(ido-define-mode-map): Interact with Viper. From Kim F
[emacs.git] / lisp / international / ogonek.el
1 ;;; ogonek.el --- change the encoding of Polish diacritics
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: W{\l}odek Bzyl, Ryszard Kubiak
6 ;; Maintainer: rysiek@ipipan.gda.pl (Ryszard Kubiak)
7 ;; Keywords: i18n
9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 ;; any later version.
16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
23 ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
24 ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
26 ;;; Commentary:
28 ;; To use this library load it using
29 ;; M-x load-library [enter] ogonek
30 ;; Then, you may get a short info by calling one of
31 ;; M-x ogonek-jak -- in Polish
32 ;; M-x ogonek-how -- in English "
34 ;;; Code:
36 (defgroup ogonek nil
37 "Change the encoding of Polish diacritic characters."
38 :prefix "ogonek-"
39 :group 'i18n)
41 (defconst ogonek-name-encoding-alist
42 '(("ascii" . (?A ?C ?E ?L ?N ?O ?S ?Z ?Z
43 ?a ?c ?e ?l ?n ?o ?s ?z ?z))
44 ("iso8859-2" . (161 198 202 163 209 211 166 172 175
45 177 230 234 179 241 243 182 188 191))
46 ("mazovia" . (143 149 144 156 165 163 152 160 161
47 134 141 145 146 164 162 158 166 167))
48 ("windows-EE" . (165 198 202 163 209 211 140 143 175
49 185 230 234 179 241 243 156 159 191))
50 ("windows-PL" . (165 198 202 163 209 211 140 143 175
51 185 230 234 179 241 243 156 159 191))
52 ("latin-2" . (164 143 168 157 227 224 151 141 189
53 165 134 169 136 228 162 152 171 190))
54 ("CP852" . (164 143 168 157 227 224 151 141 189
55 165 134 169 136 228 162 152 171 190))
56 ("MeX" . (129 130 134 138 139 211 145 153 155
57 161 162 166 170 171 243 177 185 187))
58 ("CorelDraw" . (197 242 201 163 209 211 255 225 237
59 229 236 230 198 241 243 165 170 186))
60 ("Amiga" . (194 202 203 206 207 211 212 218 219
61 226 234 235 238 239 243 244 250 251))
62 ("Mac" . (132 140 162 252 193 238 229 143 251
63 136 141 171 184 196 151 230 144 253))
65 "The constant `ogonek-name-encoding-alist' is a list of (NAME.LIST) pairs.
66 Each LIST contains codes for 18 Polish diacritic characters. The codes
67 are given in the following order:
68 Aogonek Cacute Eogonek Lslash Nacute Oacute Sacute Zacute Zdotaccent
69 aogonek cacute eogonek lslash nacute oacute sacute zacute zdotaccent.")
71 ;; ------ A Little Info in Polish ---------------
73 (defconst ogonek-informacja
76 Je/sli czytasz ten tekst, to albo przegl/adasz plik /xr/od/lowy
77 biblioteki `ogonek.el', albo wywo/la/le/s polecenie `ogonek-jak'.
78 W drugim przypadku mo/zesz usun/a/c tekst z ekranu, stosuj/ac
79 polecenie `M-x kill-buffer'.
81 Niniejsza biblioteka dostarcza funkcji do zmiany kodowania polskich
82 znak/ow diakrytycznych. Funkcje te mo/zna pogrupowa/c nast/epuj/aco.
84 1. `ogonek-recode-region' oraz `ogonek-recode-buffer'
85 przekodowuj/a zaznaczony fragment wzgl/ednie ca/ly buffor.
86 Po wywo/laniu interakcyjnym funkcji zadawane s/a
87 pytania o parametry przekodowania: nazw/e kodowania
88 w tek/scie /xr/od/lowym i nazw/e kodowania docelowego.
89 Poni/zsze przyk/lady powinny wyja/sni/c, jakich parametr/ow
90 oczekuj/a wymienione funkcje:
92 (ogonek-recode-region (poczatek-fragmentu) (koniec-fragmentu)
93 nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
94 (ogonek-recode-buffer
95 nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
97 2. `ogonek-prefixify-region' oraz `ogonek-prefixify-buffer'
98 s/lu/z/a do wprowadzania notacji prefiksowej.
100 (ogonek-prefixify-region (poczatek-fragmentu) (koniec-fragmentu)
101 nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym znak-prefiksu)
102 (ogonek-prefixify-buffer
103 nazwa-kodowania-w-tekscie-zrodlowym znak-prefiksu)
105 3. `ogonek-deprefixify-region' oraz `ogonek-deprefixify-buffer'
106 s/lu/z/a do usuwania notacji prefiksowej.
108 (ogonek-deprefixify-region (poczatek-fragmentu) (koniec-fragmentu)
109 znak-prefiksu nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
110 (ogonek-prefixify-buffer
111 znak-prefiksu nazwa-kodowania-docelowa)
113 U/zycie klawisza TAB w trybie interakcyjnym powoduje wy/swietlenie
114 listy dopuszczalnych nazw kod/ow, pami/etanych w sta/lej
115 `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'.
117 Funkcje biblioteki odwo/luj/a si/e do pi/eciu zmiennych, kt/ore
118 przechowuj/a podpowiedzi do zadawanych pyta/n. Nazwy tych zmiennych
119 oraz ich warto/sci domy/slne s/a nast/epuj/ace:
121 ogonek-from-encoding iso8859-2
122 ogonek-to-encoding ascii
123 ogonek-prefix-char /
124 ogonek-prefix-from-encoding iso8859-2
125 ogonek-prefix-to-encoding iso8859-2
127 Powy/zsze warto/sci domy/slne mo/zna zmieni/c przez umieszczenie w pliku
128 konfiguracyjnym `~/.emacs' odpowiednich przypisa/n, na przyk/lad:
130 (setq ogonek-prefix-char ?/)
131 (setq ogonek-prefix-to-encoding \"iso8859-2\")
133 Zamiast wczytywania ca/lej biblioteki `ogonek.el' mo/zna w pliku
134 `~/.emacs' za/z/ada/c wczytania wybranych funkcji, na dodatek dopiero
135 w chwili ich rzeczywistego u/zycia:
137 (autoload 'ogonek-jak \"ogonek\")
138 (autoload 'ogonek-recode-region \"ogonek\")
139 (autoload 'ogonek-prefixify-region \"ogonek\")
140 (autoload 'ogonek-deprefixify-region \"ogonek\")
142 Cz/esto wyst/epuj/ace kombinacje wywo/la/n funkcji mo/zna dla wygody
143 skr/oci/c i przypisa/c klawiszom. Oto praktyczne przyk/lady:
145 (defun deprefixify-iso8859-2-region (start end)
146 (interactive \"*r\")
147 (ogonek-deprefixify-region start end ?/ \"iso8859-2\"))
148 (global-set-key \"\\C-cd\" 'deprefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c d
150 (defun mazovia-to-iso8859-2 (start end)
151 (interactive \"*r\")
152 (ogonek-recode-region start end \"mazovia\" \"iso8859-2\"))
153 (global-set-key \"\\C-cr\" 'mazovia-to-iso8859-2) ; ctrl-c r
155 (defun prefixify-iso8859-2-region (start end)
156 (interactive \"*r\")
157 (ogonek-prefixify-region start end \"iso8859-2\" ?/))
158 (global-set-key \"\\C-cp\" 'prefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c p
160 Ka/zd/a operacj/e przekodowania mo/zna w ca/lo/sci odwo/la/c
161 przez wykonanie polecenia `undo'.")
163 (defun ogonek-jak ()
164 "Display `ogonek-informacja' in an auxiliary *ogonek-jak* buffer."
165 (interactive)
166 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *ogonek-jak*"))
167 (insert ogonek-informacja)
168 (switch-to-buffer " *ogonek-jak*")
169 (beginning-of-buffer))
171 ;; ------ A Little Info in English --------
173 (defconst ogonek-information
176 If you read this text then you are either looking at the library's
177 source text or you have called the `ogonek-how' command. In the
178 latter case you may remove this text using `M-x kill-buffer'.
180 The library provides functions for changing the encoding of Polish
181 diacritic characters, the ones with an `ogonek' below or above them.
182 The functions come in the following groups.
184 1. `ogonek-recode-region' and `ogonek-recode-buffer' to change
185 between one-character encodings, such as `iso-8859-2', `mazovia',
186 plain `ascii' or `TeX'. As the names suggest you may recode
187 either the entire current buffer or just a marked region
188 in it. You may use the functions interactively as commands.
189 Once you call a command you will be asked about the code
190 currently used in your text and the target encoding, the one
191 you want to get. The following example shows a non-interactive
192 use of the functions in a program. This also illustrates what
193 type of parameters the functions expect to be called with:
195 (ogonek-recode-region
196 (region-beginning) (region-end) from-code-name to-code-name)
197 (ogonek-recode-buffer from-code-name to-code-name)
199 2. `ogonek-prefixify-region' and `ogonek-prefixify-buffer' for
200 introducing prefix notation:
202 (ogonek-prefixify-region
203 (region-beginning) (region-end) from-code-name prefix-char)
204 (ogonek-prefixify-buffer from-code-name prefix-char)
206 3. `ogonek-deprefixify-region' and `ogonek-deprefixify-buffer' for
207 removing prefix notation:
209 (ogonek-deprefixify-region
210 (region-beginning) (region-end) prefix-char to-code-name)
211 (ogonek-prefixify-buffer prefix-char to-code-name)
213 The TAB character used in interactive mode makes `emacs'
214 display the list of encodings recognized by the library. The list
215 is stored in the constant `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'.
217 The `ogonek' functions refer to five variables in which the suggested
218 answers to dialogue questions are stored. The variables and their
219 default values are:
221 ogonek-from-encoding iso8859-2
222 ogonek-to-encoding ascii
223 ogonek-prefix-char /
224 ogonek-prefix-from-encoding iso8859-2
225 ogonek-prefix-to-encoding iso8859-2
227 The above default values can be changed by placing appropriate settings
228 in the '~/.emacs' file:
230 (setq ogonek-prefix-char ?/)
231 (setq ogonek-prefix-to-encoding \"iso8859-2\")
233 Instead of loading the whole library `ogonek' it may be better to
234 autoload the needed functions, for example by placing in `~/.emacs':
236 (autoload 'ogonek-how \"ogonek\")
237 (autoload 'ogonek-recode-region \"ogonek\")
238 (autoload 'ogonek-prefixify-region \"ogonek\")
239 (autoload 'ogonek-deprefixify-region \"ogonek\")
241 The most frequent function calls can be abbreviated and assigned to
242 keyboard keys. Here are a few practical examples:
244 (defun deprefixify-iso8859-2-region (start end)
245 (interactive \"*r\")
246 (ogonek-deprefixify-region start end ?/ \"iso8859-2\"))
247 (global-set-key \"\\C-cd\" 'deprefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c d
249 (defun mazovia-to-iso8859-2 (start end)
250 (interactive \"*r\")
251 (ogonek-recode-region start end \"mazovia\" \"iso8859-2\"))
252 (global-set-key \"\\C-cr\" 'mazovia-to-iso8859-2) ; ctrl-c r
254 (defun prefixify-iso8859-2-region (start end)
255 (interactive \"*r\")
256 (ogonek-prefixify-region start end \"iso8859-2\" ?/))
257 (global-set-key \"\\C-cp\" 'prefixify-iso8859-2-region) ; ctrl-c p
259 Each recoding operation can be called off using the `undo' command.")
261 (defun ogonek-how ()
262 "Display `ogonek-information' in an auxiliary *recode-how* buffer."
263 (interactive "*")
264 (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *ogonek-how*"))
265 (insert ogonek-information)
266 (switch-to-buffer " *ogonek-how*")
267 (beginning-of-buffer))
269 ;; ---- Variables keeping the suggested answers to dialogue questions -----
270 (defvar ogonek-encoding-choices
271 (cons 'choice
272 (mapcar (lambda (x) (list 'const (car x)))
273 ogonek-name-encoding-alist))
274 "List of ogonek encodings. Used only for customization.")
275 (defcustom ogonek-from-encoding "iso8859-2"
276 "*Encoding in the source file of recoding."
277 :type ogonek-encoding-choices
278 :group 'ogonek)
279 (defcustom ogonek-to-encoding "ascii"
280 "*Encoding in the target file of recoding."
281 :type ogonek-encoding-choices
282 :group 'ogonek)
283 (defcustom ogonek-prefix-char ?/
284 "*Prefix character for prefix encodings."
285 :type 'character
286 :group 'ogonek)
287 (defcustom ogonek-prefix-from-encoding "iso8859-2"
288 "*Encoding in the source file subject to prefixifation."
289 :type ogonek-encoding-choices
290 :group 'ogonek)
291 (defcustom ogonek-prefix-to-encoding "iso8859-2"
292 "*Encoding in the target file subject to deprefixifation."
293 :type ogonek-encoding-choices
294 :group 'ogonek)
296 ;; ---- Auxiliary functions for reading parameters in interactive mode ----
298 (defun ogonek-read-encoding (prompt default-name-var)
299 "Read encoding name with completion based on `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'.
300 Store the name in the parameter-variable DEFAULT-NAME-VAR.
301 PROMPT is a string to be shown when the user is asked for a name."
302 (let ((encoding
303 (completing-read
304 (format "%s (default %s): " prompt (eval default-name-var))
305 ogonek-name-encoding-alist nil t)))
306 ;; change the default name to the one just read
307 (set default-name-var
308 (if (string= encoding "") (eval default-name-var) encoding))
309 ;; return the new default as the name you read
310 (eval default-name-var)))
312 (defun ogonek-read-prefix (prompt default-prefix-var)
313 "Read a prefix character for prefix notation.
314 The result is stored in the variable DEFAULT-PREFIX-VAR.
315 PROMPT is a string to be shown when the user is asked for a new prefix."
316 (let ((prefix-string
317 (read-string
318 (format "%s (default %s): " prompt
319 (char-to-string (eval default-prefix-var))))))
320 (if (> (length prefix-string) 1)
321 (error "! Only one character expected")
322 ;; set the default prefix character to the one just read
323 (set default-prefix-var
324 (if (string= prefix-string "")
325 (eval default-prefix-var)
326 (string-to-char prefix-string)))
327 ;; the new default prefix is the function's result:
328 (eval default-prefix-var))))
330 (defun ogonek-lookup-encoding (encoding)
331 "Pick up an association for ENCODING in `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'.
332 Before returning a result test whether the string ENCODING is in
333 the list `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'"
334 (let ((code-list (assoc encoding ogonek-name-encoding-alist)))
335 (if (null code-list)
336 (error "! Name `%s' not known in `ogonek-name-encoding-alist'"
337 encoding)
338 (cdr code-list))))
340 ;; ---- An auxiliary function for zipping two lists of equal length ----
342 (defun ogonek-zip-lists (xs ys)
343 "Build a list of pairs from lists XS and YS of the same length."
344 (let ((pairs nil))
345 (while xs
346 (setq pairs (cons (cons (car xs) (car ys)) pairs))
347 (setq xs (cdr xs))
348 (setq ys (cdr ys)))
349 ;; `pairs' are the function's result
350 pairs))
352 ;; ---- An auxiliary function building a one-to-one recoding table -----
354 (defun ogonek-build-table (recoding-pairs)
355 "Build a table required by Emacs's `translate-region' function.
356 RECODING-PAIRS is a list of character pairs for which recoding
357 is not an identity.
358 By using the built-in `translate-region' function
359 we gain better performance compared to converting characters
360 by a hand-written routine as it is done for prefix encodings."
361 (let ((table (make-string 256 0))
362 (i 0))
363 (while (< i 256)
364 (aset table i i)
365 (setq i (1+ i)))
366 ;; make changes in `table' according to `recoding-pairs'
367 (while recoding-pairs
368 (aset table (car (car recoding-pairs)) (cdr (car recoding-pairs)))
369 (setq recoding-pairs (cdr recoding-pairs)))
370 ;; return the table just built
371 table))
373 ;; ---- Commands for one-to-one recoding -------------------------------
375 (defun ogonek-recode-region (start end from-encoding to-encoding)
376 "Recode text in a marked region in one-to-one manner.
377 When called interactively ask the user for the names of the FROM-
378 and TO- encodings."
379 (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
380 (list
381 (region-beginning)
382 (region-end)
383 (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-from-encoding)
384 (ogonek-read-encoding "To code" 'ogonek-to-encoding))))
385 (save-excursion
386 (translate-region
387 start end
388 (ogonek-build-table
389 (ogonek-zip-lists
390 (ogonek-lookup-encoding from-encoding)
391 (ogonek-lookup-encoding to-encoding))))))
393 (defun ogonek-recode-buffer (from-encoding to-encoding)
394 "Call `ogonek-recode-region' on the entire buffer.
395 When called interactively ask the user for the names of the FROM-
396 and TO- encodings."
397 (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
398 (list
399 (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-from-encoding)
400 (ogonek-read-encoding "To code" 'ogonek-to-encoding))))
401 (ogonek-recode-region
402 (point-min) (point-max) from-encoding to-encoding))
404 ;; ---- Recoding with prefix notation -------------------------------
406 (defconst ogonek-prefix-code '(?A ?C ?E ?L ?N ?O ?S ?X ?Z
407 ?a ?c ?e ?l ?n ?o ?s ?x ?z))
409 (defun ogonek-prefixify-region (start end from-encoding prefix-char)
410 "In a region, replace FROM-encoded Polish characters with PREFIX pairs.
411 A PREFIX pair generated consists of PREFIX-CHAR and the respective
412 character listed in the `ogonek-prefix-code' constant.
413 PREFIX-CHAR itself gets doubled."
414 (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
415 (list
416 (region-beginning)
417 (region-end)
418 (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-prefix-from-encoding)
419 (ogonek-read-prefix "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char))))
420 (let*
421 ((from-code (ogonek-lookup-encoding from-encoding))
422 (to-code ogonek-prefix-code)
423 (recoding-pairs ; `ogonek-prefix-char' added for doubling
424 (ogonek-zip-lists
425 (cons prefix-char from-code)
426 (cons prefix-char to-code))))
427 (save-excursion
428 (goto-char start)
429 (while (< (point) end)
430 (let ((pair (assoc (following-char) recoding-pairs)))
431 (if (null pair)
432 ;; not a Polish character -- skip it
433 (forward-char 1)
434 ;; Polish character -- insert a prefix pair instead
435 (delete-char 1)
436 (insert ogonek-prefix-char)
437 (insert (cdr pair))
438 ;; the region is now one character longer
439 (setq end (1+ end))))))))
441 (defun ogonek-prefixify-buffer (from-encoding prefix-char)
442 "Call `ogonek-prefixify-region' on the entire buffer."
443 (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
444 (list
445 (ogonek-read-encoding "From code" 'ogonek-prefix-from-encoding)
446 (ogonek-read-prefix "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char))))
447 (ogonek-prefixify-region
448 (point-min) (point-max) from-encoding prefix-char))
450 (defun ogonek-deprefixify-region (start end prefix-char to-encoding)
451 "In a region, replace PREFIX pairs with their corresponding TO-encodings.
452 PREFIX-CHAR followed by a Polish character from the `ogonek-prefix-code'
453 list is replaced with the corresponding TO-encoded character. A doubled
454 PREFIX-CHAR gets replaced with a single one. A combination of PREFIX-CHAR
455 followed by a non-Polish character, that is one not listed in the
456 `ogonek-prefix-code' constant, is left unchanged."
457 (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
458 (list (region-beginning)
459 (region-end)
460 (ogonek-read-prefix
461 "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char)
462 (ogonek-read-encoding
463 "To code" 'ogonek-prefix-to-encoding))))
464 (let*
465 ((from-code ogonek-prefix-code)
466 (to-code (ogonek-lookup-encoding to-encoding))
467 (recoding-pairs
468 (ogonek-zip-lists
469 (cons prefix-char from-code)
470 (cons prefix-char to-code))))
471 (save-excursion
472 (goto-char start)
473 (while (< (point) end)
474 (forward-char 1)
475 (if (or (not (= (preceding-char) prefix-char)) (= (point) end))
476 ;; non-prefix character or the end-of-region -- do nothing
478 ;; now, we can check the next character
479 (let ((pair (assoc (following-char) recoding-pairs)))
480 (if (null pair)
481 ;; `following-char' is not a Polish character nor it is
482 ;; `prefix-char' since the one is among `recoding-pairs'
483 (forward-char 1)
484 ;; else prefix followed by a Polish character has been found
485 ;; replace it by the corresponding Polish character
486 (backward-char 1)
487 (delete-char 2)
488 (insert (cdr pair))
489 ;; the region got shorter by one character
490 (setq end (1- end)))))))))
492 (defun ogonek-deprefixify-buffer (prefix-char to-encoding)
493 "Call `ogonek-deprefixify-region' on the entire buffer."
494 (interactive (progn (barf-if-buffer-read-only)
495 (list
496 (ogonek-read-prefix "Prefix character" 'ogonek-prefix-char)
497 (ogonek-read-encoding "To code" 'ogonek-prefix-to-encoding))))
498 (ogonek-deprefixify-region
499 (point-min) (point-max) prefix-char to-encoding))
501 (provide 'ogonek)
503 ;;; ogonek.el ends here