Allow dependent applications to already be started.
[etorrent.git] / lib / etorrent-1.0 / src / etorrent_utils.erl
1 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
2 %%% File : etorrent_utils.erl
3 %%% Author : User Jlouis <>
4 %%% License : See COPYING
5 %%% Description : A selection of utilities used throughout the code
6 %%%
7 %%% Created : 17 Apr 2007 by User Jlouis <>
8 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -module(etorrent_utils).
11 %% API
12 -export([queue_remove/2, queue_remove_with_check/2,
13 build_encoded_form_rfc1738/1,
14 shuffle/1, gsplit/2]).
16 %%====================================================================
17 %% API
18 %%====================================================================
20 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
21 %% Function: gsplit(N, L1) -> {L2, L3}
22 %% Description:
23 %% types: N - integer()
24 %% L1, L2, L3 - list()
26 %% Graceful split. Works is lists:split, but if N is greater than
27 %% length(L1) then L1 =:= L2 and L3 = []
28 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
29 gsplit(N, L) ->
30 gsplit(N, L, []).
32 gsplit(_N, [], Rest) ->
33 {lists:reverse(Rest), []};
34 gsplit(0, L1, Rest) ->
35 {lists:reverse(Rest), L1};
36 gsplit(N, [H|T], Rest) ->
37 gsplit(N-1, T, [H | Rest]).
39 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
40 %% Function: queue_remove_with_check(Item, Q1) -> {ok, Q2} | false
41 %% Description: If Item is present in queue(), remove the first
42 %% occurence and return it as {ok, Q2}. If the item can not be found
43 %% return false.
44 %% Note: Inefficient implementation. Converts to/from lists.
45 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
46 queue_remove_with_check(Item, Q) ->
47 QList = queue:to_list(Q),
48 case lists:member(Item, QList) of
49 true ->
50 List = lists:delete(Item, QList),
51 {ok, queue:from_list(List)};
52 false ->
53 false
54 end.
56 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
57 %% Function: queue_remove(Item, queue()) -> queue()
58 %% Description: Remove first occurence of Item in queue() if present.
59 %% Note: This function assumes the representation of queue is opaque
60 %% and thus the function is quite ineffective. We can build a much
61 %% much faster version if we create our own queues.
62 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
63 queue_remove(Item, Q) ->
64 QList = queue:to_list(Q),
65 List = lists:delete(Item, QList),
66 queue:from_list(List).
68 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
69 %% Function: build_encoded_form_rfc1738(list() | binary()) -> String
70 %% Description: Convert the list into RFC1738 encoding (URL-encoding).
71 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
72 build_encoded_form_rfc1738(List) when is_list(List) ->
73 Unreserved = rfc_3986_unreserved_characters_set(),
74 F = fun (E) ->
75 case sets:is_element(E, Unreserved) of
76 true ->
78 false ->
79 lists:concat(
80 ["%", io_lib:format("~2.16.0B", [E])])
81 end
82 end,
83 lists:flatten([F(E) || E <- List]);
84 build_encoded_form_rfc1738(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
85 build_encoded_form_rfc1738(binary_to_list(Binary)).
87 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
88 %% Function: shuffle(List1) -> List2
89 %% Description: Permute List1 randomly. Returns the permuted list.
90 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
91 shuffle(List) ->
92 merge_shuffle(List).
94 %%====================================================================
95 %% Internal functions
96 %%====================================================================
98 rfc_3986_unreserved_characters() ->
99 % jlouis: I deliberately killed ~ from the list as it seems the Mainline
100 % client doesn't announce this.
101 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_./".
103 rfc_3986_unreserved_characters_set() ->
104 sets:from_list(rfc_3986_unreserved_characters()).
107 %% Flip a coin randomly
108 flip_coin() ->
109 random:uniform(2) - 1.
112 %% Merge 2 lists, using a coin flip to choose which list to take the next element from.
113 merge(A, []) ->
115 merge([], B) ->
117 merge([A | As], [B | Bs]) ->
118 case flip_coin() of
119 0 ->
120 [A | merge(As, [B | Bs])];
121 1 ->
122 [B | merge([A | As], Bs)]
123 end.
126 %% Partition a list into items.
127 partition(List) ->
128 partition_l(List, [], []).
130 partition_l([], A, B) ->
131 {A, B};
132 partition_l([Item], A, B) ->
133 {B, [Item | A]};
134 partition_l([Item | Rest], A, B) ->
135 partition_l(Rest, B, [Item | A]).
138 %% Shuffle a list by partitioning it and then merging it back by coin-flips
139 merge_shuffle([]) ->
141 merge_shuffle([Item]) ->
142 [Item];
143 merge_shuffle(List) ->
144 {A, B} = partition(List),
145 merge(merge_shuffle(A), merge_shuffle(B)).