1 # HANZI input table for cxterm
2 # To be used by cxterm, convert me to .cit format first
6 PROMPT: ºº×ÖÊäÈë¡Ë±êµã·ûºÅ¡Ë£
8 COMMENT Copyright 1991 by Yongguang Zhang.
9 COMMENT Permission to use/modify/copy for any purpose is hereby granted.
10 COMMENT Absolutely no fee and no warranties.
12 COMMENT use <CTRL-f> to move to the right
13 COMMENT use <CTRL-b> to move to the left
15 VALIDINPUTKEY: "\043$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@[\134]^_`abcdefghijklm
16 VALIDINPUTKEY: nopqrstuvwxyz|~
32 # the following line must not be removed
69 logo ¡î¡ï¡ð¡ñ¡ò¡ó¡ô¡õ¡ö¡÷¡ø¡ù¡ú¡û¡ü¡ý¡þ
70 math ¡À¡Á¡Â¡Ã¡Ä¡Å¡Æ¡Ç¡È¡É¡Ê¡Ë¡Ì¡Í¡Î¡Ï¡Ð¡Ñ¡Ò¡Ó¡Ô¡Õ¡Ö¡×¡Ø
72 punct ¡¡¡¢¡£¡¤¡¥¡¦¡§¡¨¡©¡ª¡«¡¬¡¡®¡¯¡°¡±¡²¡³¡´¡µ¡¶¡·¡¸¡¹
74 symbol ¡á¡â¡ã¡ä¡å¡æ¡ç¡è¡é¡ê¡ë¡ì¡í
78 # arch-tag: 4d0e14b7-4eb2-4310-9582-e981f4c4a7f0