Raise an error when detecting old-style backquotes.
[emacs.git] / etc / refcards / dired-ref.tex
1 % Reference Card for Dired
3 % Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 % Author: Evgeny Roubinchtein <eroubinc@u.washington.edu>
7 % This document is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 % (at your option) any later version.
12 % As a special additional permission, you may distribute reference cards
13 % printed, or formatted for printing, with the notice "Released under
14 % the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later"
15 % instead of the usual distributed-under-the-GNU-GPL notice, and without
16 % a copy of the GPL itself.
18 % This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 % GNU General Public License for more details.
23 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 % along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 % This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82).
29 % This is a bit of a dirty hack on the GNU Emacs reference card
30 % to produce a Dired reference card instead.
32 % I put this together because I wanted a Dired reference card, but
33 % couldn't find anything on the 'net. Based mostly off Dired's
34 % describe-mode.
36 %**start of header
37 \newcount\columnsperpage
39 % This file can be printed with 1, 2, or 3 columns per page.
40 % Specify how many you want here.
41 % The reference card looks OK with 2 columns per page, portrait mode.
42 % I haven't tried it with 3 columns per page.
43 \columnsperpage=2
45 % PDF output layout. 0 for A4, 1 for letter (US), a `l' is added for
46 % a landscape layout.
47 \input pdflayout.sty
48 \pdflayout=(1)
50 \input emacsver.tex
52 % Nothing else needs to be changed.
54 \def\shortcopyrightnotice{\vskip 1ex plus 2 fill
55 \centerline{\small \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.
56 Permissions on back.}}
58 \def\copyrightnotice{
59 \vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small
60 \centerline{Copyright \copyright\ \year\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.}
61 \centerline{For GNU Emacs version \versionemacs}
62 \centerline{Originally written May 2000 by Evgeny Roubinchtein,}
63 \centerline{using refcard layout designed by Stephen Gildea.}
65 Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
67 For more Emacs documentation, and the \TeX{} source for this card,
68 see the Emacs distribution, or {\tt https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs}
69 \endgroup}
71 % make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below
72 % can be scanned without complaint.
73 \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject\end}
75 \newdimen\intercolumnskip %horizontal space between columns
76 \newbox\columna %boxes to hold columns already built
77 \newbox\columnb
79 \def\ncolumns{\the\columnsperpage}
81 \message{[\ncolumns\space
82 column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]}
84 \def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1}
86 % This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea October 1986.
87 % Note that the 1-column format is fontfamily-independent.
88 \if 1\ncolumns %one-column format uses normal size
89 \hsize 4in
90 \vsize 10in
91 \voffset -.7in
92 \font\titlefont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag3
93 \font\headingfont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag2
94 \font\smallfont=\fontname\sevenrm
95 \font\smallsy=\fontname\sevensy
97 \footline{\hss\folio}
98 \def\makefootline{\baselineskip10pt\hsize6.5in\line{\the\footline}}
99 \else %2 or 3 columns uses prereduced size
100 \hsize 3.4in
101 \vsize 9.2in
102 \hoffset -.75in
103 \voffset -.745in
104 \font\titlefont=cmbx10 \scaledmag2
105 \font\headingfont=cmbx10 \scaledmag1
106 \font\smallfont=cmr6
107 \font\smallsy=cmsy6
108 \font\eightrm=cmr8
109 \font\eightbf=cmbx8
110 \font\eightit=cmti8
111 \font\eighttt=cmtt8
112 \font\eightmi=cmmi8
113 \font\eightsy=cmsy8
114 \textfont0=\eightrm
115 \textfont1=\eightmi
116 \textfont2=\eightsy
117 \def\rm{\eightrm}
118 \def\bf{\eightbf}
119 \def\it{\eightit}
120 \def\tt{\eighttt}
121 \normalbaselineskip=.8\normalbaselineskip
122 \normallineskip=.8\normallineskip
123 \normallineskiplimit=.8\normallineskiplimit
124 \normalbaselines\rm %make definitions take effect
126 \if 2\ncolumns
127 \let\maxcolumn=b
128 \footline{\hss\rm\folio\hss}
129 \def\makefootline{\vskip 2in \hsize=6.86in\line{\the\footline}}
130 \else \if 3\ncolumns
131 \let\maxcolumn=c
132 \nopagenumbers
133 \else
134 \errhelp{You must set \columnsperpage equal to 1, 2, or 3.}
135 \errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page}
136 \fi\fi
138 \intercolumnskip=.46in
139 \def\abc{a}
140 \output={% %see The TeXbook page 257
141 % This next line is useful when designing the layout.
142 %\immediate\write16{Column \folio\abc\space starts with \firstmark}
143 \if \maxcolumn\abc \multicolumnformat \global\def\abc{a}
144 \else\if a\abc
145 \global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b}
146 %% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode)
147 \global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{}
148 \else
149 \global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi}
150 \def\multicolumnformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline
151 \hbox{\box\columna\hskip\intercolumnskip
152 \box\columnb\hskip\intercolumnskip\columnbox}
153 \makefootline}\advancepageno}
154 \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}
156 \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject
157 \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
158 \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
159 \end}
162 % we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters
163 % we might want to talk about
164 \catcode`\^=12
165 \catcode`\_=12
167 \chardef\\=`\\
168 \chardef\{=`\{
169 \chardef\}=`\}
171 \hyphenation{mini-buf-fer}
172 \hyphenation{de-le-tion}
174 \parindent 0pt
175 \parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex
177 \def\small{\smallfont\textfont2=\smallsy\baselineskip=.8\baselineskip}
179 % newcolumn - force a new column. Use sparingly, probably only for
180 % the first column of a page, which should have a title anyway.
181 \outer\def\newcolumn{\vfill\eject}
183 % title - page title. Argument is title text.
184 \outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex}
186 % section - new major section. Argument is section name.
187 \outer\def\section#1{\par\filbreak
188 \vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}%
189 \vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex}
191 \newdimen\keyindent
193 % beginindentedkeys...endindentedkeys - key definitions will be
194 % indented, but running text, typically used as headings to group
195 % definitions, will not.
196 \def\beginindentedkeys{\keyindent=1em}
197 \def\endindentedkeys{\keyindent=0em}
198 \endindentedkeys
200 % paralign - begin paragraph containing an alignment.
201 % If an \halign is entered while in vertical mode, a parskip is never
202 % inserted. Using \paralign instead of \halign solves this problem.
203 \def\paralign{\vskip\parskip\halign}
205 % \<...> - surrounds a variable name in a code example
206 \def\<#1>{{\it #1\/}}
208 % kbd - argument is characters typed literally. Like the Texinfo command.
209 \def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null} %\null so not an abbrev even if period follows
211 % beginexample...endexample - surrounds literal text, such a code example.
212 % typeset in a typewriter font with line breaks preserved
213 \def\beginexample{\par\leavevmode\begingroup
214 \obeylines\obeyspaces\parskip0pt\tt}
215 {\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
216 \def\endexample{\endgroup}
218 % key - definition of a key.
219 % \key{description of key}{key-name}
220 % prints the description left-justified, and the key-name in a \kbd
221 % form near the right margin.
222 \def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop
223 {\hsize=.75\hsize\rightskip=1em
224 \hskip\keyindent\relax#1}\kbd{#2}\hfil}}
226 \newbox\metaxbox
227 \setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }}
228 \newdimen\metaxwidth
229 \metaxwidth=\wd\metaxbox
231 % metax - definition of a M-x command.
232 % \metax{description of command}{M-x command-name}
233 % Tries to justify the beginning of the command name at the same place
234 % as \key starts the key name. (The "M-x " sticks out to the left.)
235 \def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize
236 {\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil}%
237 \hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil
238 \kbd{#2}\hfil}}
240 % threecol - like "key" but with two key names.
241 % for example, one for doing the action backward, and one for forward.
242 \def\threecol#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil&\kbd{#2}\hfil\quad
243 &\kbd{#3}\hfil\quad\cr}
245 % I cannot figure out how to make all dired-x
246 % commands fit on a page in two-column format
247 \def\dx{{\bf (DX)}}
249 \nopagenumbers
251 %**end of header
254 \title{Dired Reference Card}
256 \centerline{(based on Dired in GNU Emacs \versionemacs)}
257 \centerline{Commands marked with \dx{} require dired-x}
259 % trim this down to fit everything on one page
260 % \section{General}
261 % In dired, you can edit a list of the files in a directory (and optionally
262 % its subdirectories in the `ls -lR' format).
264 % Editing a directory means that you can visit, rename, copy, compress,
265 % load, byte-compile files. You can change files' attributes, run shell
266 % commands on files, or insert subdirectories into the edit buffer. You can
267 % "flag" files for deletion or "mark" files for later commands, either one
268 % file at a time or by all files matching certain criteria (e.g., files that
269 % match a certain regexp).
271 % You move throughout the buffer using the usual cursor motion commands.
272 % Letters no longer insert themselves, but execute commands instead. The
273 % digits (0-9) are prefix arguments.
275 % Most commands operate either on all marked files or on the current file if
276 % no files are marked. Use a numeric prefix argument to operate on the next
277 % ARG files (or previous ARG if ARG $<$ 0). Use the prefix argument `1' to
278 % operate on the current file only. Prefix arguments override marks. Commands
279 % which run a sub-process on a group of files will display a list of files
280 % for which the sub-process failed. Typing y will try to tell
281 % you what went wrong.
283 % When editing several directories in one buffer, each directory acts as a
284 % page, so C-x [ and C-x ] can be used to move between directories.
286 \section{Entering and Exiting Dired}
288 \key{run dired}{C-x d}
289 \key{dired the directory of the file you are editing}{C-x C-j \dx}
290 \key{quit dired}{q}
292 \section{Motion Commands}
294 \key{move up to previous line}{p}
295 \key{move down to next line}{n}
296 \key{move up to previous directory line}{<}
297 \key{move down to next directory line}{>}
298 \key{move to next marked file}{M-\}}
299 \key{move to previous marked file}{M-\{}
300 \key{move up to previous subdirectory}{M-C-p}
301 \key{move down to next subdirectory}{M-C-n}
302 \key{move to parent directory}{^}
303 \key{move to first child subdirectory}{M-C-d}
305 \section{Mouse Commands}
306 \metax{visit file or directory}{Mouse_Button_2}
308 \section{Immediate Actions on Files}
310 \key{visit current file}{f}
311 \key{view current file}{v}
312 \key{visit current file in other window}{o}
313 %% Huh?
314 %% \key{visit current file in other frame}{w}
315 %% Huh?
316 %%\key{display current file}{C-u o}
317 \key{create a new subdirectory}{+}
318 \key{compare file at point with the one at mark}{=}
320 \section{Marking and Unmarking Files}
322 \key{mark a file or subdirectory for later commands}{m}
323 \key{unmark a file or all files of a subdirectory}{u}
324 \key{unmark all marked files in a buffer}{M-delete}
325 \key{mark files with a given extension}{* .}
326 \key{mark all directories}{* /}
327 \key{mark all symlinks}{* @}
328 \key{mark all executables}{* *}
329 \key{invert marking}{t}
330 \key{mark all files in the current subdir}{* s}
331 \key{mark file names matching a regular expression}{* \%}
332 \key{change the marks to a different character}{* c}
333 \key{mark files for which Elisp expression returns t}{* ( \dx}
335 \section{Modifying the Dired Buffer}
337 \key{insert a subdirectory into this buffer}{i}
338 \key{remove marked files from the listing}{k}
339 \key{remove a subdir listing}{C-u k}
340 \key{re-read all directories (retains all marks)}{g}
341 \key{toggle sorting of current subdir by name/date}{s}
342 \key{edit ls switches}{C-u s}
343 \key{recover marks, hidden lines, and such (undo)}{C-_}
344 \key{hide all subdirectories}{M-\$}
345 \key{hide or unhide subdirectory}{\$}
347 \section{Commands on Files Marked or Specified by the Prefix}
349 \key{copy file(s)}{C}
350 \key{rename a file or move files to another directory}{R}
351 \key{change ownership of file(s)}{O}
352 \key{change the group of the file(s)}{G}
353 \key{change mode of file(s)}{M}
354 \key{print file(s)}{P}
355 \key{convert filename(s) to lower case}{\% l}
356 \key{convert filename(s) to upper case}{\% u}
357 \key{delete marked (as opposed to flagged) file(s)}{D}
358 %% Huh?
359 %%\key{uuencode or uudecode file(s)}{U}
360 \key{compress or uncompress file(s)}{Z}
361 %% Only uses the current file.
362 \key{run info on file}{I \dx}
363 \key{make symbolic link(s)}{S}
364 \key{make relative symbolic link(s)}{Y}
365 \key{make hard link(s)}{H}
366 \key{search files for a regular expression}{A}
367 \key{regexp query replace on marked files}{Q}
368 \key{byte-compile file(s)}{B}
369 \key{load file(s)}{L}
370 \key{shell command on file(s)}{!}
371 \key{asynchronous shell command on file(s)}{\&}
373 \section{Flagging Files for Deletion}
374 \leftline{\bf Unmark commands remove delete flags}
375 \key{flag file for deletion}{d}
376 %% Huh?
377 %%\key{backup and remove deletion flag}{delete}
378 \key{flag all backup files (file names ending in \~{})}{\~{}}
379 \key{flag all auto-save files}{\#}
380 \key{flag various intermediate files}{\% \&}
381 \key{flag numeric backups (ending in .\~{}1\~{}, .\~{}2\~{}, etc.)}{.}
382 \key{execute the deletions requested (flagged files)}{x}
383 \key{flag files matching a regular expression}{\% d}
385 \section{Regular Expression Commands}
387 \key{mark filenames matching a regular expression}{\% m}
388 \key{copy marked files by regexp}{\% C}
389 \key{rename marked files by regexp}{\% R}
390 \key{hardlink}{\% H}
391 \key{symlink}{\% S}
392 \key{symlink, with relative paths}{\% Y}
393 \key{mark for deletion}{\% d}
395 \section{Dired and Find}
396 \metax{dired file(s) whose name matches a pattern}{M-x find-name-dired}
397 \metax{dired file(s) that contain pattern}{M-x find-grep-dired}
398 \metax{dired file(s) based on \kbd{find} output}{M-x find-dired}
400 \section{Getting Help}
402 \key{dired help}{h}
403 \key{dired summary (short help) and error log}{?}
405 \copyrightnotice
407 \bye