added sphere tutorial
[engrid.git] / src / insertpoints.cpp
1 //
2 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 // + +
4 // + This file is part of enGrid. +
5 // + +
6 // + Copyright 2008-2010 enGits GmbH +
7 // + +
8 // + enGrid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify +
9 // + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +
10 // + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or +
11 // + (at your option) any later version. +
12 // + +
13 // + enGrid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +
14 // + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +
16 // + GNU General Public License for more details. +
17 // + +
18 // + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +
19 // + along with enGrid. If not, see <>. +
20 // + +
21 // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
23 #include "insertpoints.h"
25 #include "guimainwindow.h"
27 #include <vtkCharArray.h>
29 #include <QTime>
31 InsertPoints::InsertPoints() : SurfaceOperation()
33 setQuickSave(true);
34 getSet("surface meshing", "point insertion threshold", 1, m_Threshold);
37 void InsertPoints::operate()
39 int N1 = m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints();
40 insertPoints();
41 int N2 = m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints();
42 m_NumInserted = N2 - N1;
45 ///\todo Adapt this code for multiple volumes.
46 int InsertPoints::insertPoints()
48 QTime start = QTime::currentTime();
50 setAllSurfaceCells();
51 l2g_t cells = getPartCells();
52 g2l_t _cells = getPartLocalCells();
54 UpdatePotentialSnapPoints(true);
56 EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_code, m_Grid, "cell_code");
57 EG_VTKDCN(vtkDoubleArray, characteristic_length_desired, m_Grid, "node_meshdensity_desired");
59 int num_newpoints=0;
60 int num_newcells=0;
62 QVector <int> marked_cells(cells.size(), 0);
63 QVector <stencil_t> stencil_vector(cells.size());
65 // find potential edges for splitting
66 QList<edge_t> edges;
67 for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); ++i) {
68 vtkIdType id_cell = cells[i];
70 // if cell is selected and a triangle
71 if (m_BoundaryCodes.contains(cell_code->GetValue(id_cell)) && (m_Grid->GetCellType(id_cell) == VTK_TRIANGLE)) {
72 int j_split = -1;
73 double L_max = 0;
74 vtkIdType N_pts, *pts;
75 m_Grid->GetCellPoints(id_cell, N_pts, pts);
76 //find best side to split (longest)
77 for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
78 //check if neighbour cell on this side is also selected
79 stencil_t S = getStencil(id_cell, j);
80 bool selected_edge = true;
81 for(int i_cell_neighbour=1;i_cell_neighbour<S.id_cell.size();i_cell_neighbour++) {
82 vtkIdType id_cell_neighbour = S.id_cell[i_cell_neighbour];
83 if( !m_BoundaryCodes.contains(cell_code->GetValue(id_cell_neighbour)) || S.type_cell[i_cell_neighbour] != VTK_TRIANGLE) selected_edge=false;
84 }// end of loop through neighbour cells
85 if(selected_edge) {
86 vtkIdType id_node1 = pts[j];
87 vtkIdType id_node2 = pts[(j+1)%N_pts];
88 double L = distance(m_Grid, id_node1, id_node2);
89 double L1 = characteristic_length_desired->GetValue(id_node1);
90 double L2 = characteristic_length_desired->GetValue(id_node2);
91 if (L > m_Threshold*min(L1,L2)) {
92 if (L > L_max) {
93 j_split = j;
94 L_max = L;
98 }// end of loop through sides
99 if (j_split != -1) {
100 stencil_t S = getStencil(id_cell, j_split);
101 edge_t E;
102 E.S = S;
103 E.L1 = characteristic_length_desired->GetValue(S.p1);
104 E.L2 = characteristic_length_desired->GetValue(S.p2);
105 E.L12 = distance(m_Grid, S.p1, S.p2);
106 edges.push_back(E);
111 qSort(edges);
113 //counter
114 foreach (edge_t E, edges) {
115 int i_cells1 = _cells[E.S.id_cell[0]];
116 bool all_unmarked = true;
117 for(int i=0; i<E.S.id_cell.size();i++) {
118 int i_cells = _cells[E.S.id_cell[i]];
119 if (marked_cells[i_cells]) all_unmarked=false;
121 if(all_unmarked) {
122 stencil_vector[i_cells1] = E.S;
123 marked_cells[i_cells1] = 1;
124 for(int i=1; i<E.S.id_cell.size();i++) {
125 int i_cells = _cells[E.S.id_cell[i]];
126 marked_cells[i_cells] = 2;
128 ++num_newpoints;
129 num_newcells += E.S.id_cell.size();
133 //initialize grid_tmp
134 int l_N_points=m_Grid->GetNumberOfPoints();
135 int l_N_cells=m_Grid->GetNumberOfCells();
136 EG_VTKSP(vtkUnstructuredGrid,grid_tmp);
137 allocateGrid(grid_tmp, l_N_cells + num_newcells, l_N_points + num_newpoints);
138 makeCopyNoAlloc(m_Grid, grid_tmp);
140 //initialize new node counter
141 vtkIdType id_new_node = l_N_points;
143 //actor
144 for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
145 if (marked_cells[i] == 1) {
146 stencil_t S = stencil_vector[i];
148 //calculate midpoint
149 vec3_t A,B;
150 grid_tmp->GetPoint(S.p1,;
151 grid_tmp->GetPoint(S.p2,;
152 vec3_t M=0.5*(A+B);
154 //add point
155 grid_tmp->GetPoints()->SetPoint(id_new_node,;
156 copyNodeData(grid_tmp,S.p1,grid_tmp,id_new_node); ///\todo maybe trouble
158 // inserted edge point = type of the edge on which it is inserted
159 EG_VTKDCN(vtkCharArray, node_type, grid_tmp, "node_type");
160 node_type->SetValue(id_new_node, getNewNodeType(S) );
162 // insert new cells
163 //four new triangles
164 int N = S.id_cell.size();
165 vtkIdType pts_triangle[2*N][3];
167 for(int i_triangle=0; i_triangle<N; i_triangle++) {
168 vtkIdType *pts, N_pts;
169 grid_tmp->GetCellPoints(S.id_cell[i_triangle], N_pts, pts);
171 bool direct;
172 for(int i_pts = 0; i_pts<N_pts; i_pts++) {
173 if( pts[i_pts] == S.p1 ) {
174 if( pts[(i_pts+1)%N_pts] == S.p2 ) direct = true;
175 else direct = false;
178 if(direct) {
179 pts_triangle[i_triangle][0] = S.p1;
180 pts_triangle[i_triangle][1] = id_new_node;
181 pts_triangle[i_triangle][2] = S.id_node[i_triangle];
183 pts_triangle[i_triangle+N][0] = id_new_node;
184 pts_triangle[i_triangle+N][1] = S.p2;
185 pts_triangle[i_triangle+N][2] = S.id_node[i_triangle];
187 else {
188 pts_triangle[i_triangle][0] = S.p2;
189 pts_triangle[i_triangle][1] = id_new_node;
190 pts_triangle[i_triangle][2] = S.id_node[i_triangle];
192 pts_triangle[i_triangle+N][0] = id_new_node;
193 pts_triangle[i_triangle+N][1] = S.p1;
194 pts_triangle[i_triangle+N][2] = S.id_node[i_triangle];
197 grid_tmp->ReplaceCell(S.id_cell[i_triangle] , 3, pts_triangle[i_triangle]);
198 vtkIdType newCellId = grid_tmp->InsertNextCell(VTK_TRIANGLE,3,pts_triangle[i_triangle+N]);
199 copyCellData(grid_tmp,S.id_cell[i_triangle],grid_tmp,newCellId);
202 //increment ID
203 id_new_node++;
207 //update grid
208 makeCopy(grid_tmp,m_Grid);
210 return(0);
213 char InsertPoints::getNewNodeType(stencil_t S)
215 // cout<<"S="<<S<<endl;
217 vtkIdType id_node1 = S.p1;
218 vtkIdType id_node2 = S.p2;
220 EG_VTKDCN(vtkCharArray, node_type, m_Grid, "node_type");
221 if( node_type->GetValue(id_node1)==VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX || node_type->GetValue(id_node2)==VTK_SIMPLE_VERTEX ) {
224 else {
225 QVector <vtkIdType> PSP = getPotentialSnapPoints(id_node1);
226 if( PSP.contains(id_node2) ) {
227 EG_VTKDCC(vtkIntArray, cell_code, m_Grid, "cell_code");
228 if(S.id_cell.size()<1) {
231 else {
232 if( cell_code->GetValue(S.id_cell[0]) != cell_code->GetValue(S.id_cell[1]) ) {
234 } else {
238 } else {