created common base clase for surface projection implementations
[engrid.git] / src / libengrid /
1 TEMPLATE = lib
3 TARGET = engrid
5 # Enable this if the VTK from the ParaView sources and
6 # installation want to be used
7 # Note: Currently only for Windows Compiles with MSVC
8 Use_VTK_Win_ParaView = yes
11 CONFIG += qt \
12 debug_and_release \
13 thread
15 QT += xml \
16 network \
17 opengl
19 win32-msvc* {
23 } win32-g++* {
24 CONFIG += console
28 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated
29 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wl,--no-undefined
30 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wl,--enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc
31 } else {
33 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -Wno-deprecated
34 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-omit-frame-pointer
40 INCLUDEPATH += ./libengrid-build
41 INCLUDEPATH += ../netgen_svn/netgen-mesher/netgen/nglib
42 INCLUDEPATH += ../netgen_svn/netgen-mesher/netgen/libsrc/general
43 INCLUDEPATH += /usr/brlcad/include
44 INCLUDEPATH += /usr/brlcad/include/openNURBS
46 #INCLUDEPATH for VTK depends on the compiler
47 win32-msvc* {
50 !isEmpty(Use_VTK_Win_ParaView) {
51 include(../misc/engrid-vtk-win_paraview.pri)
52 } else {
55 } win32-g++* {
57 } else {
61 RESOURCES += engrid.qrc
63 HEADERS = boundarycondition.h \
64 celllayeriterator.h \
65 cellneighbouriterator.h \
66 cgnswriter.h \
67 containertricks.h \
68 correctsurfaceorientation.h \
69 createvolumemesh.h \
70 deletecells.h \
71 deletetetras.h \
72 deletepickedcell.h \
73 deletevolumegrid.h \
74 dialogoperation.h \
75 egvtkobject.h \
76 elements.h \
77 engrid.h \
78 error.h \
79 fixstl.h \
80 foamreader.h \
81 foamwriter.h \
82 geometrytools.h \
83 gmshiooperation.h \
84 gmshreader.h \
85 gmshwriter.h \
86 gridsmoother.h \
87 iooperation.h \
88 iterator.h \
89 layeriterator.h \
90 meshpartition.h \
91 neutralwriter.h \
92 nodelayeriterator.h \
93 operation.h \
94 optimisation.h \
95 physicalboundarycondition.h \
96 polydatareader.h \
97 polymesh.h \
98 seedsimpleprismaticlayer.h \
99 setboundarycode.h \
100 simplefoamwriter.h \
101 sortablevector.h \
102 std_connections.h \
103 std_includes.h \
104 stlreader.h \
105 stlwriter.h \
106 plywriter.h \
107 uniquevector.h \
108 swaptriangles.h \
109 tvtkoperation.h \
110 volumedefinition.h \
111 vtkreader.h \
112 vtkEgBoundaryCodesFilter.h \
113 vtkEgEliminateShortEdges.h \
114 vtkEgExtractVolumeCells.h \
115 vtkEgGridFilter.h \
116 vtkEgNormalExtrusion.h \
117 vtkEgPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter.h \
118 vtkImplicitPolyData.h \
119 guicreateboundarylayer.h \
120 guicreatevolumemesh.h \
121 guideletebadaspecttris.h \
122 guidivideboundarylayer.h \
123 guieditboundaryconditions.h \
124 guiimproveaspectratio.h \
125 guimainwindow.h \
126 guinormalextrusion.h \
127 guiselectboundarycodes.h \
128 guisetboundarycode.h \
129 guicreatesurfacemesh.h \
130 guisettingstab.h \
131 guisettingsviewer.h \
132 guivolumedelegate.h \
133 guitransform.h \
134 vertexdelegate.h \
135 vertexmeshdensity.h \
136 smoothingutilities.h \
137 laplacesmoother.h \
138 deletepickedpoint.h \
139 text3d.h \
140 guipick.h \
141 egvtkinteractorstyle.h \
142 insertpoints.h \
143 removepoints.h \
144 reducedpolydatareader.h \
145 showinfo.h \
146 surfacemesher.h \
147 updatedesiredmeshdensity.h \
148 boxselect.h \
149 checksurfaceintegrity.h \
150 surfaceoperation.h \
151 surfaceprojection.h \
152 trisurfaceprojection.h \
153 octree.h \
154 filetemplate.h \
155 openfoamcase.h \
156 multipagewidget.h \
157 tricoord.h \
158 updatesurfproj.h \
159 foamobject.h \
160 multipagewidgetpage.h \
161 xmlhandler.h \
162 openfoamtools.h \
163 sharpenedges.h \
164 checkforoverlap.h \
165 timer.h \
166 facefinder.h \
167 ../math/linsolve.h \
168 ../math/mathvector.h \
169 ../math/mathvector_methods.h \
170 ../math/mathvector_operators.h \
171 ../math/mathvector_structs.h \
172 ../math/smallsquarematrix.h \
173 pointfinder.h \
174 createboundarylayer.h \
175 guisurfacemesher.h \
176 guicreatehexcore.h \
177 createhexcore.h \
178 orthogonalityoptimiser.h \
179 optimisenormalvector.h \
180 brlcadreader.h \
181 brlcadprojection.h \
182 eghashset.h \
183 polymolecule.h \
184 su2writer.h \
185 booleangeometryoperation.h \
186 guibooleangeometryoperation.h \
187 dolfynwriter.h \
188 guibrlcadimportdialogue.h \
189 createcadtesselation.h \
190 createbrlcadtesselation.h
192 SOURCES = boundarycondition.cpp \
193 celllayeriterator.cpp \
194 cellneighbouriterator.cpp \
195 cgnswriter.cpp \
196 correctsurfaceorientation.cpp \
197 createvolumemesh.cpp \
198 deletecells.cpp \
199 deletepickedcell.cpp \
200 deletetetras.cpp \
201 deletevolumegrid.cpp \
202 egvtkobject.cpp \
203 elements.cpp \
204 error.cpp \
205 fixstl.cpp \
206 foamreader.cpp \
207 foamwriter.cpp \
208 geometrytools.cpp \
209 gmshiooperation.cpp \
210 gmshreader.cpp \
211 gmshwriter.cpp \
212 gridsmoother.cpp \
213 iooperation.cpp \
214 iterator.cpp \
215 layeriterator.cpp \
216 meshpartition.cpp \
217 neutralwriter.cpp \
218 nodelayeriterator.cpp \
219 operation.cpp \
220 optimisation.cpp \
221 physicalboundarycondition.cpp \
222 polydatareader.cpp \
223 polymesh.cpp \
224 seedsimpleprismaticlayer.cpp \
225 setboundarycode.cpp \
226 simplefoamwriter.cpp \
227 stlreader.cpp \
228 stlwriter.cpp \
229 plywriter.cpp \
230 swaptriangles.cpp \
231 volumedefinition.cpp \
232 vtkreader.cpp \
233 vtkEgBoundaryCodesFilter.cxx \
234 vtkEgEliminateShortEdges.cxx \
235 vtkEgExtractVolumeCells.cxx \
236 vtkEgGridFilter.cxx \
237 vtkEgNormalExtrusion.cxx \
238 vtkEgPolyDataToUnstructuredGridFilter.cxx \
239 vtkImplicitPolyData.cpp \
240 guicreateboundarylayer.cpp \
241 guicreatevolumemesh.cpp \
242 guideletebadaspecttris.cpp \
243 guidivideboundarylayer.cpp \
244 guieditboundaryconditions.cpp \
245 guiimproveaspectratio.cpp \
246 guimainwindow.cpp \
247 guinormalextrusion.cpp \
248 guiselectboundarycodes.cpp \
249 guisetboundarycode.cpp \
250 guicreatesurfacemesh.cpp \
251 guisettingstab.cpp \
252 guisettingsviewer.cpp \
253 guivolumedelegate.cpp \
254 guitransform.cpp \
255 vertexdelegate.cpp \
256 vertexmeshdensity.cpp \
257 smoothingutilities.cpp \
258 laplacesmoother.cpp \
259 deletepickedpoint.cpp \
260 text3d.cpp \
261 guipick.cpp \
262 egvtkinteractorstyle.cpp \
263 insertpoints.cpp \
264 removepoints.cpp \
265 showinfo.cpp \
266 surfacemesher.cpp \
267 updatedesiredmeshdensity.cpp \
268 boxselect.cpp \
269 checksurfaceintegrity.cpp \
270 surfaceoperation.cpp \
271 surfaceprojection.cpp \
272 trisurfaceprojection.cpp \
273 octree.cpp \
274 filetemplate.cpp \
275 openfoamcase.cpp \
276 multipagewidget.cpp \
277 tricoord.cpp \
278 updatesurfproj.cpp \
279 foamobject.cpp \
280 multipagewidgetpage.cpp \
281 xmlhandler.cpp \
282 reducedpolydatareader.cpp \
283 openfoamtools.cpp \
284 sharpenedges.cpp \
285 checkforoverlap.cpp \
286 timer.cpp \
287 facefinder.cpp \
288 pointfinder.cpp \
289 createboundarylayer.cpp \
290 guisurfacemesher.cpp \
291 guicreatehexcore.cpp \
292 createhexcore.cpp \
293 orthogonalityoptimiser.cpp \
294 optimisenormalvector.cpp \
295 brlcadreader.cpp \
296 brlcadprojection.cpp \
297 polymolecule.cpp \
298 su2writer.cpp \
299 booleangeometryoperation.cpp \
300 guibooleangeometryoperation.cpp \
301 dolfynwriter.cpp \
302 guibrlcadimportdialogue.cpp \
303 createcadtesselation.cpp \
304 createbrlcadtesselation.cpp
306 FORMS = guicreateboundarylayer.ui \
307 guideletebadaspecttris.ui \
308 guidivideboundarylayer.ui \
309 guieditboundaryconditions.ui \
310 guimainwindow.ui \
311 guiimproveaspectratio.ui \
312 guinormalextrusion.ui \
313 guiselectboundarycodes.ui \
314 guisetboundarycode.ui \
315 guicreatesurfacemesh.ui \
316 guitransform.ui \
317 guipick.ui \
318 guicreatevolumemesh.ui \
319 guisurfacemesher.ui \
320 guicreatehexcore.ui \
321 guibooleangeometryoperation.ui \
322 guibrlcadimportdialogue.ui
324 HEADERS += surfacealgorithm.h
325 SOURCES += surfacealgorithm.cpp
326 HEADERS += reducesurfacetriangulation.h
327 SOURCES += reducesurfacetriangulation.cpp
328 HEADERS += eliminatesmallbranches.h
329 SOURCES += eliminatesmallbranches.cpp
330 HEADERS += smoothandswapsurface.h
331 SOURCES += smoothandswapsurface.cpp
332 HEADERS += seligairfoilreader.h
333 SOURCES += seligairfoilreader.cpp
334 HEADERS += fixcadgeometry.h
335 SOURCES += fixcadgeometry.cpp
336 HEADERS += blenderreader.h
337 SOURCES += blenderreader.cpp
338 HEADERS += blenderwriter.h
339 SOURCES += blenderwriter.cpp
340 HEADERS += dialoglineedit.h
341 SOURCES += dialoglineedit.cpp
342 HEADERS += utilities.h
343 SOURCES += utilities.cpp
344 HEADERS += edgelengthsourcemanager.h \
345 edgelengthsource.h
346 SOURCES += edgelengthsourcemanager.cpp
347 FORMS += guiedgelengthsourcesphere.ui
348 HEADERS += guiedgelengthsourcesphere.h
349 SOURCES += guiedgelengthsourcesphere.cpp
350 HEADERS += triangle.h
351 SOURCES += triangle.cpp
352 HEADERS += mergenodes.h
353 SOURCES += mergenodes.cpp
354 FORMS += guiedgelengthsourcecone.ui
355 HEADERS += guiedgelengthsourcecone.h
356 SOURCES += guiedgelengthsourcecone.cpp
357 FORMS += guiedgelengthsourcebox.ui
358 HEADERS += guiedgelengthsourcebox.h
359 SOURCES += guiedgelengthsourcebox.cpp
360 FORMS += guimergevolumes.ui
361 HEADERS += guimergevolumes.h
362 SOURCES += guimergevolumes.cpp
363 HEADERS += deletestraynodes.h
364 SOURCES += deletestraynodes.cpp
365 HEADERS += guimirrormesh.h
366 SOURCES += guimirrormesh.cpp
367 FORMS += guimirrormesh.ui