Fixed User-Agent
[emiya.git] /
1 #! /usr/bin/env perl
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
5 use utf8;
7 #sub POE::Kernel::ASSERT_DEFAULT () { 1 }
8 use POE qw(Component::Client::HTTP);
10 use HTTP::Request;
11 use HTML::Entities;
12 use Encode;
13 use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
14 use Time::HiRes 'time';
16 # TODO: allow loading all those variables from a configuration file
18 # Required for using the script. If you're using this script,
19 # you already know what these are for and what you should put in here
20 my $username = "PR";
21 my $password = "";
23 # HTTP proxy. Must be in the form 'http://host:port'.
24 # Port is required even if 80.
25 # May work for SOCKS proxies by using the 'socks://' protocol, untested.
26 my $proxy = $ENV{http_proxy};
30 # The main purpose of this script.
31 # Only files that pass any of the allow filters and fail all of the deny filters
32 # get downloaded.
34 # These are hashes to arrayrefs. Each key is used to filter a field in the $info
35 # hashref. Each element of the arrayrefs is treated as a case-sensitive regexp.
36 # The fields are title, url and category. There are other fields, but they are
37 # not really filterable through this method. You are welcome to try though.
38 # Example: title => ['Kara_no_Kyoukai', 'Black Lagoon\[niizk\]']
40 # Use [0-9A-Fa-f]{8} for CRC32s
41 # Use \d{2}v?\d? for episode numbers (catches v2s and v3s as well)
42 # Remember to escape all '.', '[' and ']' on filenames with a '\'.
43 my %file_allow_filters = ( title => [] );
44 my %file_deny_filters = ( url => [] );
46 # HTTP Digest auth hack
47 my $realm = "DeathWolf's Auto-Torrent Loving Realm";
48 my $A1 = md5_hex("$username:$realm:$password");
49 my $A2 = md5_hex("GET:/~DeathWolf/Recent/Latest-Files.html");
50 my $cnonce = int(time());
51 my $reqid = 1;
53 sub make_digest {
54 my $www_auth = shift;
56 $www_auth =~ /nonce=\"(.*?)\"/;
57 my $nonce = $1;
59 my $header = "Digest username=\"$username\", ";
60 $header .= "realm=\"$realm\", nonce=\"$nonce\", ";
61 $header .= "uri=\"/~DeathWolf/Recent/Latest-Files.html\", ";
62 $header .= "qop=\"auth\", nc=$reqid, cnonce=\"$cnonce\", ";
63 my $resp_digest = md5_hex("$A1:$nonce:$reqid:$cnonce:auth:$A2");
64 $header .= "response=\"$resp_digest\"";
65 return $header;
68 use constant CHUNK_SIZE => 16384;
70 POE::Component::Client::HTTP->spawn(
71 Agent => 'Emiya/0.2',
72 Alias => 'ua',
73 Timeout => 45, # TODO: make it configurable
74 Streaming => CHUNK_SIZE,
75 Proxy => $proxy
78 sub entity_clean {
79 my $str = decode_utf8(shift);
80 use bytes; $str =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/@{[chr(hex($1))]}/g; no bytes;
81 decode_entities($str);
82 return $str;
85 ### Windows Unicode support wrappers
86 if ($^O =~ /MSWin/) {
88 ### NOTE: ALL file manipulation files defined here *ONLY WORK WITH ABSOLUTE PATHS*
90 require Win32API::File; Win32API::File->import qw(:FuncW :Func :MOVEFILE_ :GENERIC_ :FILE_ FILE_END :FILE_SHARE_ OPEN_ALWAYS);
91 require Win32::API; Win32::API->import;
93 # Enable output of UTF-8 text
95 my $SetConsoleOutputCP = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'SetConsoleOutputCP',
96 'I', '') or die "SetConsoleOutputCP: $^E";
98 # if ($SetConsoleOutputCP->Call(65001)) {
99 # die "Error " . Win32::GetLastError () . " - " . Win32::FormatMessage (Win32::GetLastError ());
102 my $GetStdHandle = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'GetStdHandle',
103 'I', 'I') or die "GetStdHandle: $^E";
104 my $WriteConsoleW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'WriteConsoleW',
105 'IPIPP', 'I') or die "WriteConsoleW: $^E";
107 use constant STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE => 0xfffffff5;
109 my $stdout = $GetStdHandle->Call(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
111 # Use Win32::API to load needed functions not defined by Win32API::File
113 use constant ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES => 18;
114 use constant INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE => -1;
116 typedef Win32::API::Struct FILETIME => qw{
117 DWORD dwLowDateTime;
118 DWORD dwHighDateTime;
119 }; # 8 bytes
121 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY => 0x00000001;
122 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN => 0x00000002;
123 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM => 0x00000004;
124 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY => 0x00000010;
125 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE => 0x00000020;
126 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL => 0x00000080;
127 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY => 0x00000100;
128 use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED => 0x00000800;
129 use constant MAX_PATH => 260;
131 typedef Win32::API::Struct WIN32_FIND_DATAW => qw{
132 DWORD dwFileAttributes;
133 FILETIME ftCreationTime;
134 FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
135 FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
136 DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
137 DWORD nFileSizeLow;
138 DWORD dwReserved0;
139 DWORD dwReserved1;
140 WCHAR cFileName[520];
141 WCHAR cAlternateFileName[28];
142 }; # 4 + 8 x 3 + 4 x 4 + 520 + 28 = 592 bytes
144 my $FindFirstFileW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'FindFirstFileW',
145 'PS', 'N') or die "FindFirstFile: $^E";
146 my $FindNextFileW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'FindNextFileW',
147 'NS', 'I') or die "FindNextFile $^E";
148 my $FindClose = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'FindClose',
149 'N', 'I') or die "FileClose $^E";
151 typedef Win32::API::Struct SHFILEOPSTRUCT => qw{
152 HWND hwnd;
153 UINT wFunc;
154 LPCWSTR pFrom;
155 LPCWSTR pTo;
156 WORD fFlags;
157 BOOL fAnyOperationsAborted;
158 LPVOID hNameMappings;
159 LPCTSTR lpszProgressTitle;
162 my $SHFileOperationW = Win32::API->new('shell32.dll', 'SHFileOperationW',
163 'S', 'I') or die "SHFileOperation: $^E";
165 my $CreateDirectoryW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll',
166 'BOOL CreateDirectoryW(LPCWSTR lpPathName, LPVOID lpSecurityAttributes);') or die "CreateDirectoryW: $^E";
168 my $RemoveDirectoryW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll',
169 'BOOL RemoveDirectoryW(LPCWSTR lpPathName);') or die "RemoveDirectoryW: $^E";
171 my $enc = sub {
172 my $str = shift;
173 return encode("UTF-16LE", decode_utf8("$str\0"));
176 *myprint = sub {
177 my $str = shift;
178 $str = $enc->($str);
179 my $count = 0;
180 return $count if $WriteConsoleW->Call($stdout, $str, (bytes::length($str)-1)/2, $count, []);
181 return 0;
184 *mymkpath = sub {
185 my $path = shift;
186 my $p = $path;
187 $p =~ s/\//\\/g;
188 unless (myexists($path)) {
189 $! = 0;
190 unless ($CreateDirectoryW->Call($enc->("$p"), undef)) {
191 my $parent = $path;
192 $parent =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
193 if ($parent eq $path) {
194 return undef;
196 unless (mymkpath($parent)) {
197 return undef;
199 # Parent made, try again making the child
200 unless ($CreateDirectoryW->Call($enc->("$p"), undef)) {
201 return undef;
205 return $path;
208 *myexists = sub {
209 my $p = shift;
210 $p =~ s/\//\\/g;
211 return GetFileAttributesW($enc->("$p")) != fileConstant("INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES");
214 *mysize = sub {
215 my $p = shift;
216 return 0 unless myexists($p);
217 $p =~ s/\//\\/g;
218 my $handle = CreateFileW($enc->("$p"), 0, fileConstant("FILE_SHARE_READ") |
219 fileConstant("FILE_SHARE_WRITE"), [],
220 fileConstant("OPEN_EXISTING"), 0, []);
221 my $size = getFileSize($handle);
222 CloseHandle($handle);
223 return $size;
226 *myopen = sub {
227 my $mode = shift;
228 my $file = shift;
229 $file =~ s/\//\\/g;
230 $file = $enc->("$file");
231 if ($mode eq '<') {
232 die "Not implemented";
234 my $handle = CreateFileW($file, $mode eq '>>' ? FILE_APPEND_DATA() : GENERIC_WRITE(), FILE_SHARE_READ(), [], OPEN_ALWAYS(), 0, []);
235 setFilePointer($handle, 0, FILE_END());
236 return $handle;
239 *mysyswrite = sub {
240 my $handle = shift;
241 my $data = shift;
242 my $outbytes;
243 return WriteFile($handle, $data, 0, $outbytes, []) ? $outbytes : undef;
246 *myclose = sub {
247 CloseHandle(shift);
250 *myunlink = sub {
251 DeleteFileW($enc->(shift));
254 } else {
255 $|++;
256 *myprint = sub { print shift; };
257 *mymkpath = sub { mkpath(shift); };
258 *myexists = sub { -e shift; };
259 *mysize = sub { -s shift; };
260 *myopen = sub { open ($_, shift, shift); };
261 *mysyswrite = sub { syswrite(shift, shift); };
262 *myclose = sub { close(shift); };
263 *myunlink = sub { unlink(shift); };
266 POE::Session->create(
267 inline_states => {
268 # Makes initial request for the Digest authentication
269 _start => sub {
270 my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
271 my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => '');
272 $heap->{progress_message} = "Requesting List...";
273 myprint ($heap->{progress_message} . " ");
274 $kernel->post('ua', 'request', 'authenticate', $req, 0);
276 _stop => sub {
277 $_[KERNEL]->post('ua', 'shutdown');
279 # Authenticates and theen actually fetch the list
280 authenticate => sub {
281 my $res = $_[ARG1]->[0];
282 return if defined $_[ARG1]->[1]; # Wait until the error page finishes downloading because of streaming
283 my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => '');
284 die $res->status_line unless ($res->status_line =~ /^(401|2)/);
285 unless ($res->is_success) {
286 my $header = make_digest($res->header('WWW-Authenticate'));
287 $req->header('Authorization', $header);
289 $_[KERNEL]->post('ua', 'request', 'stream_latest_files', $req, $reqid++, 'progress');
291 progress => sub {
292 my $msg = $_[HEAP]->{progress_message};
293 my ($done, $left) = @{$_[ARG1]}[0,1];
294 myprint (sprintf("%3.2f%%\r$msg ", $done * 100 / $left));
295 myprint ("\n") if $done == $left;
297 # Puts the HTML in a temporary var
298 stream_latest_files => sub {
299 my ($heap, $res, $data) = ($_[HEAP], @{$_[ARG1]});
301 die $res->status_line unless ($res->is_success);
303 if (defined $data) {
304 $heap->{latest_files_data} = "" unless exists $heap->{latest_files_data};
305 $heap->{latest_files_data} .= $data;
306 } else {
307 $_[KERNEL]->call($_[SESSION], 'parse_latest_files');
308 $_[KERNEL]->yield('load_completed_files');
309 $_[KERNEL]->yield('filter_files');
312 # Parses the HTML, puts hashrefs in $_[HEAP]->{latest_files}
313 parse_latest_files => sub {
314 my $heap = $_[HEAP];
316 my $content = $heap->{latest_files_data};
317 delete $heap->{latest_files_data};
318 my @files = ();
319 my $info = {};
321 # TODO: use a XML parser, saber now uses XHTML 1.0
322 my @lines = split m/\n/, $content;
324 foreach (@lines) {
325 if(m/^\s*(<td.*)/) {
326 $_ = $1;
327 if (m!class="date".*?>(.+)</td>!) {
328 $info->{date} = $1;
329 } elsif (m!class="category".*?>(.+)</td>!) {
330 $info->{category} = $1;
331 } elsif (m!class="size".*?>(.+)</td>!) {
332 $info->{size} = $1;
333 } elsif (m!<td><a href="(.+)">(.+)</a></td>!) {
334 $info->{url} = $1;
335 $info->{title} = entity_clean($2);
337 } elsif (m!^\s*</tr>! and $info->{url}) {
338 push @files, $info;
339 $info = {};
343 $heap->{latest_files} = \@files;
345 # Loads the list of completed files
346 load_completed_files => sub {
347 my $heap = $_[HEAP];
348 $heap->{completed_files} = [];
349 if (myexists("completed_files.txt")) {
350 open my $in, "<", "completed_files.txt";
351 foreach (<$in>) {
352 chomp;
353 push @{$heap->{completed_files}}, decode_utf8($_);
355 close $in;
358 mark_as_completed => sub {
359 open my $completed_files, ">>", "completed_files.txt";
360 print $completed_files encode_utf8($_[ARG0] . "\n");
361 close $completed_files;
363 # Filters the file list
364 filter_files => sub {
365 # TODO: allow filtering by batch contents (subfolders)
366 # TODO: allow filtering by min / max filesize
367 my $heap = $_[HEAP];
368 $heap->{allowed_files} = [];
369 my $skip;
370 my $filecount = scalar(@{$heap->{latest_files}});
371 my $i = 1;
372 foreach my $info (@{$heap->{latest_files}}) {
373 myprint("\rFiltering " . $i++ . "/$filecount... ");
374 $skip = 0;
375 foreach (@{$heap->{completed_files}}) {
376 if ($info->{title} eq $_) {
377 $skip = 1;
378 last;
381 next if $skip;
382 my $allowed = 0;
383 foreach my $group (keys %file_allow_filters) {
384 foreach my $filter (@{$file_allow_filters{$group}}) {
385 if (entity_clean($info->{$group}) =~ /$filter/) {
386 $allowed = 1;
387 last;
390 last if $allowed;
393 foreach my $group (keys %file_deny_filters) {
394 foreach my $filter (@{$file_deny_filters{$group}}) {
395 if (entity_clean($info->{$group}) =~ /$filter/) {
396 $allowed = 0;
397 last;
400 last unless $allowed;
403 push @{$heap->{allowed_files}}, $info if $allowed;
405 delete $heap->{latest_files};
406 $_[KERNEL]->yield('sort_allowed_files');
407 $_[KERNEL]->yield('print_allowed_files');
408 $_[KERNEL]->yield('download_entries');
410 sort_allowed_files => sub {
411 # TODO: actually sort them
412 # NOTE: the list is used in reverse order
414 print_allowed_files => sub {
415 my $heap = $_[HEAP];
416 my $a = @{$heap->{allowed_files}} > 0 ? ":" : ".";
417 myprint (@{$heap->{allowed_files}} . " entries accepted$a\n");
418 foreach (@{$heap->{allowed_files}}) {
419 myprint (" \"" . $_->{title} . ($_->{url} =~ m!/$! ? "/" : "") . "\" (" . $_->{size} . ")\n");
422 # This state is called after each file finishes downloading
423 download_entries => sub {
424 my ($kernel, $session, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP];
425 my $info = pop @{$heap->{allowed_files}};
426 if ($info) {
427 if ($info->{url} =~ /\/$/) {
428 $kernel->call($session, 'start_download_recursive', $info);
429 } else {
430 $kernel->call($session, 'download_file', $info);
434 # Downloads folder listings
435 start_download_recursive => sub {
436 # TODO: write the folder name to completed_files.txt after getting all files
437 # and skip if the folder name is found
438 my $info = $_[ARG0];
440 my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $info->{url});
441 $_[HEAP]->{info} = $info;
442 $_[HEAP]->{progress_message} = "Listing \"". $info->{title} ."/\":";
443 $_[KERNEL]->call('ua', 'request', 'stream_subfolder', $req, $reqid++, 'progress');
444 while (defined $_[HEAP]->{info}) { $_[KERNEL]->run_one_timeslice(); }
445 $_[KERNEL]->yield('download_entries');
447 stream_subfolder => sub {
448 my ($heap, $res, $data) = ($_[HEAP], @{$_[ARG1]});
449 my $info = $heap->{info};
451 die $res->status_line unless ($res->is_success);
453 # HACK: I dunno why I use md5_hex, but it looked like a good idea at the time
454 if (defined $data) {
455 $heap->{"folder-" . md5_hex($info->{title})} = "" unless exists $heap->{"folder-" . md5_hex($info->{title})};
456 $heap->{"folder-" . md5_hex($info->{title})} .= $data;
457 } else {
458 $_[KERNEL]->yield('download_recursive');
461 # Parses folder listings, pushes subitems to allowed_files, folders last
462 # This makes subfolders be checked before files
463 download_recursive => sub {
464 my ($heap) = $_[HEAP];
466 my $info = $heap->{info};
467 my @lines = split m/\n/, $heap->{"folder-" . md5_hex($info->{title})};
468 my @files = ();
469 my @folders = ();
470 foreach (@lines) {
471 if (m!<td class="n"><a href="(.*?)">.*<td class="t">Directory</td>!) {
472 next if $1 eq "../";
473 push @folders, $1;
474 } elsif (m!<td class="n"><a href=".*?">(.*?)</a></td>.*<td class="s">(.*?)</td>!) {
475 push @files, [$1, $2];
479 while ($_ = pop @files) {
480 my $finfo = {%{$info}};
481 $finfo->{title} = $info->{title};
482 $finfo->{title} .= '/' unless $finfo->{title} =~ m!/$!;
483 $finfo->{title} .= entity_clean($_->[0]);
484 $finfo->{url} = $info->{url} . $_->[0],
485 $finfo->{size} = $_->[1];
487 my $skip = 0;
488 foreach (@{$heap->{completed_files}}) {
489 if ($finfo->{title} eq $_) {
490 $skip = 1;
491 last;
494 push @{$heap->{allowed_files}}, $finfo unless $skip;
496 # There is no trailing slash on the title
497 # There IS a trailing slash on folder URLs
498 foreach (@folders) {
499 my $subinfo = {%{$info}}; # make a copy
500 $subinfo->{title} = $info->{title};
501 $subinfo->{title} .= '/' unless $subinfo->{title} =~ m!/$!;
502 $subinfo->{title} .= entity_clean($_);
503 $subinfo->{title} .= '/' unless $subinfo->{title} =~ m!/$!;
504 $subinfo->{url} = $info->{url} . $_;
506 my $skip = 0;
507 foreach (@{$heap->{completed_files}}) {
508 if ($subinfo->{title} eq $_) {
509 $skip = 1;
510 last;
513 push @{$heap->{allowed_files}}, $subinfo unless $skip;
516 delete $heap->{"folder-" . md5_hex($info->{title})};
517 $heap->{info} = undef;
518 delete $heap->{info};
520 # Actually downloads files
521 download_file => sub {
522 my ($kernel, $heap, $info) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
524 my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $info->{url});
525 $req->header (Accept_Ranges => "bytes");
526 $heap->{have_size} = mysize($info->{title});
527 if ($heap->{have_size}) {
528 $req->header (Range => "bytes=". $heap->{have_size} ."-");
529 } else {
530 $heap->{have_size} = 0;
532 my $title = $info->{title};
533 my $len = 123; # Length of the string on-screen (imprecise, don't know how to actually make it correct)
534 # TODO: make $len customizable and/or somehow detect from the terminal the optimal length
536 # Shorten the printed title to $len characters
537 if (length($title) > $len) {
538 my @paths = split('/', $title);
539 $title = "";
541 # Keep the main folder name intact if it isn't too long
542 if (length($paths[0]) < $len/2) {
543 $title .= shift(@paths) . "/";
544 $len -= length($title);
546 my $pathcount = @paths;
547 my $prelen = int($len/$pathcount/2) - 2;
548 my $postlen = $prelen + 1;
549 while ($_=(shift @paths)) {
550 if (length($_) <= $len/$pathcount) {
551 $title .= "$_/";
552 } else {
553 $title .= substr($_, 0, $prelen) . "..." . substr($_, -$postlen) . "/";
557 # Remove any trailing / (will have if the title shortening code runs)
558 $title =~ s!/$!!;
559 $heap->{progress_message} = "\"" . $title ."\" (". $info->{size} ."):";
560 myprint($heap->{progress_message});
562 $heap->{filename} = $info->{title};
564 $heap->{last_time} = time;
565 $heap->{start_time} = time;
566 $heap->{len} = 0;
567 $heap->{oct} = 0;
568 $_[KERNEL]->delay('calculate_speed' => 2);
569 $_[KERNEL]->call('ua', 'request', 'stream_file', $req, $reqid++, 'file_progress');
571 # Does the actual file downloading
572 stream_file => sub {
573 my ($kernel, $heap, $req, $res, $data) =
574 (@_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0], @{$_[ARG1]});
576 die $res->status_line unless $res->is_success or $res->status_line =~ /^416/;
578 if (defined($data)) {
579 unless ($heap->{outfh} and $heap->{content_length}) {
580 $heap->{filename} =~ m!(.*)/!;
581 mymkpath($1) if $1;
582 $heap->{outfh} = myopen('>>',$heap->{filename});
583 $heap->{content_length} = $res->header('Content-Length');
584 # This is probably wrong
585 if ($heap->{content_length} == $heap->{have_size}) {
586 myclose($heap->{outfh});
587 $kernel->call($_[SESSION], 'mark_as_completed', $heap->{filename});
588 $kernel->post('ua', 'cancel', $req);
589 $kernel->yield('download_entries');
592 unless ($heap->{outfh} && mysyswrite($heap->{outfh}, $data)) {
593 die "$!";
595 } else { # Finished
596 unless ($res->is_success or $res->status_line =~ /^416/) { # Requested Range not satisfiable
597 die $res->status_line;
599 $kernel->call($_[SESSION], 'mark_as_completed', $heap->{filename});
600 myclose($heap->{outfh});
601 delete $heap->{outfh};
602 $kernel->yield('download_entries');
605 calculate_speed => sub {
606 my $heap = $_[HEAP];
608 my $now = time;
609 if ($now == $heap->{last_time}) {
610 $_[KERNEL]->delay('calculate_speed' => 0.5);
611 return;
613 my $spd = $heap->{oct} / 1024 / ($now - $heap->{last_time});
614 unless (defined $heap->{speeds}) {
615 $heap->{speeds} = [];
616 $heap->{speeds_i} = 0;
617 for(my $i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) { $heap->{speeds}->[$i] = $spd; }
619 $heap->{speeds}->[$heap->{speeds_i}++] = $spd;
620 $heap->{speeds_i} %= @{$heap->{speeds}};
621 $heap->{oct} = 0;
623 $heap->{spd} = 0;
624 foreach (@{$heap->{speeds}}) { $heap->{spd} += $_; }
625 $heap->{spd} /= @{$heap->{speeds}};
627 $heap->{last_time} = time;
628 $_[KERNEL]->delay('calculate_speed' => 0.5);
630 calculate_avg_speed => sub {
631 my $heap = $_[HEAP];
633 my $now = time;
634 $heap->{spd} = $heap->{len} / 1024 / ($now - $heap->{start_time});
636 # Prints the progress report
637 file_progress => sub {
638 my ($heap, $pos, $len, $oct) = ($_[HEAP], @{$_[ARG1]});
640 if ($pos eq $len) {
641 $_[KERNEL]->call($_[SESSION], 'calculate_avg_speed');
642 my $line = sprintf("100.00%% (avg. %4.2f kB/s)", $heap->{spd});
643 myprint("\r" . $heap->{progress_message} . " $line" . (" " x ($heap->{prevlen} - length($line))) . "\n");
644 delete $heap->{have_size};
645 delete $heap->{prev_time};
646 delete $heap->{prevlen};
647 delete $heap->{spd};
648 delete $heap->{speeds};
649 $heap->{speeds_i} = 0;
650 $_[KERNEL]->delay('calculate_speed');
651 } else {
652 my $have_size = exists $heap->{have_size} ? $heap->{have_size} : 0;
654 my $spd = $heap->{spd} ? $heap->{spd} : undef;
656 $heap->{oct} += length($oct);
657 $heap->{len} += $heap->{oct};
659 # $have_size may be a BigInt, use fixed point math / formatters
660 my $pct = ($pos + $have_size)*10000/($len + $have_size);
662 my $line;
663 if (defined($spd)) {
664 $line = sprintf("%2d.%02d%% (%4.2f kB/s)", $pct / 100, $pct % 100, $spd);
665 } else {
666 $line = sprintf("%2d.%02d%%", $pct / 100, $pct % 100);
668 $heap->{prevlen} = length($line) unless defined $heap->{prevlen} and $heap->{prevlen} > length($line);
669 myprint("$line" . (" " x ($heap->{prevlen} - length($line))) . "\r" . $heap->{progress_message} . " ");
670 $heap->{prevlen} = length($line);
676 POE::Kernel->run();