 {ok, S#state { remote_request_set = RSet }}.
502 queue_items([], _SendPid, Tree) -> Tree;
503 queue_items([{Pn, Chunks} | Rest], SendPid, Tree) ->
504 NT = lists:foldl(
505 fun ({Offset, Size, Ops}, T) ->
506 case gb_trees:is_defined({Pn, Offset, Size}, T) of
507 true ->
508 Tree;
509 false ->
510 etorrent_t_peer_send:local_request(SendPid,
511 {Pn, Offset, Size}),
512 gb_trees:enter({Pn, Offset, Size}, Ops, T)
514 end,
515 Tree,
516 Chunks),
517 queue_items(Rest, SendPid, NT);
518 queue_items([{Pn, Offset, Size, Ops} | Rest], SendPid, Tree) ->
519 NT = case gb_trees:is_defined({Pn, Offset, Size}, Tree) of
520 true ->
521 Tree;
522 false ->
523 etorrent_t_peer_send:local_request(SendPid,
524 {Pn, Offset, Size}),
525 gb_trees:enter({Pn, Offset, Size}, Ops, Tree)
526 end,
527 queue_items(Rest, SendPid, NT).
529 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
530 %% Function: complete_connection_setup() -> gen_server_reply()}
531 %% Description: Do the bookkeeping needed to set up the peer:
532 %% * enable passive messaging mode on the socket.
533 %% * Start the send pid
534 %% * Send off the bitfield
535 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
536 complete_connection_setup(S) ->
537 {ok, SendPid} = etorrent_t_peer_sup:add_sender(S#state.parent,
538 S#state.tcp_socket,
539 S#state.file_system_pid,
540 S#state.torrent_id,
541 self()),
542 BF = etorrent_piece:bitfield(S#state.torrent_id),
543 etorrent_t_peer_send:bitfield(SendPid, BF),
545 {noreply, S#state{send_pid = SendPid}, 0}.
547 statechange_interested(S, What) ->
548 etorrent_t_peer_send:interested(S#state.send_pid),
549 S#state{local_interested = What}.
552 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
553 %% Function: handle_read_from_socket(State, Packet) -> NewState
554 %% Packet ::= binary()
555 %% State ::= #state()
556 %% Description: Packet came in. Handle it.
557 %% TODO: in R12B, this can probably utilize the fact that binary handling is
558 %% much better!
559 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
560 handle_read_from_socket(S, <<>>) ->
561 {noreply, S, 0};
562 handle_read_from_socket(S, <<0:32/big-integer, Rest/binary>>) when S#state.packet_left =:= none ->
563 handle_read_from_socket(S, Rest);
564 handle_read_from_socket(S, <<Left:32/big-integer, Rest/binary>>) when S#state.packet_left =:= none ->
565 handle_read_from_socket(S#state { packet_left = Left,
566 packet_iolist = []}, Rest);
567 handle_read_from_socket(S, Packet) when is_binary(S#state.packet_left) ->
568 H = S#state.packet_left,
569 handle_read_from_socket(S#state { packet_left = none },
570 <<H/binary, Packet/binary>>);
571 handle_read_from_socket(S, Packet) when size(Packet) < 4, S#state.packet_left =:= none ->
572 {noreply, S#state { packet_left = Packet }};
573 handle_read_from_socket(S, Packet)
574 when size(Packet) >= S#state.packet_left, is_integer(S#state.packet_left) ->
575 Left = S#state.packet_left,
576 <<Data:Left/binary, Rest/binary>> = Packet,
577 Left = size(Data),
578 P = iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse([Data | S#state.packet_iolist])),
579 {Msg, Rate} = etorrent_peer_communication:recv_message(S#state.rate, P),
580 ok = etorrent_rate_mgr:recv_rate(S#state.torrent_id,
581 self(), Rate#peer_rate.rate),
582 case handle_message(Msg, S#state {rate = Rate}) of
583 {ok, NS} ->
584 handle_read_from_socket(NS#state { packet_left = none,
585 packet_iolist = []},
586 Rest);
587 {stop, Err, NS} ->
588 {stop, Err, NS}
589 end;
590 handle_read_from_socket(S, Packet)
591 when size(Packet) < S#state.packet_left, is_integer(S#state.packet_left) ->
592 {noreply, S#state { packet_iolist = [Packet | S#state.packet_iolist],
593 packet_left = S#state.packet_left - size(Packet) }, 0}.