(table-cell-horizontal-chars): Renamed from table-cell-horizontal-char. Now a
[emacs.git] / lisp / textmodes / table.el
1 ;;; table.el --- create and edit WYSIWYG text based embedded tables
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Keywords: wp, convenience
6 ;; Author: Takaaki Ota <Takaaki.Ota@am.sony.com>
7 ;; Created: Sat Jul 08 2000 13:28:45 (PST)
8 ;; Revised: jue jun 05 2003 22:00:02 (Hora de verano romance)
10 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
12 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
15 ;; any later version.
17 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
24 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
25 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
27 ;;; Commentary:
29 ;; -------------
30 ;; Introduction:
31 ;; -------------
33 ;; This package provides text based table creation and editing
34 ;; feature. With this package Emacs is capable of editing tables that
35 ;; are embedded inside a text document, the feature similar to the
36 ;; ones seen in modern WYSIWYG word processors. A table is a
37 ;; rectangular text area consisting from a surrounding frame and
38 ;; content inside the frame. The content is usually subdivided into
39 ;; multiple rectangular cells, see the actual tables used below in
40 ;; this document. Once a table is recognized, editing operation
41 ;; inside a table cell is confined into that specific cell's
42 ;; rectangular area. This means that typing and deleting characters
43 ;; inside a cell do not affect any outside text but introduces
44 ;; appropriate formatting only to the cell contents. If necessary for
45 ;; accommodating added text in the cell, the cell automatically grows
46 ;; vertically and/or horizontally. The package uses no major mode nor
47 ;; minor mode for its implementation because the subject text is
48 ;; localized within a buffer. Therefore the special behaviors inside
49 ;; a table cells are implemented by using keymap text property
50 ;; instead of buffer wide mode-map.
53 ;; -----------
54 ;; Background:
55 ;; -----------
57 ;; Paul Georgief is one of my best friends. He became an Emacs
58 ;; convert after I recommended him trying it several years ago. Now
59 ;; we both are devoted disciples of Emacsism and elisp cult. One day
60 ;; in his Emacs exploration he asked me "Tak, what is a command to
61 ;; edit tables in Emacs?". This question started my journey of this
62 ;; table package development. May the code be with me! In the
63 ;; software world Emacs is probably one of the longest lifetime record
64 ;; holders. Amazingly there have been no direct support for WYSIWYG
65 ;; table editing tasks in Emacs. Many people must have experienced
66 ;; manipulating existing overwrite-mode and picture-mode for this task
67 ;; and only dreamed of having such a lisp package which supports this
68 ;; specific task directly. Certainly, I have been one of them. The
69 ;; most difficult part of dealing with table editing in Emacs probably
70 ;; is how to realize localized rectangular editing effect. Emacs has
71 ;; no rectangular narrowing mechanism. Existing rect package provides
72 ;; basically kill, delete and yank operations of a rectangle, which
73 ;; internally is a mere list of strings. A simple approach for
74 ;; realizing the localized virtual rectangular operation is combining
75 ;; rect package capability with a temporary buffer. Insertion and
76 ;; deletion of a character to a table cell can be trapped by a
77 ;; function that copies the cell rectangle to a temporary buffer then
78 ;; apply the insertion/deletion to the temporary contents. Then it
79 ;; formats the contents by filling the paragraphs in order to fit it
80 ;; into the original rectangular area and finally copy it back to the
81 ;; original buffer. This simplistic approach has to bear with
82 ;; significant performance hit. As cell grows larger the copying
83 ;; rectangle back and forth between the original buffer and the
84 ;; temporary buffer becomes expensive and unbearably slow. It was
85 ;; completely impractical and an obvious failure. An idea has been
86 ;; borrowed from the original Emacs design to overcome this
87 ;; shortcoming. When the terminal screen update was slow and
88 ;; expensive Emacs employed a clever algorithm to reduce actual screen
89 ;; update by removing redundant redrawing operations. Also the actual
90 ;; redrawing was done only when there was enough idling time. This
91 ;; technique significantly improved the previously mentioned
92 ;; undesirable situation. Now the original buffer's rectangle is
93 ;; copied into a cache buffer only once. Any cell editing operation
94 ;; is done only to the cache contents. When there is enough idling
95 ;; time the original buffer's rectangle is updated with the current
96 ;; cache contents. This delayed operation is implemented by using
97 ;; Emacs's timer function. To reduce the visual awkwardness
98 ;; introduced by the delayed effect the cursor location is updated in
99 ;; real-time as a user types while the cell contents remains the same
100 ;; until the next idling time. A key to the success of this approach
101 ;; is how to maintain cache coherency. As a user moves point in and
102 ;; out of a cell the table buffer contents and the cache buffer
103 ;; contents must be synchronized without a mistake. By observing user
104 ;; action carefully this is possible however not easy. Once this
105 ;; mechanism is firmly implemented the rest of table features grew in
106 ;; relatively painless progression. Those users who are familiar with
107 ;; Emacs internals appreciate this table package more. Because it
108 ;; demonstrates how extensible Emacs is by showing something that
109 ;; appears like a magic. It lets you re-discover the potential of
110 ;; Emacs.
113 ;; -------------
114 ;; Entry Points:
115 ;; -------------
117 ;; If this is the first time for you to try this package, go ahead and
118 ;; load the package by M-x `load-file' RET. Specify the package file
119 ;; name "table.el". Then switch to a new test buffer and issue the
120 ;; command M-x `table-insert' RET. It'll ask you number of columns,
121 ;; number of rows, cell width and cell height. Give some small
122 ;; numbers for each of them. Play with the resulted table for a
123 ;; while. If you have menu system find the item "Table" under "Tools"
124 ;; and "Table" in the menu bar when the point is in a table cell.
125 ;; Some of them are pretty intuitive and you can easily guess what
126 ;; they do. M-x `describe-function' and get the documentation of
127 ;; `table-insert'. The document includes a short tutorial. When you
128 ;; are tired of guessing how it works come back to this document
129 ;; again.
131 ;; To use the package regularly place this file in the site library
132 ;; directory and add the next expression in your .emacs file. Make
133 ;; sure that directory is included in the `load-path'.
135 ;; (require 'table)
137 ;; Have the next expression also, if you want always be ready to edit
138 ;; tables inside text files. This mechanism is analogous to
139 ;; fontification in a sense that tables are recognized at editing time
140 ;; without having table information saved along with the text itself.
142 ;; (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'table-recognize)
144 ;; Following is a table of entry points and brief description of each
145 ;; of them. The tables below are of course generated and edited by
146 ;; using this package. Not all the commands are bound to keys. Many
147 ;; of them must be invoked by "M-x" (`execute-extended-command')
148 ;; command. Refer to the section "Keymap" below for the commands
149 ;; available from keys.
151 ;; +------------------------------------------------------------------+
152 ;; | User Visible Entry Points |
153 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
154 ;; | Function | Description |
155 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
156 ;; |`table-insert' |Insert a table consisting of grid |
157 ;; | |of cells by specifying the number |
158 ;; | |of COLUMNS, number of ROWS, cell |
159 ;; | |WIDTH and cell HEIGHT. |
160 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
161 ;; |`table-insert-row' |Insert row(s) of cells before the |
162 ;; | |current row that matches the |
163 ;; | |current row structure. |
164 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
165 ;; |`table-insert-column' |Insert column(s) of cells before |
166 ;; | |the current column that matches |
167 ;; | |the current column structure. |
168 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
169 ;; |`table-delete-row' |Delete row(s) of cells. The row |
170 ;; | |must consist from cells of the |
171 ;; | |same height. |
172 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
173 ;; |`table-delete-column' |Delete column(s) of cells. The |
174 ;; | |column must consist from cells of |
175 ;; | |the same width. |
176 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
177 ;; |`table-recognize' |Recognize all tables in the |
178 ;; |`table-unrecognize' |current buffer and |
179 ;; | |activate/inactivate them. |
180 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
181 ;; |`table-recognize-region' |Recognize all the cells in a |
182 ;; |`table-unrecognize-region' |region and activate/inactivate |
183 ;; | |them. |
184 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
185 ;; |`table-recognize-table' |Recognize all the cells in a |
186 ;; |`table-unrecognize-table' |single table and |
187 ;; | |activate/inactivate them. |
188 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
189 ;; |`table-recognize-cell' |Recognize a cell. Find a cell |
190 ;; |`table-unrecognize-cell' |which contains the current point |
191 ;; | |and activate/inactivate that cell.|
192 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
193 ;; |`table-forward-cell' |Move point to the next Nth cell in|
194 ;; | |a table. |
195 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
196 ;; |`table-backward-cell' |Move point to the previous Nth |
197 ;; | |cell in a table. |
198 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
199 ;; |`table-span-cell' |Span the current cell toward the |
200 ;; | |specified direction and merge it |
201 ;; | |with the adjacent cell. The |
202 ;; | |direction is right, left, above or|
203 ;; | |below. |
204 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
205 ;; |`table-split-cell-vertically' |Split the current cell vertically |
206 ;; | |and create a cell above and a cell|
207 ;; | |below the point location. |
208 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
209 ;; |`table-split-cell-horizontally'|Split the current cell |
210 ;; | |horizontally and create a cell on |
211 ;; | |the left and a cell on the right |
212 ;; | |of the point location. |
213 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
214 ;; |`table-split-cell' |Split the current cell vertically |
215 ;; | |or horizontally. This is a |
216 ;; | |wrapper command to the other two |
217 ;; | |orientation specific commands. |
218 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
219 ;; |`table-heighten-cell' |Heighten the current cell. |
220 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
221 ;; |`table-shorten-cell' |Shorten the current cell. |
222 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
223 ;; |`table-widen-cell' |Widen the current cell. |
224 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
225 ;; |`table-narrow-cell' |Narrow the current cell. |
226 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
227 ;; |`table-fixed-width-mode' |Toggle fixed width mode. In the |
228 ;; | |fixed width mode, typing inside a |
229 ;; | |cell never changes the cell width,|
230 ;; | |while in the normal mode the cell |
231 ;; | |width expands automatically in |
232 ;; | |order to prevent a word being |
233 ;; | |folded into multiple lines. Fixed|
234 ;; | |width mode reverses video or |
235 ;; | |underline the cell contents for |
236 ;; | |its indication. |
237 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
238 ;; |`table-query-dimension' |Compute and report the current |
239 ;; | |cell dimension, current table |
240 ;; | |dimension and the number of |
241 ;; | |columns and rows in the table. |
242 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
243 ;; |`table-generate-source' |Generate the source of the current|
244 ;; | |table in the specified language |
245 ;; | |and insert it into a specified |
246 ;; | |buffer. |
247 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
248 ;; |`table-insert-sequence' |Travel cells forward while |
249 ;; | |inserting a specified sequence |
250 ;; | |string into each cell. |
251 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
252 ;; |`table-capture' |Convert plain text into a table by|
253 ;; | |capturing the text in the region. |
254 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
255 ;; |`table-release' |Convert a table into plain text by|
256 ;; | |removing the frame from a table. |
257 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
258 ;; |`table-justify' |Justify the contents of cell(s). |
259 ;; +-------------------------------+----------------------------------+
262 ;; *Note*
264 ;; You may find that some of commonly expected table commands are
265 ;; missing such as copying a row/column and yanking it. Those
266 ;; functions can be obtained through existing Emacs text editing
267 ;; commands. Rows are easily manipulated with region commands and
268 ;; columns can be copied and pasted through rectangle commands. After
269 ;; all a table is still a part of text in the buffer. Only the
270 ;; special behaviors exist inside each cell through text properties.
272 ;; `table-generate-html' which appeared in earlier releases is
273 ;; deprecated in favor of `table-generate-source'. Now HTML is
274 ;; treated as one of the languages used for describing the table's
275 ;; logical structure.
278 ;; -------
279 ;; Keymap:
280 ;; -------
282 ;; Although this package does not use a mode it does use its own
283 ;; keymap inside a table cell by way of keymap text property. Some of
284 ;; the standard basic editing commands bound to certain keys are
285 ;; replaced with the table specific version of corresponding commands.
286 ;; This replacement combination is listed in the constant alist
287 ;; `table-command-remap-alist' declared below. This alist is
288 ;; not meant to be user configurable but mentioned here for your
289 ;; better understanding of using this package. In addition, table
290 ;; cells have some table specific bindings for cell navigation and
291 ;; cell reformation. You can find these additional bindings in the
292 ;; constant `table-cell-bindings'. Those key bound functions are
293 ;; considered as internal functions instead of normal commands,
294 ;; therefore they have special prefix, *table-- instead of table-, for
295 ;; symbols. The purpose of this is to make it easier for a user to
296 ;; use command name completion. There is a "normal hooks" variable
297 ;; `table-cell-map-hook' prepared for users to override the default
298 ;; table cell bindings. Following is the table of predefined default
299 ;; key bound commands inside a table cell. Remember these bindings
300 ;; exist only inside a table cell. When your terminal is a tty, the
301 ;; control modifier may not be available or applicable for those
302 ;; special characters. In this case use "C-cC-c", which is
303 ;; customizable via `table-command-prefix', as the prefix key
304 ;; sequence. This should preceding the following special character
305 ;; without the control modifier. For example, use "C-cC-c|" instead
306 ;; of "C-|".
308 ;; +------------------------------------------------------------------+
309 ;; | Default Bindings in a Table Cell |
310 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
311 ;; | Key | Function |
312 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
313 ;; | TAB |Move point forward to the beginning of the next cell. |
314 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
315 ;; | "C->" |Widen the current cell. |
316 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
317 ;; | "C-<" |Narrow the current cell. |
318 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
319 ;; | "C-}" |Heighten the current cell. |
320 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
321 ;; | "C-{" |Shorten the current cell. |
322 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
323 ;; | "C--" |Split current cell vertically. (one above and one below) |
324 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
325 ;; | "C-|" |Split current cell horizontally. (one left and one right) |
326 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
327 ;; | "C-*" |Span current cell into adjacent one. |
328 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
329 ;; | "C-+" |Insert row(s)/column(s). |
330 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
331 ;; | "C-!" |Toggle between normal mode and fixed width mode. |
332 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
333 ;; | "C-#" |Report cell and table dimension. |
334 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
335 ;; | "C-^" |Generate the source in a language from the current table. |
336 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
337 ;; | "C-:" |Justify the contents of cell(s). |
338 ;; +-------+----------------------------------------------------------+
340 ;; *Note*
342 ;; When using `table-cell-map-hook' do not use `local-set-key'.
344 ;; (add-hook 'table-cell-map-hook
345 ;; (function (lambda ()
346 ;; (local-set-key [<key sequence>] '<function>))))
348 ;; Above code is well known ~/.emacs idiom for customizing a mode
349 ;; specific keymap however it does not work for this package. This is
350 ;; because there is no table mode in effect. This package does not
351 ;; use a local map therefor you must modify `table-cell-map'
352 ;; explicitly. The correct way of achieving above task is:
354 ;; (add-hook 'table-cell-map-hook
355 ;; (function (lambda ()
356 ;; (define-key table-cell-map [<key sequence>] '<function>))))
358 ;; -----
359 ;; Menu:
360 ;; -----
362 ;; If a menu system is available a group of table specific menu items,
363 ;; "Table" under "Tools" section of the menu bar, is globally added
364 ;; after this package is loaded. The commands in this group are
365 ;; limited to the ones that are related to creation and initialization
366 ;; of tables, such as to insert a table, to insert rows and columns,
367 ;; or recognize and unrecognize tables. Once tables are created and
368 ;; point is placed inside of a table cell a table specific menu item
369 ;; "Table" appears directly on the menu bar. The commands in this
370 ;; menu give full control on table manipulation that include cell
371 ;; navigation, insertion, splitting, spanning, shrinking, expansion
372 ;; and unrecognizing. In addition to above two types of menu there is
373 ;; a pop-up menu available within a table cell. The content of pop-up
374 ;; menu is identical to the full table menu. [mouse-3] is the default
375 ;; button, defined in `table-cell-bindings', to bring up the pop-up
376 ;; menu. It can be reconfigured via `table-cell-map-hook'. The
377 ;; benefit of a pop-up menu is that it combines selection of the
378 ;; location (which cell, where in the cell) and selection of the
379 ;; desired operation into a single clicking action.
382 ;; -------------------------------
383 ;; Definition of tables and cells:
384 ;; -------------------------------
386 ;; There is no artificial-intelligence magic in this package. The
387 ;; definition of a table and the cells inside the table is reasonably
388 ;; limited in order to achieve acceptable performance in the
389 ;; interactive operation under Emacs lisp implementation. A valid
390 ;; table is a rectangular text area completely filled with valid
391 ;; cells. A valid cell is a rectangle text area, which four borders
392 ;; consist of valid border characters. Cells can not be nested one to
393 ;; another or overlapped to each other except sharing the border
394 ;; lines. A valid character of a cell's vertical border is either
395 ;; table-cell-vertical-char `|' or table-cell-intersection-char `+'.
396 ;; A valid character of a cell's horizontal border is either
397 ;; table-cell-horizontal-char `-' or table-cell-intersection-char `+'.
398 ;; A valid character of the four corners of a cell must be
399 ;; table-cell-intersection-char `+'. A cell must contain at least one
400 ;; character space inside. There is no restriction about the contents
401 ;; of a table cell, however it is advised if possible to avoid using
402 ;; any of the border characters inside a table cell. Normally a few
403 ;; boarder characters inside a table cell are harmless. But it is
404 ;; possible that they accidentally align up to emulate a bogus cell
405 ;; corner on which software relies on for cell recognition. When this
406 ;; happens the software may be fooled by it and fail to determine
407 ;; correct cell dimension.
409 ;; Following are the examples of valid tables.
411 ;; +--+----+---+ +-+ +--+-----+
412 ;; | | | | | | | | |
413 ;; +--+----+---+ +-+ | +--+--+
414 ;; | | | | | | | |
415 ;; +--+----+---+ +--+--+ |
416 ;; | | |
417 ;; +-----+--+
419 ;; The next five tables are the examples of invalid tables. (From
420 ;; left to right, 1. nested cells 2. overlapped cells and a
421 ;; non-rectangle cell 3. non-rectangle table 4. zero width/height
422 ;; cells 5. zero sized cell)
424 ;; +-----+ +-----+ +--+ +-++--+ ++
425 ;; | | | | | | | || | ++
426 ;; | +-+ | | | | | | || |
427 ;; | | | | +--+ | +--+--+ +-++--+
428 ;; | +-+ | | | | | | | +-++--+
429 ;; | | | | | | | | | || |
430 ;; +-----+ +--+--+ +--+--+ +-++--+
432 ;; Although the program may recognizes some of these invalid tables,
433 ;; results from the subsequent editing operations inside those cells
434 ;; are not predictable and will most likely start destroying the table
435 ;; structures.
437 ;; It is strongly recommended to have at least one blank line above
438 ;; and below a table. For a table to coexist peacefully with
439 ;; surrounding environment table needs to be separated from unrelated
440 ;; text. This is necessary for the left table to grow or shrink
441 ;; horizontally without breaking the right table in the following
442 ;; example.
444 ;; +-----+-----+-----+
445 ;; +-----+-----+ | | | |
446 ;; | | | +-----+-----+-----+
447 ;; +-----+-----+ | | | |
448 ;; +-----+-----+-----+
451 ;; -------------------------
452 ;; Cell contents formatting:
453 ;; -------------------------
455 ;; The cell contents are formatted by filling a paragraph immediately
456 ;; after characters are inserted into or deleted from a cell. Because
457 ;; of this, cell contents always remain fit inside a cell neatly. One
458 ;; drawback of this is that users do not have full control over
459 ;; spacing between words and line breaking. Only one space can be
460 ;; entered between words and up to two spaces between sentences. For
461 ;; a newline to be effective the new line must form a beginning of
462 ;; paragraph, otherwise it'll automatically be merged with the
463 ;; previous line in a same paragraph. To form a new paragraph the
464 ;; line must start with some space characters or immediately follow a
465 ;; blank line. Here is a typical example of how to list items within
466 ;; a cell. Without a space at the beginning of each line the items
467 ;; can not stand on their own.
469 ;; +---------------------------------+
470 ;; |Each one of the following three |
471 ;; |items starts with a space |
472 ;; |character thus forms a paragraph |
473 ;; |of its own. Limitations in cell |
474 ;; |contents formatting are: |
475 ;; | |
476 ;; | 1. Only one space between words.|
477 ;; | 2. Up to two spaces between |
478 ;; |sentences. |
479 ;; | 3. A paragraph must start with |
480 ;; |spaces or follow a blank line. |
481 ;; | |
482 ;; |This paragraph stays away from |
483 ;; |the item 3 because there is a |
484 ;; |blank line between them. |
485 ;; +---------------------------------+
487 ;; In the normal operation table cell width grows automatically when
488 ;; certain word has to be folded into the next line if the width had
489 ;; not been increased. This normal operation is useful and
490 ;; appropriate for most of the time, however, it is sometimes useful
491 ;; or necessary to fix the width of table and width of table cells.
492 ;; For this purpose the package provides fixed width mode. You can
493 ;; toggle between fixed width mode and normal mode by "C-!".
495 ;; Here is a simple example of the fixed width mode. Suppose we have
496 ;; a table like this one.
498 ;; +-----+
499 ;; | |
500 ;; +-----+
502 ;; In normal mode if you type a word "antidisestablishmentarianism" it
503 ;; grows the cell horizontally like this.
505 ;; +----------------------------+
506 ;; |antidisestablishmentarianism|
507 ;; +----------------------------+
509 ;; In the fixed width mode the same action produces the following
510 ;; result. The folded locations are indicated by a continuation
511 ;; character (`\' is the default). The continuation character is
512 ;; treated specially so it is recommended to choose a character that
513 ;; does not appear elsewhere in table cells. This character is
514 ;; configurable via customization and is kept in the variable
515 ;; `table-word-continuation-char'. The continuation character is
516 ;; treated specially only in the fixed width mode and has no special
517 ;; meaning in the normal mode however.
519 ;; +-----+
520 ;; |anti\|
521 ;; |dise\|
522 ;; |stab\|
523 ;; |lish\|
524 ;; |ment\|
525 ;; |aria\|
526 ;; |nism |
527 ;; +-----+
530 ;; -------------------
531 ;; Cell Justification:
532 ;; -------------------
534 ;; By default the cell contents are filled with left justification and
535 ;; no vertical justification. A paragraph can be justified
536 ;; individually but only horizontally. Paragraph justification is for
537 ;; appearance only and does not change any structural information
538 ;; while cell justification affects table's structural information.
539 ;; For cell justification a user can select horizontal justification
540 ;; and vertical justification independently. Horizontal justification
541 ;; must be one of the three 'left, 'center or 'right. Vertical
542 ;; justification can be 'top, 'middle, 'bottom or 'none. When a cell
543 ;; is justified, that information is recorded as a part of text
544 ;; property therefore the information is persistent as long as the
545 ;; cell remains within the Emacs world. Even copying tables by region
546 ;; and rectangle manipulation commands preserve this information.
547 ;; However, once the table text is saved as a file and the buffer is
548 ;; killed the justification information vanishes permanently. To
549 ;; alleviate this shortcoming without forcing users to save and
550 ;; maintain a separate attribute file, the table code detects
551 ;; justification of each cell when recognizing a table. This
552 ;; detection is done by guessing the justification by looking at the
553 ;; appearance of the cell contents. Since it is a guessing work it
554 ;; does not guarantee the perfectness but it is designed to be
555 ;; practically good enough. The guessing algorithm is implemented in
556 ;; the function `table--detect-cell-alignment'. If you have better
557 ;; algorithm or idea any suggestion is welcome.
560 ;; -----
561 ;; Todo: (in the order of priority, some are just possibility)
562 ;; -----
564 ;; Fix compatibilities with other input method than quail
565 ;; Resolve conflict with flyspell
566 ;; Use mouse for resizing cells
567 ;; A mechanism to link cells internally
568 ;; Consider the use of variable width font under Emacs 21
569 ;; Consider the use of `:box' face attribute under Emacs 21
570 ;; Consider the use of `modification-hooks' text property instead of
571 ;; rebinding the keymap
572 ;; Maybe provide complete XEmacs support in the future however the
573 ;; "extent" is the single largest obstacle lying ahead, read the
574 ;; document in Emacs info.
575 ;; (eval '(progn (require 'info) (Info-find-node "elisp" "Not Intervals")))
578 ;; ---------------
579 ;; Acknowledgment:
580 ;; ---------------
582 ;; Table would not have been possible without the help and
583 ;; encouragement of the following spirited contributors.
585 ;; Paul Georgief <georgief@igpp.ucsd.edu> has been the best tester
586 ;; of the code as well as the constructive criticizer.
588 ;; Gerd Moellmann <gerd@gnu.org> gave me useful suggestions from Emacs
589 ;; 21 point of view.
591 ;; Richard Stallman <rms@gnu.org> showed the initial interest in this
592 ;; attempt of implementing the table feature to Emacs. This greatly
593 ;; motivated me to follow through to its completion.
595 ;; Kenichi Handa <handa@etl.go.jp> kindly guided me through to
596 ;; overcome many technical issues while I was struggling with quail
597 ;; related internationalization problems.
599 ;; Christoph Conrad <christoph.conrad@gmx.de> suggested making symbol
600 ;; names consistent as well as fixing several bugs.
602 ;; Paul Lew <paullew@cisco.com> suggested implementing fixed width
603 ;; mode as well as multi column width (row height) input interface.
605 ;; Michael Smith <smith@xml-doc.org> a well-informed DocBook user
606 ;; asked for CALS table source generation and helped me following
607 ;; through the work by offering valuable suggestions and testing out
608 ;; the code. Jorge Godoy <godoy@conectiva.com> has also suggested
609 ;; supporting for DocBook tables.
611 ;; And many other individuals who reported bugs and suggestions.
613 ;;; Code:
617 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
619 ;;; Compatibility:
622 ;; hush up the byte-compiler
623 (eval-when-compile
624 (defvar quail-translating)
625 (defvar quail-converting)
626 (defvar flyspell-mode)
627 (defvar real-last-command)
628 (defvar delete-selection-mode)
629 (unless (fboundp 'set-face-property)
630 (defun set-face-property (face prop value)))
631 (unless (fboundp 'unibyte-char-to-multibyte)
632 (defun unibyte-char-to-multibyte (char)))
633 (defun table--point-in-cell-p (&optional location)))
635 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
637 ;;; Customization:
640 (defgroup table nil
641 "Text based table manipulation utilities.
642 See `table-insert' for examples about how to use."
643 :tag "Table"
644 :prefix "table-"
645 :group 'editing
646 :group 'wp
647 :group 'paragraphs
648 :group 'fill)
650 (defgroup table-hooks nil
651 "Hooks for table manipulation utilities"
652 :group 'table)
654 (defcustom table-time-before-update 0.2
655 "*Time in seconds before updating the cell contents after typing.
656 Updating the cell contents on the screen takes place only after this
657 specified amount of time has passed after the last modification to the
658 cell contents. When the contents of a table cell changes repetitively
659 and frequently the updating the cell contents on the screen is
660 deferred until at least this specified amount of quiet time passes. A
661 smaller number wastes more computation resource by unnecessarily
662 frequent screen update. A large number presents noticeable and
663 annoying delay before the typed result start appearing on the screen."
664 :tag "Time Before Cell Update"
665 :type 'number
666 :group 'table)
668 (defcustom table-time-before-reformat 0.2
669 "*Time in seconds before reformatting the table.
670 This many seconds must pass in addition to `table-time-before-update'
671 before the table is updated with newly widened width or heightened
672 height."
673 :tag "Time Before Cell Reformat"
674 :type 'number
675 :group 'table)
677 (defcustom table-command-prefix [(control c) (control c)]
678 "*Key sequence to be used as prefix for table command key bindings."
679 :type '(vector (repeat :inline t sexp))
680 :tag "Table Command Prefix"
681 :group 'table)
683 (defface table-cell-face
684 '((((class color))
685 (:foreground "gray90" :background "blue"))
686 (t (:bold t)))
687 "*Face used for table cell contents."
688 :tag "Cell Face"
689 :group 'table)
691 (defcustom table-cell-horizontal-chars "-="
692 "*Characters that may be used for table cell's horizontal border line."
693 :tag "Cell Horizontal Boundary Characters"
694 :type 'string
695 :group 'table)
697 (defcustom table-cell-vertical-char ?\|
698 "*Character that forms table cell's vertical border line."
699 :tag "Cell Vertical Boundary Character"
700 :type 'character
701 :group 'table)
703 (defcustom table-cell-intersection-char ?\+
704 "*Character that forms table cell's corner."
705 :tag "Cell Intersection Character"
706 :type 'character
707 :group 'table)
709 (defcustom table-word-continuation-char ?\\
710 "*Character that indicates word continuation into the next line.
711 This character has a special meaning only in the fixed width mode,
712 that is when `table-fixed-width-mode' is non-nil . In the fixed width
713 mode this character indicates that the location is continuing into the
714 next line. Be careful about the choice of this character. It is
715 treated substantially different manner than ordinary characters. Try
716 select a character that is unlikely to appear in your document."
717 :tag "Cell Word Continuation Character"
718 :type 'character
719 :group 'table)
721 (defun table-set-table-fixed-width-mode (variable value)
722 (if (fboundp variable)
723 (funcall variable (if value 1 -1))))
725 (defun table-initialize-table-fixed-width-mode (variable value)
726 (set variable value))
728 (defcustom table-fixed-width-mode nil
729 "*Cell width is fixed when this is non-nil.
730 Normally it should be nil for allowing automatic cell width expansion
731 that widens a cell when it is necessary. When non-nil, typing in a
732 cell does not automatically expand the cell width. A word that is too
733 long to fit in a cell is chopped into multiple lines. The chopped
734 location is indicated by `table-word-continuation-char'. This
735 variable's value can be toggled by \\[table-fixed-width-mode] at
736 run-time."
737 :tag "Fix Cell Width"
738 :type 'boolean
739 :initialize 'table-initialize-table-fixed-width-mode
740 :set 'table-set-table-fixed-width-mode
741 :group 'table)
743 (defcustom table-detect-cell-alignment t
744 "*Detect cell contents alignment automatically.
745 When non-nil cell alignment is automatically determined by the
746 appearance of the current cell contents when recognizing tables as a
747 whole. This applies to `table-recognize', `table-recognize-region'
748 and `table-recognize-table' but not to `table-recognize-cell'."
749 :tag "Detect Cell Alignment"
750 :type 'boolean
751 :group 'table)
753 (defcustom table-dest-buffer-name "table"
754 "*Default buffer name (without a suffix) for source generation."
755 :tag "Source Buffer Name"
756 :type 'string
757 :group 'table)
759 (defcustom table-html-delegate-spacing-to-user-agent nil
760 "*Non-nil delegates cell contents spacing entirely to user agent.
761 Otherwise, when nil, it preserves the original spacing and line breaks."
762 :tag "HTML delegate spacing"
763 :type 'boolean
764 :group 'table)
766 (defcustom table-html-th-rows 0
767 "*Number of top rows to become header cells automatically in HTML generation."
768 :tag "HTML Header Rows"
769 :type 'integer
770 :group 'table)
772 (defcustom table-html-th-columns 0
773 "*Number of left columns to become header cells automatically in HTML generation."
774 :tag "HTML Header Columns"
775 :type 'integer
776 :group 'table)
778 (defcustom table-html-table-attribute "border=\"1\""
779 "*Table attribute that applies to the table in HTML generation."
780 :tag "HTML table attribute"
781 :type 'string
782 :group 'table)
784 (defcustom table-html-cell-attribute ""
785 "*Cell attribute that applies to all cells in HTML generation.
786 Do not specify \"align\" and \"valign\" because they are determined by
787 the cell contents dynamically."
788 :tag "HTML cell attribute"
789 :type 'string
790 :group 'table)
792 (defcustom table-cals-thead-rows 1
793 "*Number of top rows to become header rows in CALS table."
794 :tag "CALS Header Rows"
795 :type 'integer
796 :group 'table)
798 ;;;###autoload
799 (defcustom table-cell-map-hook nil
800 "*Normal hooks run when finishing construction of `table-cell-map'.
801 User can modify `table-cell-map' by adding custom functions here."
802 :tag "Cell Keymap Hooks"
803 :type 'hook
804 :group 'table-hooks)
806 (defcustom table-disable-incompatibility-warning nil
807 "*Disable compatibility warning notice.
808 When nil user is reminded of known incompatible issues."
809 :tag "Disable Incompatibility Warning"
810 :type 'boolean
811 :group 'table)
813 (defcustom table-abort-recognition-when-input-pending t
814 "*Abort current recognition process when input pending.
815 Abort current recognition process when we are not sure that no input
816 is available. When non-nil lengthy recognition process is aborted
817 simply by any key input."
818 :tag "Abort Recognition When Input Pending"
819 :type 'boolean
820 :group 'table)
822 ;;;###autoload
823 (defcustom table-load-hook nil
824 "*List of functions to be called after the table is first loaded."
825 :type 'hook
826 :group 'table-hooks)
828 ;;;###autoload
829 (defcustom table-point-entered-cell-hook nil
830 "*List of functions to be called after point entered a table cell."
831 :type 'hook
832 :group 'table-hooks)
834 ;;;###autoload
835 (defcustom table-point-left-cell-hook nil
836 "*List of functions to be called after point left a table cell."
837 :type 'hook
838 :group 'table-hooks)
840 (setplist 'table-disable-incompatibility-warning nil)
842 (defvar table-disable-menu (null (and (locate-library "easymenu")
843 (require 'easymenu)
844 (fboundp 'easy-menu-add-item)))
845 "*When non-nil, use of menu by table package is disabled.
846 It must be set before loading this package `table.el' for the first
847 time.")
850 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
852 ;;; Implementation:
855 ;;; Internal variables and constants
856 ;;; No need of user configuration
858 (defconst table-paragraph-start "[ \t\n\f]"
859 "*Regexp for beginning of a line that starts OR separates paragraphs.")
860 (defconst table-cache-buffer-name " *table cell cache*"
861 "Cell cache buffer name.")
862 (defvar table-cell-info-lu-coordinate nil
863 "Zero based coordinate of the cached cell's left upper corner.")
864 (defvar table-cell-info-rb-coordinate nil
865 "Zero based coordinate of the cached cell's right bottom corner.")
866 (defvar table-cell-info-width nil
867 "Number of characters per cached cell width.")
868 (defvar table-cell-info-height nil
869 "Number of lines per cached cell height.")
870 (defvar table-cell-info-justify nil
871 "Justification information of the cached cell.")
872 (defvar table-cell-info-valign nil
873 "Vertical alignment information of the cached cell.")
874 (defvar table-cell-self-insert-command-count 0
875 "Counter for undo control.")
876 (defvar table-cell-map nil
877 "Keymap for table cell contents.")
878 (defvar table-cell-global-map-alist nil
879 "Alist of copy of global maps that are substituted in `table-cell-map'.")
880 (defvar table-global-menu-map nil
881 "Menu map created via `easy-menu-define'.")
882 (defvar table-cell-menu-map nil
883 "Menu map created via `easy-menu-define'.")
884 (defvar table-cell-buffer nil
885 "Buffer that contains the table cell.")
886 (defvar table-cell-cache-point-coordinate nil
887 "Cache point coordinate based from the cell origin.")
888 (defvar table-cell-cache-mark-coordinate nil
889 "Cache mark coordinate based from the cell origin.")
890 (defvar table-cell-entered-state nil
891 "Records the state whether currently in a cell or nor.")
892 (defvar table-update-timer nil
893 "Timer id for deferred cell update.")
894 (defvar table-widen-timer nil
895 "Timer id for deferred cell update.")
896 (defvar table-heighten-timer nil
897 "Timer id for deferred cell update.")
898 (defvar table-inhibit-update nil
899 "Non-nil inhibits implicit cell and cache updates.
900 It inhibits `table-with-cache-buffer' to update data in both direction, cell to cache and cache to cell.")
901 (defvar table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph nil
902 "Non-nil inhibits auto fill paragraph when `table-with-cache-buffer' exits.
903 This is always set to nil at the entry to `table-with-cache-buffer' before executing body forms.")
904 (defvar table-mode-indicator nil
905 "For mode line indicator")
906 (defvar table-fixed-mode-indicator nil
907 "For mode line indicator")
908 (defconst table-source-languages '(html latex cals)
909 "Supported source languages.")
910 (defvar table-source-info-plist nil
911 "General storage for temporary information used while generating source.")
912 ;;; These are not real minor-mode but placed in the minor-mode-alist
913 ;;; so that we can show the indicator on the mode line handy.
914 (mapcar (lambda (indicator)
915 (make-variable-buffer-local (car indicator))
916 (unless (assq (car indicator) minor-mode-alist)
917 (setq minor-mode-alist
918 (cons indicator minor-mode-alist))))
919 '((table-mode-indicator " Table")
920 (table-fixed-mode-indicator " Fixed-Table")))
921 ;;; The following history containers not only keep the history of user
922 ;;; entries but also serve as the default value providers. When an
923 ;;; interactive command is invoked it offers a user the latest entry
924 ;;; of the history as a default selection. Therefore the values below
925 ;;; are the first default value when a command is invoked for the very
926 ;;; first time when there is no real history existing yet.
927 (defvar table-cell-span-direction-history '("right"))
928 (defvar table-cell-split-orientation-history '("horizontally"))
929 (defvar table-cell-split-contents-to-history '("split"))
930 (defvar table-insert-row-column-history '("row"))
931 (defvar table-justify-history '("center"))
932 (defvar table-columns-history '("3"))
933 (defvar table-rows-history '("3"))
934 (defvar table-cell-width-history '("5"))
935 (defvar table-cell-height-history '("1"))
936 (defvar table-source-caption-history '("Table"))
937 (defvar table-sequence-string-history '("0"))
938 (defvar table-sequence-count-history '("0"))
939 (defvar table-sequence-increment-history '("1"))
940 (defvar table-sequence-interval-history '("1"))
941 (defvar table-sequence-justify-history '("left"))
942 (defvar table-source-language-history '("html"))
943 (defvar table-col-delim-regexp-history '(""))
944 (defvar table-row-delim-regexp-history '(""))
945 (defvar table-capture-justify-history '("left"))
946 (defvar table-capture-min-cell-width-history '("5"))
947 (defvar table-capture-columns-history '(""))
948 (defvar table-target-history '("cell"))
950 ;;; Some entries in `table-cell-bindings' are duplicated in
951 ;;; `table-command-remap-alist'. There is a good reason for
952 ;;; this. Common key like return key may be taken by some other
953 ;;; function than normal `newline' function. Thus binding return key
954 ;;; directly for `*table--cell-newline' ensures that the correct enter
955 ;;; operation in a table cell. However
956 ;;; `table-command-remap-alist' has an additional role than
957 ;;; replacing commands. It is also used to construct a table command
958 ;;; list. This list is very important because it is used to check if
959 ;;; the previous command was one of them in this list or not. If the
960 ;;; previous command is found in the list the current command will not
961 ;;; refill the table cache. If the command were not listed fast
962 ;;; typing can cause unwanted cache refill.
963 (defconst table-cell-bindings
964 '(([(control i)] . table-forward-cell)
965 ([(control I)] . table-backward-cell)
966 ([tab] . table-forward-cell)
967 ([(shift backtab)] . table-backward-cell) ; for HPUX console keyboard
968 ([(shift iso-lefttab)] . table-backward-cell) ; shift-tab on a microsoft natural keyboard and redhat linux
969 ([(shift tab)] . table-backward-cell)
970 ([return] . *table--cell-newline)
971 ([(control m)] . *table--cell-newline)
972 ([(control j)] . *table--cell-newline-and-indent)
973 ([mouse-3] . *table--present-cell-popup-menu)
974 ([(control ?>)] . table-widen-cell)
975 ([(control ?<)] . table-narrow-cell)
976 ([(control ?})] . table-heighten-cell)
977 ([(control ?{)] . table-shorten-cell)
978 ([(control ?-)] . table-split-cell-vertically)
979 ([(control ?|)] . table-split-cell-horizontally)
980 ([(control ?*)] . table-span-cell)
981 ([(control ?+)] . table-insert-row-column)
982 ([(control ?!)] . table-fixed-width-mode)
983 ([(control ?#)] . table-query-dimension)
984 ([(control ?^)] . table-generate-source)
985 ([(control ?:)] . table-justify)
987 "Bindings for table cell commands.")
989 (defvar table-command-remap-alist
990 '((self-insert-command . *table--cell-self-insert-command)
991 (completion-separator-self-insert-autofilling . *table--cell-self-insert-command)
992 (completion-separator-self-insert-command . *table--cell-self-insert-command)
993 (delete-char . *table--cell-delete-char)
994 (delete-backward-char . *table--cell-delete-backward-char)
995 (backward-delete-char . *table--cell-delete-backward-char)
996 (backward-delete-char-untabify . *table--cell-delete-backward-char)
997 (newline . *table--cell-newline)
998 (newline-and-indent . *table--cell-newline-and-indent)
999 (open-line . *table--cell-open-line)
1000 (quoted-insert . *table--cell-quoted-insert)
1001 (describe-mode . *table--cell-describe-mode)
1002 (describe-bindings . *table--cell-describe-bindings)
1003 (dabbrev-expand . *table--cell-dabbrev-expand)
1004 (dabbrev-completion . *table--cell-dabbrev-completion))
1005 "List of cons cells consisting of (ORIGINAL-COMMAND . TABLE-VERSION-OF-THE-COMMAND).")
1007 (defvar table-command-list nil
1008 "List of commands that override original commands.")
1009 ;; construct the real contents of the `table-command-list'
1010 (let ((remap-alist table-command-remap-alist))
1011 (setq table-command-list nil)
1012 (while remap-alist
1013 (setq table-command-list (cons (cdar remap-alist) table-command-list))
1014 (setq remap-alist (cdr remap-alist))))
1016 (defconst table-global-menu
1017 '("Table"
1018 ("Insert"
1019 ["a Table..." table-insert
1020 :active (and (not buffer-read-only) (not (table--probe-cell)))
1021 :help "Insert a text based table at point"]
1022 ["Row" table-insert-row
1023 :active (and (not buffer-read-only)
1024 (or (table--probe-cell)
1025 (save-excursion
1026 (table--find-row-column nil t))))
1027 :help "Insert row(s) of cells in table"]
1028 ["Column" table-insert-column
1029 :active (and (not buffer-read-only)
1030 (or (table--probe-cell)
1031 (save-excursion
1032 (table--find-row-column 'column t))))
1033 :help "Insert column(s) of cells in table"])
1034 "----"
1035 ("Recognize"
1036 ["in Buffer" table-recognize
1037 :active t
1038 :help "Recognize all tables in the current buffer"]
1039 ["in Region" table-recognize-region
1040 :active (and mark-active (not (eq (mark t) (point))))
1041 :help "Recognize all tables in the current region"]
1042 ["a Table" table-recognize-table
1043 :active (table--probe-cell)
1044 :help "Recognize a table at point"]
1045 ["a Cell" table-recognize-cell
1046 :active (let ((cell (table--probe-cell)))
1047 (and cell (null (table--at-cell-p (car cell)))))
1048 :help "Recognize a cell at point"])
1049 ("Unrecognize"
1050 ["in Buffer" table-unrecognize
1051 :active t
1052 :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current buffer"]
1053 ["in Region" table-unrecognize-region
1054 :active (and mark-active (not (eq (mark t) (point))))
1055 :help "Unrecognize all tables in the current region"]
1056 ["a Table" table-unrecognize-table
1057 :active (table--probe-cell)
1058 :help "Unrecognize the current table"]
1059 ["a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell
1060 :active (let ((cell (table--probe-cell)))
1061 (and cell (table--at-cell-p (car cell))))
1062 :help "Unrecognize the current cell"])
1063 "----"
1064 ["Capture Region" table-capture
1065 :active (and (not buffer-read-only) mark-active (not (eq (mark t) (point))) (not (table--probe-cell)))
1066 :help "Capture text in the current region as a table"]
1067 ["Release" table-release
1068 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1069 :help "Release the current table as plain text"]))
1071 (defconst table-cell-menu
1072 '("Table"
1073 ("Insert"
1074 ["Row" table-insert-row
1075 :active (and (not buffer-read-only)
1076 (or (table--probe-cell)
1077 (save-excursion
1078 (table--find-row-column nil t))))
1079 :help "Insert row(s) of cells in table"]
1080 ["Column" table-insert-column
1081 :active (and (not buffer-read-only)
1082 (or (table--probe-cell)
1083 (save-excursion
1084 (table--find-row-column 'column t))))
1085 :help "Insert column(s) of cells in table"])
1086 ("Delete"
1087 ["Row" table-delete-row
1088 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1089 :help "Delete row(s) of cells in table"]
1090 ["Column" table-delete-column
1091 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1092 :help "Delete column(s) of cells in table"])
1093 "----"
1094 ("Split a Cell"
1095 ["Horizontally" table-split-cell-horizontally
1096 :active (table--cell-can-split-horizontally-p)
1097 :help "Split the current cell horizontally at point"]
1098 ["Vertically" table-split-cell-vertically
1099 :active (table--cell-can-split-vertically-p)
1100 :help "Split the current cell vertical at point"])
1101 ("Span a Cell to"
1102 ["Right" (table-span-cell 'right)
1103 :active (table--cell-can-span-p 'right)
1104 :help "Span the current cell into the right cell"]
1105 ["Left" (table-span-cell 'left)
1106 :active (table--cell-can-span-p 'left)
1107 :help "Span the current cell into the left cell"]
1108 ["Above" (table-span-cell 'above)
1109 :active (table--cell-can-span-p 'above)
1110 :help "Span the current cell into the cell above"]
1111 ["Below" (table-span-cell 'below)
1112 :active (table--cell-can-span-p 'below)
1113 :help "Span the current cell into the cell below"])
1114 "----"
1115 ("Shrink Cells"
1116 ["Horizontally" table-narrow-cell
1117 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1118 :help "Shrink the current cell horizontally"]
1119 ["Vertically" table-shorten-cell
1120 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1121 :help "Shrink the current cell vertically"])
1122 ("Expand Cells"
1123 ["Horizontally" table-widen-cell
1124 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1125 :help "Expand the current cell horizontally"]
1126 ["Vertically" table-heighten-cell
1127 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1128 :help "Expand the current cell vertically"])
1129 "----"
1130 ("Justify"
1131 ("a Cell"
1132 ["Left" (table-justify-cell 'left)
1133 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1134 :help "Left justify the contents of the current cell"]
1135 ["Center" (table-justify-cell 'center)
1136 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1137 :help "Center justify the contents of the current cell"]
1138 ["Right" (table-justify-cell 'right)
1139 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1140 :help "Right justify the contents of the current cell"]
1141 "----"
1142 ["Top" (table-justify-cell 'top)
1143 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1144 :help "Top align the contents of the current cell"]
1145 ["Middle" (table-justify-cell 'middle)
1146 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1147 :help "Middle align the contents of the current cell"]
1148 ["Bottom" (table-justify-cell 'bottom)
1149 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1150 :help "Bottom align the contents of the current cell"]
1151 ["None" (table-justify-cell 'none)
1152 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1153 :help "Remove vertical alignment from the current cell"])
1154 ("a Row"
1155 ["Left" (table-justify-row 'left)
1156 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1157 :help "Left justify the contents of all cells in the current row"]
1158 ["Center" (table-justify-row 'center)
1159 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1160 :help "Center justify the contents of all cells in the current row"]
1161 ["Right" (table-justify-row 'right)
1162 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1163 :help "Right justify the contents of all cells in the current row"]
1164 "----"
1165 ["Top" (table-justify-row 'top)
1166 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1167 :help "Top align the contents of all cells in the current row"]
1168 ["Middle" (table-justify-row 'middle)
1169 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1170 :help "Middle align the contents of all cells in the current row"]
1171 ["Bottom" (table-justify-row 'bottom)
1172 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1173 :help "Bottom align the contents of all cells in the current row"]
1174 ["None" (table-justify-cell 'none)
1175 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1176 :help "Remove vertical alignment from all cells in the current row"])
1177 ("a Column"
1178 ["Left" (table-justify-column 'left)
1179 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1180 :help "Left justify the contents of all cells in the current column"]
1181 ["Center" (table-justify-column 'center)
1182 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1183 :help "Center justify the contents of all cells in the current column"]
1184 ["Right" (table-justify-column 'right)
1185 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1186 :help "Right justify the contents of all cells in the current column"]
1187 "----"
1188 ["Top" (table-justify-column 'top)
1189 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1190 :help "Top align the contents of all cells in the current column"]
1191 ["Middle" (table-justify-column 'middle)
1192 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1193 :help "Middle align the contents of all cells in the current column"]
1194 ["Bottom" (table-justify-column 'bottom)
1195 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1196 :help "Bottom align the contents of all cells in the current column"]
1197 ["None" (table-justify-cell 'none)
1198 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1199 :help "Remove vertical alignment from all cells in the current column"])
1200 ("a Paragraph"
1201 ["Left" (table-justify-cell 'left t)
1202 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1203 :help "Left justify the current paragraph"]
1204 ["Center" (table-justify-cell 'center t)
1205 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1206 :help "Center justify the current paragraph"]
1207 ["Right" (table-justify-cell 'right t)
1208 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1209 :help "Right justify the current paragraph"]))
1210 "----"
1211 ["Query Dimension" table-query-dimension
1212 :active (table--probe-cell)
1213 :help "Get the dimension of the current cell and the current table"]
1214 ["Generate Source" table-generate-source
1215 :active (table--probe-cell)
1216 :help "Generate source of the current table in the specified language"]
1217 ["Insert Sequence" table-insert-sequence
1218 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1219 :help "Travel cells forward while inserting a specified sequence string in each cell"]
1220 ("Unrecognize"
1221 ["a Table" table-unrecognize-table
1222 :active (table--probe-cell)
1223 :help "Unrecognize the current table"]
1224 ["a Cell" table-unrecognize-cell
1225 :active (let ((cell (table--probe-cell)))
1226 (and cell (table--at-cell-p (car cell))))
1227 :help "Unrecognize the current cell"])
1228 ["Release" table-release
1229 :active (table--editable-cell-p)
1230 :help "Release the current table as plain text"]
1231 ("Configure Width to"
1232 ["Auto Expand Mode" (table-fixed-width-mode -1)
1233 :active t
1234 :style radio
1235 :selected (not table-fixed-width-mode)
1236 :help "A mode that allows automatic horizontal cell expansion"]
1237 ["Fixed Width Mode" (table-fixed-width-mode 1)
1238 :active t
1239 :style radio
1240 :selected table-fixed-width-mode
1241 :help "A mode that does not allow automatic horizontal cell expansion"])
1242 ("Navigate"
1243 ["Forward Cell" table-forward-cell
1244 :active (table--probe-cell)
1245 :help "Move point forward by cell(s)"]
1246 ["Backward Cell" table-backward-cell
1247 :active (table--probe-cell)
1248 :help "Move point backward by cell(s)"])
1251 ;; XEmacs causes an error when encountering unknown keywords in the
1252 ;; menu definition. Specifically the :help keyword is new in Emacs 21
1253 ;; and causes error for the XEmacs function `check-menu-syntax'. IMHO
1254 ;; it is unwise to generate an error for unknown keywords because it
1255 ;; kills the nice backward compatible extensibility of keyword use.
1256 ;; Unknown keywords should be quietly ignore so that future extension
1257 ;; does not cause a problem in the old implementation. Sigh...
1258 (when (featurep 'xemacs)
1259 (mapcar
1260 (defun table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs (menu)
1261 (cond
1262 ((listp menu)
1263 (mapcar 'table--tweak-menu-for-xemacs menu))
1264 ((vectorp menu)
1265 (let ((i 0) (len (length menu)))
1266 (while (< i len)
1267 ;; replace :help with something harmless.
1268 (if (eq (aref menu i) :help) (aset menu i :included))
1269 (setq i (1+ i)))))))
1270 (list table-global-menu table-cell-menu))
1271 (defvar mark-active t))
1273 ;; register table menu under global tools menu
1274 (unless table-disable-menu
1275 (easy-menu-define table-global-menu-map nil "Table global menu" table-global-menu)
1276 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
1277 (progn
1278 (easy-menu-add-item nil '("Tools") table-global-menu-map))
1279 (easy-menu-add-item (current-global-map) '("menu-bar" "tools") '("--"))
1280 (easy-menu-add-item (current-global-map) '("menu-bar" "tools") table-global-menu-map)))
1282 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1284 ;; Macros
1287 (defmacro table-with-cache-buffer (&rest body)
1288 "Execute the forms in BODY with table cache buffer as the current buffer.
1289 This macro simplifies the rest of the work greatly by condensing the
1290 common idiom used in many of the cell manipulation functions. It does
1291 not return any meaningful value.
1293 Save the current buffer and set the cache buffer as the current
1294 buffer. Move the point to the cache buffer coordinate
1295 `table-cell-cache-point-coordinate'. After BODY forms are executed,
1296 the paragraph is filled as long as `table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph'
1297 remains nil. BODY can set it to t when it does not want to fill the
1298 paragraph. If necessary the cell width and height are extended as the
1299 consequence of cell content modification by the BODY. Then the
1300 current buffer is restored to the original one. The last cache point
1301 coordinate is stored in `table-cell-cache-point-coordinate'. The
1302 original buffer's point is moved to the location that corresponds to
1303 the last cache point coordinate."
1304 (let ((height-expansion (make-symbol "height-expansion-var-symbol"))
1305 (width-expansion (make-symbol "width-expansion-var-symbol")))
1306 `(let (,height-expansion ,width-expansion)
1307 ;; make sure cache has valid data unless it is explicitly inhibited.
1308 (unless table-inhibit-update
1309 (table-recognize-cell))
1310 (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create table-cache-buffer-name)
1311 ;; goto the cell coordinate based on `table-cell-cache-point-coordinate'.
1312 (set-mark (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-cache-mark-coordinate))
1313 (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-cache-point-coordinate)
1314 (table--untabify-line)
1315 ;; always reset before executing body forms because auto-fill behavior is the default.
1316 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph nil)
1317 ;; do the body
1318 ,@body
1319 ;; fill paragraph unless the body does not want to by setting `table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph'.
1320 (unless table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph
1321 (if (and table-cell-info-justify
1322 (not (eq table-cell-info-justify 'left)))
1323 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
1324 (table--fill-region
1325 (save-excursion (forward-paragraph -1) (point))
1326 (save-excursion (forward-paragraph 1) (point)))))
1327 ;; keep the updated cell coordinate.
1328 (setq table-cell-cache-point-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
1329 ;; determine the cell width expansion.
1330 (setq ,width-expansion (table--measure-max-width))
1331 (if (<= ,width-expansion table-cell-info-width) nil
1332 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max) ,width-expansion)
1333 ;; keep the updated cell coordinate.
1334 (setq table-cell-cache-point-coordinate (table--get-coordinate)))
1335 (setq ,width-expansion (- ,width-expansion table-cell-info-width))
1336 ;; determine the cell height expansion.
1337 (if (looking-at "\\s *\\'") nil
1338 (goto-char (point-min))
1339 (if (re-search-forward "\\(\\s *\\)\\'" nil t)
1340 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))))
1341 (setq ,height-expansion (- (cdr (table--get-coordinate)) (1- table-cell-info-height))))
1342 ;; now back to the table buffer.
1343 ;; expand the cell width in the table buffer if necessary.
1344 (if (> ,width-expansion 0)
1345 (table-widen-cell ,width-expansion 'no-copy 'no-update))
1346 ;; expand the cell height in the table buffer if necessary.
1347 (if (> ,height-expansion 0)
1348 (table-heighten-cell ,height-expansion 'no-copy 'no-update))
1349 ;; do valign
1350 (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create table-cache-buffer-name)
1351 (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-cache-point-coordinate)
1352 (setq table-cell-cache-point-coordinate (table--valign)))
1353 ;; move the point in the table buffer to the location that corresponds to
1354 ;; the location in the cell cache buffer
1355 (table--goto-coordinate (table--transcoord-cache-to-table table-cell-cache-point-coordinate))
1356 ;; set up the update timer unless it is explicitly inhibited.
1357 (unless table-inhibit-update
1358 (table--update-cell)))))
1360 ;; for debugging the body form of the macro
1361 (put 'table-with-cache-buffer 'edebug-form-spec '(body))
1362 ;; for neat presentation use the same indentation as `progn'
1363 (put 'table-with-cache-buffer 'lisp-indent-function 0)
1364 (if (or (featurep 'xemacs)
1365 (null (fboundp 'font-lock-add-keywords))) nil
1366 ;; color it as a keyword
1367 (font-lock-add-keywords
1368 'emacs-lisp-mode
1369 '("\\<table-with-cache-buffer\\>")))
1371 (defmacro table-put-source-info (prop value)
1372 "Register source generation information."
1373 `(put 'table-source-info-plist ,prop ,value))
1375 (defmacro table-get-source-info (prop)
1376 "Retrieve source generation information."
1377 `(get 'table-source-info-plist ,prop))
1379 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1381 ;; Modified commands for cell operation
1384 ;; Point Motion Only Group
1385 (mapcar
1386 (lambda (command)
1387 (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
1388 (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
1389 (fset func-symbol
1390 `(lambda
1391 (&rest args)
1392 ,doc-string
1393 (interactive)
1394 (let ((table-inhibit-update t)
1395 (deactivate-mark nil))
1396 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
1397 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
1398 (table-with-cache-buffer
1399 (call-interactively ',command)
1400 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))))
1401 (setq table-command-remap-alist
1402 (cons (cons command func-symbol)
1403 table-command-remap-alist))))
1404 '(beginning-of-line
1405 end-of-line
1406 beginning-of-buffer
1407 end-of-buffer
1408 forward-word
1409 backward-word
1410 forward-paragraph
1411 backward-paragraph))
1413 ;; Extraction Group
1414 (mapcar
1415 (lambda (command)
1416 (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
1417 (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
1418 (fset func-symbol
1419 `(lambda
1420 (&rest args)
1421 ,doc-string
1422 (interactive)
1423 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
1424 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
1425 (table-with-cache-buffer
1426 (table--remove-cell-properties (point-min) (point-max))
1427 (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
1428 (call-interactively ',command))
1429 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
1430 (setq table-command-remap-alist
1431 (cons (cons command func-symbol)
1432 table-command-remap-alist))))
1433 '(kill-region
1434 delete-region
1435 copy-region-as-kill
1436 kill-line))
1438 ;; Pasting Group
1439 (mapcar
1440 (lambda (command)
1441 (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
1442 (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
1443 (fset func-symbol
1444 `(lambda
1445 (&rest args)
1446 ,doc-string
1447 (interactive)
1448 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
1449 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
1450 (table-with-cache-buffer
1451 (call-interactively ',command)
1452 (table--untabify (point-min) (point-max))
1453 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
1454 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
1455 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
1456 (setq table-command-remap-alist
1457 (cons (cons command func-symbol)
1458 table-command-remap-alist))))
1459 '(yank
1460 clipboard-yank
1461 yank-clipboard-selection
1462 insert))
1464 ;; Formatting Group
1465 (mapcar
1466 (lambda (command)
1467 (let ((func-symbol (intern (format "*table--cell-%s" command)))
1468 (doc-string (format "Table remapped function for `%s'." command)))
1469 (fset func-symbol
1470 `(lambda
1471 (&rest args)
1472 ,doc-string
1473 (interactive)
1474 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
1475 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
1476 (table-with-cache-buffer
1477 (let ((fill-column table-cell-info-width))
1478 (call-interactively ',command))
1479 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
1480 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
1481 (setq table-command-remap-alist
1482 (cons (cons command func-symbol)
1483 table-command-remap-alist))))
1484 '(center-line
1485 conter-region
1486 center-paragraph
1487 fill-paragraph))
1489 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1491 ;; Commands
1494 ;;;###autoload
1495 (defun table-insert (columns rows &optional cell-width cell-height)
1496 "Insert an editable text table.
1497 Insert a table of specified number of COLUMNS and ROWS. Optional
1498 parameter CELL-WIDTH and CELL-HEIGHT can specify the size of each
1499 cell. The cell size is uniform across the table if the specified size
1500 is a number. They can be a list of numbers to specify different size
1501 for each cell. When called interactively, the list of number is
1502 entered by simply listing all the numbers with space characters
1503 delimiting them.
1505 Examples:
1507 \\[table-insert] inserts a table at the current point location.
1509 Suppose we have the following situation where `-!-' indicates the
1510 location of point.
1514 Type \\[table-insert] and hit ENTER key. As it asks table
1515 specification, provide 3 for number of columns, 1 for number of rows,
1516 5 for cell width and 1 for cell height. Now you shall see the next
1517 table and the point is automatically moved to the beginning of the
1518 first cell.
1520 +-----+-----+-----+
1521 |-!- | | |
1522 +-----+-----+-----+
1524 Inside a table cell, there are special key bindings. \\<table-cell-map>
1526 M-9 \\[table-widen-cell] (or \\[universal-argument] 9 \\[table-widen-cell]) widens the first cell by 9 character
1527 width, which results as
1529 +--------------+-----+-----+
1530 |-!- | | |
1531 +--------------+-----+-----+
1533 Type TAB \\[table-widen-cell] then type TAB M-2 M-7 \\[table-widen-cell] (or \\[universal-argument] 2 7 \\[table-widen-cell]). Typing
1534 TAB moves the point forward by a cell. The result now looks like this:
1536 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1537 | | |-!- |
1538 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1540 If you knew each width of the columns prior to the table creation,
1541 what you could have done better was to have had given the complete
1542 width information to `table-insert'.
1544 Cell width(s): 14 6 32
1546 instead of
1548 Cell width(s): 5
1550 This would have eliminated the previously mentioned width adjustment
1551 work all together.
1553 If the point is in the last cell type S-TAB S-TAB to move it to the
1554 first cell. Now type \\[table-heighten-cell] which heighten the row by a line.
1556 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1557 |-!- | | |
1558 | | | |
1559 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1561 Type \\[table-insert-row-column] and tell it to insert a row.
1563 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1564 |-!- | | |
1565 | | | |
1566 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1567 | | | |
1568 | | | |
1569 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1571 Move the point under the table as shown below.
1573 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1574 | | | |
1575 | | | |
1576 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1577 | | | |
1578 | | | |
1579 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1582 Type M-x table-insert-row instead of \\[table-insert-row-column]. \\[table-insert-row-column] does not work
1583 when the point is outside of the table. This insertion at
1584 outside of the table effectively appends a row at the end.
1586 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1587 | | | |
1588 | | | |
1589 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1590 | | | |
1591 | | | |
1592 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1593 |-!- | | |
1594 | | | |
1595 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1597 Text editing inside the table cell produces reasonably expected
1598 results.
1600 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1601 | | | |
1602 | | | |
1603 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1604 | | |Text editing inside the table |
1605 | | |cell produces reasonably |
1606 | | |expected results.-!- |
1607 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1608 | | | |
1609 | | | |
1610 +--------------+------+--------------------------------+
1612 Inside a table cell has a special keymap.
1614 \\{table-cell-map}
1616 (interactive
1617 (progn
1618 (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
1619 (if (table--probe-cell)
1620 (error "Can't insert a table inside a table"))
1621 (mapcar (function table--read-from-minibuffer)
1622 '(("Number of columns" . table-columns-history)
1623 ("Number of rows" . table-rows-history)
1624 ("Cell width(s)" . table-cell-width-history)
1625 ("Cell height(s)" . table-cell-height-history)))))
1626 (table--make-cell-map)
1627 ;; reform the arguments.
1628 (if (null cell-width) (setq cell-width (car table-cell-width-history)))
1629 (if (null cell-height) (setq cell-height (car table-cell-height-history)))
1630 (if (stringp columns) (setq columns (string-to-number columns)))
1631 (if (stringp rows) (setq rows (string-to-number rows)))
1632 (if (stringp cell-width) (setq cell-width (table--string-to-number-list cell-width)))
1633 (if (stringp cell-height) (setq cell-height (table--string-to-number-list cell-height)))
1634 (if (numberp cell-width) (setq cell-width (cons cell-width nil)))
1635 (if (numberp cell-height) (setq cell-height (cons cell-height nil)))
1636 ;; test validity of the arguments.
1637 (mapcar (lambda (arg)
1638 (let* ((value (symbol-value arg))
1639 (error-handler
1640 (function (lambda ()
1641 (error "%s must be a positive integer%s" arg
1642 (if (listp value) " or a list of positive integers" ""))))))
1643 (if (null value) (funcall error-handler))
1644 (mapcar (function (lambda (arg1)
1645 (if (or (not (integerp arg1))
1646 (< arg1 1))
1647 (funcall error-handler))))
1648 (if (listp value) value
1649 (cons value nil)))))
1650 '(columns rows cell-width cell-height))
1651 (let ((orig-coord (table--get-coordinate))
1652 (coord (table--get-coordinate))
1653 r i cw ch cell-str border-str)
1654 ;; prefabricate the building blocks border-str and cell-str.
1655 (with-temp-buffer
1656 ;; construct border-str
1657 (insert table-cell-intersection-char)
1658 (setq cw cell-width)
1659 (setq i 0)
1660 (while (< i columns)
1661 (insert (make-string (car cw) (string-to-char table-cell-horizontal-chars)) table-cell-intersection-char)
1662 (if (cdr cw) (setq cw (cdr cw)))
1663 (setq i (1+ i)))
1664 (setq border-str (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
1665 ;; construct cell-str
1666 (erase-buffer)
1667 (insert table-cell-vertical-char)
1668 (setq cw cell-width)
1669 (setq i 0)
1670 (while (< i columns)
1671 (let ((beg (point)))
1672 (insert (make-string (car cw) ?\ ))
1673 (insert table-cell-vertical-char)
1674 (table--put-cell-line-property beg (1- (point))))
1675 (if (cdr cw) (setq cw (cdr cw)))
1676 (setq i (1+ i)))
1677 (setq cell-str (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
1678 ;; if the construction site has an empty border push that border down.
1679 (save-excursion
1680 (beginning-of-line)
1681 (if (looking-at "\\s *$")
1682 (progn
1683 (setq border-str (concat border-str "\n"))
1684 (setq cell-str (concat cell-str "\n")))))
1685 ;; now build the table using the prefabricated building blocks
1686 (setq r 0)
1687 (setq ch cell-height)
1688 (while (< r rows)
1689 (if (> r 0) nil
1690 (table--goto-coordinate coord) (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord)))
1691 (table--untabify-line (point))
1692 (insert border-str))
1693 (setq i 0)
1694 (while (< i (car ch))
1695 (table--goto-coordinate coord) (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord)))
1696 (table--untabify-line (point))
1697 (insert cell-str)
1698 (setq i (1+ i)))
1699 (table--goto-coordinate coord) (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord)))
1700 (table--untabify-line (point))
1701 (insert border-str)
1702 (if (cdr ch) (setq ch (cdr ch)))
1703 (setq r (1+ r)))
1704 ;; stand by at the first cell
1705 (table--goto-coordinate (table--offset-coordinate orig-coord '(1 . 1)))
1706 (table-recognize-cell 'force)))
1708 ;;;###autoload
1709 (defun table-insert-row (n)
1710 "Insert N table row(s).
1711 When point is in a table the newly inserted row(s) are placed above
1712 the current row. When point is outside of the table it must be below
1713 the table within the table width range, then the newly created row(s)
1714 are appended at the bottom of the table."
1715 (interactive "*p")
1716 (if (< n 0) (setq n 1))
1717 (let* ((current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
1718 (coord-list (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--horizontal-cell-list t nil 'top)))
1719 (append-row (if coord-list nil (setq coord-list (table--find-row-column))))
1720 (cell-height (cdr (table--min-coord-list coord-list)))
1721 (left-list nil)
1722 (this-list coord-list)
1723 (right-list (cdr coord-list))
1724 (bottom-border-y (1+ (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--vertical-cell-list nil t))))))
1725 (vertical-str (string table-cell-vertical-char))
1726 (vertical-str-with-properties (let ((str (string table-cell-vertical-char)))
1727 (table--put-cell-keymap-property 0 (length str) str)
1728 (table--put-cell-rear-nonsticky 0 (length str) str) str))
1729 (first-time t))
1730 ;; create the space below for the table to grow
1731 (table--create-growing-space-below (* n (+ 1 cell-height)) coord-list bottom-border-y)
1732 ;; vertically expand each cell from left to right
1733 (while this-list
1734 (let* ((left (prog1 (car left-list) (setq left-list (if left-list (cdr left-list) coord-list))))
1735 (this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
1736 (right (prog1 (car right-list) (setq right-list (cdr right-list))))
1737 (exclude-left (and left (< (cdar left) (cdar this))))
1738 (exclude-right (and right (<= (cdar right) (cdar this))))
1739 (beg (table--goto-coordinate
1740 (cons (if exclude-left (caar this) (1- (caar this)))
1741 (cdar this))))
1742 (end (table--goto-coordinate
1743 (cons (if exclude-right (cadr this) (1+ (cadr this)))
1744 bottom-border-y)))
1745 (rect (if append-row nil (extract-rectangle beg end))))
1746 ;; prepend blank cell lines to the extracted rectangle
1747 (let ((i n))
1748 (while (> i 0)
1749 (setq rect (cons
1750 (concat (if exclude-left "" (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char))
1751 (make-string (- (cadr this) (caar this)) (string-to-char table-cell-horizontal-chars))
1752 (if exclude-right "" (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)))
1753 rect))
1754 (let ((j cell-height))
1755 (while (> j 0)
1756 (setq rect (cons
1757 (concat (if exclude-left ""
1758 (if first-time vertical-str vertical-str-with-properties))
1759 (table--cell-blank-str (- (cadr this) (caar this)))
1760 (if exclude-right "" vertical-str-with-properties))
1761 rect))
1762 (setq j (1- j))))
1763 (setq i (1- i))))
1764 (setq first-time nil)
1765 (if append-row
1766 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (if exclude-left (caar this) (1- (caar this)))
1767 (1+ bottom-border-y)))
1768 (delete-rectangle beg end)
1769 (goto-char beg))
1770 (table--insert-rectangle rect)))
1771 ;; fix up the intersections
1772 (setq this-list (if append-row nil coord-list))
1773 (while this-list
1774 (let ((this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
1775 (i 0))
1776 (while (< i n)
1777 (let ((y (1- (* i (+ 1 cell-height)))))
1778 (table--goto-coordinate (table--offset-coordinate (car this) (cons -1 y)))
1779 (delete-char 1) (insert table-cell-intersection-char)
1780 (table--goto-coordinate (table--offset-coordinate (cons (cadr this) (cdar this)) (cons 0 y)))
1781 (delete-char 1) (insert table-cell-intersection-char)
1782 (setq i (1+ i))))))
1783 ;; move the point to the beginning of the first newly inserted cell.
1784 (if (table--goto-coordinate
1785 (if append-row (cons (car (caar coord-list)) (1+ bottom-border-y))
1786 (caar coord-list))) nil
1787 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate))
1788 ;; re-recognize the current cell's new dimension
1789 (table-recognize-cell 'force)))
1791 ;;;###autoload
1792 (defun table-insert-column (n)
1793 "Insert N table column(s).
1794 When point is in a table the newly inserted column(s) are placed left
1795 of the current column. When point is outside of the table it must be
1796 right side of the table within the table height range, then the newly
1797 created column(s) are appended at the right of the table."
1798 (interactive "*p")
1799 (if (< n 0) (setq n 1))
1800 (let* ((current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
1801 (coord-list (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--vertical-cell-list t nil 'left)))
1802 (append-column (if coord-list nil (setq coord-list (table--find-row-column 'column))))
1803 (cell-width (car (table--min-coord-list coord-list)))
1804 (border-str (table--multiply-string (concat (make-string cell-width (string-to-char table-cell-horizontal-chars))
1805 (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)) n))
1806 (cell-str (table--multiply-string (concat (table--cell-blank-str cell-width)
1807 (let ((str (string table-cell-vertical-char)))
1808 (table--put-cell-keymap-property 0 (length str) str)
1809 (table--put-cell-rear-nonsticky 0 (length str) str) str)) n))
1810 (columns-to-extend (* n (+ 1 cell-width)))
1811 (above-list nil)
1812 (this-list coord-list)
1813 (below-list (cdr coord-list))
1814 (right-border-x (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--horizontal-cell-list nil t))))))
1815 ;; push back the affected area above and below this table
1816 (table--horizontally-shift-above-and-below columns-to-extend coord-list)
1817 ;; process each cell vertically from top to bottom
1818 (while this-list
1819 (let* ((above (prog1 (car above-list) (setq above-list (if above-list (cdr above-list) coord-list))))
1820 (this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
1821 (below (prog1 (car below-list) (setq below-list (cdr below-list))))
1822 (exclude-above (and above (<= (caar above) (caar this))))
1823 (exclude-below (and below (< (caar below) (caar this))))
1824 (beg-coord (cons (if append-column (1+ right-border-x) (caar this))
1825 (if exclude-above (cdar this) (1- (cdar this)))))
1826 (end-coord (cons (1+ right-border-x)
1827 (if exclude-below (cddr this) (1+ (cddr this)))))
1828 rect)
1829 ;; untabify the area right of the bar that is about to be inserted
1830 (let ((coord (table--copy-coordinate beg-coord))
1831 (i 0)
1832 (len (length rect)))
1833 (while (< i len)
1834 (if (table--goto-coordinate coord 'no-extension)
1835 (table--untabify-line (point)))
1836 (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord)))
1837 (setq i (1+ i))))
1838 ;; extract and delete the rectangle area including the current
1839 ;; cell and to the right border of the table.
1840 (setq rect (extract-rectangle (table--goto-coordinate beg-coord)
1841 (table--goto-coordinate end-coord)))
1842 (delete-rectangle (table--goto-coordinate beg-coord)
1843 (table--goto-coordinate end-coord))
1844 ;; prepend the empty column string at the beginning of each
1845 ;; rectangle string extracted before.
1846 (let ((rect-str rect)
1847 (first t))
1848 (while rect-str
1849 (if (and first (null exclude-above))
1850 (setcar rect-str (concat border-str (car rect-str)))
1851 (if (and (null (cdr rect-str)) (null exclude-below))
1852 (setcar rect-str (concat border-str (car rect-str)))
1853 (setcar rect-str (concat cell-str (car rect-str)))))
1854 (setq first nil)
1855 (setq rect-str (cdr rect-str))))
1856 ;; insert the extended rectangle
1857 (table--goto-coordinate beg-coord)
1858 (table--insert-rectangle rect)))
1859 ;; fix up the intersections
1860 (setq this-list (if append-column nil coord-list))
1861 (while this-list
1862 (let ((this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
1863 (i 0))
1864 (while (< i n)
1865 (let ((x (1- (* (1+ i) (+ 1 cell-width)))))
1866 (table--goto-coordinate (table--offset-coordinate (car this) (cons x -1)))
1867 (delete-char 1) (insert table-cell-intersection-char)
1868 (table--goto-coordinate (table--offset-coordinate (cons (caar this) (cddr this)) (cons x 1)))
1869 (delete-char 1) (insert table-cell-intersection-char)
1870 (setq i (1+ i))))))
1871 ;; move the point to the beginning of the first newly inserted cell.
1872 (if (table--goto-coordinate
1873 (if append-column
1874 (cons (1+ right-border-x)
1875 (cdar (car coord-list)))
1876 (caar coord-list))) nil
1877 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate))
1878 ;; re-recognize the current cell's new dimension
1879 (table-recognize-cell 'force)))
1881 ;;;###autoload
1882 (defun table-insert-row-column (row-column n)
1883 "Insert row(s) or column(s).
1884 See `table-insert-row' and `table-insert-column'."
1885 (interactive
1886 (let ((n (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
1887 (if (< n 0) (setq n 1))
1888 (list (intern (let ((completion-ignore-case t)
1889 (default (car table-insert-row-column-history)))
1890 (downcase (completing-read
1891 (format "Insert %s row%s/column%s (default %s): "
1892 (if (> n 1) (format "%d" n) "a")
1893 (if (> n 1) "s" "")
1894 (if (> n 1) "s" "")
1895 default)
1896 '(("row") ("column"))
1897 nil t nil 'table-insert-row-column-history default))))
1898 n)))
1899 (cond ((eq row-column 'row)
1900 (table-insert-row n))
1901 ((eq row-column 'column)
1902 (table-insert-column n))))
1904 ;;;###autoload
1905 (defun table-recognize (&optional arg)
1906 "Recognize all tables within the current buffer and activate them.
1907 Scans the entire buffer and recognizes valid table cells. If the
1908 optional numeric prefix argument ARG is negative the tables in the
1909 buffer become inactive, meaning the tables become plain text and loses
1910 all the table specific features."
1911 (interactive "P")
1912 (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1913 (let* ((inhibit-read-only t))
1914 (table-recognize-region (point-min) (point-max) -1)
1915 (if (>= arg 0)
1916 (save-excursion
1917 (goto-char (point-min))
1918 (let* ((border (format "[%s%c%c]"
1919 table-cell-horizontal-chars
1920 table-cell-vertical-char
1921 table-cell-intersection-char))
1922 (border3 (concat border border border))
1923 (non-border (format "^[^%s%c%c]*$"
1924 table-cell-horizontal-chars
1925 table-cell-vertical-char
1926 table-cell-intersection-char)))
1927 ;; `table-recognize-region' is an expensive function so minimize
1928 ;; the search area. A minimum table at least consists of three consecutive
1929 ;; table border characters to begin with such as
1930 ;; +-+
1931 ;; |A|
1932 ;; +-+
1933 ;; and any tables end with a line containing no table border characters
1934 ;; or the end of buffer.
1935 (while (and (re-search-forward border3 (point-max) t)
1936 (not (and (input-pending-p)
1937 table-abort-recognition-when-input-pending)))
1938 (message "Recognizing tables...(%d%%)" (/ (* 100 (match-beginning 0)) (- (point-max) (point-min))))
1939 (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
1940 end)
1941 (if (re-search-forward non-border (point-max) t)
1942 (setq end (match-beginning 0))
1943 (setq end (goto-char (point-max))))
1944 (table-recognize-region beg end arg)))
1945 (message "Recognizing tables...done"))))))
1947 ;;;###autoload
1948 (defun table-unrecognize ()
1949 (interactive)
1950 (table-recognize -1))
1952 ;;;###autoload
1953 (defun table-recognize-region (beg end &optional arg)
1954 "Recognize all tables within region.
1955 BEG and END specify the region to work on. If the optional numeric
1956 prefix argument ARG is negative the tables in the region become
1957 inactive, meaning the tables become plain text and lose all the table
1958 specific features."
1959 (interactive "r\nP")
1960 (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
1961 (let ((inhibit-read-only t)
1962 (modified-flag (buffer-modified-p)))
1963 (if (< arg 0)
1964 (table--remove-cell-properties beg end)
1965 (save-excursion
1966 (goto-char beg)
1967 (let* ((border (format "[%s%c%c]"
1968 table-cell-horizontal-chars
1969 table-cell-vertical-char
1970 table-cell-intersection-char))
1971 (non-border (format "[^%s%c%c]"
1972 table-cell-horizontal-chars
1973 table-cell-vertical-char
1974 table-cell-intersection-char))
1975 (inhibit-read-only t))
1976 (unwind-protect
1977 (progn
1978 (remove-text-properties beg end '(table-cell nil))
1979 (while (and (< (point) end)
1980 (not (and (input-pending-p)
1981 table-abort-recognition-when-input-pending)))
1982 (cond
1983 ((looking-at "\n")
1984 (forward-char 1))
1985 ((looking-at border)
1986 (if (re-search-forward non-border end t)
1987 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
1988 (goto-char end)))
1989 ((table--at-cell-p (point))
1990 (goto-char (next-single-property-change (point) 'table-cell nil end)))
1992 (let ((cell (table-recognize-cell 'force 'no-copy)))
1993 (if (and cell table-detect-cell-alignment)
1994 (table--detect-cell-alignment cell)))
1995 (unless (re-search-forward border end t)
1996 (goto-char end))))))))))
1997 (set-buffer-modified-p modified-flag)))
1999 ;;;###autoload
2000 (defun table-unrecognize-region (beg end)
2001 (interactive "r")
2002 (table-recognize-region beg end -1))
2004 ;;;###autoload
2005 (defun table-recognize-table (&optional arg)
2006 "Recognize a table at point.
2007 If the optional numeric prefix argument ARG is negative the table
2008 becomes inactive, meaning the table becomes plain text and loses all
2009 the table specific features."
2010 (interactive "P")
2011 (setq arg (prefix-numeric-value arg))
2012 (let ((unrecognize (< arg 0))
2013 (origin-cell (table--probe-cell))
2014 (inhibit-read-only t))
2015 (if origin-cell
2016 (save-excursion
2017 (while
2018 (progn
2019 (table-forward-cell 1 nil unrecognize)
2020 (let ((cell (table--probe-cell)))
2021 (if (and cell table-detect-cell-alignment)
2022 (table--detect-cell-alignment cell))
2023 (and cell (not (equal cell origin-cell))))))))))
2025 ;;;###autoload
2026 (defun table-unrecognize-table ()
2027 (interactive)
2028 (table-recognize-table -1))
2030 ;;;###autoload
2031 (defun table-recognize-cell (&optional force no-copy arg)
2032 "Recognize a table cell that contains current point.
2033 Probe the cell dimension and prepare the cell information. The
2034 optional two arguments FORCE and NO-COPY are for internal use only and
2035 must not be specified. When the optional numeric prefix argument ARG
2036 is negative the cell becomes inactive, meaning that the cell becomes
2037 plain text and loses all the table specific features."
2038 (interactive "i\ni\np")
2039 (table--make-cell-map)
2040 (if (or force (not (memq (table--get-last-command) table-command-list)))
2041 (let* ((cell (table--probe-cell (interactive-p)))
2042 (cache-buffer (get-buffer-create table-cache-buffer-name))
2043 (modified-flag (buffer-modified-p))
2044 (inhibit-read-only t))
2045 (unwind-protect
2046 (unless (null cell)
2047 ;; initialize the cell info variables
2048 (let ((lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
2049 (rb-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell))))
2050 ;; update the previous cell if this cell is different from the previous one.
2051 ;; care only lu but ignore rb since size change does not matter.
2052 (unless (equal table-cell-info-lu-coordinate lu-coordinate)
2053 (table--finish-delayed-tasks))
2054 (setq table-cell-info-lu-coordinate lu-coordinate)
2055 (setq table-cell-info-rb-coordinate rb-coordinate)
2056 (setq table-cell-info-width (- (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)
2057 (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))
2058 (setq table-cell-info-height (+ (- (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)
2059 (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)) 1))
2060 (setq table-cell-info-justify (table--get-cell-justify-property cell))
2061 (setq table-cell-info-valign (table--get-cell-valign-property cell)))
2062 ;; set/remove table cell properties
2063 (if (< (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
2064 (let ((coord (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
2065 (n table-cell-info-height))
2066 (save-excursion
2067 (while (> n 0)
2068 (table--remove-cell-properties
2069 (table--goto-coordinate coord)
2070 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (+ (car coord) table-cell-info-width 1) (cdr coord))))
2071 (setq n (1- n))
2072 (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord))))))
2073 (table--put-cell-property cell))
2074 ;; copy the cell contents to the cache buffer
2075 ;; only if no-copy is nil and timers are not set
2076 (unless no-copy
2077 (setq table-cell-cache-point-coordinate (table--transcoord-table-to-cache))
2078 (setq table-cell-cache-mark-coordinate (table--transcoord-table-to-cache
2079 (table--get-coordinate (marker-position (mark-marker)))))
2080 (setq table-cell-buffer (current-buffer))
2081 (let ((rectangle (extract-rectangle (car cell)
2082 (cdr cell))))
2083 (save-current-buffer
2084 (set-buffer cache-buffer)
2085 (erase-buffer)
2086 (table--insert-rectangle rectangle)))))
2087 (set-buffer-modified-p modified-flag))
2088 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
2089 (table--warn-incompatibility))
2090 cell)))
2092 ;;;###autoload
2093 (defun table-unrecognize-cell ()
2094 (interactive)
2095 (table-recognize-cell nil nil -1))
2097 ;;;###autoload
2098 (defun table-heighten-cell (n &optional no-copy no-update)
2099 "Heighten the current cell by N lines by expanding the cell vertically.
2100 Heightening is done by adding blank lines at the bottom of the current
2101 cell. Other cells aligned horizontally with the current one are also
2102 heightened in order to keep the rectangular table structure. The
2103 optional argument NO-COPY is internal use only and must not be
2104 specified."
2105 (interactive "*p")
2106 (if (< n 0) (setq n 1))
2107 (let* ((coord-list (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--horizontal-cell-list t)))
2108 (left-list nil)
2109 (this-list coord-list)
2110 (right-list (cdr coord-list))
2111 (bottom-border-y (1+ (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--vertical-cell-list nil t))))))
2112 (vertical-str (string table-cell-vertical-char))
2113 (vertical-str-with-properties (string table-cell-vertical-char))
2114 (first-time t)
2115 (current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate)))
2116 ;; prepare the right vertical string with appropriate properties put
2117 (table--put-cell-keymap-property 0 (length vertical-str-with-properties) vertical-str-with-properties)
2118 ;; create the space below for the table to grow
2119 (table--create-growing-space-below n coord-list bottom-border-y)
2120 ;; vertically expand each cell from left to right
2121 (while this-list
2122 (let* ((left (prog1 (car left-list) (setq left-list (if left-list (cdr left-list) coord-list))))
2123 (this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
2124 (right (prog1 (car right-list) (setq right-list (cdr right-list))))
2125 (exclude-left (and left (< (cddr left) (cddr this))))
2126 (exclude-right (and right (<= (cddr right) (cddr this))))
2127 (beg (table--goto-coordinate
2128 (cons (if exclude-left (caar this) (1- (caar this)))
2129 (1+ (cddr this)))))
2130 (end (table--goto-coordinate
2131 (cons (if exclude-right (cadr this) (1+ (cadr this)))
2132 bottom-border-y)))
2133 (rect (extract-rectangle beg end)))
2134 ;; prepend blank cell lines to the extracted rectangle
2135 (let ((i n))
2136 (while (> i 0)
2137 (setq rect (cons
2138 (concat (if exclude-left ""
2139 (if first-time vertical-str vertical-str-with-properties))
2140 (table--cell-blank-str (- (cadr this) (caar this)))
2141 (if exclude-right "" vertical-str-with-properties))
2142 rect))
2143 (setq i (1- i))))
2144 (setq first-time nil)
2145 (delete-rectangle beg end)
2146 (goto-char beg)
2147 (table--insert-rectangle rect)))
2148 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
2149 ;; re-recognize the current cell's new dimension
2150 (table-recognize-cell 'force no-copy)
2151 (unless no-update
2152 (table--update-cell-heightened))))
2154 ;;;###autoload
2155 (defun table-shorten-cell (n)
2156 "Shorten the current cell by N lines by shrinking the cell vertically.
2157 Shortening is done by removing blank lines from the bottom of the cell
2158 and possibly from the top of the cell as well. Therefor, the cell
2159 must have some bottom/top blank lines to be shorten effectively. This
2160 is applicable to all the cells aligned horizontally with the current
2161 one because they are also shortened in order to keep the rectangular
2162 table structure."
2163 (interactive "*p")
2164 (if (< n 0) (setq n 1))
2165 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
2166 (let* ((table-inhibit-update t)
2167 (coord-list (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--horizontal-cell-list t)))
2168 (left-list nil)
2169 (this-list coord-list)
2170 (right-list (cdr coord-list))
2171 (bottom-budget-list nil)
2172 (bottom-border-y (1+ (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--vertical-cell-list nil t))))))
2173 (current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
2174 (current-cell-coordinate (table--cell-to-coord (table--probe-cell)))
2175 (blank-line-regexp "\\s *$"))
2176 (message "Shortening...");; this operation may be lengthy
2177 ;; for each cell calculate the maximum number of blank lines we can delete
2178 ;; and adjust the argument n. n is adjusted so that the total number of
2179 ;; blank lines from top and bottom of a cell do not exceed n, all cell has
2180 ;; at least one line height after blank line deletion.
2181 (while this-list
2182 (let ((this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list)))))
2183 (table--goto-coordinate (car this))
2184 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2185 (table-with-cache-buffer
2186 (catch 'end-count
2187 (let ((blank-line-count 0))
2188 (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 (1- table-cell-info-height)))
2189 ;; count bottom
2190 (while (and (looking-at blank-line-regexp)
2191 (setq blank-line-count (1+ blank-line-count))
2192 ;; need to leave at least one blank line
2193 (if (> blank-line-count n) (throw 'end-count nil) t)
2194 (if (zerop (forward-line -1)) t
2195 (setq n (if (zerop blank-line-count) 0
2196 (1- blank-line-count)))
2197 (throw 'end-count nil))))
2198 (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 0))
2199 ;; count top
2200 (while (and (looking-at blank-line-regexp)
2201 (setq blank-line-count (1+ blank-line-count))
2202 ;; can consume all blank lines
2203 (if (>= blank-line-count n) (throw 'end-count nil) t)
2204 (zerop (forward-line 1))))
2205 (setq n blank-line-count))))))
2206 ;; construct the bottom-budget-list which is a list of numbers where each number
2207 ;; corresponds to how many lines to be deleted from the bottom of each cell. If
2208 ;; this number, say bb, is smaller than n (bb < n) that means the difference (n - bb)
2209 ;; number of lines must be deleted from the top of the cell in addition to deleting
2210 ;; bb lines from the bottom of the cell.
2211 (setq this-list coord-list)
2212 (while this-list
2213 (let ((this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list)))))
2214 (table--goto-coordinate (car this))
2215 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2216 (table-with-cache-buffer
2217 (setq bottom-budget-list
2218 (cons
2219 (let ((blank-line-count 0))
2220 (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 (1- table-cell-info-height)))
2221 (while (and (looking-at blank-line-regexp)
2222 (< blank-line-count n)
2223 (setq blank-line-count (1+ blank-line-count))
2224 (zerop (forward-line -1))))
2225 blank-line-count)
2226 bottom-budget-list)))))
2227 (setq bottom-budget-list (nreverse bottom-budget-list))
2228 ;; vertically shorten each cell from left to right
2229 (setq this-list coord-list)
2230 (while this-list
2231 (let* ((left (prog1 (car left-list) (setq left-list (if left-list (cdr left-list) coord-list))))
2232 (this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
2233 (right (prog1 (car right-list) (setq right-list (cdr right-list))))
2234 (bottom-budget (prog1 (car bottom-budget-list) (setq bottom-budget-list (cdr bottom-budget-list))))
2235 (exclude-left (and left (< (cddr left) (cddr this))))
2236 (exclude-right (and right (<= (cddr right) (cddr this))))
2237 (beg (table--goto-coordinate (cons (caar this) (cdar this))))
2238 (end (table--goto-coordinate (cons (cadr this) bottom-border-y)))
2239 (rect (extract-rectangle beg end))
2240 (height (+ (- (cddr this) (cdar this)) 1))
2241 (blank-line (make-string (- (cadr this) (caar this)) ?\ )))
2242 ;; delete lines from the bottom of the cell
2243 (setcdr (nthcdr (- height bottom-budget 1) rect) (nthcdr height rect))
2244 ;; delete lines from the top of the cell
2245 (if (> n bottom-budget)
2246 (let ((props (text-properties-at 0 (car rect))))
2247 (setq rect (nthcdr (- n bottom-budget) rect))
2248 (set-text-properties 0 1 props (car rect))))
2249 ;; append blank lines below the table
2250 (setq rect (append rect (make-list n blank-line)))
2251 ;; now swap the area with the prepared rect of the same size
2252 (delete-rectangle beg end)
2253 (goto-char beg)
2254 (table--insert-rectangle rect)
2255 ;; for the left and right borders always delete lines from the bottom of the cell
2256 (unless exclude-left
2257 (let* ((beg (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1- (caar this)) (cdar this))))
2258 (end (table--goto-coordinate (cons (caar this) bottom-border-y)))
2259 (rect (extract-rectangle beg end)))
2260 (setcdr (nthcdr (- height n 1) rect) (nthcdr height rect))
2261 (setq rect (append rect (make-list n " ")))
2262 (delete-rectangle beg end)
2263 (goto-char beg)
2264 (table--insert-rectangle rect)))
2265 (unless exclude-right
2266 (let* ((beg (table--goto-coordinate (cons (cadr this) (cdar this))))
2267 (end (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1+ (cadr this)) bottom-border-y)))
2268 (rect (extract-rectangle beg end)))
2269 (setcdr (nthcdr (- height n 1) rect) (nthcdr height rect))
2270 (setq rect (append rect (make-list n " ")))
2271 (delete-rectangle beg end)
2272 (goto-char beg)
2273 (table--insert-rectangle rect)))
2274 ;; if this is the cell where the original point was in, adjust the point location
2275 (if (null (equal this current-cell-coordinate)) nil
2276 (let ((y (- (cdr current-coordinate) (cdar this))))
2277 (if (< y (- n bottom-budget))
2278 (setcdr current-coordinate (cdar this))
2279 (if (< (- y (- n bottom-budget)) (- height n))
2280 (setcdr current-coordinate (+ (cdar this) (- y (- n bottom-budget))))
2281 (setcdr current-coordinate (+ (cdar this) (- height n 1)))))))))
2282 ;; remove the appended blank lines below the table if they are unnecessary
2283 (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 (1+ (- bottom-border-y n))))
2284 (table--remove-blank-lines n)
2285 ;; re-recognize the current cell's new dimension
2286 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
2287 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2288 (table--update-cell-heightened)
2289 (message "")))
2291 ;;;###autoload
2292 (defun table-widen-cell (n &optional no-copy no-update)
2293 "Widen the current cell by N columns and expand the cell horizontally.
2294 Some other cells in the same table are widen as well to keep the
2295 table's rectangle structure."
2296 (interactive "*p")
2297 (if (< n 0) (setq n 1))
2298 (let* ((coord-list (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--vertical-cell-list)))
2299 (below-list nil)
2300 (this-list coord-list)
2301 (above-list (cdr coord-list)))
2302 (save-excursion
2303 ;; push back the affected area above and below this table
2304 (table--horizontally-shift-above-and-below n (reverse coord-list))
2305 ;; now widen vertically for each cell
2306 (while this-list
2307 (let* ((below (prog1 (car below-list) (setq below-list (if below-list (cdr below-list) coord-list))))
2308 (this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
2309 (above (prog1 (car above-list) (setq above-list (cdr above-list))))
2310 (beg (table--goto-coordinate
2311 (cons (car (cdr this))
2312 (if (or (null above) (<= (car (cdr this)) (car (cdr above))))
2313 (1- (cdr (car this)))
2314 (cdr (car this))))))
2315 (end (table--goto-coordinate
2316 (cons (1+ (car (cdr this)))
2317 (if (or (null below) (< (car (cdr this)) (car (cdr below))))
2318 (1+ (cdr (cdr this)))
2319 (cdr (cdr this))))))
2320 (tmp (extract-rectangle (1- beg) end))
2321 (border (format "[%s%c]\\%c"
2322 table-cell-horizontal-chars
2323 table-cell-intersection-char
2324 table-cell-intersection-char))
2325 (blank (table--cell-blank-str))
2326 rectangle)
2327 ;; create a single wide vertical bar of empty cell fragment
2328 (while tmp
2329 ; (message "tmp is %s" tmp)
2330 (setq rectangle (cons
2331 (if (string-match border (car tmp))
2332 (substring (car tmp) 0 1)
2333 blank)
2334 rectangle))
2335 ; (message "rectangle is %s" rectangle)
2336 (setq tmp (cdr tmp)))
2337 (setq rectangle (nreverse rectangle))
2338 ;; untabify the area right of the bar that is about to be inserted
2339 (let ((coord (table--get-coordinate beg))
2340 (i 0)
2341 (len (length rectangle)))
2342 (while (< i len)
2343 (if (table--goto-coordinate coord 'no-extension)
2344 (table--untabify-line (point)))
2345 (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord)))
2346 (setq i (1+ i))))
2347 ;; insert the bar n times
2348 (goto-char beg)
2349 (let ((i 0))
2350 (while (< i n)
2351 (save-excursion
2352 (table--insert-rectangle rectangle))
2353 (setq i (1+ i)))))))
2354 (table-recognize-cell 'force no-copy)
2355 (unless no-update
2356 (table--update-cell-widened))))
2358 ;;;###autoload
2359 (defun table-narrow-cell (n)
2360 "Narrow the current cell by N columns and shrink the cell horizontally.
2361 Some other cells in the same table are narrowed as well to keep the
2362 table's rectangle structure."
2363 (interactive "*p")
2364 (if (< n 0) (setq n 1))
2365 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
2366 (let* ((coord-list (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--vertical-cell-list)))
2367 (current-cell (table--cell-to-coord (table--probe-cell)))
2368 (current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
2369 tmp-list)
2370 (message "Narrowing...");; this operation may be lengthy
2371 ;; determine the doable n by try narrowing each cell.
2372 (setq tmp-list coord-list)
2373 (while tmp-list
2374 (let ((cell (prog1 (car tmp-list) (setq tmp-list (cdr tmp-list))))
2375 (table-inhibit-update t)
2376 cell-n)
2377 (table--goto-coordinate (car cell))
2378 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2379 (table-with-cache-buffer
2380 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max) (- table-cell-info-width n))
2381 (if (< (setq cell-n (- table-cell-info-width (table--measure-max-width))) n)
2382 (setq n cell-n))
2383 (erase-buffer)
2384 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))))
2385 (if (< n 1) nil
2386 ;; narrow only the contents of each cell but leave the cell frame as is because
2387 ;; we need to have valid frame structure in order for table-with-cache-buffer
2388 ;; to work correctly.
2389 (setq tmp-list coord-list)
2390 (while tmp-list
2391 (let* ((cell (prog1 (car tmp-list) (setq tmp-list (cdr tmp-list))))
2392 (table-inhibit-update t)
2393 (currentp (equal cell current-cell))
2394 old-height)
2395 (if currentp (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
2396 (table--goto-coordinate (car cell)))
2397 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2398 (setq old-height table-cell-info-height)
2399 (table-with-cache-buffer
2400 (let ((out-of-bound (>= (- (car current-coordinate) (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
2401 (- table-cell-info-width n)))
2402 (sticky (and currentp
2403 (save-excursion
2404 (unless (bolp) (forward-char -1))
2405 (looking-at ".*\\S ")))))
2406 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max) (- table-cell-info-width n))
2407 (if (or sticky (and currentp (looking-at ".*\\S ")))
2408 (setq current-coordinate (table--transcoord-cache-to-table))
2409 (if out-of-bound (setcar current-coordinate
2410 (+ (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate) (- table-cell-info-width n 1))))))
2411 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
2412 (table--update-cell 'now)
2413 ;; if this cell heightens and pushes the current cell below, move
2414 ;; the current-coordinate (point location) down accordingly.
2415 (if currentp (setq current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
2416 (if (and (> table-cell-info-height old-height)
2417 (> (cdr current-coordinate) (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))
2418 (setcdr current-coordinate (+ (cdr current-coordinate)
2419 (- table-cell-info-height old-height)))))
2421 ;; coord-list is now possibly invalid since some cells may have already
2422 ;; been heightened so recompute them by table--vertical-cell-list.
2423 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
2424 (setq coord-list (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--vertical-cell-list)))
2425 ;; push in the affected area above and below this table so that things
2426 ;; on the right side of the table are shifted horizontally neatly.
2427 (table--horizontally-shift-above-and-below (- n) (reverse coord-list))
2428 ;; finally narrow the frames for each cell.
2429 (let* ((below-list nil)
2430 (this-list coord-list)
2431 (above-list (cdr coord-list)))
2432 (while this-list
2433 (let* ((below (prog1 (car below-list) (setq below-list (if below-list (cdr below-list) coord-list))))
2434 (this (prog1 (car this-list) (setq this-list (cdr this-list))))
2435 (above (prog1 (car above-list) (setq above-list (cdr above-list)))))
2436 (delete-rectangle
2437 (table--goto-coordinate
2438 (cons (- (cadr this) n)
2439 (if (or (null above) (<= (cadr this) (cadr above)))
2440 (1- (cdar this))
2441 (cdar this))))
2442 (table--goto-coordinate
2443 (cons (cadr this)
2444 (if (or (null below) (< (cadr this) (cadr below)))
2445 (1+ (cddr this))
2446 (cddr this)))))))))
2447 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
2448 ;; re-recognize the current cell's new dimension
2449 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2450 (message "")))
2452 ;;;###autoload
2453 (defun table-forward-cell (&optional arg no-recognize unrecognize)
2454 "Move point forward to the beginning of the next cell.
2455 With argument ARG, do it ARG times;
2456 a negative argument ARG = -N means move backward N cells.
2457 Do not specify NO-RECOGNIZE and UNRECOGNIZE. They are for internal use only.
2459 Sample Cell Traveling Order (In Irregular Table Cases)
2461 You can actually try how it works in this buffer. Press
2462 \\[table-recognize] and go to cells in the following tables and press
2463 \\[table-forward-cell] or TAB key.
2465 +-----+--+ +--+-----+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +---------+ +--+---+--+
2466 |0 |1 | |0 |1 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 | |0 |1 |2 |
2467 +--+--+ | | +--+--+ +--+ | | | | +--+ +----+----+ +--+-+-+--+
2468 |2 |3 | | | |2 |3 | |3 +--+ | | +--+3 | |1 |2 | |3 |4 |
2469 | +--+--+ +--+--+ | +--+4 | | | |4 +--+ +--+-+-+--+ +----+----+
2470 | |4 | |4 | | |5 | | | | | |5 | |3 |4 |5 | |5 |
2471 +--+-----+ +-----+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+---+--+ +---------+
2473 +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+
2474 |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 |
2475 | | | | | +--+ | | | | | +--+ +--+
2476 +--+ +--+ +--+3 +--+ | +--+ | |3 +--+4 |
2477 |3 | |4 | |4 +--+5 | | |3 | | +--+5 +--+
2478 | | | | | |6 | | | | | | |6 | |7 |
2479 +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+
2481 +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ +--+-----+--+ +--+--+--+--+
2482 |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 |3 | |0 |1 |2 | |0 |1 |2 |3 |
2483 | +--+ | | +--+ | | +--+--+ | | | | | | +--+--+ |
2484 | |3 +--+ +--+3 | | +--+4 +--+ +--+ +--+ +--+4 +--+
2485 +--+ |4 | |4 | +--+ |5 +--+--+6 | |3 +--+--+4 | |5 | |6 |
2486 |5 +--+ | | +--+5 | | |7 |8 | | | |5 |6 | | | | | |
2487 | |6 | | | |6 | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+--+ +--+-----+--+
2488 +--+--+--+ +--+--+--+
2490 ;; After modifying this function, test against the above tables in
2491 ;; the doc string. It is quite tricky. The tables above do not
2492 ;; mean to cover every possible cases of cell layout, of course.
2493 ;; They are examples of tricky cases from implementation point of
2494 ;; view and provided for simple regression test purpose.
2495 (interactive "p")
2496 (or arg (setq arg 1))
2497 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
2498 (while (null (zerop arg))
2499 (let* ((pivot (table--probe-cell 'abort-on-error))
2500 (cell pivot) edge tip)
2501 ;; go to the beginning of the first right/left cell with same height if exists
2502 (while (and (setq cell (table--goto-coordinate
2503 (cons (if (> arg 0) (1+ (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell))))
2504 (1- (car (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))))
2505 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car pivot)))) 'no-extension))
2506 (setq cell (table--probe-cell))
2507 (/= (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
2508 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car pivot))))))
2509 (if cell (goto-char (car cell)) ; done
2510 ;; if the horizontal move fails search the most left/right edge cell below/above the pivot
2511 ;; but first find the edge cell
2512 (setq edge pivot)
2513 (while (and (table--goto-coordinate
2514 (cons (if (> arg 0) (1- (car (table--get-coordinate (car edge))))
2515 (1+ (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr edge)))))
2516 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car pivot)))) 'no-extension)
2517 (setq cell (table--probe-cell))
2518 (setq edge cell)))
2519 (setq cell (if (> arg 0) edge
2520 (or (and (table--goto-coordinate
2521 (cons (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr edge)))
2522 (1- (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car edge))))))
2523 (table--probe-cell))
2524 edge)))
2525 ;; now search for the tip which is the highest/lowest below/above cell
2526 (while cell
2527 (let (below/above)
2528 (and (table--goto-coordinate
2529 (cons (car (table--get-coordinate (if (> arg 0) (car cell)
2530 (cdr cell))))
2531 (if (> arg 0) (+ 2 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell))))
2532 (1- (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car pivot)))))) 'no-extension)
2533 (setq below/above (table--probe-cell))
2534 (or (null tip)
2535 (if (> arg 0)
2536 (< (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car below/above)))
2537 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car tip))))
2538 (> (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car below/above)))
2539 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car tip))))))
2540 (setq tip below/above)))
2541 (and (setq cell (table--goto-coordinate
2542 (cons (if (> arg 0) (1+ (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell))))
2543 (1- (car (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))))
2544 (if (> arg 0) (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car pivot)))
2545 (1- (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car pivot)))))) 'no-extension))
2546 (setq cell (table--probe-cell))))
2547 (if tip (goto-char (car tip)) ; done
2548 ;; let's climb up/down to the top/bottom from the edge
2549 (while (and (table--goto-coordinate
2550 (cons (if (> arg 0) (car (table--get-coordinate (car edge)))
2551 (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr edge))))
2552 (if (> arg 0) (1- (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car edge))))
2553 (+ 2 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr edge)))))) 'no-extension)
2554 (setq cell (table--probe-cell))
2555 (setq edge cell)))
2556 (if (< arg 0)
2557 (progn
2558 (setq cell edge)
2559 (while (and (table--goto-coordinate
2560 (cons (1- (car (table--get-coordinate (car cell))))
2561 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))) 'no-extension)
2562 (setq cell (table--probe-cell)))
2563 (if (> (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
2564 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car edge))))
2565 (setq edge cell)))))
2566 (goto-char (car edge))))) ; the top left cell
2567 (setq arg (if (> arg 0) (1- arg) (1+ arg))))
2568 (unless no-recognize
2569 (table-recognize-cell 'force nil (if unrecognize -1 nil)))) ; refill the cache with new cell contents
2571 ;;;###autoload
2572 (defun table-backward-cell (&optional arg)
2573 "Move backward to the beginning of the previous cell.
2574 With argument ARG, do it ARG times;
2575 a negative argument ARG = -N means move forward N cells."
2576 (interactive "p")
2577 (or arg (setq arg 1))
2578 (table-forward-cell (- arg)))
2580 ;;;###autoload
2581 (defun table-span-cell (direction)
2582 "Span current cell into adjacent cell in DIRECTION.
2583 DIRECTION is one of symbols; right, left, above or below."
2584 (interactive
2585 (list
2586 (let* ((dummy (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
2587 (direction-list
2588 (let* ((tmp (delete nil
2589 (mapcar (lambda (d)
2590 (if (table--cell-can-span-p d)
2591 (list (symbol-name d))))
2592 '(right left above below)))))
2593 (if (null tmp)
2594 (error "Can't span this cell"))
2595 tmp))
2596 (default-direction (if (member (list (car table-cell-span-direction-history)) direction-list)
2597 (car table-cell-span-direction-history)
2598 (caar direction-list)))
2599 (completion-ignore-case t))
2600 (intern (downcase (completing-read
2601 (format "Span into (default %s): " default-direction)
2602 direction-list
2603 nil t nil 'table-cell-span-direction-history default-direction))))))
2604 (unless (memq direction '(right left above below))
2605 (error "Invalid direction %s, must be right, left, above or below"
2606 (symbol-name direction)))
2607 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2608 (unless (table--cell-can-span-p direction)
2609 (error "Can't span %s" (symbol-name direction)))
2610 ;; prepare beginning and ending positions of the border bar to strike through
2611 (let ((beg (cond
2612 ((eq direction 'right)
2613 (save-excursion
2614 (table--goto-coordinate
2615 (cons (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)
2616 (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))) 'no-extension)))
2617 ((eq direction 'below)
2618 (save-excursion
2619 (table--goto-coordinate
2620 (cons (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
2621 (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))) 'no-extension)))
2623 (save-excursion
2624 (table--goto-coordinate
2625 (cons (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
2626 (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))) 'no-extension)))))
2627 (end (cond
2628 ((eq direction 'left)
2629 (save-excursion
2630 (table--goto-coordinate
2631 (cons (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)
2632 (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))) 'no-extension)))
2633 ((eq direction 'above)
2634 (save-excursion
2635 (table--goto-coordinate
2636 (cons (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
2637 (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))) 'no-extension)))
2639 (save-excursion
2640 (table--goto-coordinate
2641 (cons (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
2642 (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))) 'no-extension))))))
2643 ;; replace the bar with blank space while taking care of edges to be border or intersection
2644 (save-excursion
2645 (goto-char beg)
2646 (if (memq direction '(left right))
2647 (let* ((column (current-column))
2648 rectangle
2649 (n-element (- (length (extract-rectangle beg end)) 2))
2650 (above-contp (and (goto-char beg)
2651 (zerop (forward-line -1))
2652 (= (move-to-column column) column)
2653 (looking-at (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char)))))
2654 (below-contp (and (goto-char end)
2655 (progn (forward-char -1) t)
2656 (zerop (forward-line 1))
2657 (= (move-to-column column) column)
2658 (looking-at (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char))))))
2659 (setq rectangle
2660 (cons (if below-contp
2661 (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)
2662 (substring table-cell-horizontal-chars 0 1))
2663 rectangle))
2664 (while (> n-element 0)
2665 (setq rectangle (cons (table--cell-blank-str 1) rectangle))
2666 (setq n-element (1- n-element)))
2667 (setq rectangle
2668 (cons (if above-contp
2669 (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)
2670 (substring table-cell-horizontal-chars 0 1))
2671 rectangle))
2672 (delete-rectangle beg end)
2673 (goto-char beg)
2674 (table--insert-rectangle rectangle))
2675 (delete-region beg end)
2676 (insert (if (and (> (point) (point-min))
2677 (save-excursion
2678 (forward-char -1)
2679 (looking-at (regexp-opt-charset
2680 (string-to-list table-cell-horizontal-chars)))))
2681 table-cell-intersection-char
2682 table-cell-vertical-char)
2683 (table--cell-blank-str (- end beg 2))
2684 (if (looking-at (regexp-opt-charset
2685 (string-to-list table-cell-horizontal-chars)))
2686 table-cell-intersection-char
2687 table-cell-vertical-char))))
2688 ;; recognize the newly created spanned cell
2689 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2690 (if (member direction '(right left))
2691 (table-with-cache-buffer
2692 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
2693 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))))
2695 ;;;###autoload
2696 (defun table-split-cell-vertically ()
2697 "Split current cell vertically.
2698 Creates a cell above and a cell below the current point location."
2699 (interactive "*")
2700 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2701 (let ((point-y (cdr (table--get-coordinate))))
2702 (unless (table--cell-can-split-vertically-p)
2703 (error "Can't split here"))
2704 (let* ((old-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
2705 (column (current-column))
2706 (beg (table--goto-coordinate
2707 (cons (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
2708 point-y)))
2709 (end (table--goto-coordinate
2710 (cons (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
2711 point-y)))
2712 (line (buffer-substring (1+ beg) (1- end))))
2713 (when (= (cdr old-coordinate) (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
2714 (table--goto-coordinate old-coordinate)
2715 (table-heighten-cell 1 'no-copy 'no-update))
2716 (goto-char beg)
2717 (delete-region beg end)
2718 (insert table-cell-intersection-char
2719 (make-string table-cell-info-width (string-to-char table-cell-horizontal-chars))
2720 table-cell-intersection-char)
2721 (table--goto-coordinate old-coordinate)
2722 (forward-line 1)
2723 (move-to-column column)
2724 (setq old-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
2725 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2726 (unless (string-match "^\\s *$" line)
2727 (table-with-cache-buffer
2728 (goto-char (point-min))
2729 (insert line ?\n)
2730 (goto-char (point-min)) ;; don't heighten cell unnecessarily
2731 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))
2732 (table--update-cell 'now) ;; can't defer this operation
2733 (table--goto-coordinate old-coordinate)
2734 (move-to-column column)
2735 (table-recognize-cell 'force))))
2737 ;;;###autoload
2738 (defun table-split-cell-horizontally ()
2739 "Split current cell horizontally.
2740 Creates a cell on the left and a cell on the right of the current point location."
2741 (interactive "*")
2742 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2743 (let* ((o-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
2744 (point-x (car o-coordinate))
2745 cell-empty cell-contents cell-coordinate
2746 contents-to beg end rectangle strip-rect
2747 (right-edge (= (car o-coordinate) (1- (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))))
2748 (unless (table--cell-can-split-horizontally-p)
2749 (error "Can't split here"))
2750 (let ((table-inhibit-update t))
2751 (table-with-cache-buffer
2752 (setq cell-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
2753 (save-excursion
2754 (goto-char (point-min))
2755 (setq cell-empty (null (re-search-forward "\\S " nil t))))
2756 (setq cell-contents (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
2757 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))
2758 (setq contents-to
2759 (if cell-empty 'left
2760 (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
2761 (default (car table-cell-split-contents-to-history)))
2762 (intern
2763 (if (member 'click (event-modifiers last-input-event))
2764 (x-popup-menu last-input-event
2765 '("Existing cell contents to:"
2766 ("Title"
2767 ("Split" . "split") ("Left" . "left") ("Right" . "right"))))
2768 (downcase (completing-read
2769 (format "Existing cell contents to (default %s): " default)
2770 '(("split") ("left") ("right"))
2771 nil t nil 'table-cell-split-contents-to-history default)))))))
2772 (unless (eq contents-to 'split)
2773 (table-with-cache-buffer
2774 (erase-buffer)
2775 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))
2776 (table--update-cell 'now)
2777 (setq beg (table--goto-coordinate
2778 (cons point-x
2779 (1- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))))
2780 (setq end (table--goto-coordinate
2781 (cons (1+ point-x)
2782 (1+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))))
2783 (setq rectangle (cons (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char) nil))
2784 (let ((n table-cell-info-height))
2785 (while (prog1 (> n 0) (setq n (1- n)))
2786 (setq rectangle (cons (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char) rectangle))))
2787 (setq rectangle (cons (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char) rectangle))
2788 (if (eq contents-to 'split)
2789 (setq strip-rect (extract-rectangle beg end)))
2790 (delete-rectangle beg end)
2791 (goto-char beg)
2792 (table--insert-rectangle rectangle)
2793 (table--goto-coordinate o-coordinate)
2794 (if cell-empty
2795 (progn
2796 (forward-char 1)
2797 (if right-edge
2798 (table-widen-cell 1)))
2799 (unless (eq contents-to 'left)
2800 (forward-char 1))
2801 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2802 (table-with-cache-buffer
2803 (if (eq contents-to 'split)
2804 ;; split inserts strip-rect after removing
2805 ;; top and bottom borders
2806 (let ((o-coord (table--get-coordinate))
2807 (l (setq strip-rect (cdr strip-rect))))
2808 (while (cddr l) (setq l (cdr l)))
2809 (setcdr l nil)
2810 ;; insert the strip only when it is not a completely blank one
2811 (unless (let ((cl (mapcar (lambda (s) (string= s " ")) strip-rect)))
2812 (and (car cl)
2813 (table--uniform-list-p cl)))
2814 (goto-char (point-min))
2815 (table--insert-rectangle strip-rect)
2816 (table--goto-coordinate o-coord)))
2817 ;; left or right inserts original contents
2818 (erase-buffer)
2819 (insert cell-contents)
2820 (table--goto-coordinate cell-coordinate)
2821 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
2822 ;; avoid unnecessary vertical cell expansion
2823 (and (looking-at "\\s *\\'")
2824 (re-search-backward "\\S \\(\\s *\\)\\=" nil t)
2825 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))))
2826 ;; in either case do not fill paragraph
2827 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
2828 (table--update-cell 'now)) ;; can't defer this operation
2829 (table-recognize-cell 'force)))
2831 ;;;###autoload
2832 (defun table-split-cell (orientation)
2833 "Split current cell in ORIENTATION.
2834 ORIENTATION is a symbol either horizontally or vertically."
2835 (interactive
2836 (list
2837 (let* ((dummy (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
2838 (completion-ignore-case t)
2839 (default (car table-cell-split-orientation-history)))
2840 (intern (downcase (completing-read
2841 (format "Split orientation (default %s): " default)
2842 '(("horizontally") ("vertically"))
2843 nil t nil 'table-cell-split-orientation-history default))))))
2844 (unless (memq orientation '(horizontally vertically))
2845 (error "Invalid orientation %s, must be horizontally or vertically"
2846 (symbol-name orientation)))
2847 (if (eq orientation 'horizontally)
2848 (table-split-cell-horizontally)
2849 (table-split-cell-vertically)))
2851 ;;;###autoload
2852 (defun table-justify (what justify)
2853 "Justify contents of a cell, a row of cells or a column of cells.
2854 WHAT is a symbol 'cell, 'row or 'column. JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left,
2855 'center, 'right, 'top, 'middle, 'bottom or 'none."
2856 (interactive
2857 (list (let* ((dummy (barf-if-buffer-read-only))
2858 (completion-ignore-case t)
2859 (default (car table-target-history)))
2860 (intern (downcase (completing-read
2861 (format "Justify what (default %s): " default)
2862 '(("cell") ("row") ("column"))
2863 nil t nil 'table-target-history default))))
2864 (table--query-justification)))
2865 (funcall (intern (concat "table-justify-" (symbol-name what))) justify))
2867 ;;;###autoload
2868 (defun table-justify-cell (justify &optional paragraph)
2869 "Justify cell contents.
2870 JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left, 'center or 'right for horizontal, or 'top,
2871 'middle, 'bottom or 'none for vertical. When optional PARAGRAPH is
2872 non-nil the justify operation is limited to the current paragraph,
2873 otherwise the entire cell contents is justified."
2874 (interactive
2875 (list (table--query-justification)))
2876 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
2877 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2878 (table--justify-cell-contents justify paragraph))
2880 ;;;###autoload
2881 (defun table-justify-row (justify)
2882 "Justify cells of a row.
2883 JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left, 'center or 'right for horizontal, or top,
2884 'middle, 'bottom or 'none for vertical."
2885 (interactive
2886 (list (table--query-justification)))
2887 (let((cell-list (table--horizontal-cell-list nil nil 'top)))
2888 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
2889 (save-excursion
2890 (while cell-list
2891 (let ((cell (car cell-list)))
2892 (setq cell-list (cdr cell-list))
2893 (goto-char (car cell))
2894 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2895 (table--justify-cell-contents justify))))))
2897 ;;;###autoload
2898 (defun table-justify-column (justify)
2899 "Justify cells of a column.
2900 JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left, 'center or 'right for horizontal, or top,
2901 'middle, 'bottom or 'none for vertical."
2902 (interactive
2903 (list (table--query-justification)))
2904 (let((cell-list (table--vertical-cell-list nil nil 'left)))
2905 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
2906 (save-excursion
2907 (while cell-list
2908 (let ((cell (car cell-list)))
2909 (setq cell-list (cdr cell-list))
2910 (goto-char (car cell))
2911 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
2912 (table--justify-cell-contents justify))))))
2914 ;;;###autoload
2915 (defun table-fixed-width-mode (&optional arg)
2916 "Toggle fixing width mode.
2917 In the fixed width mode, typing inside a cell never changes the cell
2918 width where in the normal mode the cell width expands automatically in
2919 order to prevent a word being folded into multiple lines."
2920 (interactive "P")
2921 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)
2922 (setq table-fixed-width-mode
2923 (if (null arg)
2924 (not table-fixed-width-mode)
2925 (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
2926 (save-excursion
2927 (mapcar (lambda (buf)
2928 (set-buffer buf)
2929 (if (table--point-in-cell-p)
2930 (table--point-entered-cell-function)))
2931 (buffer-list)))
2932 (table--update-cell-face))
2934 ;;;###autoload
2935 (defun table-query-dimension (&optional where)
2936 "Return the dimension of the current cell and the current table.
2937 The result is a list (cw ch tw th c r cells) where cw is the cell
2938 width, ch is the cell height, tw is the table width, th is the table
2939 height, c is the number of columns, r is the number of rows and cells
2940 is the total number of cells. The cell dimension excludes the cell
2941 frame while the table dimension includes the table frame. The columns
2942 and the rows are counted by the number of cell boundaries. Therefore
2943 the number tends to be larger than it appears for the tables with
2944 non-uniform cell structure (heavily spanned and split). When optional
2945 WHERE is provided the cell and table at that location is reported."
2946 (interactive)
2947 (save-excursion
2948 (if where (goto-char where))
2949 (let ((starting-cell (table--probe-cell))
2950 cell table-lu table-rb col-list row-list (cells 0))
2951 (if (null starting-cell) nil
2952 (setq table-lu (car starting-cell))
2953 (setq table-rb (cdr starting-cell))
2954 (setq col-list (cons (car (table--get-coordinate (car starting-cell))) nil))
2955 (setq row-list (cons (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car starting-cell))) nil))
2956 (and (interactive-p)
2957 (message "Computing cell dimension..."))
2958 (while
2959 (progn
2960 (table-forward-cell 1 t)
2961 (setq cells (1+ cells))
2962 (and (setq cell (table--probe-cell))
2963 (not (equal cell starting-cell))))
2964 (if (< (car cell) table-lu)
2965 (setq table-lu (car cell)))
2966 (if (> (cdr cell) table-rb)
2967 (setq table-rb (cdr cell)))
2968 (let ((lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (car cell))))
2969 (if (memq (car lu-coordinate) col-list) nil
2970 (setq col-list (cons (car lu-coordinate) col-list)))
2971 (if (memq (cdr lu-coordinate) row-list) nil
2972 (setq row-list (cons (cdr lu-coordinate) row-list)))))
2973 (let* ((cell-lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (car starting-cell)))
2974 (cell-rb-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (cdr starting-cell)))
2975 (table-lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate table-lu))
2976 (table-rb-coordinate (table--get-coordinate table-rb))
2977 (cw (- (car cell-rb-coordinate) (car cell-lu-coordinate)))
2978 (ch (1+ (- (cdr cell-rb-coordinate) (cdr cell-lu-coordinate))))
2979 (tw (+ 2 (- (car table-rb-coordinate) (car table-lu-coordinate))))
2980 (th (+ 3 (- (cdr table-rb-coordinate) (cdr table-lu-coordinate))))
2981 (c (length col-list))
2982 (r (length row-list)))
2983 (and (interactive-p)
2984 (message "Cell: (%dw, %dh), Table: (%dw, %dh), Dim: (%dc, %dr), Total Cells: %d" cw ch tw th c r cells))
2985 (list cw ch tw th c r cells))))))
2987 ;;;###autoload
2988 (defun table-generate-source (language &optional dest-buffer caption)
2989 "Generate source of the current table in the specified language.
2990 LANGUAGE is a symbol that specifies the language to describe the
2991 structure of the table. It must be either 'html, 'latex or 'cals.
2992 The resulted source text is inserted into DEST-BUFFER and the buffer
2993 object is returned. When DEST-BUFFER is omitted or nil the default
2994 buffer specified in `table-dest-buffer-name' is used. In this case
2995 the content of the default buffer is erased prior to the generation.
2996 When DEST-BUFFER is non-nil it is expected to be either a destination
2997 buffer or a name of the destination buffer. In this case the
2998 generated result is inserted at the current point in the destination
2999 buffer and the previously existing contents in the buffer are
3000 untouched.
3002 References used for this implementation:
3004 HTML:
3005 http://www.w3.org
3007 LaTeX:
3008 http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwilkins/LaTeXPrimer/Tables.html
3010 CALS (DocBook DTD):
3011 http://www.oasis-open.org/html/a502.htm
3012 http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/docbook/chapter/book/table.html#AEN114751
3014 (interactive
3015 (let* ((dummy (unless (table--probe-cell) (error "Table not found here")))
3016 (completion-ignore-case t)
3017 (default (car table-source-language-history))
3018 (language (downcase (completing-read
3019 (format "Language (default %s): " default)
3020 (mapcar (lambda (s) (list (symbol-name s)))
3021 table-source-languages)
3022 nil t nil 'table-source-language-history default))))
3023 (list
3024 (intern language)
3025 (read-buffer "Destination buffer: " (concat table-dest-buffer-name "." language))
3026 (table--read-from-minibuffer '("Table Caption" . table-source-caption-history)))))
3027 (let ((default-buffer-name (concat table-dest-buffer-name "." (symbol-name language))))
3028 (unless (or (interactive-p) (table--probe-cell)) (error "Table not found here"))
3029 (unless (bufferp dest-buffer)
3030 (setq dest-buffer (get-buffer-create (or dest-buffer default-buffer-name))))
3031 (if (string= (buffer-name dest-buffer) default-buffer-name)
3032 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3033 (erase-buffer)))
3034 (save-excursion
3035 (let ((starting-cell (table--probe-cell))
3036 cell origin-cell tail-cell col-list row-list (n 0) i)
3037 ;; first analyze the table structure and prepare:
3038 ;; 1. origin cell (left up corner cell)
3039 ;; 2. tail cell (right bottom corner cell)
3040 ;; 3. column boundary list
3041 ;; 4. row boundary list
3042 (setq origin-cell starting-cell)
3043 (setq tail-cell starting-cell)
3044 (setq col-list (cons (car (table--get-coordinate (car starting-cell))) nil))
3045 (setq row-list (cons (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car starting-cell))) nil))
3046 (setq i 0)
3047 (let ((wheel [?- ?\\ ?| ?/]))
3048 (while
3049 (progn
3050 (if (interactive-p)
3051 (progn
3052 (message "Analyzing table...%c" (aref wheel i))
3053 (if (eq (setq i (1+ i)) (length wheel))
3054 (setq i 0))
3055 (setq n (1+ n))))
3056 (table-forward-cell 1 t)
3057 (and (setq cell (table--probe-cell))
3058 (not (equal cell starting-cell))))
3059 (if (< (car cell) (car origin-cell))
3060 (setq origin-cell cell))
3061 (if (> (cdr cell) (cdr tail-cell))
3062 (setq tail-cell cell))
3063 (let ((lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (car cell))))
3064 (unless (memq (car lu-coordinate) col-list)
3065 (setq col-list (cons (car lu-coordinate) col-list)))
3066 (unless (memq (cdr lu-coordinate) row-list)
3067 (setq row-list (cons (cdr lu-coordinate) row-list))))))
3068 (setq col-list (sort col-list '<))
3069 (setq row-list (sort row-list '<))
3070 (message "Generating source...")
3071 ;; clear the source generation property list
3072 (setplist 'table-source-info-plist nil)
3073 ;; prepare to start from the origin cell
3074 (goto-char (car origin-cell))
3075 ;; first put some header information
3076 (table--generate-source-prologue dest-buffer language caption col-list row-list)
3077 (cond
3078 ((eq language 'latex)
3079 ;; scan by character lines
3080 (table--generate-source-scan-lines dest-buffer language origin-cell tail-cell col-list row-list))
3082 ;; scan by table cells
3083 (table--generate-source-scan-rows dest-buffer language origin-cell col-list row-list)))
3084 ;; insert closing
3085 (table--generate-source-epilogue dest-buffer language col-list row-list))
3086 ;; lastly do some convenience work
3087 (if (interactive-p)
3088 (save-selected-window
3089 (pop-to-buffer dest-buffer t)
3090 (goto-char (point-min))
3091 (and (string= (buffer-name dest-buffer) default-buffer-name)
3092 (buffer-file-name dest-buffer)
3093 (save-buffer))
3094 (message "Generating source...done")
3095 (let ((mode
3096 (if (memq language '(cals)) 'sgml-mode
3097 (intern (concat (symbol-name language) "-mode")))))
3098 (if (fboundp mode)
3099 (call-interactively mode)))
3101 dest-buffer))
3103 (defun table--generate-source-prologue (dest-buffer language caption col-list row-list)
3104 "Generate and insert source prologue into DEST-BUFFER."
3105 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3106 (cond
3107 ((eq language 'html)
3108 (insert (format "<!-- This HTML table template is generated by emacs %s -->\n" emacs-version)
3109 (format "<TABLE %s>\n" table-html-table-attribute)
3110 (if (and (stringp caption)
3111 (not (string= caption "")))
3112 (format " <CAPTION>%s</CAPTION>\n" caption)
3113 "")))
3114 ((eq language 'latex)
3115 (insert (format "%% This LaTeX table template is generated by emacs %s\n" emacs-version)
3116 "\\begin{tabular}{|" (apply 'concat (make-list (length col-list) "l|")) "}\n"
3117 "\\hline\n"))
3118 ((eq language 'cals)
3119 (insert (format "<!-- This CALS table template is generated by emacs %s -->\n" emacs-version)
3120 "<table frame=\"all\">\n")
3121 (if (and (stringp caption)
3122 (not (string= caption "")))
3123 (insert " <title>" caption "</title>\n"))
3124 (insert (format " <tgroup cols=\"%d\" align=\"left\" colsep=\"1\" rowsep=\"1\">\n" (length col-list)))
3125 (table-put-source-info 'colspec-marker (point-marker))
3126 (table-put-source-info 'row-type (if (zerop table-cals-thead-rows) "tbody" "thead"))
3127 (set-marker-insertion-type (table-get-source-info 'colspec-marker) nil) ;; insert after
3128 (insert (format " <%s valign=\"top\">\n" (table-get-source-info 'row-type))))
3131 (defun table--generate-source-epilogue (dest-buffer language col-list row-list)
3132 "Generate and insert source epilogue into DEST-BUFFER."
3133 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3134 (cond
3135 ((eq language 'html)
3136 (insert "</TABLE>\n"))
3137 ((eq language 'latex)
3138 (insert "\\end{tabular}\n"))
3139 ((eq language 'cals)
3140 (set-marker-insertion-type (table-get-source-info 'colspec-marker) t) ;; insert before
3141 (save-excursion
3142 (goto-char (table-get-source-info 'colspec-marker))
3143 (mapcar
3144 (lambda (col)
3145 (insert (format " <colspec colnum=\"%d\" colname=\"c%d\"/>\n" col col)))
3146 (sort (table-get-source-info 'colnum-list) '<)))
3147 (insert (format " </%s>\n </tgroup>\n</table>\n" (table-get-source-info 'row-type))))
3150 (defun table--generate-source-scan-rows (dest-buffer language origin-cell col-list row-list)
3151 "Generate and insert source rows into DEST-BUFFER."
3152 (table-put-source-info 'current-row 1)
3153 (while row-list
3154 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3155 (cond
3156 ((eq language 'html)
3157 (insert " <TR>\n"))
3158 ((eq language 'cals)
3159 (insert " <row>\n"))
3161 (table--generate-source-cells-in-a-row dest-buffer language col-list row-list)
3162 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3163 (cond
3164 ((eq language 'html)
3165 (insert " </TR>\n"))
3166 ((eq language 'cals)
3167 (insert " </row>\n")
3168 (unless (/= (table-get-source-info 'current-row) table-cals-thead-rows)
3169 (insert (format " </%s>\n" (table-get-source-info 'row-type)))
3170 (insert (format " <%s valign=\"top\">\n" (table-put-source-info 'row-type "tbody")))))))
3171 (table-put-source-info 'current-row (1+ (table-get-source-info 'current-row)))
3172 (setq row-list (cdr row-list))))
3174 (defun table--generate-source-cells-in-a-row (dest-buffer language col-list row-list)
3175 "Generate and insert source cells into DEST-BUFFER."
3176 (table-put-source-info 'current-column 1)
3177 (while col-list
3178 (let* ((cell (table--probe-cell))
3179 (lu (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
3180 (rb (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))
3181 (alignment (table--get-cell-justify-property cell))
3182 (valign (table--get-cell-valign-property cell))
3183 (row-list row-list)
3184 (colspan 1)
3185 (rowspan 1))
3186 (if (< (car lu) (car col-list))
3187 (setq col-list nil)
3188 (while (and col-list
3189 (> (car lu) (car col-list)))
3190 (setq col-list (cdr col-list))
3191 (table-put-source-info 'current-column (1+ (table-get-source-info 'current-column))))
3192 (setq col-list (cdr col-list))
3193 (table-put-source-info 'next-column (1+ (table-get-source-info 'current-column)))
3194 (while (and col-list
3195 (> (1+ (car rb)) (car col-list)))
3196 (setq colspan (1+ colspan))
3197 (setq col-list (cdr col-list))
3198 (table-put-source-info 'next-column (1+ (table-get-source-info 'next-column))))
3199 (setq row-list (cdr row-list))
3200 (while (and row-list
3201 (> (+ (cdr rb) 2) (car row-list)))
3202 (setq rowspan (1+ rowspan))
3203 (setq row-list (cdr row-list)))
3204 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3205 (cond
3206 ((eq language 'html)
3207 (insert (format " <%s"
3208 (table-put-source-info
3209 'cell-type
3210 (if (or (<= (table-get-source-info 'current-row) table-html-th-rows)
3211 (<= (table-get-source-info 'current-column) table-html-th-columns))
3212 "TH" "TD"))))
3213 (if (and table-html-cell-attribute (not (string= table-html-cell-attribute "")))
3214 (insert " " table-html-cell-attribute))
3215 (if (> colspan 1) (insert (format " colspan=\"%d\"" colspan)))
3216 (if (> rowspan 1) (insert (format " rowspan=\"%d\"" rowspan)))
3217 (insert (format " align=\"%s\"" (if alignment (symbol-name alignment) "left")))
3218 (insert (format " valign=\"%s\"" (if valign (symbol-name valign) "top")))
3219 (insert ">\n"))
3220 ((eq language 'cals)
3221 (insert " <entry")
3222 (if (> colspan 1)
3223 (let ((scol (table-get-source-info 'current-column))
3224 (ecol (+ (table-get-source-info 'current-column) colspan -1)))
3225 (mapcar (lambda (col)
3226 (unless (memq col (table-get-source-info 'colnum-list))
3227 (table-put-source-info 'colnum-list
3228 (cons col (table-get-source-info 'colnum-list)))))
3229 (list scol ecol))
3230 (insert (format " namest=\"c%d\" nameend=\"c%d\"" scol ecol))))
3231 (if (> rowspan 1) (insert (format " morerows=\"%d\"" (1- rowspan))))
3232 (if (and alignment
3233 (not (memq alignment '(left none))))
3234 (insert " align=\"" (symbol-name alignment) "\""))
3235 (if (and valign
3236 (not (memq valign '(top none))))
3237 (insert " valign=\"" (symbol-name valign) "\""))
3238 (insert ">\n"))
3240 (table--generate-source-cell-contents dest-buffer language cell)
3241 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3242 (cond
3243 ((eq language 'html)
3244 (insert (format" </%s>\n" (table-get-source-info 'cell-type))))
3245 ((eq language 'cals)
3246 (insert " </entry>\n"))
3248 (table-forward-cell 1 t)
3249 (table-put-source-info 'current-column (table-get-source-info 'next-column))
3250 ))))
3252 (defun table--generate-source-cell-contents (dest-buffer language cell)
3253 "Generate and insert source cell contents of a CELL into DEST-BUFFER."
3254 (let ((cell-contents (extract-rectangle (car cell) (cdr cell))))
3255 (with-temp-buffer
3256 (table--insert-rectangle cell-contents)
3257 (table--remove-cell-properties (point-min) (point-max))
3258 (goto-char (point-min))
3259 (cond
3260 ((eq language 'html)
3261 (if table-html-delegate-spacing-to-user-agent
3262 (progn
3263 (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
3264 (if (re-search-forward "\\s +\\'" nil t)
3265 (replace-match "")))
3266 (while (search-forward " " nil t)
3267 (replace-match "&nbsp;"))
3268 (goto-char (point-min))
3269 (while (and (re-search-forward "$" nil t)
3270 (not (eobp)))
3271 (insert "<BR />")
3272 (forward-char 1)))
3273 (unless (and table-html-delegate-spacing-to-user-agent
3274 (progn
3275 (goto-char (point-min))
3276 (looking-at "\\s *\\'")))))
3277 ((eq language 'cals)
3278 (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
3279 (if (re-search-forward "\\s +\\'" nil t)
3280 (replace-match "")))
3282 (setq cell-contents (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
3283 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3284 (let ((beg (point)))
3285 (insert cell-contents)
3286 (indent-rigidly beg (point)
3287 (cond
3288 ((eq language 'html) 6)
3289 ((eq language 'cals) 10)))
3290 (insert ?\n)))))
3292 (defun table--cell-horizontal-char-p (c)
3293 "Test if character C is one of the horizontal characters"
3294 (memq c (string-to-list table-cell-horizontal-chars)))
3296 (defun table--generate-source-scan-lines (dest-buffer language origin-cell tail-cell col-list row-list)
3297 "Scan the table line by line.
3298 Currently this method is for LaTeX only."
3299 (let* ((lu-coord (table--get-coordinate (car origin-cell)))
3300 (rb-coord (table--get-coordinate (cdr tail-cell)))
3301 (x0 (car lu-coord))
3302 (x1 (car rb-coord))
3303 (y (cdr lu-coord))
3304 (y1 (cdr rb-coord)))
3305 (while (<= y y1)
3306 (let* ((border-p (memq (1+ y) row-list))
3307 (border-char-list
3308 (mapcar (lambda (x)
3309 (if border-p (char-after (table--goto-coordinate (cons x y)))
3310 (char-before (table--goto-coordinate (cons x y)))))
3311 col-list))
3312 start i c)
3313 (if border-p
3314 ;; horizontal cell border processing
3315 (if (and (table--cell-horizontal-char-p (car border-char-list))
3316 (table--uniform-list-p border-char-list))
3317 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3318 (insert "\\hline\n"))
3319 (setq i 0)
3320 (while (setq c (nth i border-char-list))
3321 (if (and start (not (table--cell-horizontal-char-p c)))
3322 (progn
3323 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3324 (insert (format "\\cline{%d-%d}\n" (1+ start) i)))
3325 (setq start nil)))
3326 (if (and (not start) (table--cell-horizontal-char-p c))
3327 (setq start i))
3328 (setq i (1+ i)))
3329 (if start
3330 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3331 (insert (format "\\cline{%d-%d}\n" (1+ start) i)))))
3332 ;; horizontal cell contents processing
3333 (let* ((span 1) ;; spanning length
3334 (first-p t) ;; first in a row
3335 (insert-column ;; a function that processes one column/multicolumn
3336 (function
3337 (lambda (from to)
3338 (let ((line (table--buffer-substring-and-trim
3339 (table--goto-coordinate (cons from y))
3340 (table--goto-coordinate (cons to y)))))
3341 ;; escape special characters
3342 (with-temp-buffer
3343 (insert line)
3344 (goto-char (point-min))
3345 (while (re-search-forward "\\([#$~_^%{}]\\)\\|\\(\\\\\\)\\|\\([<>|]\\)" nil t)
3346 (if (match-beginning 1)
3347 (save-excursion
3348 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
3349 (insert "\\"))
3350 (if (match-beginning 2)
3351 (replace-match "$\\backslash$" t t)
3352 (replace-match (concat "$" (match-string 3) "$")) t t)))
3353 (setq line (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
3354 ;; insert a column separator and column/multicolumn contents
3355 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3356 (unless first-p
3357 (insert (if (eq (char-before) ?\ ) "" " ") "& "))
3358 (if (> span 1)
3359 (insert (format "\\multicolumn{%d}{%sl|}{%s}" span (if first-p "|" "") line))
3360 (insert line)))
3361 (setq first-p nil)
3362 (setq span 1)
3363 (setq start (nth i col-list)))))))
3364 (setq start x0)
3365 (setq i 1)
3366 (while (setq c (nth i border-char-list))
3367 (if (eq c table-cell-vertical-char)
3368 (funcall insert-column start (1- (nth i col-list)))
3369 (setq span (1+ span)))
3370 (setq i (1+ i)))
3371 (funcall insert-column start x1))
3372 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3373 (insert (if (eq (char-before) ?\ ) "" " ") "\\\\\n"))))
3374 (setq y (1+ y)))
3375 (with-current-buffer dest-buffer
3376 (insert "\\hline\n"))
3379 ;;;###autoload
3380 (defun table-insert-sequence (str n increment interval justify)
3381 "Travel cells forward while inserting a specified sequence string in each cell.
3382 STR is the base string from which the sequence starts. When STR is an
3383 empty string then each cell content is erased. When STR ends with
3384 numerical characters (they may optionally be surrounded by a pair of
3385 parentheses) they are incremented as a decimal number. Otherwise the
3386 last character in STR is incremented in ASCII code order. N is the
3387 number of sequence elements to insert. When N is negative the cell
3388 traveling direction is backward. When N is zero it travels forward
3389 entire table. INCREMENT is the increment between adjacent sequence
3390 elements and can be a negative number for effectively decrementing.
3391 INTERVAL is the number of cells to travel between sequence element
3392 insertion which is normally 1. When zero or less is given for
3393 INTERVAL it is interpreted as number of cells per row so that sequence
3394 is placed straight down vertically as long as the table's cell
3395 structure is uniform. JUSTIFY is one of the symbol 'left, 'center or
3396 'right, that specifies justification of the inserted string.
3398 Example:
3400 (progn
3401 (table-insert 16 3 5 1)
3402 (table-forward-cell 15)
3403 (table-insert-sequence \"D0\" -16 1 1 'center)
3404 (table-forward-cell 16)
3405 (table-insert-sequence \"A[0]\" -16 1 1 'center)
3406 (table-forward-cell 1)
3407 (table-insert-sequence \"-\" 16 0 1 'center))
3409 (progn
3410 (table-insert 16 8 5 1)
3411 (table-insert-sequence \"@\" 0 1 2 'right)
3412 (table-forward-cell 1)
3413 (table-insert-sequence \"64\" 0 1 2 'left))
3415 (interactive
3416 (progn
3417 (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
3418 (unless (table--probe-cell) (error "Table not found here"))
3419 (list (read-from-minibuffer
3420 "Sequence base string: " (car table-sequence-string-history) nil nil 'table-sequence-string-history)
3421 (string-to-number
3422 (table--read-from-minibuffer
3423 '("How many elements (0: maximum, negative: backward traveling)" . table-sequence-count-history)))
3424 (string-to-number
3425 (table--read-from-minibuffer
3426 '("Increment element by" . table-sequence-increment-history)))
3427 (string-to-number
3428 (table--read-from-minibuffer
3429 '("Cell interval (0: vertical, 1:horizontal)" . table-sequence-interval-history)))
3430 (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
3431 (default (car table-sequence-justify-history)))
3432 (intern (downcase (completing-read
3433 (format "Justify (default %s): " default)
3434 '(("left") ("center") ("right"))
3435 nil t nil 'table-sequence-justify-history default)))))))
3436 (unless (or (interactive-p) (table--probe-cell)) (error "Table not found here"))
3437 (string-match "\\([0-9]*\\)\\([]})>]*\\)\\'" str)
3438 (if (interactive-p)
3439 (message "Sequencing..."))
3440 (let* ((prefix (substring str 0 (match-beginning 1)))
3441 (index (match-string 1 str))
3442 (fmt (format "%%%s%dd" (if (eq (string-to-char index) ?0) "0" "") (length index)))
3443 (postfix (match-string 2 str))
3444 (dim (table-query-dimension))
3445 (cells (nth 6 dim))
3446 (direction (if (< n 0) -1 1))
3447 (interval-count 0))
3448 (if (string= index "")
3449 (progn
3450 (setq index nil)
3451 (if (string= prefix "")
3452 (setq prefix nil)))
3453 (setq index (string-to-number index)))
3454 (if (< n 0) (setq n (- n)))
3455 (if (or (zerop n) (> n cells)) (setq n cells))
3456 (if (< interval 0) (setq interval (- interval)))
3457 (if (zerop interval) (setq interval (nth 4 dim)))
3458 (save-excursion
3459 (while (progn
3460 (if (> interval-count 0) nil
3461 (setq interval-count interval)
3462 (table-with-cache-buffer
3463 (goto-char (point-min))
3464 (if (not (or prefix index))
3465 (erase-buffer)
3466 (insert prefix)
3467 (if index (insert (format fmt index)))
3468 (insert postfix)
3469 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point) table-cell-info-width justify)
3470 (setq table-cell-info-justify justify))
3471 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
3472 (table--update-cell 'now)
3473 (if index
3474 (setq index (+ index increment))
3475 (if (and prefix (string= postfix ""))
3476 (let ((len-1 (1- (length prefix))))
3477 (setq prefix (concat (substring prefix 0 len-1)
3478 (char-to-string
3479 (+ (string-to-char (substring prefix len-1)) increment)))))))
3480 (setq n (1- n)))
3481 (table-forward-cell direction t)
3482 (setq interval-count (1- interval-count))
3483 (setq cells (1- cells))
3484 (and (> n 0) (> cells 0)))))
3485 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
3486 (if (interactive-p)
3487 (message "Sequencing...done"))
3490 ;;;###autoload
3491 (defun table-delete-row (n)
3492 "Delete N row(s) of cells.
3493 Delete N rows of cells from current row. The current row is the row
3494 contains the current cell where point is located. Each row must
3495 consists from cells of same height."
3496 (interactive "*p")
3497 (let ((orig-coord (table--get-coordinate))
3498 (bt-coord (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--vertical-cell-list nil 'first-only))))
3499 lu-coord rb-coord rect)
3500 ;; determine the area to delete while testing row height uniformity
3501 (while (> n 0)
3502 (setq n (1- n))
3503 (unless (table--probe-cell)
3504 (error "Table not found"))
3505 (let ((cell-list (table--horizontal-cell-list 'left-to-right)))
3506 (unless
3507 (and (table--uniform-list-p
3508 (mapcar (lambda (cell) (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))) cell-list))
3509 (table--uniform-list-p
3510 (mapcar (lambda (cell) (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))) cell-list)))
3511 (error "Cells in this row are not in uniform height"))
3512 (unless lu-coord
3513 (setq lu-coord (table--get-coordinate (caar cell-list))))
3514 (setq rb-coord (table--get-coordinate (cdar (last cell-list))))
3515 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car orig-coord) (+ 2 (cdr rb-coord))))))
3516 ;; copy the remaining area (below the deleting area)
3517 (setq rect (extract-rectangle
3518 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1- (car lu-coord)) (1+ (cdr rb-coord))))
3519 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1+ (car rb-coord)) (1+ (cdr bt-coord))))))
3520 ;; delete the deleting area and below together
3521 (delete-rectangle
3522 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1- (car lu-coord)) (1- (cdr lu-coord))))
3523 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1+ (car rb-coord)) (1+ (cdr bt-coord)))))
3524 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1- (car lu-coord)) (1- (cdr lu-coord))))
3525 ;; insert the remaining area while appending blank lines below it
3526 (table--insert-rectangle
3527 (append rect (make-list (+ 2 (- (cdr rb-coord) (cdr lu-coord)))
3528 (make-string (+ 2 (- (car rb-coord) (car lu-coord))) ?\ ))))
3529 ;; remove the appended blank lines below the table if they are unnecessary
3530 (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 (- (cdr bt-coord) (- (cdr rb-coord) (cdr lu-coord)))))
3531 (table--remove-blank-lines (+ 2 (- (cdr rb-coord) (cdr lu-coord))))
3532 ;; fix up intersections
3533 (let ((coord (cons (car lu-coord) (1- (cdr lu-coord))))
3534 (n (1+ (- (car rb-coord) (car lu-coord)))))
3535 (while (> n 0)
3536 (table--goto-coordinate coord)
3537 (if (save-excursion
3538 (or (and (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car coord) (1- (cdr coord))) 'no-extension)
3539 (looking-at (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char))))
3540 (and (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car coord) (1+ (cdr coord))) 'no-extension)
3541 (looking-at (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char))))))
3542 (progn
3543 (delete-char 1)
3544 (insert table-cell-intersection-char))
3545 (delete-char 1)
3546 (insert (string-to-char table-cell-horizontal-chars)))
3547 (setq n (1- n))
3548 (setcar coord (1+ (car coord)))))
3549 ;; goto appropriate end point
3550 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car orig-coord) (cdr lu-coord)))))
3552 ;;;###autoload
3553 (defun table-delete-column (n)
3554 "Delete N column(s) of cells.
3555 Delete N columns of cells from current column. The current column is
3556 the column contains the current cell where point is located. Each
3557 column must consists from cells of same width."
3558 (interactive "*p")
3559 (let ((orig-coord (table--get-coordinate))
3560 lu-coord rb-coord)
3561 ;; determine the area to delete while testing column width uniformity
3562 (while (> n 0)
3563 (setq n (1- n))
3564 (unless (table--probe-cell)
3565 (error "Table not found"))
3566 (let ((cell-list (table--vertical-cell-list 'top-to-bottom)))
3567 (unless
3568 (and (table--uniform-list-p
3569 (mapcar (function (lambda (cell) (car (table--get-coordinate (car cell))))) cell-list))
3570 (table--uniform-list-p
3571 (mapcar (function (lambda (cell) (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell))))) cell-list)))
3572 (error "Cells in this column are not in uniform width"))
3573 (unless lu-coord
3574 (setq lu-coord (table--get-coordinate (caar cell-list))))
3575 (setq rb-coord (table--get-coordinate (cdar (last cell-list))))
3576 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1+ (car rb-coord)) (cdr orig-coord)))))
3577 ;; delete the area
3578 (delete-rectangle
3579 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car lu-coord) (1- (cdr lu-coord))))
3580 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1+ (car rb-coord)) (1+ (cdr rb-coord)))))
3581 ;; fix up the intersections
3582 (let ((coord (cons (1- (car lu-coord)) (cdr lu-coord)))
3583 (n (1+ (- (cdr rb-coord) (cdr lu-coord)))))
3584 (while (> n 0)
3585 (table--goto-coordinate coord)
3586 (if (save-excursion
3587 (or (and (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1- (car coord)) (cdr coord)) 'no-extension)
3588 (looking-at (regexp-opt-charset
3589 (string-to-list table-cell-horizontal-chars))))
3590 (and (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1+ (car coord)) (cdr coord)) 'no-extension)
3591 (looking-at (regexp-opt-charset
3592 (string-to-list table-cell-horizontal-chars))))))
3593 (progn
3594 (delete-char 1)
3595 (insert table-cell-intersection-char))
3596 (delete-char 1)
3597 (insert table-cell-vertical-char))
3598 (setq n (1- n))
3599 (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord)))))
3600 ;; goto appropriate end point
3601 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car lu-coord) (cdr orig-coord)))))
3603 ;;;###autoload
3604 (defun table-capture (beg end &optional col-delim-regexp row-delim-regexp justify min-cell-width columns)
3605 "Convert plain text into a table by capturing the text in the region.
3606 Create a table with the text in region as cell contents. BEG and END
3607 specify the region. The text in the region is replaced with a table.
3608 The removed text is inserted in the table. When optional
3609 COL-DELIM-REGEXP and ROW-DELIM-REGEXP are provided the region contents
3610 is parsed and separated into individual cell contents by using the
3611 delimiter regular expressions. This parsing determines the number of
3612 columns and rows of the table automatically. If COL-DELIM-REGEXP and
3613 ROW-DELIM-REGEXP are omitted the result table has only one cell and
3614 the entire region contents is placed in that cell. Optional JUSTIFY
3615 is one of 'left, 'center or 'right, which specifies the cell
3616 justification. Optional MIN-CELL-WIDTH specifies the minimum cell
3617 width. Optional COLUMNS specify the number of columns when
3618 ROW-DELIM-REGEXP is not specified.
3621 Example 1:
3623 1, 2, 3, 4
3624 5, 6, 7, 8
3625 , 9, 10
3627 Running `table-capture' on above 3 line region with COL-DELIM-REGEXP
3628 \",\" and ROW-DELIM-REGEXP \"\\n\" creates the following table. In
3629 this example the cells are centered and minimum cell width is
3630 specified as 5.
3632 +-----+-----+-----+-----+
3633 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
3634 +-----+-----+-----+-----+
3635 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
3636 +-----+-----+-----+-----+
3637 | | 9 | 10 | |
3638 +-----+-----+-----+-----+
3640 Note:
3642 In case the function is called interactively user must use \\[quoted-insert] `quoted-insert'
3643 in order to enter \"\\n\" successfully. COL-DELIM-REGEXP at the end
3644 of each row is optional.
3647 Example 2:
3649 This example shows how a table can be used for text layout editing.
3650 Let `table-capture' capture the following region starting from
3651 -!- and ending at -*-, that contains three paragraphs and two item
3652 name headers. This time specify empty string for both
3655 -!-`table-capture' is a powerful command however mastering its power
3656 requires some practice. Here is a list of items what it can do.
3658 Parse Cell Items By using column delimiter regular
3659 expression and raw delimiter regular
3660 expression, it parses the specified text
3661 area and extracts cell items from
3662 non-table text and then forms a table out
3663 of them.
3665 Capture Text Area When no delimiters are specified it
3666 creates a single cell table. The text in
3667 the specified region is placed in that
3668 cell.-*-
3670 Now the entire content is captured in a cell which is itself a table
3671 like this.
3673 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
3674 |`table-capture' is a powerful command however mastering its power|
3675 |requires some practice. Here is a list of items what it can do. |
3677 |Parse Cell Items By using column delimiter regular |
3678 | expression and raw delimiter regular |
3679 | expression, it parses the specified text |
3680 | area and extracts cell items from |
3681 | non-table text and then forms a table out |
3682 | of them. |
3684 |Capture Text Area When no delimiters are specified it |
3685 | creates a single cell table. The text in |
3686 | the specified region is placed in that |
3687 | cell. |
3688 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
3690 By splitting the cell appropriately we now have a table consisting of
3691 paragraphs occupying its own cell. Each cell can now be edited
3692 independently.
3694 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
3695 |`table-capture' is a powerful command however mastering its power|
3696 |requires some practice. Here is a list of items what it can do. |
3697 +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+
3698 |Parse Cell Items |By using column delimiter regular |
3699 | |expression and raw delimiter regular |
3700 | |expression, it parses the specified text |
3701 | |area and extracts cell items from |
3702 | |non-table text and then forms a table out |
3703 | |of them. |
3704 +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+
3705 |Capture Text Area |When no delimiters are specified it |
3706 | |creates a single cell table. The text in |
3707 | |the specified region is placed in that |
3708 | |cell. |
3709 +---------------------+-------------------------------------------+
3711 By applying `table-release', which does the opposite process, the
3712 contents become once again plain text. `table-release' works as
3713 companion command to `table-capture' this way.
3715 (interactive
3716 (let ((col-delim-regexp)
3717 (row-delim-regexp))
3718 (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
3719 (if (table--probe-cell)
3720 (error "Can't insert a table inside a table"))
3721 (list
3722 (mark) (point)
3723 (setq col-delim-regexp
3724 (read-from-minibuffer "Column delimiter regexp: "
3725 (car table-col-delim-regexp-history) nil nil 'table-col-delim-regexp-history))
3726 (setq row-delim-regexp
3727 (read-from-minibuffer "Row delimiter regexp: "
3728 (car table-row-delim-regexp-history) nil nil 'table-row-delim-regexp-history))
3729 (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
3730 (default (car table-capture-justify-history)))
3731 (if (and (string= col-delim-regexp "") (string= row-delim-regexp "")) 'left
3732 (intern
3733 (downcase (completing-read
3734 (format "Justify (default %s): " default)
3735 '(("left") ("center") ("right"))
3736 nil t nil 'table-capture-justify-history default)))))
3737 (if (and (string= col-delim-regexp "") (string= row-delim-regexp "")) "1"
3738 (table--read-from-minibuffer '("Minimum cell width" . table-capture-min-cell-width-history)))
3739 (if (and (not (string= col-delim-regexp "")) (string= row-delim-regexp ""))
3740 (string-to-number
3741 (table--read-from-minibuffer '("Number of columns" . 'table-capture-columns-history)))
3742 nil)
3744 (if (> beg end) (let ((tmp beg)) (setq beg end) (setq end tmp)))
3745 (if (string= col-delim-regexp "") (setq col-delim-regexp nil))
3746 (if (string= row-delim-regexp "") (setq row-delim-regexp nil))
3747 (if (and columns (< columns 1)) (setq columns nil))
3748 (unless min-cell-width (setq min-cell-width "5"))
3749 (let ((contents (buffer-substring beg end))
3750 (cols 0) (rows 0) c r cell-list
3751 (delim-pattern
3752 (if (and col-delim-regexp row-delim-regexp)
3753 (format "\\(\\(%s\\)?\\s *\\(%s\\)\\s *\\)\\|\\(\\(%s\\)\\s *\\)"
3754 col-delim-regexp row-delim-regexp col-delim-regexp)
3755 (if col-delim-regexp
3756 (format "\\(\\)\\(\\)\\(\\)\\(\\(%s\\)\\s *\\)" col-delim-regexp))))
3757 (contents-list))
3758 ;; when delimiters are specified extract cells and determine the cell dimension
3759 (if delim-pattern
3760 (with-temp-buffer
3761 (insert contents)
3762 ;; make sure the contents ends with a newline
3763 (goto-char (point-max))
3764 (unless (zerop (current-column))
3765 (insert ?\n))
3766 ;; skip the preceding white spaces
3767 (goto-char (point-min))
3768 (if (looking-at "\\s +")
3769 (goto-char (match-end 0)))
3770 ;; extract cell contents
3771 (let ((from (point)))
3772 (setq cell-list nil)
3773 (setq c 0)
3774 (while (and (re-search-forward delim-pattern nil t)
3775 (cond
3776 ;; row delimiter
3777 ((and (match-string 1) (not (string= (match-string 1) "")))
3778 (setq rows (1+ rows))
3779 (setq cell-list
3780 (append cell-list (list (buffer-substring from (match-beginning 1)))))
3781 (setq from (match-end 1))
3782 (setq contents-list
3783 (append contents-list (list cell-list)))
3784 (setq cell-list nil)
3785 (setq c (1+ c))
3786 (if (> c cols) (setq cols c))
3787 (setq c 0)
3789 ;; column delimiter
3790 ((and (match-string 4) (not (string= (match-string 4) "")))
3791 (setq cell-list
3792 (append cell-list (list (buffer-substring from (match-beginning 4)))))
3793 (setq from (match-end 4))
3794 (setq c (1+ c))
3795 (if (> c cols) (setq cols c))
3797 (t nil))))
3798 ;; take care of the last element without a post delimiter
3799 (unless (null (looking-at ".+$"))
3800 (setq cell-list
3801 (append cell-list (list (match-string 0))))
3802 (setq cols (1+ cols)))
3803 ;; take care of the last row without a terminating delimiter
3804 (unless (null cell-list)
3805 (setq rows (1+ rows))
3806 (setq contents-list
3807 (append contents-list (list cell-list)))))))
3808 ;; finalize the table dimension
3809 (if (and columns contents-list)
3810 ;; when number of columns are specified and cells are parsed determine the dimension
3811 (progn
3812 (setq cols columns)
3813 (setq rows (/ (+ (length (car contents-list)) columns -1) columns)))
3814 ;; when dimensions are not specified default to a single cell table
3815 (if (zerop rows) (setq rows 1))
3816 (if (zerop cols) (setq cols 1)))
3817 ;; delete the region and reform line breaks
3818 (delete-region beg end)
3819 (goto-char beg)
3820 (unless (zerop (current-column))
3821 (insert ?\n))
3822 (unless (looking-at "\\s *$")
3823 (save-excursion
3824 (insert ?\n)))
3825 ;; insert the table
3826 ;; insert the cell contents
3827 (if (null contents-list)
3828 ;; single cell
3829 (let ((width) (height))
3830 (with-temp-buffer
3831 (insert contents)
3832 (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
3833 (table--untabify (point-min) (point-max))
3834 (setq width (table--measure-max-width))
3835 (setq height (1+ (table--current-line (point-max))))
3836 (setq contents (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
3837 (table-insert cols rows width height)
3838 (table-with-cache-buffer
3839 (insert contents)
3840 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))
3841 ;; multi cells
3842 (table-insert cols rows min-cell-width 1)
3843 (setq r 0)
3844 (setq cell-list nil)
3845 (while (< r rows)
3846 (setq r (1+ r))
3847 (setq c 0)
3848 (unless cell-list
3849 (setq cell-list (car contents-list))
3850 (setq contents-list (cdr contents-list)))
3851 (while (< c cols)
3852 (setq c (1+ c))
3853 (if (car cell-list)
3854 (table-with-cache-buffer
3855 (insert (car cell-list))
3856 (setq cell-list (cdr cell-list))
3857 (setq table-cell-info-justify justify)))
3858 (table-forward-cell 1))))))
3860 ;;;###autoload
3861 (defun table-release ()
3862 "Convert a table into plain text by removing the frame from a table.
3863 Remove the frame from a table and inactivate the table. This command
3864 converts a table into plain text without frames. It is a companion to
3865 `table-capture' which does the opposite process."
3866 (interactive)
3867 (let ((origin-cell (table--probe-cell))
3868 table-lu table-rb)
3869 (if origin-cell
3870 (let ((old-point (point-marker)))
3871 ;; save-excursion is not sufficient for this
3872 ;; because untabify operation moves point
3873 (set-marker-insertion-type old-point t)
3874 (unwind-protect
3875 (progn
3876 (while
3877 (progn
3878 (table-forward-cell 1 nil 'unrecognize)
3879 (let ((cell (table--probe-cell)))
3880 (if (or (null table-lu)
3881 (< (car cell) table-lu))
3882 (setq table-lu (car cell)))
3883 (if (or (null table-rb)
3884 (> (cdr cell) table-rb))
3885 (setq table-rb (cdr cell)))
3886 (and cell (not (equal cell origin-cell))))))
3887 (let* ((lu-coord (table--get-coordinate table-lu))
3888 (rb-coord (table--get-coordinate table-rb))
3889 (lu (table--goto-coordinate (table--offset-coordinate lu-coord '(-1 . -1)))))
3890 (table--spacify-frame)
3891 (setcdr rb-coord (1+ (cdr rb-coord)))
3892 (delete-rectangle lu (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car lu-coord) (cdr rb-coord))))
3893 (table--remove-eol-spaces
3894 (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 (1- (cdr lu-coord))))
3895 (table--goto-coordinate rb-coord) nil t)))
3896 (goto-char old-point))))))
3898 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3900 ;; Worker functions (executed implicitly)
3903 (defun table--make-cell-map ()
3904 "Make the table cell keymap if it does not exist yet."
3905 ;; this is irrelevant to keymap but good place to make sure to be executed
3906 (table--update-cell-face)
3907 (unless table-cell-map
3908 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))
3909 (remap-alist table-command-remap-alist))
3910 ;; table-command-prefix mode specific bindings
3911 (if (vectorp table-command-prefix)
3912 (mapcar (lambda (binding)
3913 (let ((seq (copy-sequence (car binding))))
3914 (and (vectorp seq)
3915 (listp (aref seq 0))
3916 (eq (car (aref seq 0)) 'control)
3917 (progn
3918 (aset seq 0 (cadr (aref seq 0)))
3919 (define-key map (vconcat table-command-prefix seq) (cdr binding))))))
3920 table-cell-bindings))
3921 ;; shorthand control bindings
3922 (mapcar (lambda (binding)
3923 (define-key map (car binding) (cdr binding)))
3924 table-cell-bindings)
3925 ;; remap normal commands to table specific version
3926 (while remap-alist
3927 (define-key map (vector 'remap (caar remap-alist)) (cdar remap-alist))
3928 (setq remap-alist (cdr remap-alist)))
3930 (setq table-cell-map map)
3931 (fset 'table-cell-map map)))
3932 ;; add menu for table cells
3933 (unless table-disable-menu
3934 (easy-menu-define table-cell-menu-map table-cell-map "Table cell menu" table-cell-menu)
3935 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
3936 (easy-menu-add table-cell-menu)))
3937 (run-hooks 'table-cell-map-hook))
3939 ;; Create the keymap after running the user init file so that the user
3940 ;; modification to the global-map is accounted.
3941 (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'table--make-cell-map t)
3943 (defun *table--cell-self-insert-command ()
3944 "Table cell version of `self-insert-command'."
3945 (interactive "*")
3946 (let ((char (table--unibyte-char-to-multibyte last-command-char)))
3947 (if (eq buffer-undo-list t) nil
3948 (if (not (eq last-command this-command))
3949 (setq table-cell-self-insert-command-count 0)
3950 (if (car buffer-undo-list) nil
3951 (if (>= table-cell-self-insert-command-count 19)
3952 (setq table-cell-self-insert-command-count 0)
3953 (setq buffer-undo-list (cdr buffer-undo-list))
3954 (setq table-cell-self-insert-command-count (1+ table-cell-self-insert-command-count))))))
3955 (table--cell-insert-char char overwrite-mode)))
3957 (defun *table--cell-delete-backward-char (n)
3958 "Table cell version of `delete-backward-char'."
3959 (interactive "*p")
3960 (*table--cell-delete-char (- n)))
3962 (defun *table--cell-newline (&optional indent)
3963 "Table cell version of `newline'."
3964 (interactive "*")
3965 (table-with-cache-buffer
3966 (let ((column (current-column)))
3967 (insert ?\n)
3968 (if indent (indent-to-column column))
3969 ;; fill only when at the beginning of paragraph
3970 (if (= (point)
3971 (save-excursion
3972 (forward-paragraph -1)
3973 (if (looking-at "\\s *$")
3974 (forward-line 1))
3975 (point)))
3976 nil ; yes, at the beginning of the paragraph
3977 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)))))
3979 (defun *table--cell-open-line (n)
3980 "Table cell version of `open-line'."
3981 (interactive "*p")
3982 (table-with-cache-buffer
3983 (save-excursion
3984 (insert (make-string n ?\n))
3985 (table--fill-region (point) (point))
3986 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))))
3988 (defun *table--cell-newline-and-indent ()
3989 "Table cell version of `newline-and-indent'."
3990 (interactive)
3991 (*table--cell-newline t))
3993 (defun *table--cell-delete-char (n)
3994 "Table cell version of `delete-char'."
3995 (interactive "*p")
3996 (let ((overwrite overwrite-mode))
3997 (table-with-cache-buffer
3998 (if (and overwrite (< n 0))
3999 (progn
4000 (while (not (zerop n))
4001 (let ((coordinate (table--get-coordinate)))
4002 (if (zerop (car coordinate))
4003 (unless (zerop (cdr coordinate))
4004 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1- table-cell-info-width) (1- (cdr coordinate))))
4005 (unless (eolp)
4006 (delete-char 1)))
4007 (delete-char -1)
4008 (insert ?\ )
4009 (forward-char -1)))
4010 (setq n (1+ n)))
4011 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
4012 (let ((coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
4013 (end-marker (copy-marker (+ (point) n)))
4014 (deleted))
4015 (if (or (< end-marker (point-min))
4016 (> end-marker (point-max))) nil
4017 (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
4018 (setq deleted (buffer-substring (point) end-marker))
4019 (delete-char n)
4020 ;; in fixed width mode when two lines are concatenated
4021 ;; remove continuation character if there is one.
4022 (and table-fixed-width-mode
4023 (string-match "^\n" deleted)
4024 (equal (char-before) table-word-continuation-char)
4025 (delete-char -2))
4026 ;; see if the point is placed at the right tip of the previous
4027 ;; blank line, if so get rid of the preceding blanks.
4028 (if (and (not (bolp))
4029 (/= (cdr coordinate) (cdr (table--get-coordinate)))
4030 (let ((end (point)))
4031 (save-excursion
4032 (beginning-of-line)
4033 (re-search-forward "\\s +" end t)
4034 (= (point) end))))
4035 (replace-match ""))
4036 ;; do not fill the paragraph if the point is already at the end
4037 ;; of this paragraph and is following a blank character
4038 ;; (otherwise the filling squeezes the preceding blanks)
4039 (if (and (looking-at "\\s *$")
4040 (or (bobp)
4041 (save-excursion
4042 (backward-char)
4043 (looking-at "\\s "))))
4044 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
4046 (set-marker end-marker nil))))))
4048 (defun *table--cell-quoted-insert (arg)
4049 "Table cell version of `quoted-insert'."
4050 (interactive "*p")
4051 (let ((char (table--unibyte-char-to-multibyte (read-quoted-char))))
4052 (while (> arg 0)
4053 (table--cell-insert-char char nil)
4054 (setq arg (1- arg)))))
4056 (defun *table--cell-describe-mode ()
4057 "Table cell version of `describe-mode'."
4058 (interactive)
4059 (if (not (table--point-in-cell-p))
4060 (call-interactively 'describe-mode)
4061 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
4062 (princ "Table mode: (in ")
4063 (princ mode-name)
4064 (princ " mode)
4066 Table is not a mode technically. You can regard it as a pseudo mode
4067 which exists locally within a buffer. It overrides some standard
4068 editing behaviors. Editing operations in a table produces confined
4069 effects to the current cell. It may grow the cell horizontally and/or
4070 vertically depending on the newly entered or deleted contents of the
4071 cell, and also depending on the current mode of cell.
4073 In the normal mode the table preserves word continuity. Which means
4074 that a word never gets folded into multiple lines. For this purpose
4075 table will occasionally grow the cell width. On the other hand, when
4076 in a fixed width mode all cell width are fixed. When a word can not
4077 fit in the cell width the word is folded into the next line. The
4078 folded location is marked by a continuation character which is
4079 specified in the variable `table-word-continuation-char'.
4081 (print-help-return-message))))
4083 (defun *table--cell-describe-bindings ()
4084 "Table cell version of `describe-bindings'."
4085 (interactive)
4086 (if (not (table--point-in-cell-p))
4087 (call-interactively 'describe-bindings)
4088 (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Help*"
4089 (princ "Table Bindings:
4090 key binding
4091 --- -------
4094 (mapcar (lambda (binding)
4095 (princ (format "%-16s%s\n"
4096 (key-description (car binding))
4097 (cdr binding))))
4098 table-cell-bindings)
4099 (print-help-return-message))))
4101 (defun *table--cell-dabbrev-expand (arg)
4102 "Table cell version of `dabbrev-expand'."
4103 (interactive "*P")
4104 (let ((dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp (concat "[^"
4105 (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char)
4106 (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)
4107 " \n]")))
4108 (table-with-cache-buffer
4109 (dabbrev-expand arg))))
4111 (defun *table--cell-dabbrev-completion (&optional arg)
4112 "Table cell version of `dabbrev-completion'."
4113 (interactive "*P")
4114 (error "`dabbrev-completion' is incompatible with table")
4115 (let ((dabbrev-abbrev-char-regexp (concat "[^"
4116 (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char)
4117 (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)
4118 " \n]")))
4119 (table-with-cache-buffer
4120 (dabbrev-completion arg))))
4122 (defun *table--present-cell-popup-menu (event)
4123 "Present and handle cell popup menu."
4124 (interactive "e")
4125 (unless table-disable-menu
4126 (select-window (posn-window (event-start event)))
4127 (goto-char (posn-point (event-start event)))
4128 (let ((item-list (x-popup-menu event table-cell-menu-map))
4129 (func table-cell-menu-map))
4130 (while item-list
4131 (setq func (nth 3 (assoc (car item-list) func)))
4132 (setq item-list (cdr item-list)))
4133 (if (and (symbolp func) (fboundp func))
4134 (call-interactively func)))))
4136 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4138 ;; Cell updating functions
4141 (defun table--update-cell (&optional now)
4142 "Update the table cell contents.
4143 When the optional parameter NOW is nil it only sets up the update
4144 timer. If it is non-nil the function copies the contents of the cell
4145 cache buffer into the designated cell in the table buffer."
4146 (if (null table-update-timer) nil
4147 (table--cancel-timer table-update-timer)
4148 (setq table-update-timer nil))
4149 (if (or (not now)
4150 (and (boundp 'quail-converting)
4151 quail-converting) ;; defer operation while current quail work is not finished.
4152 (and (boundp 'quail-translating)
4153 quail-translating))
4154 (setq table-update-timer
4155 (table--set-timer table-time-before-update
4156 (function table--update-cell)
4157 'now))
4158 (save-current-buffer
4159 (set-buffer table-cell-buffer)
4160 (let ((cache-buffer (get-buffer-create table-cache-buffer-name))
4161 (org-coord (table--get-coordinate))
4162 (in-cell (equal (table--cell-to-coord (table--probe-cell))
4163 (cons table-cell-info-lu-coordinate table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))
4164 rectangle)
4165 (set-buffer cache-buffer)
4166 (setq rectangle
4167 (extract-rectangle
4169 (table--goto-coordinate (cons table-cell-info-width (1- table-cell-info-height)))))
4170 (set-buffer table-cell-buffer)
4171 (delete-rectangle (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)
4172 (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))
4173 (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)
4174 (table--insert-rectangle rectangle)
4175 (let* ((cell (table--probe-cell))) ; must probe again in case of wide characters
4176 (table--put-cell-property cell)
4177 (table--put-cell-justify-property cell table-cell-info-justify)
4178 (table--put-cell-valign-property cell table-cell-info-valign))
4179 (table--goto-coordinate
4180 (if in-cell
4181 (table--transcoord-cache-to-table table-cell-cache-point-coordinate)
4182 org-coord))))
4183 ;; simulate undo behavior under overwrite-mode
4184 (if (and overwrite-mode (not (eq buffer-undo-list t)))
4185 (setq buffer-undo-list (cons nil buffer-undo-list)))))
4187 (defun table--update-cell-widened (&optional now)
4188 "Update the contents of the cells that are affected by widening operation."
4189 (if (null table-widen-timer) nil
4190 (table--cancel-timer table-widen-timer)
4191 (setq table-widen-timer nil))
4192 (if (not now)
4193 (setq table-widen-timer
4194 (table--set-timer (+ table-time-before-update table-time-before-reformat)
4195 (function table--update-cell-widened)
4196 'now))
4197 (save-current-buffer
4198 (if table-update-timer
4199 (table--update-cell 'now))
4200 (set-buffer table-cell-buffer)
4201 (let* ((current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
4202 (current-cell-coordinate (table--cell-to-coord (table--probe-cell)))
4203 (cell-coord-list (progn
4204 (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)
4205 (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--vertical-cell-list)))))
4206 (while cell-coord-list
4207 (let* ((cell-coord (prog1 (car cell-coord-list) (setq cell-coord-list (cdr cell-coord-list))))
4208 (currentp (equal cell-coord current-cell-coordinate)))
4209 (if currentp (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
4210 (table--goto-coordinate (car cell-coord)))
4211 (table-recognize-cell 'froce)
4212 (let ((table-inhibit-update t))
4213 (table-with-cache-buffer
4214 (let ((sticky (and currentp
4215 (save-excursion
4216 (unless (bolp) (forward-char -1))
4217 (looking-at ".*\\S ")))))
4218 (table--fill-region (point-min) (point-max))
4219 (if sticky
4220 (setq current-coordinate (table--transcoord-cache-to-table))))))
4221 (table--update-cell 'now)
4223 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
4224 (table-recognize-cell 'froce)))))
4226 (defun table--update-cell-heightened (&optional now)
4227 "Update the contents of the cells that are affected by heightening operation."
4228 (if (null table-heighten-timer) nil
4229 (table--cancel-timer table-heighten-timer)
4230 (setq table-heighten-timer nil))
4231 (if (not now)
4232 (setq table-heighten-timer
4233 (table--set-timer (+ table-time-before-update table-time-before-reformat)
4234 (function table--update-cell-heightened)
4235 'now))
4236 (save-current-buffer
4237 (if table-update-timer
4238 (table--update-cell 'now))
4239 (if table-widen-timer
4240 (table--update-cell-widened 'now))
4241 (set-buffer table-cell-buffer)
4242 (let* ((current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
4243 (current-cell-coordinate (table--cell-to-coord (table--probe-cell)))
4244 (cell-coord-list (progn
4245 (table--goto-coordinate table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)
4246 (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (table--horizontal-cell-list)))))
4247 (while cell-coord-list
4248 (let* ((cell-coord (prog1 (car cell-coord-list) (setq cell-coord-list (cdr cell-coord-list))))
4249 (currentp (equal cell-coord current-cell-coordinate)))
4250 (if currentp (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
4251 (table--goto-coordinate (car cell-coord)))
4252 (table-recognize-cell 'froce)
4253 (let ((table-inhibit-update t))
4254 (table-with-cache-buffer
4255 (let ((sticky (and currentp
4256 (save-excursion
4257 (unless (bolp) (forward-char -1))
4258 (looking-at ".*\\S ")))))
4259 (table--valign)
4260 (if sticky
4261 (setq current-coordinate (table--transcoord-cache-to-table))))))
4262 (table--update-cell 'now)
4264 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
4265 (table-recognize-cell 'froce)))))
4267 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4269 ;; Service functions (for external packages)
4272 (defun table-goto-top-left-corner ()
4273 "Move point to top left corner of the current table and return the char position."
4274 (table--goto-coordinate
4275 (cons
4276 (1- (car (table--get-coordinate (car (table--horizontal-cell-list t t)))))
4277 (1- (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car (table--vertical-cell-list t t))))))))
4279 (defun table-goto-top-right-corner ()
4280 "Move point to top right corner of the current table and return the char position."
4281 (table--goto-coordinate
4282 (cons
4283 (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--horizontal-cell-list nil t))))
4284 (1- (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car (table--vertical-cell-list t t))))))))
4286 (defun table-goto-bottom-left-corner ()
4287 "Move point to bottom left corner of the current table and return the char position."
4288 (table--goto-coordinate
4289 (cons
4290 (1- (car (table--get-coordinate (car (table--horizontal-cell-list t t)))))
4291 (1+ (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--vertical-cell-list nil t))))))))
4293 (defun table-goto-bottom-right-corner ()
4294 "Move point to bottom right corner of the current table and return the char position."
4295 (table--goto-coordinate
4296 (cons
4297 (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--horizontal-cell-list nil t))))
4298 (1+ (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--vertical-cell-list nil t))))))))
4300 (defun table-call-interactively (function &optional recoard-flag keys)
4301 "Call FUNCTION, or a table version of it if applicable.
4302 See `call-interactively' for full description of the arguments."
4303 (let ((table-func (intern-soft (format "*table--cell-%s" function))))
4304 (call-interactively
4305 (if (and table-func
4306 (table--point-in-cell-p))
4307 table-func
4308 function) recoard-flag keys)))
4310 (defun table-funcall (function &rest arguments)
4311 "Call FUNCTION, or a table version of it if applicable.
4312 See `funcall' for full description of the arguments."
4313 (let ((table-func (intern-soft (format "*table--cell-%s" function))))
4314 (apply
4315 (if (and table-func
4316 (table--point-in-cell-p))
4317 table-func
4318 function)
4319 arguments)))
4321 (defmacro table-apply (function &rest arguments)
4322 "Call FUNCTION, or a table version of it if applicable.
4323 See `apply' for full description of the arguments."
4324 (let ((table-func (make-symbol "table-func")))
4325 `(let ((,table-func (intern-soft (format "*table--cell-%s" ,function))))
4326 (apply
4327 (if (and ,table-func
4328 (table--point-in-cell-p))
4329 ,table-func
4330 ,function)
4331 ,@arguments))))
4333 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4335 ;; Utility functions
4338 (defun table--read-from-minibuffer (prompt-history)
4339 "A wrapper to `read-from-minibuffer'.
4340 PROMPT-HISTORY is a cons cell which car is the prompt string and the
4341 cdr is the history symbol."
4342 (let ((default (car (symbol-value (cdr prompt-history)))))
4343 (read-from-minibuffer
4344 (format "%s (default %s): " (car prompt-history) default)
4345 "" nil nil (cdr prompt-history) default))
4346 (and (featurep 'xemacs)
4347 (equal (car (symbol-value (cdr prompt-history))) "")
4348 (set (cdr prompt-history)
4349 (cdr (symbol-value (cdr prompt-history)))))
4350 (car (symbol-value (cdr prompt-history))))
4352 (defun table--unibyte-char-to-multibyte (char)
4353 "Convert CHAR by `unibyte-char-to-multibyte' when possible and necessary."
4354 ;; This part is take from `quoted-insert'.
4355 ;; Assume character codes 0240 - 0377 stand for characters in some
4356 ;; single-byte character set, and convert them to Emacs
4357 ;; characters.
4358 (if (and enable-multibyte-characters
4359 (fboundp 'unibyte-char-to-multibyte)
4360 (>= char ?\240)
4361 (<= char ?\377))
4362 (unibyte-char-to-multibyte char)
4363 char))
4365 (defun table--buffer-substring-and-trim (beg end)
4366 "Extract buffer substring and remove blanks from front and the rear of it."
4367 (save-excursion
4368 (save-restriction
4369 (narrow-to-region (goto-char beg) end)
4370 (if (re-search-forward "\\s *")
4371 (setq beg (match-end 0)))
4372 (if (re-search-forward "\\s *\\'" end t)
4373 (setq end (match-beginning 0)))
4374 (table--remove-cell-properties
4375 0 (- end beg)
4376 (buffer-substring beg end)))))
4378 (defun table--valign ()
4379 "Vertically align the cache cell contents.
4380 Current buffer must be the cache buffer at the entry to this function.
4381 Returns the coordinate of the final point location."
4382 (if (or (null table-cell-info-valign)
4383 (eq table-cell-info-valign 'none))
4384 (table--get-coordinate)
4385 (let ((saved-point (point-marker)))
4386 ;;(set-marker-insertion-type saved-point t)
4387 (goto-char (point-min))
4388 (let* ((from (and (re-search-forward "^.*\\S " nil t)
4389 (table--current-line)))
4390 (to (let ((tmp from))
4391 (while (re-search-forward "^.*\\S " nil t)
4392 (setq tmp (table--current-line)))
4393 tmp))
4394 (content-height (and from to (1+ (- to from)))))
4395 (unless (null content-height)
4396 (goto-char (point-min))
4397 (if (looking-at "\\s *\n")
4398 (replace-match ""))
4399 (cond ((eq table-cell-info-valign 'middle)
4400 (insert (make-string (/ (- table-cell-info-height content-height) 2) ?\n)))
4401 ((eq table-cell-info-valign 'bottom)
4402 (insert (make-string (- table-cell-info-height content-height) ?\n))))
4403 (table--goto-coordinate (cons table-cell-info-width (1- table-cell-info-height)))
4404 (if (re-search-forward "\\s +\\'" nil t)
4405 (replace-match ""))))
4406 (goto-char saved-point)
4407 (set-marker saved-point nil)
4408 (let ((coord (table--get-coordinate)))
4409 (unless (< (cdr coord) table-cell-info-height)
4410 (setcdr coord (1- table-cell-info-height))
4411 (table--goto-coordinate coord))
4412 coord))))
4414 (defun table--query-justification ()
4415 (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
4416 (let* ((completion-ignore-case t)
4417 (default (car table-justify-history)))
4418 (intern (downcase (completing-read
4419 (format "Justify (default %s): " default)
4420 '(("left") ("center") ("right") ("top") ("middle") ("bottom") ("none"))
4421 nil t nil 'table-justify-history default)))))
4423 (defun table--spacify-frame ()
4424 "Spacify table frame.
4425 Replace frame characters with spaces."
4426 (let ((frame-char
4427 (append (string-to-list table-cell-horizontal-chars)
4428 (list table-cell-intersection-char table-cell-vertical-char))))
4429 (while
4430 (progn
4431 (cond
4432 ((eq (char-after) table-cell-intersection-char)
4433 (save-excursion
4434 (let ((col (current-column)))
4435 (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
4436 (zerop (current-column))
4437 (move-to-column col)
4438 (table--spacify-frame))))
4439 (delete-char 1)
4440 (insert-before-markers ?\ ))
4441 ((table--cell-horizontal-char-p (char-after))
4442 (while (progn
4443 (delete-char 1)
4444 (insert-before-markers ?\ )
4445 (table--cell-horizontal-char-p (char-after)))))
4446 ((eq (char-after) table-cell-vertical-char)
4447 (while (let ((col (current-column)))
4448 (delete-char 1)
4449 (insert-before-markers ?\ )
4450 (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
4451 (zerop (current-column))
4452 (move-to-column col)
4453 (eq (char-after) table-cell-vertical-char))))))
4454 (memq (char-after) frame-char)))))
4456 (defun table--remove-blank-lines (n)
4457 "Delete N blank lines from the current line.
4458 For adjusting below area of the table when the table is shortened."
4459 (move-to-column 0)
4460 (let ((first-blank t))
4461 (while (> n 0)
4462 (setq n (1- n))
4463 (cond ((looking-at "\\s *\\'")
4464 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
4465 (setq n 0))
4466 ((and (looking-at "\\([ \t]*\n[ \t]*\\)\n") first-blank)
4467 (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
4468 ((looking-at "[ \t]*$")
4469 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
4470 (forward-line 1))
4472 (setq first-blank nil)
4473 (forward-line 1))))))
4475 (defun table--uniform-list-p (l)
4476 "Return nil when LIST contains non equal elements. Otherwise return t."
4477 (if (null l) t
4478 (catch 'end
4479 (while (cdr l)
4480 (if (not (equal (car l) (cadr l))) (throw 'end nil))
4481 (setq l (cdr l)))
4482 t)))
4484 (defun table--detect-cell-alignment (cell)
4485 "Detect CELL contents alignment.
4486 Guess CELL contents alignment both horizontally and vertically by
4487 looking at the appearance of the CELL contents."
4488 (let ((cell-contents (extract-rectangle (car cell) (cdr cell)))
4489 (left-margin 0)
4490 (right-margin 0)
4491 (top-margin 0)
4492 (bottom-margin 0)
4493 (margin-diff 0)
4494 (margin-info-available nil)
4495 justify valign)
4496 (with-temp-buffer
4497 (table--insert-rectangle cell-contents)
4498 ;; determine the horizontal justification
4499 (goto-char (point-min))
4500 (while (re-search-forward "^\\( *\\).*[^ \n]\\( *\\)$" nil t)
4501 (setq margin-info-available t)
4502 (let* ((lm (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)))
4503 (rm (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2)))
4504 (md (abs (- lm rm))))
4505 (if (> lm left-margin)
4506 (setq left-margin lm))
4507 (if (> rm right-margin)
4508 (setq right-margin rm))
4509 (if (> md margin-diff)
4510 (setq margin-diff md))))
4511 (setq justify
4512 (cond
4513 ((and margin-info-available
4514 (<= margin-diff 1)
4515 (> left-margin 0)) 'center)
4516 ((and margin-info-available
4517 (zerop right-margin)
4518 (> left-margin 0)) 'right)
4519 (t 'left)))
4520 ;; determine the vertical justification
4521 (goto-char (point-min))
4522 (if (and (re-search-forward "\\s *\\S " nil t)
4523 (/= (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
4524 (setq top-margin (1- (count-lines (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
4525 (if (and (re-search-forward "\\s *\\'" nil t)
4526 (/= (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))
4527 (setq bottom-margin (1- (count-lines (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
4528 (setq valign
4529 (cond
4530 ((and (> top-margin 0)
4531 (> bottom-margin 0)
4532 (<= (abs (- top-margin bottom-margin)) 1)) 'middle)
4533 ((and (> top-margin 0)
4534 (zerop bottom-margin)) 'bottom)
4535 (t nil))))
4536 (table--put-cell-justify-property cell justify)
4537 (table--put-cell-valign-property cell valign)))
4539 (defun table--string-to-number-list (str)
4540 "Return a list of numbers in STR."
4541 (let ((idx 0)
4542 (nl nil))
4543 (while (string-match "[-0-9.]+" str idx)
4544 (setq idx (match-end 0))
4545 (setq nl (cons (string-to-number (match-string 0 str)) nl)))
4546 (nreverse nl)))
4548 (defun table--justify-cell-contents (justify &optional paragraph)
4549 "Justify the current cell contents.
4550 JUSTIFY is a symbol 'left, 'center or 'right for horizontal, or 'top,
4551 'middle, 'bottom or 'none for vertical. When PARAGRAPH is non-nil the
4552 justify operation is limited to the current paragraph."
4553 (table-with-cache-buffer
4554 (let ((beg (point-min))
4555 (end (point-max-marker))
4556 (fill-column table-cell-info-width)
4557 (adaptive-fill-mode nil)
4558 (valign-symbols '(top middle bottom none)))
4559 (unless paragraph
4560 (if (memq justify valign-symbols)
4561 (setq table-cell-info-valign
4562 (if (eq justify 'none) nil justify))
4563 (setq table-cell-info-justify justify)))
4564 (save-excursion
4565 (if paragraph
4566 (let ((paragraph-start "\n"))
4567 (forward-paragraph)
4568 (or (bolp) (newline 1))
4569 (set-marker end (point))
4570 (setq beg (progn (forward-paragraph -1) (point)))))
4571 (if (memq justify valign-symbols)
4572 (table--valign)
4573 (table--remove-eol-spaces beg end 'bol)
4574 (let ((paragraph-start table-paragraph-start))
4575 (fill-region beg end table-cell-info-justify))))
4576 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)
4577 (set-marker end nil)))
4578 (table--update-cell 'now))
4580 (defun table--horizontally-shift-above-and-below (columns-to-extend top-to-bottom-coord-list)
4581 "Horizontally shift outside contents right above and right below of the table.
4582 This function moves the surrounding text outside of the table so that
4583 they match the horizontal growth/shrink of the table. It also
4584 untabify the shift affected area including the right side of the table
4585 so that tab related uneven shifting is avoided. COLUMNS-TO-EXTEND
4586 specifies the number of columns the table grows, or shrinks if
4587 negative. TOP-TO-BOTTOM-COORD-LIST is the vertical cell coordinate
4588 list. This list can be any vertical list within the table."
4589 (save-excursion
4590 (let (beg-coord end-coord)
4591 (table--goto-coordinate (caar top-to-bottom-coord-list))
4592 (let* ((cell (table--horizontal-cell-list nil 'first-only 'top))
4593 (coord (cons (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))
4594 (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car cell))))))
4595 (setcar coord (1+ (car coord)))
4596 (setcdr coord (- (cdr coord) 2))
4597 (setq beg-coord (cons (car coord) (1+ (cdr coord))))
4598 (while (and (table--goto-coordinate coord 'no-extension)
4599 (not (looking-at "\\s *$")))
4600 (if (< columns-to-extend 0)
4601 (progn
4602 (table--untabify-line)
4603 (delete-char columns-to-extend))
4604 (table--untabify-line (point))
4605 (insert (make-string columns-to-extend ?\ )))
4606 (setcdr coord (1- (cdr coord)))))
4607 (table--goto-coordinate (caar (last top-to-bottom-coord-list)))
4608 (let ((coord (table--get-coordinate (cdr (table--horizontal-cell-list nil 'first-only 'bottom)))))
4609 (setcar coord (1+ (car coord)))
4610 (setcdr coord (+ (cdr coord) 2))
4611 (setq end-coord (cons (car coord) (1- (cdr coord))))
4612 (while (and (table--goto-coordinate coord 'no-extension)
4613 (not (looking-at "\\s *$")))
4614 (if (< columns-to-extend 0)
4615 (progn
4616 (table--untabify-line)
4617 (delete-char columns-to-extend))
4618 (table--untabify-line (point))
4619 (insert (make-string columns-to-extend ?\ )))
4620 (setcdr coord (1+ (cdr coord)))))
4621 (while (<= (cdr beg-coord) (cdr end-coord))
4622 (table--untabify-line (table--goto-coordinate beg-coord 'no-extension))
4623 (setcdr beg-coord (1+ (cdr beg-coord)))))))
4625 (defun table--create-growing-space-below (lines-to-extend left-to-right-coord-list bottom-border-y)
4626 "Create growing space below the table.
4627 This function creates growing space below the table slightly
4628 intelligent fashion. Following is the cases it handles for each
4629 growing line:
4630 1. When the first line below the table is a complete blank line it
4631 inserts a blank line.
4632 2. When the line starts with a prefix that matches the prefix of the
4633 bottom line of the table it inserts a line consisting of prefix alone.
4634 3. Otherwise it deletes the rectangular contents where table will
4635 grow into."
4636 (save-excursion
4637 (let ((i 0)
4638 (prefix (and (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 bottom-border-y))
4639 (re-search-forward
4640 ".*\\S "
4641 (save-excursion
4642 (table--goto-coordinate
4643 (cons (1- (caar (car left-to-right-coord-list))) bottom-border-y)))
4645 (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
4646 (while (< i lines-to-extend)
4647 (let ((y (+ i bottom-border-y 1)))
4648 (table--goto-coordinate (cons 0 y))
4649 (cond
4650 ((looking-at "\\s *$")
4651 (insert ?\n))
4652 ((and prefix (looking-at (concat (regexp-quote prefix) "\\s *$")))
4653 (insert prefix ?\n))
4655 (delete-rectangle
4656 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1- (caar (car left-to-right-coord-list))) y))
4657 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (1+ (cadr (car (last left-to-right-coord-list)))) y))))))
4658 (setq i (1+ i))))))
4660 (defun table--untabify-line (&optional from)
4661 "Untabify current line.
4662 Unlike save-excursion this guarantees preserving the cursor location
4663 even when the point is on a tab character which is to be removed.
4664 Optional FROM narrows the subject operation from this point to the end
4665 of line."
4666 (let ((current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate)))
4667 (table--untabify (or from (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)))
4668 (progn (end-of-line) (point)))
4669 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)))
4671 (defun table--untabify (beg end)
4672 "Wrapper to raw untabify."
4673 (untabify beg end)
4674 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
4675 ;; Cancel strange behavior of xemacs
4676 (message "")))
4678 (defun table--multiply-string (string multiplier)
4679 "Multiply string and return it."
4680 (let ((ret-str ""))
4681 (while (> multiplier 0)
4682 (setq ret-str (concat ret-str string))
4683 (setq multiplier (1- multiplier)))
4684 ret-str))
4686 (defun table--find-row-column (&optional columnp no-error)
4687 "Search table and return a cell coordinate list of row or column."
4688 (let ((current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate)))
4689 (catch 'end
4690 (catch 'error
4691 (let ((coord (table--get-coordinate)))
4692 (while
4693 (progn
4694 (if columnp (setcar coord (1- (car coord)))
4695 (setcdr coord (1- (cdr coord))))
4696 (>= (if columnp (car coord) (cdr coord)) 0))
4697 (while (progn
4698 (table--goto-coordinate coord 'no-extension 'no-tab-expansion)
4699 (not (looking-at (format "[%s%c%c]"
4700 table-cell-horizontal-chars
4701 table-cell-vertical-char
4702 table-cell-intersection-char))))
4703 (if columnp (setcar coord (1- (car coord)))
4704 (setcdr coord (1- (cdr coord))))
4705 (if (< (if columnp (car coord) (cdr coord)) 0)
4706 (throw 'error nil)))
4707 (if (table--probe-cell)
4708 (throw 'end (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (if columnp
4709 (table--vertical-cell-list t nil 'left)
4710 (table--horizontal-cell-list t nil 'top))))
4711 (table--goto-coordinate (table--offset-coordinate coord (if columnp '(0 . 1) '(1 . 0)))
4712 'no-extension 'no-tab-expansion)
4713 (if (table--probe-cell)
4714 (throw 'end (table--cell-list-to-coord-list (if columnp
4715 (table--vertical-cell-list t nil 'left)
4716 (table--horizontal-cell-list t nil 'top)))))))))
4717 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)
4718 (if no-error nil
4719 (error "Table not found")))))
4721 (defun table--min-coord-list (coord-list)
4722 "Return minimum cell dimension of COORD-LIST.
4723 COORD-LIST is a list of coordinate pairs (lu-coord . rb-coord), where
4724 each pair in the list represents a cell. lu-coord is the left upper
4725 coordinate of a cell and rb-coord is the right bottom coordinate of a
4726 cell. A coordinate is a pair of x and y axis coordinate values. The
4727 return value is a cons cell (min-w . min-h), where min-w and min-h are
4728 respectively the minimum width and the minimum height of all the cells
4729 in the list."
4730 (if (null coord-list) nil
4731 (let ((min-width 134217727)
4732 (min-height 134217727))
4733 (while coord-list
4734 (let* ((coord (prog1 (car coord-list) (setq coord-list (cdr coord-list))))
4735 (width (- (cadr coord) (caar coord)))
4736 (height (1+ (- (cddr coord) (cdar coord)))))
4737 (if (< width min-width) (setq min-width width))
4738 (if (< height min-height) (setq min-height height))))
4739 (cons min-width min-height))))
4741 (defun table--cell-can-split-horizontally-p ()
4742 "Test if a cell can split at current location horizontally."
4743 (and (not buffer-read-only)
4744 (let ((point-x (car (table--get-coordinate))))
4745 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
4746 (and (> point-x (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
4747 (<= point-x (1- (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))))))
4749 (defun table--cell-can-split-vertically-p ()
4750 "Test if a cell can split at current location vertically."
4751 (and (not buffer-read-only)
4752 (let ((point-y (cdr (table--get-coordinate))))
4753 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
4754 (and (> point-y (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
4755 (<= point-y (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))))))
4757 (defun table--cell-can-span-p (direction)
4758 "Test if the current cell can span to DIRECTION."
4759 (table-recognize-cell 'force)
4760 (and (not buffer-read-only)
4761 (table--probe-cell)
4762 ;; get two adjacent cells from each corner
4763 (let ((cell (save-excursion
4764 (and
4765 (table--goto-coordinate
4766 (cons (cond ((eq direction 'right) (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))
4767 ((eq direction 'left) (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))
4768 (t (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))
4769 (cond ((eq direction 'above) (- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate) 2))
4770 ((eq direction 'below) (+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate) 2))
4771 (t (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))) 'no-extension)
4772 (table--probe-cell))))
4773 (cell2 (save-excursion
4774 (and
4775 (table--goto-coordinate
4776 (cons (cond ((eq direction 'right) (1+ (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))
4777 ((eq direction 'left) (1- (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate)))
4778 (t (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))
4779 (cond ((eq direction 'above) (- (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate) 2))
4780 ((eq direction 'below) (+ (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate) 2))
4781 (t (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))) 'no-extension)
4782 (table--probe-cell)))))
4783 ;; make sure the two cells exist, and they are identical, that cell's size matches the current one
4784 (and cell
4785 (equal cell cell2)
4786 (if (or (eq direction 'right) (eq direction 'left))
4787 (and (= (cdr (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
4788 (cdr table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
4789 (= (cdr (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))
4790 (cdr table-cell-info-rb-coordinate)))
4791 (and (= (car (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
4792 (car table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
4793 (= (car (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))
4794 (car table-cell-info-rb-coordinate))))))))
4796 (defun table--cell-insert-char (char &optional overwrite)
4797 "Insert CHAR inside a table cell."
4798 (let ((delete-selection-p (and (boundp 'delete-selection-mode)
4799 delete-selection-mode
4800 transient-mark-mode mark-active
4801 (not buffer-read-only)))
4802 (mark-coordinate (table--transcoord-table-to-cache (table--get-coordinate (mark t)))))
4803 (table-with-cache-buffer
4804 (and delete-selection-p
4805 (>= (car mark-coordinate) 0)
4806 (<= (car mark-coordinate) table-cell-info-width)
4807 (>= (cdr mark-coordinate) 0)
4808 (<= (cdr mark-coordinate) table-cell-info-height)
4809 (save-excursion
4810 (delete-region (point) (table--goto-coordinate mark-coordinate))))
4811 (if overwrite
4812 (let ((coordinate (table--get-coordinate)))
4813 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t)
4814 (if (>= (car coordinate) table-cell-info-width)
4815 (if (>= (cdr coordinate) (1- table-cell-info-height))
4816 (insert "\n" char)
4817 (forward-line 1)
4818 (insert char)
4819 (unless (eolp)
4820 (delete-char 1)))
4821 (insert char)
4822 (unless (eolp)
4823 (delete-char 1))))
4824 (if (not (eq char ?\ ))
4825 (if char (insert char))
4826 (if (not (looking-at "\\s *$"))
4827 (if (and table-fixed-width-mode
4828 (> (point) 2)
4829 (save-excursion
4830 (forward-char -2)
4831 (looking-at (concat "\\("
4832 (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-word-continuation-char))
4833 "\\)\n"))))
4834 (save-excursion
4835 (replace-match " " nil nil nil 1))
4836 (insert char))
4837 (let ((coordinate (table--get-coordinate)))
4838 (if (< (car coordinate) table-cell-info-width)
4839 (move-to-column (1+ (car coordinate)) t)
4840 (insert (make-string (forward-line 1) ?\n))
4841 (unless (bolp) (insert ?\n))))
4842 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
4843 (save-excursion
4844 (let ((o-point (point)))
4845 (if (and (bolp)
4846 (or (progn
4847 (forward-paragraph)
4848 (forward-paragraph -1)
4849 (= o-point (point)))
4850 (progn
4851 (goto-char o-point)
4852 (forward-line)
4853 (setq o-point (point))
4854 (forward-paragraph)
4855 (forward-paragraph -1)
4856 (= o-point (point)))))
4857 (insert ?\n)))))))))
4859 (defun table--finish-delayed-tasks ()
4860 "Finish all outstanding delayed tasks."
4861 (if table-update-timer
4862 (table--update-cell 'now))
4863 (if table-widen-timer
4864 (table--update-cell-widened 'now))
4865 (if table-heighten-timer
4866 (table--update-cell-heightened 'now)))
4868 (defmacro table--log (&rest body)
4869 "Debug logging macro."
4870 `(save-excursion
4871 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "log"))
4872 (goto-char (point-min))
4873 (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)))
4874 ,@body)))
4876 (defun table--measure-max-width (&optional unlimited)
4877 "Return maximum width of current buffer.
4878 Normally the current buffer is expected to be already the cache
4879 buffer. The width excludes following spaces at the end of each line.
4880 Unless UNLIMITED is non-nil minimum return value is 1."
4881 (save-excursion
4882 (let ((width 0))
4883 (goto-char (point-min))
4884 (while
4885 (progn
4886 ;; do not count the following white spaces
4887 (re-search-forward "\\s *$")
4888 (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
4889 (if (> (current-column) width)
4890 (setq width (current-column)))
4891 (forward-line)
4892 (not (eobp))))
4893 (if unlimited width
4894 (max 1 width)))))
4896 (defun table--cell-to-coord (cell)
4897 "Create a cell coordinate pair from cell location pair."
4898 (if cell
4899 (cons (table--get-coordinate (car cell))
4900 (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))
4901 nil))
4903 (defun table--cell-list-to-coord-list (cell-list)
4904 "Create and return a coordinate list that corresponds to CELL-LIST.
4905 CELL-LIST is a list of location pairs (lu . rb), where each pair
4906 represents a cell in the list. lu is the left upper location and rb
4907 is the right bottom location of a cell. The return value is a list of
4908 coordinate pairs (lu-coord . rb-coord), where lu-coord is the left
4909 upper coordinate and rb-coord is the right bottom coordinate of a
4910 cell."
4911 (let ((coord-list))
4912 (while cell-list
4913 (let ((cell (prog1 (car cell-list) (setq cell-list (cdr cell-list)))))
4914 (setq coord-list
4915 (cons (table--cell-to-coord cell) coord-list))))
4916 (nreverse coord-list)))
4918 (defun table--test-cell-list (&optional horizontal reverse first-only pivot)
4919 "For testing `table--vertical-cell-list' and `table--horizontal-cell-list'."
4920 (let* ((current-coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
4921 (cell-list (if horizontal
4922 (table--horizontal-cell-list reverse first-only pivot)
4923 (table--vertical-cell-list reverse first-only pivot)))
4924 (count 0))
4925 (while cell-list
4926 (let* ((cell (if first-only (prog1 cell-list (setq cell-list nil))
4927 (prog1 (car cell-list) (setq cell-list (cdr cell-list)))))
4928 (dig1-str (format "%1d" (prog1 (% count 10) (setq count (1+ count))))))
4929 (goto-char (car cell))
4930 (table-with-cache-buffer
4931 (replace-regexp "." dig1-str)
4932 (setq table-inhibit-auto-fill-paragraph t))
4933 (table--finish-delayed-tasks)))
4934 (table--goto-coordinate current-coordinate)))
4936 (defun table--vertical-cell-list (&optional top-to-bottom first-only pivot internal-dir internal-list internal-px)
4937 "Return a vertical cell list from the table.
4938 The return value represents a list of cells including the current cell
4939 that align vertically. Each element of the list is a cons cell (lu
4940 . rb) where lu is the cell's left upper location and rb is the cell's
4941 right bottom location. The cell order in the list is from bottom to
4942 top of the table. If optional argument TOP-TO-BOTTOM is non-nil the
4943 order is reversed as from top to bottom of the table. If optional
4944 argument FIRST-ONLY is non-nil the return value is not a list of cells
4945 but a single cons cell that is the first cell of the list, if the list
4946 had been created. If optional argument PIVOT is a symbol `left' the
4947 vertical cell search is aligned with the left edge of the current
4948 cell, otherwise aligned with the right edge of the current cell. The
4949 arguments INTERNAL-DIR, INTERNAL-LIST and INTERNAL-PX are internal use
4950 only and must not be specified."
4951 (save-excursion
4952 (let* ((cell (table--probe-cell))
4953 (lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
4954 (rb-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))
4955 (px (or internal-px (car (if (eq pivot 'left) lu-coordinate rb-coordinate))))
4956 (ty (- (cdr lu-coordinate) 2))
4957 (by (+ (cdr rb-coordinate) 2)))
4958 ;; in case of finding the the first cell, get the last adding item on the list
4959 (if (and (null internal-dir) first-only) (setq top-to-bottom (null top-to-bottom)))
4960 ;; travel up and process as recursion traces back (reverse order)
4961 (and cell
4962 (or (eq internal-dir 'up) (null internal-dir))
4963 (table--goto-coordinate (cons px (if top-to-bottom by ty)) 'no-extension 'no-tab-expansion)
4964 (setq internal-list (table--vertical-cell-list top-to-bottom first-only nil 'up nil px)))
4965 ;; return the last cell or add this cell to the list
4966 (if first-only (or internal-list cell)
4967 (setq internal-list (if cell (cons cell internal-list) internal-list))
4968 ;; travel down and process as entering each recursion (forward order)
4969 (and cell
4970 (or (eq internal-dir 'down) (null internal-dir))
4971 (table--goto-coordinate (cons px (if top-to-bottom ty by)) 'no-extension 'no-tab-expansion)
4972 (setq internal-list (table--vertical-cell-list top-to-bottom nil nil 'down internal-list px)))
4973 ;; return the result
4974 internal-list))))
4976 (defun table--horizontal-cell-list (&optional left-to-right first-only pivot internal-dir internal-list internal-py)
4977 "Return a horizontal cell list from the table.
4978 The return value represents a list of cells including the current cell
4979 that align horizontally. Each element of the list is a cons cells (lu
4980 . rb) where lu is the cell's left upper location and rb is the cell's
4981 right bottom location. The cell order in the list is from right to
4982 left of the table. If optional argument LEFT-TO-RIGHT is non-nil the
4983 order is reversed as from left to right of the table. If optional
4984 argument FIRST-ONLY is non-nil the return value is not a list of cells
4985 but a single cons cell that is the first cell of the list, if the
4986 list had been created. If optional argument PIVOT is a symbol `top'
4987 the horizontal cell search is aligned with the top edge of the current
4988 cell, otherwise aligned with the bottom edge of the current cell. The
4989 arguments INTERNAL-DIR, INTERNAL-LIST and INTERNAL-PY are internal use
4990 only and must not be specified."
4991 (save-excursion
4992 (let* ((cell (table--probe-cell))
4993 (lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
4994 (rb-coordinate (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell)))
4995 (py (or internal-py (if (eq pivot 'top) (cdr lu-coordinate) (1+ (cdr rb-coordinate)))))
4996 (lx (1- (car lu-coordinate)))
4997 (rx (1+ (car rb-coordinate))))
4998 ;; in case of finding the the first cell, get the last adding item on the list
4999 (if (and (null internal-dir) first-only) (setq left-to-right (null left-to-right)))
5000 ;; travel left and process as recursion traces back (reverse order)
5001 (and cell
5002 (or (eq internal-dir 'left) (null internal-dir))
5003 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (if left-to-right rx lx) py) 'no-extension 'no-tab-expansion)
5004 (setq internal-list (table--horizontal-cell-list left-to-right first-only nil 'left nil py)))
5005 ;; return the last cell or add this cell to the list
5006 (if first-only (or internal-list cell)
5007 (setq internal-list (if cell (cons cell internal-list) internal-list))
5008 ;; travel right and process as entering each recursion (forward order)
5009 (and cell
5010 (or (eq internal-dir 'right) (null internal-dir))
5011 (table--goto-coordinate (cons (if left-to-right lx rx) py) 'no-extension 'no-tab-expansion)
5012 (setq internal-list (table--horizontal-cell-list left-to-right nil nil 'right internal-list py)))
5013 ;; return the result
5014 internal-list))))
5016 (defun table--point-in-cell-p (&optional location)
5017 "Return t when point is in a valid table cell in the current buffer.
5018 When optional LOCATION is provided the test is performed at that location."
5019 (and (table--at-cell-p (or location (point)))
5020 (if location
5021 (save-excursion
5022 (goto-char location)
5023 (table--probe-cell))
5024 (table--probe-cell))))
5026 (defun table--region-in-cell-p (beg end)
5027 "Return t when location BEG and END are in a valid table cell in the current buffer."
5028 (and (table--at-cell-p (min beg end))
5029 (save-excursion
5030 (let ((cell-beg (progn (goto-char beg) (table--probe-cell))))
5031 (and cell-beg
5032 (equal cell-beg (progn (goto-char end) (table--probe-cell))))))))
5034 (defun table--at-cell-p (position &optional object at-column)
5035 "Returns non-nil if POSITION has table-cell property in OBJECT.
5036 OBJECT is optional and defaults to the current buffer.
5037 If POSITION is at the end of OBJECT, the value is nil."
5038 (if (and at-column (stringp object))
5039 (setq position (table--str-index-at-column object position)))
5040 (get-text-property position 'table-cell object))
5042 (defun table--probe-cell-left-up ()
5043 "Probe left up corner pattern of a cell.
5044 If it finds a valid corner returns a position otherwise returns nil.
5045 The position is the location before the first cell character.
5046 Focus only on the corner pattern. Further cell validity check is required."
5047 (save-excursion
5048 (let ((vertical-str (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char)))
5049 (intersection-str (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)))
5050 (v-border (format "[%c%c]" table-cell-vertical-char table-cell-intersection-char))
5051 (h-border (format "[%s%c]" table-cell-horizontal-chars table-cell-intersection-char))
5052 (limit (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point))))
5053 (catch 'end
5054 (while t
5055 (catch 'retry-horizontal
5056 (if (not (search-backward-regexp v-border limit t))
5057 (throw 'end nil))
5058 (save-excursion
5059 (let ((column (current-column)))
5060 (while t
5061 (catch 'retry-vertical
5062 (if (zerop (forward-line -1)) nil (throw 'end nil))
5063 (move-to-column column)
5064 (while (and (looking-at vertical-str)
5065 (= column (current-column)))
5066 (if (zerop (forward-line -1)) nil (throw 'end nil))
5067 (move-to-column column))
5068 (cond
5069 ((/= column (current-column))
5070 (throw 'end nil))
5071 ((looking-at (concat intersection-str h-border))
5072 (forward-line 1)
5073 (move-to-column column)
5074 (forward-char 1)
5075 (throw 'end (point)))
5076 ((looking-at intersection-str)
5077 (throw 'retry-vertical nil))
5078 (t (throw 'retry-horizontal nil)))))))))))))
5080 (defun table--probe-cell-right-bottom ()
5081 "Probe right bottom corner pattern of a cell.
5082 If it finds a valid corner returns a position otherwise returns nil.
5083 The position is the location after the last cell character.
5084 Focus only on the corner pattern. Further cell validity check is required."
5085 (save-excursion
5086 (let ((vertical-str (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-vertical-char)))
5087 (intersection-str (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-cell-intersection-char)))
5088 (v-border (format "[%c%c]" table-cell-vertical-char table-cell-intersection-char))
5089 (h-border (format "[%s%c]" table-cell-horizontal-chars table-cell-intersection-char))
5090 (limit (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point))))
5091 (catch 'end
5092 (while t
5093 (catch 'retry-horizontal
5094 (if (not (search-forward-regexp v-border limit t))
5095 (throw 'end nil))
5096 (save-excursion
5097 (forward-char -1)
5098 (let ((column (current-column)))
5099 (while t
5100 (catch 'retry-vertical
5101 (while (and (looking-at vertical-str)
5102 (= column (current-column)))
5103 (if (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (zerop (current-column))) nil (throw 'end nil))
5104 (move-to-column column))
5105 (cond
5106 ((/= column (current-column))
5107 (throw 'end nil))
5108 ((save-excursion (forward-char -1) (looking-at (concat h-border intersection-str)))
5109 (save-excursion
5110 (and (zerop (forward-line -1))
5111 (move-to-column column)
5112 (looking-at v-border)
5113 (throw 'end (point))))
5114 (forward-char 1)
5115 (throw 'retry-horizontal nil))
5116 ((looking-at intersection-str)
5117 (if (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (zerop (current-column))) nil (throw 'end nil))
5118 (move-to-column column)
5119 (throw 'retry-vertical nil))
5120 (t (throw 'retry-horizontal nil)))))))))))))
5122 (defun table--editable-cell-p (&optional abort-on-error)
5123 (and (not buffer-read-only)
5124 (table--probe-cell abort-on-error)))
5126 (defun table--probe-cell (&optional abort-on-error)
5127 "Probes a table cell around the point.
5128 Searches for the left upper corner and the right bottom corner of a table
5129 cell which contains the current point location.
5131 The result is a cons cell (left-upper . right-bottom) where
5132 the left-upper is the position before the cell's left upper corner character,
5133 the right-bottom is the position after the cell's right bottom corner character.
5135 When it fails to find either one of the cell corners it returns nil or
5136 signals error if the optional ABORT-ON-ERROR is non-nil."
5137 (let (lu rb
5138 (border (format "^[%s%c%c]+$"
5139 table-cell-horizontal-chars
5140 table-cell-vertical-char
5141 table-cell-intersection-char)))
5142 (if (and (condition-case nil
5143 (progn
5144 (and (setq lu (table--probe-cell-left-up))
5145 (setq rb (table--probe-cell-right-bottom))))
5146 (error nil))
5147 (< lu rb)
5148 (let ((lu-coordinate (table--get-coordinate lu))
5149 (rb-coordinate (table--get-coordinate rb)))
5150 ;; test for valid upper and lower borders
5151 (and (string-match
5152 border
5153 (buffer-substring
5154 (save-excursion
5155 (table--goto-coordinate
5156 (cons (1- (car lu-coordinate))
5157 (1- (cdr lu-coordinate)))))
5158 (save-excursion
5159 (table--goto-coordinate
5160 (cons (1+ (car rb-coordinate))
5161 (1- (cdr lu-coordinate)))))))
5162 (string-match
5163 border
5164 (buffer-substring
5165 (save-excursion
5166 (table--goto-coordinate
5167 (cons (1- (car lu-coordinate))
5168 (1+ (cdr rb-coordinate)))))
5169 (save-excursion
5170 (table--goto-coordinate
5171 (cons (1+ (car rb-coordinate))
5172 (1+ (cdr rb-coordinate))))))))))
5173 (cons lu rb)
5174 (if abort-on-error
5175 (error "Table cell not found")
5176 nil))))
5178 (defun table--insert-rectangle (rectangle)
5179 "Insert text of RECTANGLE with upper left corner at point.
5180 Same as insert-rectangle except that mark operation is eliminated."
5181 (let ((lines rectangle)
5182 (insertcolumn (current-column))
5183 (first t))
5184 (while lines
5185 (or first
5186 (progn
5187 (forward-line 1)
5188 (or (bolp) (insert ?\n))
5189 (move-to-column insertcolumn t)))
5190 (setq first nil)
5191 (insert (car lines))
5192 (setq lines (cdr lines)))))
5194 (defun table--put-cell-property (cell)
5195 "Put standard text properties to the CELL.
5196 The CELL is a cons cell (left-upper . right-bottom) where the
5197 left-upper is the position before the cell's left upper corner
5198 character, the right-bottom is the position after the cell's right
5199 bottom corner character."
5200 (let ((lu (table--get-coordinate (car cell)))
5201 (rb (table--get-coordinate (cdr cell))))
5202 (save-excursion
5203 (while (<= (cdr lu) (cdr rb))
5204 (let ((beg (table--goto-coordinate lu 'no-extension))
5205 (end (table--goto-coordinate (cons (car rb) (cdr lu)))))
5206 (table--put-cell-line-property beg end))
5207 (setcdr lu (1+ (cdr lu))))
5208 (table--put-cell-justify-property cell table-cell-info-justify)
5209 (table--put-cell-valign-property cell table-cell-info-valign))))
5211 (defun table--put-cell-line-property (beg end &optional object)
5212 "Put standard text properties to a line of a cell.
5213 BEG is the beginning of the line that is the location between left
5214 cell border character and the first content character. END is the end
5215 of the line that is the location between the last content character
5216 and the right cell border character."
5217 (table--put-cell-content-property beg end object)
5218 (table--put-cell-keymap-property end (1+ end) object)
5219 (table--put-cell-indicator-property end (1+ end) object)
5220 (table--put-cell-rear-nonsticky end (1+ end) object))
5222 (defun table--put-cell-content-property (beg end &optional object)
5223 "Put cell content text properties."
5224 (table--put-cell-keymap-property beg end object)
5225 (table--put-cell-indicator-property beg end object)
5226 (table--put-cell-face-property beg end object)
5227 (table--put-cell-point-entered/left-property beg end object))
5229 (defun table--put-cell-indicator-property (beg end &optional object)
5230 "Put cell property which indicates that the location is within a table cell."
5231 (put-text-property beg end 'table-cell t object))
5233 (defun table--put-cell-face-property (beg end &optional object)
5234 "Put cell face property."
5235 (put-text-property beg end 'face 'table-cell-face object))
5237 (defun table--put-cell-keymap-property (beg end &optional object)
5238 "Put cell keymap property."
5239 (put-text-property beg end 'keymap 'table-cell-map object))
5241 (defun table--put-cell-rear-nonsticky (beg end &optional object)
5242 "Put rear-nonsticky property."
5243 (put-text-property beg end 'rear-nonsticky t object))
5245 (defun table--put-cell-point-entered/left-property (beg end &optional object)
5246 "Put point-entered/left property."
5247 (put-text-property beg end 'point-entered 'table--point-entered-cell-function object)
5248 (put-text-property beg end 'point-left 'table--point-left-cell-function object))
5250 (defun table--remove-cell-properties (beg end &optional object)
5251 "Remove all cell properties.
5252 If OBJECT is non-nil cell properties are removed from the OBJECT
5253 instead of the current buffer and returns the OBJECT."
5254 (while (< beg end)
5255 (let ((next (next-single-property-change beg 'table-cell object end)))
5256 (if (get-text-property beg 'table-cell object)
5257 (remove-text-properties beg next
5258 (list
5259 'table-cell nil
5260 'table-justify nil
5261 'table-valign nil
5262 'face nil
5263 'rear-nonsticky nil
5264 'point-entered nil
5265 'point-left nil
5266 'keymap nil)
5267 object))
5268 (setq beg next)))
5269 object)
5271 (defun table--update-cell-face ()
5272 "Update cell face according to the current mode."
5273 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
5274 (set-face-property 'table-cell-face 'underline table-fixed-width-mode)
5275 (set-face-inverse-video-p 'table-cell-face table-fixed-width-mode)))
5277 (table--update-cell-face)
5279 (defun table--get-property (cell property)
5280 "Get CELL's PROPERTY."
5281 (or (get-text-property (car cell) property)
5282 (get-text-property (1- (cdr cell)) property)))
5284 (defun table--get-cell-justify-property (cell)
5285 "Get cell's justify property."
5286 (table--get-property cell 'table-justify))
5288 (defun table--get-cell-valign-property (cell)
5289 "Get cell's vertical alignment property."
5290 (table--get-property cell 'table-valign))
5292 (defun table--put-property (cell property value)
5293 "Put CELL's PROPERTY the VALUE."
5294 (let ((beg (car cell))
5295 (end (cdr cell)))
5296 (put-text-property beg (1+ beg) property value)
5297 (put-text-property (1- end) end property value)))
5299 (defun table--put-cell-justify-property (cell justify)
5300 "Put cell's justify property."
5301 (table--put-property cell 'table-justify justify))
5303 (defun table--put-cell-valign-property (cell valign)
5304 "Put cell's vertical alignment property."
5305 (table--put-property cell 'table-valign valign))
5307 (defun table--point-entered-cell-function (&optional old-point new-point)
5308 "Point has entered a cell.
5309 Refresh the menu bar."
5310 (unless table-cell-entered-state
5311 (setq table-cell-entered-state t)
5312 (setq table-mode-indicator (not table-fixed-width-mode))
5313 (setq table-fixed-mode-indicator table-fixed-width-mode)
5314 (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
5315 (table--warn-incompatibility)
5316 (run-hooks 'table-point-entered-cell-hook)))
5318 (defun table--point-left-cell-function (&optional old-point new-point)
5319 "Point has left a cell.
5320 Refresh the menu bar."
5321 (when table-cell-entered-state
5322 (setq table-cell-entered-state nil)
5323 (setq table-mode-indicator nil)
5324 (setq table-fixed-mode-indicator nil)
5325 (set-buffer-modified-p (buffer-modified-p))
5326 (run-hooks 'table-point-left-cell-hook)))
5328 (defun table--warn-incompatibility ()
5329 "If called from interactive operation warn the know incompatibilities.
5330 This feature is disabled when `table-disable-incompatibility-warning'
5331 is non-nil. The warning is done only once per session for each item."
5332 (unless (and table-disable-incompatibility-warning
5333 (not (interactive-p)))
5334 (cond ((and (featurep 'xemacs)
5335 (not (get 'table-disable-incompatibility-warning 'xemacs)))
5336 (put 'table-disable-incompatibility-warning 'xemacs t)
5337 (momentary-string-display
5339 *** Warning ***
5341 Table package mostly works fine under XEmacs, however, due to the
5342 peculiar implementation of text property under XEmacs, cell splitting
5343 and any undo operation of table exhibit some known strange problems,
5344 such that a border characters dissolve into adjacent cells. Please be
5345 aware of this.
5348 (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (point))))
5349 ((and (boundp 'flyspell-mode)
5350 flyspell-mode
5351 (not (get 'table-disable-incompatibility-warning 'flyspell)))
5352 (put 'table-disable-incompatibility-warning 'flyspell t)
5353 (momentary-string-display
5355 *** Warning ***
5357 Flyspell minor mode is known to be incompatible with this table
5358 package. The flyspell version 1.5d at http://kaolin.unice.fr/~serrano
5359 works better than the previous versions however not fully compatible.
5362 (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (point))))
5365 (defun table--cell-blank-str (&optional n)
5366 "Return blank table cell string of length N."
5367 (let ((str (make-string (or n 1) ?\ )))
5368 (table--put-cell-content-property 0 (length str) str)
5369 str))
5371 (defun table--remove-eol-spaces (beg end &optional bol force)
5372 "Remove spaces at the end of each line in the BEG END region of the current buffer.
5373 When optional BOL is non-nil spaces at the beginning of line are
5374 removed. When optional FORCE is non-nil removal operation is enforced
5375 even when point is within the removal area."
5376 (if (> beg end)
5377 (let ((tmp beg))
5378 (setq beg end)
5379 (setq end tmp)))
5380 (let ((saved-point (point-marker))
5381 (end-marker (copy-marker end)))
5382 (save-excursion
5383 (goto-char beg)
5384 (while (if bol (re-search-forward "^\\( +\\)" end-marker t)
5385 (re-search-forward "\\( +\\)$" end-marker t))
5386 ;; avoid removal that causes the saved point to lose its location.
5387 (if (and (null bol)
5388 (<= (match-beginning 1) saved-point)
5389 (<= saved-point (match-end 1))
5390 (not force))
5391 (delete-region saved-point (match-end 1))
5392 (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
5393 (set-marker saved-point nil)
5394 (set-marker end-marker nil)))
5396 (defun table--fill-region (beg end &optional col justify)
5397 "Fill paragraphs in table cell cache.
5398 Current buffer must already be set to the cache buffer."
5399 (let ((fill-column (or col table-cell-info-width))
5400 (fill-prefix nil)
5401 (enable-kinsoku nil)
5402 (adaptive-fill-mode nil)
5403 (marker-beg (copy-marker beg))
5404 (marker-end (copy-marker end))
5405 (marker-point (point-marker)))
5406 (setq justify (or justify table-cell-info-justify))
5407 (and justify
5408 (not (eq justify 'left))
5409 (not (featurep 'xemacs))
5410 (set-marker-insertion-type marker-point t))
5411 (table--remove-eol-spaces (point-min) (point-max))
5412 (if table-fixed-width-mode
5413 (table--fill-region-strictly marker-beg marker-end)
5414 (let ((paragraph-start table-paragraph-start))
5415 (fill-region marker-beg marker-end justify nil t)))
5416 (goto-char marker-point)
5417 (set-marker marker-beg nil)
5418 (set-marker marker-end nil)
5419 (set-marker marker-point nil)))
5421 (defun table--fill-region-strictly (beg end)
5422 "Fill region strictly so that no line exceeds fill-column.
5423 When a word exceeds fill-column the word is chopped into pieces. The
5424 chopped location is indicated with table-word-continuation-char."
5425 (or (and (markerp beg) (markerp end))
5426 (error "markerp"))
5427 (if (< fill-column 2)
5428 (setq fill-column 2))
5429 ;; first remove all continuation characters.
5430 (goto-char beg)
5431 (while (re-search-forward (concat
5432 (format "[^%c ]\\(" table-word-continuation-char)
5433 (regexp-quote (char-to-string table-word-continuation-char))
5434 "\\s +\\)")
5435 end t)
5436 (delete-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))
5437 ;; then fill as normal
5438 (let ((paragraph-start table-paragraph-start))
5439 (fill-region beg end nil nil t))
5440 ;; now fix up
5441 (goto-char beg)
5442 (while (let ((col (move-to-column fill-column t)))
5443 (cond
5444 ((and (<= col fill-column)
5445 (looking-at " *$"))
5446 (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
5447 (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
5448 (< (point) end)))
5449 (t (forward-char -1)
5450 (insert-before-markers (if (equal (char-before) ?\ ) ?\ table-word-continuation-char)
5451 "\n")
5452 t)))))
5454 (defun table--goto-coordinate (coordinate &optional no-extension no-tab-expansion)
5455 "Move point to the given COORDINATE and return the location.
5456 When optional NO-EXTENSION is non-nil and the specified coordinate is
5457 not reachable returns nil otherwise the blanks are added if necessary
5458 to achieve the goal coordinate and returns the goal point. It
5459 intentionally does not preserve the original point in case it fails
5460 achieving the goal. When optional NO-TAB-EXPANSION is non-nil and the
5461 goad happens to be in a tab character the tab is not expanded but the
5462 goal ends at the beginning of tab."
5463 (if (or (null coordinate)
5464 (< (car coordinate) 0)
5465 (< (cdr coordinate) 0)) nil
5466 (goto-char (point-min))
5467 (let ((x (car coordinate))
5468 (more-lines (forward-line (cdr coordinate))))
5469 (catch 'exit
5470 (if (zerop (current-column)) nil
5471 (if no-extension
5472 (progn
5473 (move-to-column x)
5474 (throw 'exit nil))
5475 (setq more-lines (1+ more-lines))))
5476 (if (zerop more-lines) nil
5477 (newline more-lines))
5478 (if no-extension
5479 (if (/= (move-to-column x) x)
5480 (if (> (move-to-column x) x)
5481 (if no-tab-expansion
5482 (progn
5483 (while (> (move-to-column x) x)
5484 (setq x (1- x)))
5485 (point))
5486 (throw 'exit (move-to-column x t)))
5487 (throw 'exit nil)))
5488 (move-to-column x t))
5489 (point)))))
5491 (defun table--copy-coordinate (coord)
5492 "Copy coordinate in a new cons cell."
5493 (cons (car coord) (cdr coord)))
5495 (defun table--get-coordinate (&optional where)
5496 "Return the coordinate of point in current buffer.
5497 When optional WHERE is given it returns the coordinate of that
5498 location instead of point in the current buffer. It does not move the
5499 point"
5500 (save-excursion
5501 (if where (goto-char where))
5502 (cons (current-column)
5503 (table--current-line))))
5505 (defun table--current-line (&optional location)
5506 "Return zero based line count of current line or if non-nil LOCATION line."
5507 (save-excursion
5508 (if location (goto-char location))
5509 (beginning-of-line)
5510 (count-lines (point-min) (point))))
5512 (defun table--transcoord-table-to-cache (&optional coordinate)
5513 "Transpose COORDINATE from table coordinate system to cache coordinate system.
5514 When COORDINATE is omitted or nil the point in current buffer is assumed in place."
5515 (table--offset-coordinate
5516 (or coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
5517 table-cell-info-lu-coordinate
5518 'negative))
5520 (defun table--transcoord-cache-to-table (&optional coordinate)
5521 "Transpose COORDINATE from cache coordinate system to table coordinate system.
5522 When COORDINATE is omitted or nil the point in current buffer is assumed in place."
5523 (table--offset-coordinate
5524 (or coordinate (table--get-coordinate))
5525 table-cell-info-lu-coordinate))
5527 (defun table--offset-coordinate (coordinate offset &optional negative)
5528 "Return the offseted COORDINATE by OFFSET.
5529 When optional NEGATIVE is non-nil offsetting direction is negative."
5530 (cons (if negative (- (car coordinate) (car offset))
5531 (+ (car coordinate) (car offset)))
5532 (if negative (- (cdr coordinate) (cdr offset))
5533 (+ (cdr coordinate) (cdr offset)))))
5535 (defun table--char-in-str-at-column (str column)
5536 "Return the character in STR at COLUMN location.
5537 When COLUMN is out of range it returns null character."
5538 (let ((idx (table--str-index-at-column str column)))
5539 (if idx (aref str idx)
5540 ?\0)))
5542 (defun table--str-index-at-column (str column)
5543 "Return the character index in STR that corresponds to COLUMN location.
5544 It returns COLUMN unless STR contains some wide characters."
5545 (let ((col 0)
5546 (idx 0)
5547 (len (length str)))
5548 (while (and (< col column) (< idx len))
5549 (setq col (+ col (char-width (aref str idx))))
5550 (setq idx (1+ idx)))
5551 (if (< idx len)
5553 nil)))
5555 (defun table--set-timer (seconds func args)
5556 "Generic wrapper for setting up a timer."
5557 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
5558 ;; the picky xemacs refuses to accept zero
5559 (add-timeout (if (zerop seconds) 0.01 seconds) func args nil)
5560 ;;(run-at-time seconds nil func args)))
5561 ;; somehow run-at-time causes strange problem under Emacs 20.7
5562 ;; this problem does not show up under Emacs 21.0.90
5563 (run-with-idle-timer seconds nil func args)))
5565 (defun table--cancel-timer (timer)
5566 "Generic wrapper for canceling a timer."
5567 (if (featurep 'xemacs)
5568 (disable-timeout timer)
5569 (cancel-timer timer)))
5571 (defun table--get-last-command ()
5572 "Generic wrapper for getting the real last command."
5573 (if (boundp 'real-last-command)
5574 real-last-command
5575 last-command))
5577 (run-hooks 'table-load-hook)
5579 (provide 'table)
5581 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5582 ;; Local Variables: ***
5583 ;; time-stamp-line-limit: 16 ***
5584 ;; time-stamp-start: ";; Revised:[ \t]+" ***
5585 ;; time-stamp-end: "$" ***
5586 ;; time-stamp-format: "%3a %3b %02d %:y %02H:%02M:%02S (%Z)" ***
5587 ;; End: ***
5588 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
5590 ;;; table.el ends here