* lisp/help-mode.el (help-make-xrefs): Don't just withstand
[emacs/old-mirror.git] / lisp / emacs-lisp / cl.el
1 ;;; cl.el --- Compatibility aliases for the old CL library. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
6 ;; Keywords: extensions
8 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
10 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 ;;; Commentary:
25 ;; This is a compatibility file which provides the old names provided by CL
26 ;; before we cleaned up its namespace usage.
28 ;;; Code:
30 (require 'cl-lib)
31 (require 'macroexp)
33 ;; (defun cl--rename ()
34 ;; (let ((vdefs ())
35 ;; (fdefs ())
36 ;; (case-fold-search nil)
37 ;; (files '("cl.el" "cl-macs.el" "cl-seq.el" "cl-extra.el")))
38 ;; (dolist (file files)
39 ;; (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
40 ;; (goto-char (point-min))
41 ;; (while (re-search-forward
42 ;; "^(\\(def[^ \t\n]*\\) +'?\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)" nil t)
43 ;; (let ((name (match-string-no-properties 2))
44 ;; (type (match-string-no-properties 1)))
45 ;; (unless (string-match-p "\\`cl-" name)
46 ;; (cond
47 ;; ((member type '("defvar" "defconst"))
48 ;; (unless (member name vdefs) (push name vdefs)))
49 ;; ((member type '("defun" "defsubst" "defalias" "defmacro"))
50 ;; (unless (member name fdefs) (push name fdefs)))
51 ;; ((member type '("def-edebug-spec" "defsetf" "define-setf-method"
52 ;; "define-compiler-macro"))
53 ;; nil)
54 ;; (t (error "Unknown type %S" type))))))))
55 ;; (let ((re (concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt (append vdefs fdefs)) "\\_>"))
56 ;; (conflicts ()))
57 ;; (dolist (file files)
58 ;; (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
59 ;; (goto-char (point-min))
60 ;; (while (re-search-forward re nil t)
61 ;; (replace-match "cl-\\&"))
62 ;; (save-buffer))))
63 ;; (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect "cl-rename.el")
64 ;; (dolist (def vdefs)
65 ;; (insert (format "(defvaralias '%s 'cl-%s)\n" def def)))
66 ;; (dolist (def fdefs)
67 ;; (insert (format "(defalias '%s 'cl-%s)\n" def def)))
68 ;; (save-buffer))))
70 ;; (defun cl--unrename ()
71 ;; ;; Taken from "Naming Conventions" node of the doc.
72 ;; (let* ((names '(defun* defsubst* defmacro* function* member*
73 ;; assoc* rassoc* get* remove* delete*
74 ;; mapcar* sort* floor* ceiling* truncate*
75 ;; round* mod* rem* random*))
76 ;; (files '("cl.el" "cl-lib.el" "cl-macs.el" "cl-seq.el" "cl-extra.el"))
77 ;; (re (concat "\\_<cl-" (regexp-opt (mapcar #'symbol-name names))
78 ;; "\\_>")))
79 ;; (dolist (file files)
80 ;; (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
81 ;; (goto-char (point-min))
82 ;; (while (re-search-forward re nil t)
83 ;; (delete-region (1- (point)) (point)))
84 ;; (save-buffer)))))
86 ;;; Aliases to cl-lib's features.
88 (dolist (var '(
89 ;; loop-result-var
90 ;; loop-result
91 ;; loop-initially
92 ;; loop-finally
93 ;; loop-bindings
94 ;; loop-args
95 ;; bind-inits
96 ;; bind-block
97 ;; lambda-list-keywords
98 float-negative-epsilon
99 float-epsilon
100 least-negative-normalized-float
101 least-positive-normalized-float
102 least-negative-float
103 least-positive-float
104 most-negative-float
105 most-positive-float
106 ;; custom-print-functions
108 (defvaralias var (intern (format "cl-%s" var))))
110 ;; Before overwriting subr.el's `dotimes' and `dolist', let's remember
111 ;; them under a different name, so we can use them in our implementation
112 ;; of `dotimes' and `dolist'.
113 (unless (fboundp 'cl--dotimes)
114 (defalias 'cl--dotimes (symbol-function 'dotimes) "The non-CL `dotimes'."))
115 (unless (fboundp 'cl--dolist)
116 (defalias 'cl--dolist (symbol-function 'dolist) "The non-CL `dolist'."))
118 (dolist (fun '(
119 (get* . cl-get)
120 (random* . cl-random)
121 (rem* . cl-rem)
122 (mod* . cl-mod)
123 (round* . cl-round)
124 (truncate* . cl-truncate)
125 (ceiling* . cl-ceiling)
126 (floor* . cl-floor)
127 (rassoc* . cl-rassoc)
128 (assoc* . cl-assoc)
129 (member* . cl-member)
130 (delete* . cl-delete)
131 (remove* . cl-remove)
132 (defsubst* . cl-defsubst)
133 (sort* . cl-sort)
134 (function* . cl-function)
135 (defmacro* . cl-defmacro)
136 (defun* . cl-defun)
137 (mapcar* . cl-mapcar)
139 remprop
140 getf
141 tailp
142 list-length
143 nreconc
144 revappend
145 concatenate
146 subseq
147 random-state-p
148 make-random-state
149 signum
150 isqrt
153 notevery
154 notany
155 every
156 some
157 mapcon
158 mapcan
159 mapl
160 maplist
162 equalp
163 coerce
164 tree-equal
165 nsublis
166 sublis
167 nsubst-if-not
168 nsubst-if
169 nsubst
170 subst-if-not
171 subst-if
172 subsetp
173 nset-exclusive-or
174 set-exclusive-or
175 nset-difference
176 set-difference
177 nintersection
178 intersection
179 nunion
180 union
181 rassoc-if-not
182 rassoc-if
183 assoc-if-not
184 assoc-if
185 member-if-not
186 member-if
187 merge
188 stable-sort
189 search
190 mismatch
191 count-if-not
192 count-if
193 count
194 position-if-not
195 position-if
196 position
197 find-if-not
198 find-if
199 find
200 nsubstitute-if-not
201 nsubstitute-if
202 nsubstitute
203 substitute-if-not
204 substitute-if
205 substitute
206 delete-duplicates
207 remove-duplicates
208 delete-if-not
209 delete-if
210 remove-if-not
211 remove-if
212 replace
213 fill
214 reduce
215 compiler-macroexpand
216 define-compiler-macro
217 assert
218 check-type
219 typep
220 deftype
221 defstruct
222 callf2
223 callf
224 letf*
225 letf
226 rotatef
227 shiftf
228 remf
229 psetf
230 (define-setf-method . define-setf-expander)
231 declare
233 locally
234 multiple-value-setq
235 multiple-value-bind
236 symbol-macrolet
237 macrolet
238 progv
239 psetq
240 do-all-symbols
241 do-symbols
242 dotimes
243 dolist
246 loop
247 return-from
248 return
249 block
250 etypecase
251 typecase
252 ecase
253 case
254 load-time-value
255 eval-when
256 destructuring-bind
257 gentemp
258 gensym
259 pairlis
260 acons
261 subst
262 adjoin
263 copy-list
264 ldiff
265 list*
266 cddddr
267 cdddar
268 cddadr
269 cddaar
270 cdaddr
271 cdadar
272 cdaadr
273 cdaaar
274 cadddr
275 caddar
276 cadadr
277 cadaar
278 caaddr
279 caadar
280 caaadr
281 caaaar
282 cdddr
283 cddar
284 cdadr
285 cdaar
286 caddr
287 cadar
288 caadr
289 caaar
290 tenth
291 ninth
292 eighth
293 seventh
294 sixth
295 fifth
296 fourth
297 third
298 endp
299 rest
300 second
301 first
302 svref
303 copy-seq
304 evenp
305 oddp
306 minusp
307 plusp
308 floatp-safe
309 declaim
310 proclaim
311 nth-value
312 multiple-value-call
313 multiple-value-apply
314 multiple-value-list
315 values-list
316 values
317 pushnew
318 decf
319 incf
321 (let ((new (if (consp fun) (prog1 (cdr fun) (setq fun (car fun)))
322 (intern (format "cl-%s" fun)))))
323 (defalias fun new)
324 ;; If `cl-foo' is declare inline, then make `foo' inline as well, and
325 ;; similarly. Same for edebug specifications, indent rules and
326 ;; doc-string position.
327 ;; FIXME: For most of them, we should instead follow aliases
328 ;; where applicable.
329 (dolist (prop '(byte-optimizer doc-string-elt edebug-form-spec
330 lisp-indent-function))
331 (if (get new prop)
332 (put fun prop (get new prop))))))
334 ;;; Features provided a bit differently in Elisp.
336 ;; First, the old lexical-let is now better served by `lexical-binding', tho
337 ;; it's not 100% compatible.
339 (defvar cl-closure-vars nil)
340 (defvar cl--function-convert-cache nil)
342 (defun cl--function-convert (f)
343 "Special macro-expander for special cases of (function F).
344 The two cases that are handled are:
345 - closure-conversion of lambda expressions for `lexical-let'.
346 - renaming of F when it's a function defined via `cl-labels' or `labels'."
347 (require 'cl-macs)
348 (declare-function cl--expr-contains-any "cl-macs" (x y))
349 (cond
350 ;; ¡¡Big Ugly Hack!! We can't use a compiler-macro because those are checked
351 ;; *after* handling `function', but we want to stop macroexpansion from
352 ;; being applied infinitely, so we use a cache to return the exact `form'
353 ;; being expanded even though we don't receive it.
354 ((eq f (car cl--function-convert-cache)) (cdr cl--function-convert-cache))
355 ((eq (car-safe f) 'lambda)
356 (let ((body (mapcar (lambda (f)
357 (macroexpand-all f macroexpand-all-environment))
358 (cddr f))))
359 (if (and cl-closure-vars
360 (cl--expr-contains-any body cl-closure-vars))
361 (let* ((new (mapcar 'cl-gensym cl-closure-vars))
362 (sub (cl-pairlis cl-closure-vars new)) (decls nil))
363 (while (or (stringp (car body))
364 (eq (car-safe (car body)) 'interactive))
365 (push (list 'quote (pop body)) decls))
366 (put (car (last cl-closure-vars)) 'used t)
367 `(list 'lambda '(&rest --cl-rest--)
368 ,@(cl-sublis sub (nreverse decls))
369 (list 'apply
370 (list 'quote
371 #'(lambda ,(append new (cadr f))
372 ,@(cl-sublis sub body)))
373 ,@(nconc (mapcar (lambda (x) `(list 'quote ,x))
374 cl-closure-vars)
375 '((quote --cl-rest--))))))
376 (let* ((newf `(lambda ,(cadr f) ,@body))
377 (res `(function ,newf)))
378 (setq cl--function-convert-cache (cons newf res))
379 res))))
381 (let ((found (assq f macroexpand-all-environment)))
382 (if (and found (ignore-errors
383 (eq (cadr (cl-caddr found)) 'cl-labels-args)))
384 (cadr (cl-caddr (cl-cadddr found)))
385 (let ((res `(function ,f)))
386 (setq cl--function-convert-cache (cons f res))
387 res))))))
389 (defmacro lexical-let (bindings &rest body)
390 "Like `let', but lexically scoped.
391 The main visible difference is that lambdas inside BODY will create
392 lexical closures as in Common Lisp.
393 \n(fn BINDINGS BODY)"
394 (declare (indent 1) (debug let))
395 (let* ((cl-closure-vars cl-closure-vars)
396 (vars (mapcar (function
397 (lambda (x)
398 (or (consp x) (setq x (list x)))
399 (push (make-symbol (format "--cl-%s--" (car x)))
400 cl-closure-vars)
401 (set (car cl-closure-vars) [bad-lexical-ref])
402 (list (car x) (cadr x) (car cl-closure-vars))))
403 bindings))
404 (ebody
405 (macroexpand-all
406 `(cl-symbol-macrolet
407 ,(mapcar (lambda (x)
408 `(,(car x) (symbol-value ,(cl-caddr x))))
409 vars)
410 ,@body)
411 (cons (cons 'function #'cl--function-convert)
412 macroexpand-all-environment))))
413 (if (not (get (car (last cl-closure-vars)) 'used))
414 ;; Turn (let ((foo (cl-gensym)))
415 ;; (set foo <val>) ...(symbol-value foo)...)
416 ;; into (let ((foo <val>)) ...(symbol-value 'foo)...).
417 ;; This is good because it's more efficient but it only works with
418 ;; dynamic scoping, since with lexical scoping we'd need
419 ;; (let ((foo <val>)) ...foo...).
420 `(progn
421 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) `(defvar ,(cl-caddr x))) vars)
422 (let ,(mapcar (lambda (x) (list (cl-caddr x) (cadr x))) vars)
423 ,(cl-sublis (mapcar (lambda (x)
424 (cons (cl-caddr x)
425 `',(cl-caddr x)))
426 vars)
427 ebody)))
428 `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (x)
429 (list (cl-caddr x)
430 `(make-symbol ,(format "--%s--" (car x)))))
431 vars)
432 (setf ,@(apply #'append
433 (mapcar (lambda (x)
434 (list `(symbol-value ,(cl-caddr x)) (cadr x)))
435 vars)))
436 ,ebody))))
438 (defmacro lexical-let* (bindings &rest body)
439 "Like `let*', but lexically scoped.
440 The main visible difference is that lambdas inside BODY, and in
441 successive bindings within BINDINGS, will create lexical closures
442 as in Common Lisp. This is similar to the behavior of `let*' in
443 Common Lisp.
444 \n(fn BINDINGS BODY)"
445 (declare (indent 1) (debug let))
446 (if (null bindings) (cons 'progn body)
447 (setq bindings (reverse bindings))
448 (while bindings
449 (setq body (list `(lexical-let (,(pop bindings)) ,@body))))
450 (car body)))
452 (defmacro cl--symbol-function (symbol)
453 "Like `symbol-function' but return `cl--unbound' if not bound."
454 ;; (declare (gv-setter (lambda (store)
455 ;; `(if (eq ,store 'cl--unbound)
456 ;; (fmakunbound ,symbol) (fset ,symbol ,store)))))
457 `(if (fboundp ,symbol) (symbol-function ,symbol) 'cl--unbound))
458 (gv-define-setter cl--symbol-function (store symbol)
459 `(if (eq ,store 'cl--unbound) (fmakunbound ,symbol) (fset ,symbol ,store)))
462 ;; This should really have some way to shadow 'byte-compile properties, etc.
463 (defmacro flet (bindings &rest body)
464 "Make temporary overriding function definitions.
465 This is an analogue of a dynamically scoped `let' that operates on the function
466 cell of FUNCs rather than their value cell.
467 If you want the Common-Lisp style of `flet', you should use `cl-flet'.
468 The FORMs are evaluated with the specified function definitions in place,
469 then the definitions are undone (the FUNCs go back to their previous
470 definitions, or lack thereof).
472 \(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)"
473 (declare (indent 1) (debug cl-flet))
474 `(letf* ,(mapcar
475 (lambda (x)
476 (if (or (and (fboundp (car x))
477 (eq (car-safe (symbol-function (car x))) 'macro))
478 (cdr (assq (car x) macroexpand-all-environment)))
479 (error "Use `labels', not `flet', to rebind macro names"))
480 (let ((func `(cl-function
481 (lambda ,(cadr x)
482 (cl-block ,(car x) ,@(cddr x))))))
483 (when (cl--compiling-file)
484 ;; Bug#411. It would be nice to fix this.
485 (and (get (car x) 'byte-compile)
486 (error "Byte-compiling a redefinition of `%s' \
487 will not work - use `labels' instead" (symbol-name (car x))))
488 ;; FIXME This affects the rest of the file, when it
489 ;; should be restricted to the flet body.
490 (and (boundp 'byte-compile-function-environment)
491 (push (cons (car x) (eval func))
492 byte-compile-function-environment)))
493 (list `(symbol-function ',(car x)) func)))
494 bindings)
495 ,@body))
496 (make-obsolete 'flet "Use either `cl-flet' or `letf'." "24.2")
498 (defmacro labels (bindings &rest body)
499 "Make temporary function bindings.
500 This is like `flet', except the bindings are lexical instead of dynamic.
501 Unlike `flet', this macro is fully compliant with the Common Lisp standard.
503 \(fn ((FUNC ARGLIST BODY...) ...) FORM...)"
504 (declare (indent 1) (debug cl-flet))
505 (let ((vars nil) (sets nil) (newenv macroexpand-all-environment))
506 (dolist (binding bindings)
507 ;; It's important that (not (eq (symbol-name var1) (symbol-name var2)))
508 ;; because these var's *names* get added to the macro-environment.
509 (let ((var (make-symbol (format "--cl-%s--" (car binding)))))
510 (push var vars)
511 (push `(cl-function (lambda . ,(cdr binding))) sets)
512 (push var sets)
513 (push (cons (car binding)
514 `(lambda (&rest cl-labels-args)
515 (cl-list* 'funcall ',var
516 cl-labels-args)))
517 newenv)))
518 (macroexpand-all `(lexical-let ,vars (setq ,@sets) ,@body) newenv)))
520 ;; Generalized variables are provided by gv.el, but some details are
521 ;; not 100% compatible: not worth the trouble to add them to cl-lib.el, but we
522 ;; still need to support old users of cl.el.
524 ;; FIXME: `letf' is unsatisfactory because it does not really "restore" the
525 ;; previous state. If the getter/setter loses information, that info is
526 ;; not recovered.
528 (defun cl--letf (bindings simplebinds binds body)
529 ;; It's not quite clear what the semantics of let! should be.
530 ;; E.g. in (let! ((PLACE1 VAL1) (PLACE2 VAL2)) BODY), while it's clear
531 ;; that the actual assignments ("bindings") should only happen after
532 ;; evaluating VAL1 and VAL2, it's not clear when the sub-expressions of
533 ;; PLACE1 and PLACE2 should be evaluated. Should we have
534 ;; PLACE1; VAL1; PLACE2; VAL2; bind1; bind2
535 ;; or
536 ;; VAL1; VAL2; PLACE1; PLACE2; bind1; bind2
537 ;; or
538 ;; VAL1; VAL2; PLACE1; bind1; PLACE2; bind2
539 ;; Common-Lisp's `psetf' does the first, so we'll do the same.
540 (if (null bindings)
541 (if (and (null binds) (null simplebinds)) (macroexp-progn body)
542 `(let* (,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
543 (pcase-let ((`(,vold ,getter ,_setter ,_vnew) x))
544 (list vold getter)))
545 binds)
546 ,@simplebinds)
547 (unwind-protect
548 ,(macroexp-progn (append
549 (mapcar (lambda (x) (pcase x
550 (`(,_vold ,_getter ,setter ,vnew)
551 (funcall setter vnew))))
552 binds)
553 body))
554 ,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (pcase-let ((`(,vold ,_getter ,setter ,_vnew) x))
555 (funcall setter vold)))
556 binds))))
557 (let ((binding (car bindings)))
558 (if (eq (car-safe (car binding)) 'symbol-function)
559 (setcar (car binding) 'cl--symbol-function))
560 (gv-letplace (getter setter) (car binding)
561 (macroexp-let2 nil vnew (cadr binding)
562 (if (symbolp (car binding))
563 ;; Special-case for simple variables.
564 (cl--letf (cdr bindings)
565 (cons `(,getter ,(if (cdr binding) vnew getter))
566 simplebinds)
567 binds body)
568 (cl--letf (cdr bindings) simplebinds
569 (cons `(,(make-symbol "old") ,getter ,setter
570 ,@(if (cdr binding) (list vnew)))
571 binds)
572 body)))))))
574 (defmacro letf (bindings &rest body)
575 "Temporarily bind to PLACEs.
576 This is the analogue of `let', but with generalized variables (in the
577 sense of `setf') for the PLACEs. Each PLACE is set to the corresponding
578 VALUE, then the BODY forms are executed. On exit, either normally or
579 because of a `throw' or error, the PLACEs are set back to their original
580 values. Note that this macro is *not* available in Common Lisp.
581 As a special case, if `(PLACE)' is used instead of `(PLACE VALUE)',
582 the PLACE is not modified before executing BODY.
584 \(fn ((PLACE VALUE) ...) BODY...)"
585 (declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (gate gv-place &optional form)) body)))
586 (cl--letf bindings () () body))
588 (defun cl--letf* (bindings body)
589 (if (null bindings)
590 (macroexp-progn body)
591 (let ((binding (car bindings)))
592 (if (symbolp (car binding))
593 ;; Special-case for simple variables.
594 (macroexp-let* (list (if (cdr binding) binding
595 (list (car binding) (car binding))))
596 (cl--letf* (cdr bindings) body))
597 (if (eq (car-safe (car binding)) 'symbol-function)
598 (setcar (car binding) 'cl--symbol-function))
599 (gv-letplace (getter setter) (car binding)
600 (macroexp-let2 macroexp-copyable-p vnew (cadr binding)
601 (macroexp-let2 nil vold getter
602 `(unwind-protect
603 (progn
604 ,(if (cdr binding) (funcall setter vnew))
605 ,(cl--letf* (cdr bindings) body))
606 ,(funcall setter vold)))))))))
608 (defmacro letf* (bindings &rest body)
609 (declare (indent 1) (debug letf))
610 (cl--letf* bindings body))
612 (defun cl--gv-adapt (cl-gv do)
613 ;; This function is used by all .elc files that use define-setf-expander and
614 ;; were compiled with Emacs>=24.2.
615 (let ((vars (nth 0 cl-gv))
616 (vals (nth 1 cl-gv))
617 (binds ())
618 (substs ()))
619 ;; Use cl-sublis as was done in cl-setf-do-modify.
620 (while vars
621 (if (macroexp-copyable-p (car vals))
622 (push (cons (pop vars) (pop vals)) substs)
623 (push (list (pop vars) (pop vals)) binds)))
624 (macroexp-let*
625 binds
626 (funcall do (cl-sublis substs (nth 4 cl-gv))
627 ;; We'd like to do something like
628 ;; (lambda ,(nth 2 cl-gv) ,(nth 3 cl-gv)).
629 (lambda (exp)
630 (macroexp-let2 macroexp-copyable-p v exp
631 (cl-sublis (cons (cons (car (nth 2 cl-gv)) v)
632 substs)
633 (nth 3 cl-gv))))))))
635 (defmacro define-setf-expander (name arglist &rest body)
636 "Define a `setf' method.
637 This method shows how to handle `setf's to places of the form (NAME ARGS...).
638 The argument forms ARGS are bound according to ARGLIST, as if NAME were
639 going to be expanded as a macro, then the BODY forms are executed and must
640 return a list of five elements: a temporary-variables list, a value-forms
641 list, a store-variables list (of length one), a store-form, and an access-
642 form. See `gv-define-expander', `gv-define-setter', and `gv-define-expander'
643 for a better and simpler ways to define setf-methods."
644 (declare (debug
645 (&define name cl-lambda-list cl-declarations-or-string def-body)))
646 `(progn
647 ,@(if (stringp (car body))
648 (list `(put ',name 'setf-documentation ,(pop body))))
649 (gv-define-expander ,name
650 (cl-function
651 (lambda (do ,@arglist)
652 (cl--gv-adapt (progn ,@body) do))))))
654 (defmacro defsetf (name arg1 &rest args)
655 "Define a `setf' method.
656 This macro is an easy-to-use substitute for `define-setf-expander' that works
657 well for simple place forms. In the simple `defsetf' form, `setf's of
658 the form (setf (NAME ARGS...) VAL) are transformed to function or macro
659 calls of the form (FUNC ARGS... VAL). Example:
661 (cl-defsetf aref aset)
663 Alternate form: (cl-defsetf NAME ARGLIST (STORE) BODY...).
664 Here, the above `setf' call is expanded by binding the argument forms ARGS
665 according to ARGLIST, binding the value form VAL to STORE, then executing
666 BODY, which must return a Lisp form that does the necessary `setf' operation.
667 Actually, ARGLIST and STORE may be bound to temporary variables which are
668 introduced automatically to preserve proper execution order of the arguments.
669 Example:
671 (cl-defsetf nth (n x) (v) `(setcar (nthcdr ,n ,x) ,v))
673 \(fn NAME [FUNC | ARGLIST (STORE) BODY...])"
674 (declare (debug
675 (&define name
676 [&or [symbolp &optional stringp]
677 [cl-lambda-list (symbolp)]]
678 cl-declarations-or-string def-body)))
679 (if (and (listp arg1) (consp args))
680 ;; Like `gv-define-setter' but with `cl-function'.
681 `(gv-define-expander ,name
682 (lambda (do &rest args)
683 (gv--defsetter ',name
684 (cl-function
685 (lambda (,@(car args) ,@arg1) ,@(cdr args)))
686 do args)))
687 `(gv-define-simple-setter ,name ,arg1)))
689 ;; FIXME: CL used to provide a setf method for `apply', but I haven't been able
690 ;; to find a case where it worked. The code below tries to handle it as well.
691 ;; (defun cl--setf-apply (form last-witness last)
692 ;; (cond
693 ;; ((not (consp form)) form)
694 ;; ((eq (ignore-errors (car (last form))) last-witness)
695 ;; `(apply #',(car form) ,@(butlast (cdr form)) ,last))
696 ;; ((and (memq (car form) '(let let*))
697 ;; (rassoc (list last-witness) (cadr form)))
698 ;; (let ((rebind (rassoc (list last-witness) (cadr form))))
699 ;; `(,(car form) ,(remq rebind (cadr form))
700 ;; ,@(mapcar (lambda (form) (cl--setf-apply form (car rebind) last))
701 ;; (cddr form)))))
702 ;; (t (mapcar (lambda (form) (cl--setf-apply form last-witness last)) form))))
703 ;; (gv-define-setter apply (val fun &rest args)
704 ;; (pcase fun (`#',(and (pred symbolp) f) (setq fun f))
705 ;; (_ (error "First arg to apply in setf is not #'SYM: %S" fun)))
706 ;; (let* ((butlast (butlast args))
707 ;; (last (car (last args)))
708 ;; (last-witness (make-symbol "--cl-tailarg--"))
709 ;; (setter (macroexpand `(setf (,fun ,@butlast ,last-witness) ,val)
710 ;; macroexpand-all-environment)))
711 ;; (cl--setf-apply setter last-witness last)))
714 ;; FIXME: CL used to provide get-setf-method, which was used by some
715 ;; setf-expanders, but now that we use gv.el, it is a lot more difficult
716 ;; and in general impossible to provide get-setf-method. Hopefully, it
717 ;; won't be needed. If needed, we'll have to do something nasty along the
718 ;; lines of
719 ;; (defun get-setf-method (place &optional env)
720 ;; (let* ((witness (list 'cl-gsm))
721 ;; (expansion (gv-letplace (getter setter) place
722 ;; `(,witness ,getter ,(funcall setter witness)))))
723 ;; ...find "let prefix" of expansion, extract getter and setter from
724 ;; ...the rest, and build the 5-tuple))
725 (make-obsolete 'get-setf-method 'gv-letplace "24.2")
727 (defmacro define-modify-macro (name arglist func &optional doc)
728 "Define a `setf'-like modify macro.
729 If NAME is called, it combines its PLACE argument with the other arguments
730 from ARGLIST using FUNC: (define-modify-macro incf (&optional (n 1)) +)"
731 (declare (debug
732 (&define name cl-lambda-list ;; should exclude &key
733 symbolp &optional stringp)))
734 (if (memq '&key arglist)
735 (error "&key not allowed in define-modify-macro"))
736 (let ((place (make-symbol "--cl-place--")))
737 `(cl-defmacro ,name (,place ,@arglist)
738 ,doc
739 (,(if (memq '&rest arglist) #'cl-list* #'list)
740 #'cl-callf ',func ,place
741 ,@(cl--arglist-args arglist)))))
743 ;;; Additional compatibility code.
744 ;; For names that were clean but really aren't needed any more.
746 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-macroexpand 'macroexpand "24.2")
747 (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'cl-macro-environment
748 'macroexpand-all-environment "24.2")
749 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-macroexpand-all 'macroexpand-all "24.2")
751 ;;; Hash tables.
752 ;; This is just kept for compatibility with code byte-compiled by Emacs-20.
754 ;; No idea if this might still be needed.
755 (defun cl-not-hash-table (x &optional y &rest _z)
756 (declare (obsolete nil "24.2"))
757 (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'cl-hash-table-p (or y x))))
759 (defvar cl-builtin-gethash (symbol-function 'gethash))
760 (make-obsolete-variable 'cl-builtin-gethash nil "24.2")
761 (defvar cl-builtin-remhash (symbol-function 'remhash))
762 (make-obsolete-variable 'cl-builtin-remhash nil "24.2")
763 (defvar cl-builtin-clrhash (symbol-function 'clrhash))
764 (make-obsolete-variable 'cl-builtin-clrhash nil "24.2")
765 (defvar cl-builtin-maphash (symbol-function 'maphash))
767 (make-obsolete-variable 'cl-builtin-maphash nil "24.2")
768 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-map-keymap 'map-keymap "24.2")
769 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-copy-tree 'copy-tree "24.2")
770 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-gethash 'gethash "24.2")
771 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-puthash 'puthash "24.2")
772 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-remhash 'remhash "24.2")
773 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-clrhash 'clrhash "24.2")
774 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-maphash 'maphash "24.2")
775 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-make-hash-table 'make-hash-table "24.2")
776 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-hash-table-p 'hash-table-p "24.2")
777 (define-obsolete-function-alias 'cl-hash-table-count 'hash-table-count "24.2")
779 (defun cl-maclisp-member (item list)
780 (declare (obsolete member "24.2"))
781 (while (and list (not (equal item (car list)))) (setq list (cdr list)))
782 list)
784 ;; Used in the expansion of the old `defstruct'.
785 (defun cl-struct-setf-expander (x name accessor pred-form pos)
786 (declare (obsolete nil "24.2"))
787 (let* ((temp (make-symbol "--cl-x--")) (store (make-symbol "--cl-store--")))
788 (list (list temp) (list x) (list store)
789 `(progn
790 ,@(and pred-form
791 (list `(or ,(cl-subst temp 'cl-x pred-form)
792 (error ,(format
793 "%s storing a non-%s"
794 accessor name)))))
795 ,(if (eq (car (get name 'cl-struct-type)) 'vector)
796 `(aset ,temp ,pos ,store)
797 `(setcar
798 ,(if (<= pos 5)
799 (let ((xx temp))
800 (while (>= (setq pos (1- pos)) 0)
801 (setq xx `(cdr ,xx)))
803 `(nthcdr ,pos ,temp))
804 ,store)))
805 (list accessor temp))))
807 (provide 'cl)
808 ;;; cl.el ends here