(sh-quoted-subshell): Fix last change.
[emacs.git] / etc / cs-dired-ref.tex
1 % Reference Card for Dired
2 % Copyright (C) 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
3 % 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 % Czech hyphenation rules applied
6 \chyph
8 % This file is part of GNU Emacs.
10 % GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
13 % any later version.
15 % GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 % GNU General Public License for more details.
20 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 % along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
22 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
23 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
25 % This file can be printed with 1, 2, or 3 columns per page (see below).
26 % Specify how many you want here. Nothing else needs to be changed.
27 %**start of header
29 \newcount\columnsperpage
31 \columnsperpage=2
33 % This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82).
34 % The reference card looks OK with 2 columns per page, portrait mode.
35 % I haven't tried it with 3 columns per page.
37 % This is a bit of a dirty hack on the GNU Emacs reference card
38 % to produce a Dired reference card instead.
40 % I (Evgeny Roubinchtein, eroubinc@u.washington.edu) put this together
41 % because I wanted a Dired reference card,
42 % but couldn't find anything on the 'net.
43 % Based mostly off Dired's describe-mode.
45 % Translated to Czech by Pavel Janík <Pavel@Janik.cz> in March 2001
47 % Process the file with `csplain' from the `CSTeX' distribution (included
48 % e.g. in the TeX Live CD).
50 \def\versionnumber{0.1}
51 \def\year{2006}
52 \def\version{May \year\ v\versionnumber}
54 \def\shortcopyrightnotice{\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill
55 \centerline{\small \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
56 Permissions on back. v\versionnumber}}
58 \def\copyrightnotice{
59 \vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small
60 \centerline{Copyright \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.}
61 \centerline{designed by Stephen Gildea, \version}
62 \centerline{for GNU Emacs version 21 on Unix systems}
63 \centerline{Updated for Dired in May 2000 by Evgeny Roubinchtein}
65 Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of
66 this card provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
67 are preserved on all copies.
69 For copies of the GNU Emacs manual, write to the Free Software
70 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
71 MA 02110-1301, USA.
73 \endgroup}
75 % make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below
76 % can be scanned without complaint.
77 \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject\end}
79 \newdimen\intercolumnskip %horizontal space between columns
80 \newbox\columna %boxes to hold columns already built
81 \newbox\columnb
83 \def\ncolumns{\the\columnsperpage}
85 \message{[\ncolumns\space
86 column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]}
88 \def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1}
90 % This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea October 1986.
91 % Note that the 1-column format is fontfamily-independent.
92 \if 1\ncolumns %one-column format uses normal size
93 \hsize 4in
94 \vsize 10in
95 \voffset -.7in
96 \font\titlefont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag3
97 \font\headingfont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag2
98 \font\smallfont=\fontname\sevenrm
99 \font\smallsy=\fontname\sevensy
101 \footline{\hss\folio}
102 \def\makefootline{\baselineskip10pt\hsize6.5in\line{\the\footline}}
103 \else %2 or 3 columns uses prereduced size
104 \hsize 3.4in
105 \vsize 7.95in
106 \hoffset -.75in
107 \voffset -.745in
108 \font\titlefont=csbx10 \scaledmag2
109 \font\headingfont=csbx10 \scaledmag1
110 \font\smallfont=csr6
111 \font\smallsy=cmsy6
112 \font\eightrm=csr8
113 \font\eightbf=csbx8
114 \font\eightit=csti8
115 \font\eighttt=cstt8
116 \font\eightmi=csmi8
117 \font\eightsy=cmsy8
118 \textfont0=\eightrm
119 \textfont1=\eightmi
120 \textfont2=\eightsy
121 \def\rm{\eightrm}
122 \def\bf{\eightbf}
123 \def\it{\eightit}
124 \def\tt{\eighttt}
125 \normalbaselineskip=.8\normalbaselineskip
126 \normallineskip=.8\normallineskip
127 \normallineskiplimit=.8\normallineskiplimit
128 \normalbaselines\rm %make definitions take effect
130 \if 2\ncolumns
131 \let\maxcolumn=b
132 \footline{\hss\rm\folio\hss}
133 \def\makefootline{\vskip 2in \hsize=6.86in\line{\the\footline}}
134 \else \if 3\ncolumns
135 \let\maxcolumn=c
136 \nopagenumbers
137 \else
138 \errhelp{You must set \columnsperpage equal to 1, 2, or 3.}
139 \errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page}
140 \fi\fi
142 \intercolumnskip=.46in
143 \def\abc{a}
144 \output={% %see The TeXbook page 257
145 % This next line is useful when designing the layout.
146 %\immediate\write16{Column \folio\abc\space starts with \firstmark}
147 \if \maxcolumn\abc \multicolumnformat \global\def\abc{a}
148 \else\if a\abc
149 \global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b}
150 %% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode)
151 \global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{}
152 \else
153 \global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi}
154 \def\multicolumnformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline
155 \hbox{\box\columna\hskip\intercolumnskip
156 \box\columnb\hskip\intercolumnskip\columnbox}
157 \makefootline}\advancepageno}
158 \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}
160 \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject
161 \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
162 \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
163 \end}
166 % we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters
167 % we might want to talk about
168 \catcode`\^=12
169 \catcode`\_=12
171 \chardef\\=`\\
172 \chardef\{=`\{
173 \chardef\}=`\}
175 \hyphenation{mini-buf-fer}
176 \hyphenation{de-le-tion}
178 \parindent 0pt
179 \parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex
181 \def\small{\smallfont\textfont2=\smallsy\baselineskip=.8\baselineskip}
183 % newcolumn - force a new column. Use sparingly, probably only for
184 % the first column of a page, which should have a title anyway.
185 \outer\def\newcolumn{\vfill\eject}
187 % title - page title. Argument is title text.
188 \outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex}
190 % section - new major section. Argument is section name.
191 \outer\def\section#1{\par\filbreak
192 \vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}%
193 \vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex}
195 \newdimen\keyindent
197 % beginindentedkeys...endindentedkeys - key definitions will be
198 % indented, but running text, typically used as headings to group
199 % definitions, will not.
200 \def\beginindentedkeys{\keyindent=1em}
201 \def\endindentedkeys{\keyindent=0em}
202 \endindentedkeys
204 % paralign - begin paragraph containing an alignment.
205 % If an \halign is entered while in vertical mode, a parskip is never
206 % inserted. Using \paralign instead of \halign solves this problem.
207 \def\paralign{\vskip\parskip\halign}
209 % \<...> - surrounds a variable name in a code example
210 \def\<#1>{{\it #1\/}}
212 % kbd - argument is characters typed literally. Like the Texinfo command.
213 \def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null} %\null so not an abbrev even if period follows
215 % beginexample...endexample - surrounds literal text, such a code example.
216 % typeset in a typewriter font with line breaks preserved
217 \def\beginexample{\par\leavevmode\begingroup
218 \obeylines\obeyspaces\parskip0pt\tt}
219 {\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
220 \def\endexample{\endgroup}
222 % key - definition of a key.
223 % \key{description of key}{key-name}
224 % prints the description left-justified, and the key-name in a \kbd
225 % form near the right margin.
226 \def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop
227 {\hsize=.75\hsize\rightskip=1em
228 \hskip\keyindent\relax#1}\kbd{#2}\hfil}}
230 \newbox\metaxbox
231 \setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }}
232 \newdimen\metaxwidth
233 \metaxwidth=\wd\metaxbox
235 % metax - definition of a M-x command.
236 % \metax{description of command}{M-x command-name}
237 % Tries to justify the beginning of the command name at the same place
238 % as \key starts the key name. (The "M-x " sticks out to the left.)
239 \def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize
240 {\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil}%
241 \hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil
242 \kbd{#2}\hfil}}
244 % threecol - like "key" but with two key names.
245 % for example, one for doing the action backward, and one for forward.
246 \def\threecol#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil&\kbd{#2}\hfil\quad
247 &\kbd{#3}\hfil\quad\cr}
249 % I cannot figure out how to make all dired-x
250 % commands fit on a page in two-column format
251 \def\dx{{\bf (DX)}}
253 %**end of header
256 \title{Referenèní karta pro Dired}
258 \centerline{(urèeno pro Dired v GNU Emacsu 21.x)}
259 \centerline{Pøíkazy oznaèené \dx{} vy¾adují dired-x}
261 % trim this down to fit everything on one page
262 % \section{General}
263 % In dired, you can edit a list of the files in a directory (and optionally
264 % its subdirectories in the `ls -lR' format).
266 % Editing a directory means that you can visit, rename, copy, compress,
267 % load, byte-compile files. You can change files' attributes, run shell
268 % commands on files, or insert subdirectories into the edit buffer. You can
269 % "flag" files for deletion or "mark" files for later commands, either one
270 % file at a time or by all files matching certain criteria (e.g., files that
271 % match a certain regexp).
273 % You move throughout the buffer using the usual cursor motion commands.
274 % Letters no longer insert themselves, but execute commands instead. The
275 % digits (0-9) are prefix arguments.
277 % Most commands operate either on all marked files or on the current file if
278 % no files are marked. Use a numeric prefix argument to operate on the next
279 % ARG files (or previous ARG if ARG $<$ 0). Use the prefix argument `1' to
280 % operate on the current file only. Prefix arguments override marks. Commands
281 % which run a sub-process on a group of files will display a list of files
282 % for which the sub-process failed. Typing y will try to tell
283 % you what went wrong.
285 % When editing several directories in one buffer, each directory acts as a
286 % page, so C-x [ and C-x ] can be used to move between directories.
288 \section{Spu¹tìní a ukonèení Dired}
290 \key{spu¹tìní dired}{C-x d}
291 \key{spu¹tìní dired v adresáøi s aktuálním souborem}{C-x C-j \dx}
292 \key{ukonèení dired}{q}
294 \section{Pøíkazy pro pøesuny}
296 \key{zpìt na pøedchozí øádku}{p}
297 \key{vpøed na následující øádku}{n}
298 \key{nahoru na pøedchozí adresáø}{<}
299 \key{dolù na následující adresáø}{>}
300 \key{na dal¹í oznaèený soubor}{M-\}}
301 \key{na pøedchozí oznaèený soubor}{M-\{}
302 \key{zpìt na pøedchozí podadresáø}{M-C-p}
303 \key{vpøed na dal¹í podadresáø}{M-C-n}
304 \key{na nadøazený adresáø}{^}
305 \key{jdi na první podadresáø}{M-C-d}
307 \section{Pøíkazy pomocí my¹i}
308 \metax{otevøi soubor}{Mouse_Button_2}
309 \metax{zobraz menu}{Control-Mouse_Button_3}
311 \section{Okam¾ité akce nad soubory}
313 \key{otevøi aktuální soubor}{f}
314 \key{otevøi aktuální soubor pouze pro ètení}{v}
315 \key{otevøi aktuální soubor v jiném oknì}{o}
316 \key{otevøi aktuální soubor v jiném rámci}{w}
317 \key{zobraz aktuální soubor}{C-u o}
318 \key{vytvoø nový podadresáø}{+}
319 \key{porovnej soubor pod kurzorem s oznaèeným}{=}
321 \section{Znaèení a odznaèení souborù}
323 \key{oznaè soubor nebo podadresáø pro dal¹í pøíkazy}{m}
324 \key{odznaè soubor nebo soubory podadresáøe}{u}
325 \key{zru¹ oznaèení v¹ech souborù v bufferu}{M-delete}
326 \key{oznaè soubory se zadanou pøíponou}{* .}
327 \key{oznaè v¹echny adresáøe}{* /}
328 \key{oznaè v¹echny symbolické odkazy}{* @}
329 \key{oznaè v¹echny spustitelné soubory}{* *}
330 \key{invertuj oznaèení}{* t}
331 \key{oznaè v¹echny soubory v aktuálním podadresáøi}{* s}
332 \key{oznaè soubory vyhovující regulárnímu výrazu}{* \%}
333 \key{zmìò znaèku na jiné písmeno}{* c}
334 \key{oznaè soubory, pro které elispový výraz vrací t}{* ( \dx}
336 \section{Nápovìda}
338 \key{zobraz nápovìdu}{h}
339 \key{pøehled pøíkazù dired}{?}
341 \section{Pøíkazy nad oznaèenými soubory}
343 \key{kopíruj soubor(y)}{C}
344 \key{pøejmenuj soubor nebo pøesuò soubory}{R}
345 \key{zmìò vlastníka souboru(ù)}{O}
346 \key{zmìò skupinu souboru(ù)}{G}
347 \key{zmìò pøístupová práva souboru(ù)}{M}
348 \key{vytiskni soubor(y)}{P}
349 \key{zmìò název souboru(ù) na malá písmena}{\% l}
350 \key{zmìò název souboru(ù) na velká písmena}{\% u}
351 \key{sma¾ oznaèené soubory}{X}
352 \key{proveï uuencode nebo uudecode souboru(ù)}{U}
353 \key{zkomprimuj nebo dekomprimuj soubor(y)}{Z}
354 \key{spus» info na soubor}{I \dx}
355 \key{vytvoø symbolický(é) odkaz(y)}{S}
356 \key{vytvoø relativní symbolické odkazy}{Y}
357 \key{vytvoø pevný odkaz}{H}
358 \key{prohledej soubory na regulární výraz}{A}
359 \key{nahraï regulární výrazy}{Q}
360 \key{pøelo¾ soubory (byte-compile)}{B}
361 \key{naèti soubory (load-file)}{L}
362 \key{spus» pøíkaz na soubor(y)}{!}
364 \section{Oznaèení souborù pro smazání}
365 \leftline{\bf Odznaèující pøíkazy ma¾ou znaèku pro smazání}
366 \key{oznaè soubor pro smazání}{d}
367 \key{odstraò znaèku pro smazání}{delete}
368 \key{oznaè v¹echny zálohy (soubory konèící na \~{})}{\~{}}
369 \key{oznaè v¹echny zálohy (auto-save)}{\#}
370 \key{oznaè rùzné doèasné soubory}{\&}
371 \key{oznaè èíslované zálohy (konèící na .\~{}1\~{} apod.)}{.}
372 \key{proveï výmaz souborù oznaèených ke smazání}{x}
373 \key{oznaè soubory vyhovující regulárnímu výrazu}{\% d}
375 \section{Modifikace Dired bufferu}
377 \key{vlo¾ do tohoto bufferu podadresáø}{i}
378 \key{odstraò oznaèené soubory z bufferu}{k}
379 \key{odstraò z bufferu výpis podadresáøe}{C-u k}
380 \key{znovu naèti adresáøe (znaèky se zachovají)}{g}
381 \key{pøepni tøídìní adresáøe podle jména/data}{s}
382 \key{uprav volby pøíkazu ls}{C-u s}
383 \key{obnov znaèky, skryté øádky apod.}{C-_}
384 \key{skryj v¹echny podadresáøe}{M-\$}
385 \key{skryj nebo odkryj v¹echny podadresáøe}{\$}
387 \section{Pøíkazy s regulárními výrazy}
389 \key{oznaè soubory vyhovující regulárnímu výrazu}{\% m}
390 \key{kopíruj oznaèené soubory obsahující regexp}{\% C}
391 \key{pøejmenuj oznaèené soubory vyhovující regexp}{\% R}
392 \key{pevný odkaz}{\% H}
393 \key{symbolický odkaz}{\% S}
394 \key{symbolický odkaz s relativní cestou}{\% Y}
395 \key{oznaè pro smazání}{\% d}
397 \section{Dired a Find}
398 \metax{otevøi v dired soubory vyhovující vzorku}{M-x find-name-dired}
399 \metax{otevøi v dired soubory obsahující vzorek}{M-x find-grep-dired}
400 \metax{otevøi v dired soubory podle výstupu \kbd{find}}{M-x find-dired}
402 %\copyrightnotice
404 \bye
406 % arch-tag: dd78e947-5b89-4e5b-8bab-b6003719dce5