Fix typo
[emiya.git] /
1 package PortIO;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 =head1 NAME
8 PortIO - semitransparent unicode filename support on windows
12 This module implements several wrapper functions for file handling. They are
13 intended to be used as a workaround when writing cross-platform code that needs
14 to run on windows, since Perl doesn't support unicode filenames there. All
15 functions defined here were tested to work on both windows and linux.
17 These functions also always try to use long absolute paths on windows, which
18 allows have a length of up to 65536 characters. It can convert relative
19 paths to absolute ones.
21 =head1 FUNCTIONS
23 All functions expect to receive utf8 strings as arguments and return utf8
24 strings.
26 =head2 C<printout($)>
28 Prints a single string to STDOUT.
30 =head2 C<printerr($)>
32 Prints a single string to STDERR.
34 =head2 C<move($source,$destination)>
36 Moves a file from $source to $destination.
38 =head2 C<mkpath($path)>
40 Creates the $path folder with all needed parent folders.
42 =head2 C<rmpath($path)>
44 Recursively deletes $path.
46 =head2 C<stat($path)>
48 Returns a L<File::stat> object with information from the file pointed
49 by $path. Follow symlinks on unix, not yet on windows.
51 =head2 C<lstat($path)>
53 Does the same as L</C<stat($path)>>, but doesn't follow symlinks.
55 =head2 C<file_exists($path)>
57 Equivalent to L<-e|-X>, returns true if $path exists.
59 =head2 C<file_size($path)>
61 Equivalent to L<-s|-X>, returns the file size in bytes.
63 =head2 C<is_dir($path)>
65 Equivalent to L<-d|-X>, returns 1 if $path is a directory.
67 =head2 C<is_file($path)>
69 Equivalent to L<-f|-X>, returns 1 if $path is a file.
71 =head2 C<file_open($mode, $path)>
73 Wrapper around three-argument L<open>(). Returns the opened PerlIO handle that
74 can be used in any other regular perl function.
75 Currently supports only the '>', '>>', '<', '+<' and '+>' modes.
76 Also supports PerlIO layers.
78 =head2 C<file_unlink($file)>
80 Equivalent to L<unlink>, unlinks a file.
82 =head2 C<dir_rm($dir)>
84 Equivalent to L<rmdir>, Removes a directory if it is empty.
86 =head2 C<diropen($dir)>
88 Wrapper around L<opendir>. Opens a handle to $dir, returns the handle. Note
89 that the returned handle is only compatible with PerlIO::dirread and
90 PerlIO::dirclose.
92 =head2 C<dirread($handle)>
94 Wrapper around L<readdir>. Returns the next child item in the directory. The
95 returned item is always the basename, so you need to prepend it with the
96 directory path if you intend to do anything with a child item.
98 NOTE: This function expects the the filesystem to use UTF-8 filenames on non-windows.
100 =head2 C<dirclose($handle)>
102 Closes a $handle previously returned by L</"diropen">. This also makes the $handle
103 invalid.
105 =cut
107 use Symbol;
108 use Encode;
109 use Fcntl ':mode';
111 require File::stat;
113 BEGIN {
114 use Exporter ();
117 $VERSION = 0.1;
119 @ISA = qw(Exporter);
121 @EXPORT = qw(*printout *printerr *move *mkpath *rmpath
122 *file_exists *file_size *is_dir *is_file
123 *file_open *file_unlink *dir_rm
124 *diropen *dirread *dirclose);
126 our @EXPORT_OK;
128 ### Windows Unicode support wrappers
129 if ($^O =~ /MSWin/) {
130 require Win32API::File;
131 Win32API::File->import qw(:FuncW :Func :MOVEFILE_ :GENERIC_ :FILE_
133 require Win32::API; Win32::API->import;
134 require Win32API::File::Time;
136 # Enable output of UTF-8 text
138 my $WriteConsoleW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'WriteConsoleW',
139 'IPIPP', 'I') or die "WriteConsoleW: $^E";
141 my $stdout = GetOsFHandle(*STDOUT);
142 my $stderr = GetOsFHandle(*STDERR);
144 # Use Win32::API to load needed functions not defined by Win32API::File
146 my $FindFirstFileW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'FindFirstFileW',
147 'PP', 'N') or die "FindFirstFileW: $^E";
148 my $FindNextFileW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'FindNextFileW',
149 'NP', 'I') or die "FindNextFileW: $^E";
150 my $FindClose = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'FindClose',
151 'N', 'I') or die "FileClose: $^E";
153 my $CreateDirectoryW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll',
154 'BOOL CreateDirectoryW(LPCWSTR lpPathName, LPVOID lpSecurityAttributes);')
155 or die "CreateDirectoryW: $^E";
157 my $RemoveDirectoryW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll',
158 'BOOL RemoveDirectoryW(LPCWSTR lpPathName);') or die "RemoveDirectoryW: $^E";
160 my $GetFullPathNameW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll',
161 'DWORD GetFullPathNameW(LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD nBufferLength, '.
162 'LPWSTR lpBuffer, LPWSTR *lpFilePart);') or die "GetFullPathNameW: $^E";
164 my $GetFileTime = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll', 'GetFileTime', [qw{N P P P}], 'I') or
165 die "GetFileTime: $^E";
167 my $GetCurrentDirectoryW = Win32::API->new('kernel32.dll',
168 'DWORD GetCurrentDirectoryW(DWORD nBufferLength, LPWSTR lpBuffer);') or
169 die "GetCurrentDirectoryW: $^E";
171 my $utf16 = find_encoding("UTF-16LE");
173 my $abs_fname = sub {
174 my $str = shift;
175 return undef unless defined($str);
176 # Replaces special start sequences with meaningful values
177 # . = current working directory
178 # .. = parent of the cwd
179 # / = root directory of the cwd
180 if ($str =~ /^[\.\/]\.?/) {
181 my $len = $GetCurrentDirectoryW->Call(0, []);
182 my $dir = " " x ($len*2);
183 $len = $GetCurrentDirectoryW->Call($len, $dir);
184 $dir = substr($dir, 0, $len*2);
185 $dir = $utf16->decode($dir);
186 my @path = split(/\\/, $dir);
187 if ($str =~ /^\.\./) {
188 $dir = join("\\", @path[0..$#path-1]);
189 $str =~ s/^\.\./$dir/;
190 } elsif ($str =~ /^\./) {
191 $str =~ s/^\./$dir/;
192 } else {
193 $str =~ s/^\//$path[0]\//;
196 $str =~ s/\//\\/g;
197 my @inpath = split(/\\/, $str);
198 my @path = ();
199 # Remove . and .. from the path by resolving them
200 foreach (@inpath) {
201 if ($_ eq '.') {
202 # Do nothing (stay on the current dir)
203 } elsif ($_ eq '..') {
204 # Remove the last element (current dir) to get to the parent dir
205 pop @path unless @path == 1;
206 } else {
207 push @path, $_;
210 $str = join('\\', @path);
211 # Make sure the drive letter has a \\ right after it
212 $str .= "\\" if $str =~ /^\w:[^\\]$/;
213 my $in = "$str";
214 $in = "\\\\?\\$in" unless $in =~ m/^\\\\?\\/;
215 my $orig = $utf16->encode($in);
216 $in = $orig . "\0\0";
217 my $len = 0;
218 my $out = " " x (($len = $GetFullPathNameW->Call($in, 0, [], [])) * 2);
219 $len = $GetFullPathNameW->Call($in, $len, $out, []);
220 $out = substr($out, 0, $len*2);
221 if ($out eq $orig) {
222 $in = $utf16->encode("$str\0");
223 $out = " " x (($len = $GetFullPathNameW->Call($in, 0, [], [])) * 2);
224 $len = $GetFullPathNameW->Call($in, $len, $out, []);
225 $out = substr($out, 0, $len*2);
226 $out = $utf16->encode("\\\\?\\" . $utf16->decode($out) . "\0");
227 return $out;
228 } else {
229 return $out;
231 return $utf16->encode("$str\0");
233 my $print = sub {
234 my $fd = shift;
235 my $str = join(" ",@_);
236 my $len = length($str);
237 $str = $utf16->encode($str);
238 my $count = 0;
239 return $count if $WriteConsoleW->Call($fd, $str, $len, $count, []);
240 return 0;
243 *printout = sub {
244 $print->($stdout, shift);
246 *printerr = sub {
247 $print->($stderr, shift);
249 *move = sub {
250 my ($src, $dest) = @_;
251 MoveFileExW($abs_fname->("$src"), $abs_fname->("$dest"),
252 fileConstant("MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED")|
253 fileConstant("MOVEFILE_WRITE_THROUGH"));
255 *mkpath = sub {
256 my $path = shift;
257 my $p = $path;
258 unless (file_exists($path)) {
259 $! = 0;
260 unless ($CreateDirectoryW->Call($abs_fname->("$p"), undef)) {
261 my $parent = $path;
262 $parent =~ s/\/[^\/]*$//;
263 if ($parent eq $path) {
264 return undef;
266 unless (mkpath($parent)) {
267 return undef;
269 # Parent made, try again making the child
270 unless ($CreateDirectoryW->Call($abs_fname->("$p"), undef)) {
271 return undef;
275 return $path;
277 *rmpath = sub {
278 my $path = shift;
279 my $dir = diropen($path);
280 while ($_ = dirread($dir)) {
281 $_ = decode("UTF-8", $_, 1);
282 unless($_ eq '.' or $_ eq '..') {
283 $_ = "$path/$_";
284 if (is_dir($_)) {
285 rmpath($_) or (dirclose($dir) and return 0);
286 } else {
287 file_unlink($_) or (dirclose($dir) and return 0);
291 dirclose($dir);
292 dir_rm($path) or return 0;
293 return 1;
295 *lstat = sub {
296 my $arg = shift;
297 my $attrib = GetFileAttributesW($abs_fname->("$arg"));
298 if ($attrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES()) {
299 return undef;
301 my $handle;
303 # TODO: figure out how to get the 1st field. 2nd doesn't exist on windows.
304 my @stat = (0, 0);
305 my $mode = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO;
306 $mode &= ~(S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH) if ($attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY());
307 if ($attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY()) {
308 $mode |= S_IFDIR;
309 } else {
310 $handle = CreateFileW($abs_fname->("$arg"), 0,
312 OPEN_EXISTING(), 0, []);
313 my $type = GetFileType($handle);
314 if ($type & FILE_TYPE_DISK()) {
315 $mode |= S_IFREG;
316 } else {
317 warn "Unknown filetype $type";
320 push @stat, $mode;
321 # TODO: figure out the next 4 fields.
322 push @stat, (1, 0, 0, 6);
323 if ($handle) {
324 push @stat, (getFileSize($handle)->numify());
325 my ($atime, $mtime, $ctime);
326 $atime = $mtime = $ctime = pack 'LL', 0, 0;
327 $GetFileTime->Call($handle, $ctime, $atime, $mtime);
328 push @stat, (Win32API::File::Time::_filetime_to_perltime($atime),
329 Win32API::File::Time::_filetime_to_perltime($mtime),
330 Win32API::File::Time::_filetime_to_perltime($ctime));
331 } else {
332 # TODO: implement ^ for directories
333 push @stat, (0, 0, 0, 0);
335 # Note: the last two fields are undefined on windows.
336 my $st = File::stat::populate(@stat);
337 return $st if $st;
338 return undef;
340 *stat = sub {
341 # TODO: actually follow symlinks
342 return PortIO::lstat(shift);
344 *file_exists = sub{
345 my $p = shift;
346 return undef unless $p;
347 return GetFileAttributesW($abs_fname->("$p")) != fileConstant("INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES");
349 *file_size = sub{
350 my $p = shift;
351 return 0 unless file_exists($p);
352 my $handle = CreateFileW($abs_fname->("$p"), 0, fileConstant("FILE_SHARE_READ") |
353 fileConstant("FILE_SHARE_WRITE"), [],
354 fileConstant("OPEN_EXISTING"), 0, []);
355 my $size = getFileSize($handle)->numify();
356 CloseHandle($handle);
357 return $size;
359 *is_dir = sub {
360 my $p = shift;
361 return 0 unless file_exists($p);
362 return !!(GetFileAttributesW($abs_fname->("$p")) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY());
364 *is_file = sub {
365 my $p = shift;
366 return 0 unless file_exists($p);
367 my $handle = CreateFileW($abs_fname->("$p"), 0, fileConstant("FILE_SHARE_READ") |
368 fileConstant("FILE_SHARE_WRITE"), [],
369 fileConstant("OPEN_EXISTING"), 0, []);
370 my $is_file = GetFileType($handle) & FILE_TYPE_DISK();
371 CloseHandle($handle);
372 return $is_file;
374 *file_open = sub {
375 my $mode = shift;
376 my $file = shift;
377 $file = $abs_fname->("$file");
378 my @filters = split(':',$mode);
379 $mode = shift @filters;
380 die "File mode $mode not implemented" unless
381 scalar(grep { $mode eq $_ } ('<', '>', '>>', '+<', '+>'));
383 my ($flags, $share, $create) = (GENERIC_READ(), FILE_SHARE_READ(), undef);
384 if ($mode eq '<') {
385 $share |= FILE_SHARE_WRITE();
386 } elsif ($mode eq '>' or $mode eq '>>') {
387 $flags = GENERIC_WRITE();
388 } else {
389 $flags |= GENERIC_WRITE();
391 if ($mode eq '<') {
392 $create = OPEN_EXISTING();
393 } elsif ($mode eq '>' or $mode eq '+>') {
394 $create = CREATE_ALWAYS();
395 } else {
396 $create = OPEN_ALWAYS();
398 my $handle = CreateFileW($file, $flags, $share, [], $create, 0, []);
399 unless ($handle) {
400 my $f = $utf16->decode($file);
401 printout("Error opening $f: $^E\n");
402 die;
404 setFilePointer($handle, 0, FILE_END()) if $mode eq '>>';
406 my $f = gensym();
407 OsFHandleOpen($f, $handle, ($flags & GENERIC_READ() ? 'r' : '') .
408 ($flags & GENERIC_WRITE() ? 'w' : '') .
409 ($mode eq '>>' ? 'a' : '')) and $f or die "$!";
411 if (@filters) {
412 binmode($f, ":". join(":", @filters));
415 return $f;
417 *file_unlink = sub {
418 DeleteFileW($abs_fname->(shift));
420 *dir_rm = sub {
421 $RemoveDirectoryW->Call($abs_fname->(shift));
423 *diropen = sub {
424 my $path = $abs_fname->(($_ = shift) . "/*");
425 my $FileInfo = " " x 1140;
426 my $handle = $FindFirstFileW->Call($path, $FileInfo);
428 return {
429 handle => $handle,
430 file_info => $FileInfo
433 *dirread = sub {
434 my $entry = shift;
435 return undef unless exists($entry->{file_info});
436 my $FileInfo = $entry->{file_info};
437 my ($attrib, $filename);
439 $filename = unpack("x44A520", $FileInfo);
440 $filename = $utf16->decode("$filename\0", 1);
442 $FileInfo = "\0" x (1140); # Clear the struct
444 if ($FindNextFileW->Call($entry->{handle}, $FileInfo)) {
445 $entry->{file_info} = $FileInfo;
446 } else {
447 delete $entry->{file_info};
450 my @path = split(/\\/, $filename);
451 return $path[$#path];
453 *dirclose = sub {
454 $FindClose->Call($_[0]->{handle});
455 delete $_[0]->{handle};
456 delete $_[0]->{file_info};
458 } else {
459 require File::Copy;
460 require File::Path;
461 $|++;
462 *printout = sub { STDOUT->print(shift); };
463 *printerr = sub { STDERR->print(shift); };
464 *move = sub { File::Copy::move(shift, shift); };
465 *mkpath = sub { File::Path::mkpath(shift); };
466 *rmpath = sub { File::Path::rmpath(shift); };
467 *lstat = sub { File::stat::lstat(shift); };
468 *stat = sub { File::stat::stat(shift); };
469 *file_exists = sub { -e shift; };
470 *file_size = sub { -s shift; };
471 *is_dir = sub { -d shift; };
472 *is_file = sub { -f shift; };
473 *file_open = sub {
474 my ($mode, $file) = @_;
475 my @filters = split(':',$mode);
476 $mode = shift @filters;
477 die "File mode $mode not implemented" unless
478 scalar(grep { $mode eq $_ } ('<', '>', '>>', '+<', '+>'));
479 if (@filters) {
480 $mode .= ":" . join(":", @filters);
482 my $f;
483 open ($f, $mode, $file);
484 return $f;
486 *file_unlink = sub { unlink(shift); };
487 *dir_rm = sub { rmdir(shift); };
488 *diropen = sub { opendir $_, shift; return $_; };
489 *dirread = sub { decode("UTF-8", readdir(shift), 1); };
490 *dirclose = sub { closedir shift; }