5 # HANZI input table for cxterm
6 # Generated from ECDICT.cit by cit2tit
7 # To be used by cxterm, convert me to .cit format first
11 PROMPT: ¤¤¤å¿é¤J¡i^º~Ãã¨å¡j
13 COMMENT Copyright 1993 Oct 18 by Nelson Chin. (cyl@ifcss.org)
14 COMMENT Last Modified: 1994 Feb 26
15 COMMENT Permission to use/modify/copy for any purpose is hereby granted.
16 COMMENT Absolutely no fee and no warranties.
18 COMMENT use <CTRL-f> to move to the right
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20 COMMENT cizu taken from crl.nmsu.edu:pub/chinese/eng-chi.b5
21 COMMENT built on top of usercz-b5 from cxterm-nf package
23 VALIDINPUTKEY: !"\043\040$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@[\134]^_`abcdefghijkl
24 VALIDINPUTKEY: mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
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7840 # arch-tag: 618eec81-84f6-42ce-b2e7-01569fb3f8cb