normal orientation should be consistent now
[engrid.git] / manual / introduction.tex
1 \chapter{Introduction}
3 \eg is an open-source mesh generation software with CFD applications in mind.
4 \eg uses the NETGEN \cite{netgen:2008} library for tetrahedral grid generation
5 and an in-house development for prismatic boundary layer grids. Internally, \eg
6 uses the VTK \cite{vtk:2008} data structures as well as the {*}.vtu file format.
7 To create grids for
8 Currently \eg cannot generate surface grids. In order to create a volume grid it
9 is required to import an existing surface mesh. Gmsh \cite{gmsh:2008} is an
10 excellent open-source tool to create surface triangulations for \eg. Gmsh is
11 able to import STEP and IGES files and it can also be used for simple geometry
12 modelling.
14 The \egv release of \eg provides native export to
15 OpenFOAM\textsuperscript{\textregistered}\footnote{\foam is a registered trade
16 mark of OpenCFD\textregistered Limited}\cite{openfoam:2008}. For future
17 releases, export capabilities for complete \foam cases (including boundary
18 conditions) and support for polyhedral cells are planned as well.
20 \eg is released under the GPL and we hope that it is a useful addition to the
21 open-source CFD community. So far the implemented algorithm proved to be quite
22 robust and it does not require much user interaction. Figure
23 \ref{fig:Introduction1}shows a boundary layer grid that has been created around
24 the geometry of what could be a toy plane.
26 \important
28 This manual is very much a work in progress and does
29 not claim to be finished, comprehensive, complete, or anything else.
30 We hope that, even in this early stage, it offers a little help while
31 using \eg!
35 \begin{figure}
36 \begin{centering}
37 \includegraphics[width=7cm]{figures/DeltaWing_02}
38 \hspace{2mm}
39 \includegraphics[width=7cm]{figures/DeltaWing_01}\\
40 \end{centering}
41 \caption{Prismatic boundary layer created by \eg}
42 \label{fig:Introduction1}
43 \end{figure}
45 \section{Current Release (\egv)}
47 \begin{itemize}
48 \item volume grids from existing surface triangulations (no surface meshing
49 support yet, but planned for future releases)
50 \item prismatic boundary layer support
51 \item GUI based on Qt4
52 \item direct export to OpenFOAM
53 \item experimental support for polyhedral grids in OpenFOAM
54 \end{itemize}
56 \section{Supported Platforms}
58 \begin{itemize}
59 \item \eg is developed on a LINUX system (OpenSUSE 10.3), using Qt-4.4.1,
60 VTK 5.2, and an SVN snapshot of NETGEN.
61 \item A Windows executable for Windows-XP (32bit) is also available.
62 \end{itemize}
64 \section{Supported File Formats}
66 \begin{itemize}
67 \item VTK unstructured grids in XML format (\eg's native format)
68 \item VTK poly data in XML format (import)
69 \item legacy VTK files (import)
70 \item OpenFOAM (export)
71 \item Gmsh (import \& export)
72 \item STL (import \& export)
73 \item NETGEN neutral format (export)
74 \end{itemize}