new version based on actual and not average edge length
[engrid.git] / manual / engits.bib
1 \vspace{-.5ex}
2 @misc{OO_cary, NOTE={
3 John R. Cary and Svetlana G. Shasharina:
4 Comparison of C++ and Fortran 90 for
5 Object-Oriented Scientific Programming.
6 Submitted for publication in Computer Physics Communications, (Nov.1996)
7 Available from Los Alamos National Laboratory as Report
8 No. LA-UR-96-4064.}}
10 \vspace{-.5ex}
11 @misc{Robison96, NOTE={
12 A. D. Robison, P. F. Dubois: C++ Gets Faster for Scientific Computing.
13 In: Computers in Physics, Vol~10, pp 458-462, American Inst. of Physics
14 (1996).}}
16 \vspace{-.5ex}
17 @misc{vils3d, NOTE={
18 Vilsmeier R. and H\"anel D.:
19 A Field Method for 3-D Tetrahedral Mesh Generation and Adaption. Proc.
20 of 14th Int. Conf. on Num. Meth. in Fluid Dynamics, Bangalore, India
21 1994.}}
23 \vspace{-.5ex}
24 @misc{vils3d_2, NOTE={
25 R. Vilsmeier, D. H\"anel: Computational Aspects of Flow Simulation on
26 3-D, Unstructured, Adaptive Grids.
27 In: E. H. Hirschel (Ed.): Flow Simulation with High-Performance
28 Computers II, Notes in Numerical Fluid Mechanics, vol.~52, pp 431-446,
29 Vieweg Verlag, Braunschweig (1996).}}
31 @misc{derv4, NOTE={
32 C. Debiez, A. Dervieux, P. Arminjon: Mixed-Element-Volume:
33 Bridging finite elements and positive finite volume; some
34 accuracy issues.
35 In: Conference on Numerical Methods for the Euler and Navier-Stokes
36 equations, Montr{\'e}al, Quebec, September 14-16, (1995)
40 \vspace{-.5ex}
41 @misc{meinkemg90, NOTE={ Meinke M., H\"anel D.:
42 Time Accurate Multigrid Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations.
43 Intern. Series of Numerical Mathematics, vol. 98, pp. 289-300,
44 Birkhauser, Basel, (1991).}}
46 \vspace{-.5ex}
47 @misc{hyp1, NOTE={
48 A. Khawaja, H. McMorris, and Y. Kallinderis:
49 "Hybrid Grids for Viscous Flows around Complex 3-D Geometries including
50 Multiple Bodies,"
51 AIAA Paper 95-1685-CP, San Diego,CA, June (1995).}}
53 \vspace{-.5ex}
54 @misc{vilsj95, NOTE={
55 R. Vilsmeier and D. H\"anel: Adaptive Solutions for Unsteady Laminar Flow
56 on Unstructured Grids. Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
57 Vol~22, 85-101 (1995).}}
59 \vspace{-.5ex}
60 @misc{breuer, NOTE={ M. Breuer, D. H\"anel:
61 A Dual Time-Stepping Method for 3-D, Viscous,
62 Incompressible Vortex Flow.
63 Computer \& Fluids, vol. 22, pp. 467-484, (1993).}}
65 \vspace{-.5ex} @misc{F-parallel, NOTE={ S. Lanteri: Parallel Solutions
66 of Compressible Flows Using Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Mesh
67 Partitioning Strategies, Parallel Computing, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 943-968,
68 (1996).}}
70 \vspace{-.5ex}
71 @misc{vils-krakow, NOTE={
72 % SEE ALSO: krakow97
73 O. Gloth, R. Vilsmeier, D. H\"anel: Object Oriented Programming for
74 Computational Fluid Dynamics. Proc. of High Performance Computing on HP
75 Systems. Krakow, Poland, Nov. 5-8, (1997).}}
77 \vspace{-.5ex}
78 @misc{mavriplis97, NOTE={
79 D.J. Mavriplis: Unstructured Grid Techniques. Ann. Rev. Fluid Mech.,
80 vol. 29, pp. 473-514, (1997).}}
82 \vspace{-.5ex}
83 @misc{roe81, NOTE={
84 P. L. Roe: Approximate {R}iemann Solvers, Parameter Vectors, and
85 Difference Schemes,
86 JCP, vol. 43,pp 357 -- 372, (1981).}}
88 \vspace{-.5ex}
89 @misc{turkel87, NOTE={
90 E. Turkel:
91 Preconditioned Methods for Solving the
92 Incompressible and Low Speed Compressible Equations,
93 JCP,vol.72, pp 277 - 298, (1987).}}
95 \vspace{-.5ex}
96 @misc{liou, NOTE={
97 M.S. Liou, C.J. Steffen: A New Flux Splitting Scheme: JCP, vol. 107, pp
98 23-39, (1993).}}
100 \vspace{-.5ex}
101 @misc{schwane, NOTE={
102 R. Schwane, D. H\"anel: An Implicit Flux Vector Splitting Scheme for
103 Viscous Hypersonic Flow.
104 AIAA paper, No. 89-0274, (1989).}}
106 \vspace{-.5ex}
107 @misc{guillard97, NOTE={
108 H. Guillard and C. Viozat:
109 On the behavior of Upwind Schemes in the Low Mach
110 Number Limit. Rapport INRIA no 3160,(1997).
111 (Submitted to Computers and Fluids).}}
113 \vspace{-.5ex}
114 @misc{marcum95, NOTE={
115 D. L. Marcum, N. P. Weatherill, M. J. Marchant, F. Beaven:
116 Generation of Unstructured Grids for Viscous Flow Applications.
117 33rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV.,
118 AIAA 95-0212, (1995).}}
120 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
122 @InCollection{brandt:82,
123 author = {A. Brandt},
124 title = {Guide to multigrid development},
125 booktitle = {Multigrid methods, in Lecture notes in Mathematics},
126 pages = {220-312},
127 year = {1982},
128 volume = {960}
131 @Article{desideri-hemker:95,
132 author = {J.A. D{\'e}sid{\'e}ri and P.W. Hemker},
133 title = {Convergence Analysis of the Defect-Correction Iteration for Hyperbolic Problems},
134 journal = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.},
135 year = {1995},
136 volume = {16},
137 pages = {88-118}
140 @InProceedings{hiper:97,
141 author = {O. Gloth and R. Vilsmeier and D.H\"anel},
142 title = {Object Oriented Programming for Computational Fluid Dynamics},
143 booktitle = {Proceedings of HiPer'97, ISBN 83-902363-6-2},
144 editor = {M. Bubak, J. Mo\'sci\'nski},
145 year = {1997}
148 @InProceedings{fournier-gloth:99,
149 author = {L. Fournier and O. Gloth},
150 title = {An Attempt to Develop a Multi Purpose FAS Multigrid Algorithm},
151 booktitle = {Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex
152 Applications},
153 year = {1999}
156 @InProceedings{tran-vilsmeier-haenel:99,
157 author = {L. Tran and R. Vilsmeier and D. H\"anel},
158 title = {A local level set method for the treatment of discontinuities on unstructured grids},
159 booktitle = {Proceedings of Second International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex
160 Applications},
161 year = {1999}
164 @Misc{scitools:98,
165 author = {O. Gloth and R. Vilsmeier and D.H\"anel},
166 title = {An Object Oriented Framework for Finite Volume Applications},
167 howpublished = {Online:},
168 year = {1998}
171 @Article{lallemand-etal:92,
172 author = {M. H. Lallemand and H. Steve and A. Dervieux},
173 title = {Unstructured multigridding by volume agglomeration: current status},
174 journal = {Computers and Fluids},
175 volume = {21},
176 pages = {397-443},
177 year = {1992}
180 @Article{mavriplis-venkatakrishnan:96,
181 author = {D. J. Mavriplis and V. Venkatakrishnan},
182 title = {A 3D agglomeration multigrid solver for the reynolds-average
183 navier-stokes equations on unstructure meshes},
184 journal = {Int. J. for Num. Meth. in Fluids},
185 volume = {23},
186 pages = {527-544},
187 year = {1996}
190 @InProceedings{okamoto-etal:98,
191 author = {N. Okamoto and K. Nakahashi and S. Obayashi},
192 title = {A coarse grid generation algorithm for agglomeration multigrid method
193 on unstructure grids},
194 booktitle = {Proceedings of 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit},
195 volume = {98-0615},
196 address = {AIAA, Reno},
197 year = {1998}
200 @Article{VL:79,
201 author = {B. Van Leer},
202 title = {Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme {V}: a
203 second-order sequel to {G}odunov's method},
204 journal = {J. of Comput. Phys.},
205 volume = {32},
206 pages = {361--370},
207 year = {1979}
210 @Book{wesseling:91,
211 author = {P. Wesseling},
212 title = {An introduction to multigrid methods},
213 publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
214 year = {1991}
217 @Article{elmahi-etal:99,
218 author = {I. Elmahi and F. Benkaldoun and R. Vilsmeier and O. Gloth
219 and A. Patschull and D. H\"anel},
220 title = {Finite volume simulation of a droplet flame ignition on unstructured meshes},
221 journal = {J. of Comp. and App. Math.},
222 year = {1999},
223 volume = {103},
224 pages = {187-205}
227 @InProceedings{gridgreen:98,
228 author = {R. Vilsmeier and O. Gloth and D. H\"anel},
229 month = {July},
230 year = {1998},
231 address = {London, England},
232 title = {Generation of Hybrid Grids via Element-Conversion},
233 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on
234 Numerical Grid Generation in Computational Field Simulation},
237 @InCollection{dfg-cnrs:98,
238 author = {D. H\"anel and A. Dervieux and R. Vilsmeier and O. Gloth and C. Viozat and L.Fournier},
239 title = {Development of Navier-Stokes Solvers on Hybrid Grids},
240 booktitle = {Numerical Flow Simulation I,
241 CNRS-DFG Collaborative Research Programme,
242 Results 1996-1998},
243 publisher = {Vieweg Verlag},
244 year = {1998},
245 editor = {E. H. Hirschel},
246 pages = {89-111}
249 @InProceedings{semi-coarsening:96,
250 author = {A. Dervieux and J. Francescatto and G. Carr{\'e}},
251 title = {Fast Solver for Unstructured Finite Volume Methods},
252 booktitle = {Proceedings of First International Symposium on Finite Volumes for Complex
253 Applications},
254 year = {1996}
257 @Book{hirsch1,
258 author = {C. Hirsch},
260 publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
261 year = {1988},
262 volume = {1}
265 @Book{hirsch2,
266 author = {C. Hirsch},
268 publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
269 year = {1990},
270 volume = {2}
273 @Article{rothe:70,
274 author = {Dietmar E. Rothe},
275 title = {Electron-Beam Studies of Viscous Flow in Supersonic Nozzles},
276 journal = {AIAA Journal},
277 volume = {9},
278 year = {1970}
282 @Misc{gmsh:2008,
283 author = {Christophe Geuzaine and Jean-Fran\c cois Remacle},
284 title = {Gmsh: a three-dimensional finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities},
285 howpublished = {Online:},
286 year = {2008}
289 @Misc{netgen:2008,
290 author = {Joachim Sch\"oberl},
291 title = {Netgen/NGSolve},
292 howpublished = {Online:},
293 year = {2008}
296 @Misc{openfoam:2008,
297 author = {OpenCFD Limited},
298 title = {OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox},
299 howpublished = {Online:},
300 year = {2008}
303 @Misc{opencascade:2008,
304 author = {Open CASCADE S.A.S.},
305 title = {Open CASCADE Technology, 3D modeling \& numerical simulation},
306 howpublished = {Online:},
307 year = {2008}
310 @Misc{vtk:2008,
311 author = {Kitware Inc.},
312 title = {The Visualization Toolkit},
313 howpublished = {Online:},
314 year = {2008}